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Drusas ,

Good. Do it. They deserve healthcare and reasonable wages.

Drusas ,

There is no alliance between white, Evangelical Christians and the GOP. White, Evangelical Christians are a subset of the GOP.

Drusas ,

That's why the owner class doesn't want it. Keep the masses busy and tired.

Drusas ,

You clearly do not, in fact, understand what the word "equal" means. They want more pay because they're paid less. But I know me explaining to you won't end your self-centered attitude and misogyny.

Drusas ,

Yes, they are. That's the point.

Drusas ,

Squirrels actually are not known to transmit rabies and only extremely rarely catch it themselves. Still should wash one's hands, of course, because who knows what else they might have.

Drusas ,

You say fuck Jimmy Kimmel, and then you provide a link that's about Jimmy Fallon.

Drusas ,

Seattle Super Market is great and has fantastic prices on produce. The options will, naturally, be somewhat different than they are in one of the big chain grocery stores.

Not too far away from them, there's Ba Mien, which similarly has good produce but different options than you are probably used to seeing.

Both are pretty great for seafood.

Drusas ,

...I don’t think this city can take another year of Bruce Harrell asking for that expensive, glorified NextDoor ‘gun-shot-spotter.’ Or the pizza parties for every day a cop doesn’t kill someone.

Too real.

"I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor ( )

Donald Trump has been on a prolific Truth Social tear, calling for the execution of a top US military general, vowing revenge on NBC Networks and demanding that Republican leaders take action against automatic voter registration to protect him from once again losing the popular vote. All of that was over the weekend. On Monday,...

Drusas ,

I don't know how this is legal in any way.

Drusas ,

I think it is legal. I'm suggesting that I think something in here should not be. Related to obstruction of justice, trying to tamper with his ongoing cases, I'm not sure what it would be since it is legal as things are now. It just doesn't seem right to be able to influence justice due to popularity.

Drusas ,

Gas hasn't been that cheap since I was in high school 20 years ago. And even if it had been, the president does not control gas prices.

Drusas ,

What does "they send green texts" even mean? Like...literally just using a green colored font?

Drusas ,

I'm American, but most of the people I know use Signal.

Drusas ,

I expect it's because so much of my friend group is a tech type person and our families not big Facebook people.

Drusas ,

Funny. I don't know a single person who uses Telegram.

Drusas , (edited )

Good for them.

“There are instances where flight attendants are sitting anywhere from two to four hours, what becomes a mechanical rolling delay, where that full time is not accounted for and paid for. So, it’s not just the boarding, but it’s anytime that we are required to be on duty at work in uniform, that we are advocating for pay,” she said.

The union provided annual pay estimates for Alaska Airlines flight attendants, with average base pay ranging from $24,000 to $27,000 a year, which they note is not nearly enough to keep up with the high cost of living, especially in expensive cities where Alaska Airlines bases are located, including San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles.

This should be criminal.

Alaska Airlines is headquartered in Seattle. $24,000 is enough to last you a few months in Seattle.

[News] "Write a Check for $11,000. She Was 26, She Had Limited Value." SPD Officer Jokes with Police Union Leader About Killing of Pedestrian by Fellow Cop - PubliCola ( )

In a conversation with Mike Solan, the head of the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild, Seattle Police Department officer and SPOG vice president Daniel Auderer minimized the killing of 23-year-old student Jaahnavi Kandula by police officer Kevin Dave and joked that she had “limited value” as a “regular person” who was only...

Drusas OP ,

Seattle PD has been under a consent decree for the last decade for over-use of force and racist practices. The decree is about to end (and the PD is petitioning to end it early), and the problem has not improved. It's gotten worse.

There's all this talk here (I'm a Seattleite) of how the police is trying to regain trust or is frustrated at the lack of trust, but they don't take accountability for their actions.

10% of all homicides in Seattle are committed by the police. They don't show up when you report a shooting.

I wonder why we don't trust them.

Drusas OP ,

We need national licensing for police. And an overhaul of training (which should be much, much longer and much less violence-oriented). We need to take military equipment out of their hands. We need to largely disarm them (firearms, not other, "less lethal"methods, necessarily), except for certain specialized officers, such as they do in England. Training requirements should be the same throughout the entire country. Repeated training should be required. Training on the actual law should be required (before they get their license to become a cop). Some sort of organization that provides serious oversight, which is not comprised of politicians or anybody related to the justice system in any way, should be required.

