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Exclusive: Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants, records say ( )

Officers working for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat, according to an email from a Department of Public Safety trooper who described the actions as...

Drusas OP ,

It's nice to see a trooper standing up against these atrocities, but still extremely saddening that vulnerable people are being treated this way.

Drusas ,

As an older millennial, I was raised my entire life being told that, if I didn't get a degree, I would have a miserable life as a trash collector or a burger flipper or a cashier somewhere. We were told by parents and schools that getting a degree was required. Funny how they exploded in price during that same time that we were being told this.

The student loan debt crisis is a crisis. It has priced millions of people out of homeownership and parenting, among other things. It is not the fault of the kids who were told that they absolutely have to go to college or they will be a failure in life. It is the fault of the government, these greedy universities, and a gullible populace of parents and business owners/employers who bought into it.

Base Air Show Featuring Scantily Clad Models Raises Questions About Justification for Drag Show Ban ( )

At Joint Base Lewis-McChord's air show just outside of Tacoma, Washington, this past weekend, onlookers and families saw tactical military jets, high-performance sports cars and risqué models dancing on stage in skintight red, white and blue bikinis, part of what organizers described as a "way to thank the Puget Sound...

New housing development in Gastonia requires ‘patriots’ to fly American flag ( )

The 1776 Gastonia housing development promises to blend patriotism and freedom, honoring the ideals that built this country. Developer Brock Fankhauser calls it a movement. Specifically, 1776 Gastonia is a planned community for people — or rather, "patriots" — 55 and up.

Drusas ,

Good luck getting all the disabled old people to take their flag down every night and put it back up every morning.

Drusas ,

"People disagree with me so they obviously must be bots." 🙄

Drusas ,

It is within your rights to leave this magazine if you dislike it so much.

Drusas ,

This law is absolutely terrible because it's the police who get to decide whether or not you deserve a permit. Do you really trust the police to make that decision? Especially in rural Oregon, it's going to be used to deny permits to out-groups like non-white people and non-heteronormative people.

Drusas ,

You said this far better than I did. The police should have less power over the populace, not more.

Drusas ,

I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing okay. And I'm sure you're doing your part to try to vote this monster out.

Drusas ,

This is a clear violation of the first amendment.

Drusas ,

He's not an idiot; he's a fascist. He knows what he's doing and it's all deliberate.

Drusas ,

This person is a judge, so should be capable of understanding legal rulings. The ruling in question only applied to creative professions. Not judges.

moving to Seattle

Hello all. I have landed a job in Seattle. I wanted to know your input in finding a place to rent in Seattle. I learned from Reddit that I should avoid Tacoma. However, I’m looking for more tips on how to find a place and how far from Seattle is too far. As a follow-up question, how to find a place not very expensive that is...

Drusas ,

I hear gunshots in Seattle from time to time. Any city has them to one degree or another.

Drusas ,

Seattle doesn't really have dangerous locations.

Drusas ,

I have noticed and found them very distracting as I wonder wtf they mean. Distracting drivers doesn't seem particularly wise to me.

Drusas ,

And many don't find out until later. 5-6 weeks is just the earliest that one is likely to find out. So many women have irregular cycles that it's completely possible to go 8 weeks or even more without having any idea that you're pregnant.

Drusas ,

You are entirely right, but the person you're replying to was certainly referring to how the US and Germany together prevented NATO from providing a more concrete timeline and encouraged the vague promise of Ukraine being offered an invitation to NATO when unspecified "conditions have been met".

Drusas ,

I've considered suggesting that paywalled links shouldn't be permitted (I'm one of the new mods). I wonder whether others would generally agree.

Drusas ,

I mean, surely we all already knew that his saying the sweeps and clean up of the area were unrelated was a lie. He should have just been open about it.

Drusas ,

There is a community (I think it's a Lemmy community but don't recall) called politicus.

Drusas ,

I vote for including politics from any part of the world.

Drusas ,

Thanks for clarifying! And I agree completely.

Drusas ,

Gotta crush those little spirits early.

Drusas ,

With this theory, no woman would ever enter some random society willingly.

*if she has studied history

Drusas ,

Your #3 is a really good point. If someone posts their opinion in the body, there are likely to be downvotes based on that opinion even when the article has its own merits.

Drusas ,

I would like to see more discussion around handling misinformation. The lines between misinformation, trolling, and someone being genuinely incorrect (which is still misinformation) can be blurry.

However, I personally believe that spreading misinformation is more dangerous than regular trolling. Of course, it can require research to determine whether or not something is mis/disinformation. Obviously this is a complicated subject and other social media platforms haven't even figured it out yet.

