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ClarkDoom ,

If you’re new to Trek, start with season 3 of TNG to get your proper Trek indoctrination. Then proceed on to DS9 and Voyager and onward to the current generation of shows. If you love it after watching that then go back to the campy TOS stuff and move forward from there until you circle back on TNG season 3.

I know it sounds weird to start on season 3 of a show but if you follow this order you’ll understand why. Trek didn’t become what most fans love until Roddenberry stopped being directly involved. He was a great dude for starting the universe but he’s also responsible for some of the worst decisions and episodes of the franchise. Before people get mad about me saying this please think about all the awful skippable episodes of season 2 and 3 of TOS and the low quality TOS scripts that were recycled in seasons 1 and 2 of TNG.

Also a pro tip for someone new, ignore anyone that says Trek ended after Voyager. Thats the neckbeard/anti-woke section of the fan base that is small but loud.

ClarkDoom ,

I’d argue you shouldn’t watch those till you’re done with the franchise for them to be at their maximum entertainment potential. A lot of the reason Trek fans love those 2 properties is because we have years of familiarity with what’s being parodying and being paid homage.

ClarkDoom ,

This person definitely has faith of the heart.

ClarkDoom ,

Been loving this game. All the folks complaining about it being too similar to Stellaris or that there’s similar mods for some of the functionality in it aren’t being fair IMO. Judge the game on its own merits. Feels like a 7 or 8 outta 10 game in my 10 hours of play so far.

ClarkDoom ,

Uncle Quarks Youth Casino, Mariner saying that Ferengenar looks like heaven if God were stupid, and the naked female Ferengi subtly hidden in the restaurant were all nice little touches. I also think the Cerritos is severely lacking in relationship representation so I hope Tendi and Rutherford actually get together, never been a fan of the will they, won’t they dynamic in any show - as Boimler said, its lowest common denominator entertainment.

New Series Watching Plan Feedback

Back in the 90s, I remember watching episodes of Voyager and TNG on our little black-and-white TV and then watched the TOS movies 15 or so years ago. This past summer, I’ve started watching all the series and movies straight through. So far I have watched through all TOS, TAS, and am up through The Final Frontier (I know,...

ClarkDoom ,

Google the Star Trek chronology project. That’s hands down the best viewing order IMO.

Whats your favorite Star Trek season?

Not to be confused with favorite series. I think my favorite season is ENT sesson 4, which is funny because the series overall is def on the weaker end of the spectrum, and i dont think any particular episode of the fourth season is Star Treks very best, its just the season that has more good than bad episodes of any season of...

ClarkDoom ,

Maybe television history, not just trek. I have said since Picard aired that season 1 and 2 are the worst seasons of a big budget tv show ever. The fact season 3 is so loved is remarkable.

ClarkDoom ,

Def still popular. He had an album come out in 2018 that was massive with the 20 year old demographic.

ClarkDoom ,

I cannot get over how corporate, forced and soulless this was. Especially with Prodigy not even getting a mention. Reminds me of those segments in late night shows where they pay the intern to go out on the street with a camera and talk to people cuz it’s cheaper than using the staff writers.

Braga: ‘I still cringe when I hear it.’ Apparently, it was a long road to the franchise’s most despised title music ( )

Working from the oral history in The Five Year Mission: The next 25 years, this is a fascinating deep dive that answers the question “How did a recycled cover of a 1998 song written for Rod Stewart, ‘Where My Heart Will Take Me’ aka ‘Faith of the Heart’ become the title music for Enterprise?”...

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

ClarkDoom ,

This episode will forever be the test of whether someone who likes Trek is a fun person.


ClarkDoom ,

I don’t think it was the singing bringing dishonor but instead the fact the singing happens by expressing inner feelings and emotions.

ClarkDoom ,

Looks like the test is already working!

ClarkDoom ,

If someone would have asked me a year ago if I thought Spock/Chapel and La’an/Kirk were gonna be my favorite ships in the Star Trek universe I woulda laughed at them.

Yes, this a starship joke lol

ClarkDoom ,

I think they are real cuz they included Chapel’s song and the amount of autotune they added probably wouldn’t have happened if they hired a professional singer. Still liked the song, it was just very noticeable.

ClarkDoom ,

I was making a very obvious joke and you didn’t even respond with a comment, you just dropped a link with no context. You’re the one taking things overly serious here and broaching “dick” territory for absolutely no reason.

ClarkDoom ,

Go back to Reddit if you wanna be a troll.

ClarkDoom ,

Which is literally so outrageous of a statement that idk how you could take it as anything other than light hearted, like most other peoples comments on this post.

ClarkDoom ,

It’s pure gold, one of the best songs ever put to a tv show.

ClarkDoom ,

Twin Peaks but it took a couple decades lol

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x07 "Those Old Scientists"

LoglineAn accident while investigating a time portal sends Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Bradward Boimler through time from the 24th century, and Captain Pike and his crew must get them back where they belong before they can alter the timeline....

ClarkDoom ,

Boimler exclaiming “RIKER” as he hopped on the saddle had me howling. Frakes is such a sport!

ClarkDoom ,

That honestly makes it’s so much better. I’d love to see a behind the scenes for this episode!

ClarkDoom ,

I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, I love Ethan Peck’s Spock. I feel like he nails the mannerisms and brings his own brand of gravitas to the character that makes him feel unique instead of like an impersonation.

ClarkDoom ,

I’m a little hard up for cash so if anyone purchasing would be interested in sharing the pdf version with me until I can purchase the physical book I would forever be grateful ♥️

ClarkDoom ,

Nah, it’s called Voyager as a nod to Apollo, the most popular Reddit app that had to shutdown because of the api changes and the UI inspiration for wefwef/voyager. Been following wefwef/voyager since the beginning so I figured I’d chime in!

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