@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar


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Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I seem to remember seeing something about a few churches / religious organizations trying to use arbitration clauses to avoid going to trial for things like sexual harassment, too.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Except for the young and the pregnant, we're all wearing red shirts out here. In nature, most living things are highly disposable.

It's an uncomfortable truth that is also weirdly comfortable at times. As far as nature is concerned I'm a spear carrier who should have been dead a long time ago...this is all gravy, baby!

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Meanwhile, directors and execs who make way more salary / bonuses and do very little real work... continue to thrive there, I'm sure.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Article is old but I have often heard this anecdotally. I have known a number of people over the years who changed jobs every 1-2 years, because they said it's the only way to get ahead salary-wise. I suspect it's a lot harder to pull it off now, tough. There's a lot of fake job postings. Not to mention running the gauntlet of submitting your resume 300 times to get auto-rejected 299 times by some dumbass AI where a clueless HR person typed in the criteria prompt. "A young person with at least 30 years of experience who knows ALL the latest technology but will work for less than a landscaper per hour thanks bye".

P.S. I'm not shitting on landscapers. They do real work, unlike most office drones like me.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Confirming what we already knew: she's a POS who will do anything in a weak attempt to be relevant.

Jeff Bezos revealed his secret to Amazon’s success 25 years ago: ‘I asked everyone around here to wake up terrified every morning, their sheets drenched in sweat’ ( www.cnbc.com )

Back in the 90s, Jeff Bezos went on record as hoping his employees would wake up on the wrong side of the bed—for the greater good, or for the customer at the very least....

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

May he launch himself into orbit and never come back.

can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?

the colleague in question feels that only her way of doing things is the right one and expects me to adapt to her way of thinking and her logic. This is tiring and burdensome because I have to force me to stop doing things automatically and efficiently, but think how she wants it done and do it her way. I work worse when this...

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

"There's no need to micromanage me. I got this, and I know what I'm doing. When you micromanage me, all you're doing is wasting your time and mine."

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I love the downtime and use it for personal stuff. I am of course chained to my desk and phone. But there's always hobbies and interests to pursue. I seldom get bored.

If I were more ambitious, I could become on of those over-employed people with multiple full-time jobs at the same time. But that lifestyle would stress me out. I also work in a field/area with a gossip network. So it would be risky. Anyone gets caught doing that, word would get around quickly.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

One thing that sometimes works is when they start up the bullshit and drama, hit them with the old “you guys obviously don’t have enough work to do if you have time for this kind of nonsense” and variations of that. It won’t make you popular with those types of people, but they aren’t ever going to like you anyway. So you might as well get them to leave you alone. It also happens to be true. Like you said, they are wasting everyone’s time.

And always keep coworkers on a low information diet as far as your personal shit goes. It’s OK to have a friend at work, even a trusted friend. That’s a good thing. But 99% of coworkers are not your friend and never will be. And at least half of them want to make you look bad, because they think it makes them look better.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

If the air over the water is cool, and it often is, sound travels better through the dense cool air. And you’re right that there’s no obstacles or terrain, too.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I would trust your instincts on this guy.

Science has known for years that the fewer calories you ingest, the slower you age. Metabolic processes induce a lot of wear and tear.

As far as reversing aging, the protein thing may have some merit, but I would remain skeptical for now. My 2-cent guess is that truly reversing aging will involve some unholy cocktail recipe of stem cells, genetic manipulation using CRISPR, lots of fasting, and maybe some advanced vaccines (we’re learning vaccines can train the immune system to do all sorts of interesting things beyond fighting infections).

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Here ya go. Exciting stuff.


Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

He makes some good points and some bad ones. But I bet we’d all be happier if we worked for employee-owned businesses with no shareholders or executives at all.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Yup. “Corporate culture” is really just another name for cult.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I’d try clear silicone. Very easy to work with, won’t stain, and pretty easy to peel off if you need to. Won’t hurt, will probably help.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Expect a lot of the usual punching-down in response to this. “Carpool. Brown bag your lunch.” and so on.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Excellent suggestions! Biking also gives you many opportunities to spot some road kill pizza for those moral-boosting pizza parties!

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with the article that real estate is at the core of the issue. Always follow the money.

However, I also think some mid-level supervisor types get off on the power trip of making subordinates do things they don’t want to do, such as wasting several hours a week commuting and polluting between home and office.

And of course you’ll always have the suckups who want to score points by acting so eager to show up in person. They are the reason it’s so hard to unify and fight these measures in many shops.

I’m not talking about people who have a genuine preference for working in the office. There are many legitimate reasons to have such a preference. I’m talking about psychos who want to force everyone to do it when it’s not necessary, and don’t support telecommuting as a legitimate way to work.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

This is the ONLY thing they listen to. If you want to work from home and your employer doesn’t let you, it’s time to quit.

I have nothing bad to say about people who prefer going in to the office. I respect your preference and I understand it is necessary for some positions. You are valuable, too, and there’s plenty of places that would love to have you.

There’s room in this work world for both types of jobs. It’s not an either-or choice.

Anyone who can WFH and wants to WFH should be allowed to do so, full stop.

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