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Ragnarok314159 ,

My employer has hired a few PhD’s for entry level engineering positions, and then they always end up fired because they are too incompetent to do it.

“I have a PhD”. Yeah, but you can’t even do this basic shit and your doctorate is in nothing we care about, but you knew some people.

Ragnarok314159 ,

You can, but then it switches from learning to discover something. Expanding human knowledge is cool, but then reality sets in with funding, getting published, and having to kiss ass to rich idiots who think they are just as smart as you.

Ragnarok314159 ,

Ruling class learned we don’t really care about beating Pinkertons to death, especially when they strike first.

So they just hired the Pinkertons as police.

Larian publishing director on mass layoffs: 'None of these companies are at risk of going bankrupt. They were just at risk of pissing off the shareholders' ( www.pcgamer.com )

Speaking with Game File (users will encounter a paywall) at the Game Developers Choice Awards, Larian director of publishing Michael Douse gave his take on the current state of the industry, including some sharp criticism on the wave after wave of mass layoffs we’ve been seeing....

Ragnarok314159 ,

The issue comes in when these smaller studios become successful. Let’s say you started your own studio with 10 other people. You own 50% of the stock, the rest of them own the remaining 50% all split evenly. You make Turbo Assault, and it’s wildly successful. Microsoft has taken note.

They offer to buy your share of the company for 100m. What are you going to do? If you don’t take it, your buddies will sell for a 10m windfall each. Or they offer to buy it all. You not going to sell? Of course you are.

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