It's so easy for them to commit a crime in one jurisdiction and then just move a town over on the off chance that they lose their job over the crime they committed. And they never go to prison for the things they should (well, rarely), so we also need to get rid of qualified immunity. Which is a made-up concept invented by SCOTUS to begin with.

Drusas OP ,

Cops pull out guns on traffic stops. Talk about an escalation. I would be surprised if cops weren't much more likely to escalate to firearms than the suspect is.

Drusas ,

...what? Metal disability? And we don't even have a parliament.

[News] 61 protestors indicted in Georgia on racketeering charges connected to 'Stop Cop City' movement ( )

ATLANTA (AP) — Sixty-one people have been indicted in Georgia on racketeering charges following a long-running state investigation into protests against a planned police and firefighter training facility in the Atlanta area that critics call “Cop City.”...

Drusas ,

This has one of the grossest miscarriages of justice in this country in years. And there's a lot of competition for that honor.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Drusas ,

    The French police seem to be almost as bad as the American ones, from what I see on the news here and there.

    Drusas ,

    That looks a lot like attempted vehicular assault.

    Drusas ,

    I mentored remotely just fine even back before the pandemic. There are all kinds of tools for communicating with people.

    Drusas ,

    I think it's some amusing trolling.

    Drusas ,

    I'm really looking forward to confirmation that Prigozhin was on that flight, not just the flight list.

    Drusas ,

    My first thought: These kids better be goats.

    Trump’s indictment can’t solve the real threat: our undemocratic electoral system ( )

    Biden defeated Trump by nearly 8m votes in 2020, a substantial if not overwhelming margin of victory. Matters were very different in the electoral college. A combined total of 44,000 votes handed Biden victory in the swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia....

    Drusas ,

    I thought you were sincere before, but you've got to be a troll to try and link those things together.

    Drusas ,

    I like that their bad grammar means that they'll be happy to watch us take back the country.

    Drusas ,

    @HeartyBeast, please add a label to the title of your post (news, opinion, editorial, analysis). Thank you!

    Drusas ,

    Make sure to vote in your primaries!

    Drusas ,

    Or both!

    Drusas ,

    The tribal officer and agents found Mr. Mattia near a wooden structure about 100 yards away from his house. They ordered him to come out with his hands up. “I am,” he said and tossed a sheathed machete through the air, which landed near an officer’s feet.

    Several officers started yelling, ordering Mr. Mattia to take his hands out of his pocket and get on the ground. Seconds later, they fired the fatal burst of shots.

    As the agents handcuffed and flipped Mr. Mattia onto his back, one yelled out to “secure the gun” that they said was beneath his limp body. Instead, they found a cellphone and its case.

    Typical. Shout orders at an unarmed man and immediately shoot him.

    Fast food spent millions fighting California bill holding them accountable for employee abuse ( )

    Fast food chains have spent millions this year on lobbying and advertising campaigns to stave off a bill that would hold corporate owners responsible for abuses that occur at franchise restaurants, according to a Sacramento Bee analysis.

    Drusas ,

    There should be a cap on lobbying spending. And it should be in the low thousands.

    Drusas ,

    While I understand the sentiment, directly encouraging someone to die like this is not acceptable on this magazine, so your comment has been removed. Please try to keep things civil.

    Drusas ,

    If his fans are so concerned about a "two-tiered justice system" (which we very much have, just in the opposite way that they're meaning it), then they should not want it to be televised because that would be outside of the norm.

    Drusas ,

    Mostly the latter. Also, dog-terrifying. My poor pups are already struggling as they practice right over our neighborhood and house.

    Drusas ,

    I am so sick of this shit. We need to stand up together to fix the policing system. But I know that kind of happened a couple of years ago and look at what little it got us.

    Drusas ,

    Currently, the labels are news, editorial, opinion, and analysis. Also discussion if you're not liking to an article.

    Drusas OP ,

    She has already ruined her legacy, much like Ruth Bader Ginsburg did. Fortunately, she doesn't seem to have caused as much damage (yet) as RGB did with her clutching onto power until death.

    Drusas OP ,

    That is too complex to be realistic.

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