Drusas ,

This sort of question is why this thread was created. I'm in favor of a zero tolerance policy for fascism, bigotry, and anything that is clearly misinformation. But that's my personal opinion and we'll all be working together to decide on what the community wants and what works best. Rules can also be altered as we grow, of course, if our initial guidelines aren't sufficient.

Drusas ,

I've found that some sites have much higher quality opinion pieces than others. For example, opinion pieces on Politico and even MSNBC tend to have a lot of factual back information included for the reader. Do we want to allow those sorts of articles?

Drusas ,

It's so hard to say.

Something which is demonstrably factually incorrect, which tends to be more in the scientific domain than the political domain, I'm personally in favor of removing so that the misinformation doesn't spread. However, I also see a lot of value in allowing it to remain and be corrected, especially when it's not something that can harm people (e.g., "vaccines will make you autistic and kill you!"). But then, what if it remains and nobody bothers to correct it?

I'm looking right now, as another example, at a comment which is trying to factually state that both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are pedophiles, with nothing to back this up. I would consider it trolling in that case, but there are definitely going to be instances where it's harder to distinguish. And of course, there will always be the crazies who believe utter nonsense.

I'd like to know more about the community's thoughts before we try to tackle that.

Drusas ,

Thanks for sharing that bit about italics. I hadn't realized and have been using italics myself. Do you know if bolding is working properly?

Drusas ,

I don't disagree, based on the harm that is being done. You may see me comment in that regard, but if moderation rules end up being more lenient than I am personally, based on feedback, that's what I'll do as a moderator. It's about what the community wants and needs in order for genuine discussion to thrive.

Drusas ,

This is a minor point, but I would also suggest not allowing any threads or posts with all capital headlines.

Drusas ,

This could also impact women who have already given up certain assets in exchange for permanent alimony.

Nearly a quarter of Republicans say classified docs charges make them more likely to support Trump: poll ( )

More than 20 percent of Republicans surveyed said certain criminal charges against former President Trump have made them more likely to support him in the 2024 election, according to a new Ipsos poll released Thursday.

Drusas ,

As others have said, they are basically cultists. Cultists are people who have been taken advantage of for their naivety and can be saved.

Night shot, Kyoto, Japan (iPhone 14 Pro Max) ( )

Took this back in March, while visiting our daughter, who is teaching English in Japan for this past year. We took the opportunity to take a couple of weeks to travel around Japan. She is in Hirado, south of Nagasaki. I didn’t want to haul my DSLR, so I made do with the phone camera.

Drusas ,

Would you rather live in Korea or in Syria?

Drusas ,

It's a beautiful city with wonderful food. I would strongly recommend against going there in the middle of the summer, however. Especially August-early September. You might think you've experienced hot and humid, but oh man.... It is on another level in Japan compared to anywhere in North America or Europe (and I've lived in Florida).

This picture was taken in spring, which is a lovely time of year to visit.

Drusas ,

I don't have experience moderating political subs, but I am online a lot and I can help. Especially for something simple like dealing with trolls and bad faith actors.

Drusas ,

That is definitely the sort of thing I can commit to.

Drusas ,

Conventions are planned a year+ out. It's entirely possible that they don't want to hold it in Florida but it was too late to switch.

Drusas ,

Not to mention that trans people have no safe option for using public restrooms in Florida. They could get harassed or arrested for using the one that matches their birth sex (because they don't look like that sex anymore) and for using the one that matches their gender (because oh god penises).

Drusas ,

Article fails to really explain what a "protected intersection" even entails. "Imagine a floating island"? There obviously isn't going to be a floating island, so that doesn't help.

Drusas ,

Ignoring the religious elements, this is factually incorrect. Nobody likes to talk about it, but it's common for pre-pubescent girls to masturbate. George Carlin even had a bit about it!

Now, that's generally not talked about for good reasons--we don't want to rile up the pedophiles, and we don't want to rile up the people who are so aggressively religious that they can't acknowledge biology. But the fact of the matter is that people don't become sexual the instant they reach their country's age of consent or the instant they get married.

There's nothing wrong with you disliking those facts, but they are what they are.

Drusas ,

I had my first real crush on a celebrity with sexual feelings associated when I was 8 or 9 years old. I've heard similar stories from others first hand. It's normal.

Drusas ,

I'm a few weeks late in replying to your comment, but we didn't have moderation when you posted this. A few of us have just started moderating, literally today, so please give us a bit to catch up.

Please check out the stickied thread about what kind of rules and guidelines you would like to see, if you haven't already. We don't have those guidelines to work with yet, but blatant bigotry, trolling, and spamming are our first targets while we work out the details.

Drusas ,

I do not. I didn't mention puberty and neither did you.

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