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Taleya ,

Well it was worse around lan 2, now it's definitely worst

Taleya ,

What is incorrect are claims the bank owns the house.

The bank does not. A mortgage is a debt on the property, or if you like, a debt with the house as collateral. While this gives the bank certain rights while the mortgage is still extant (if sold they will be repaid, etc, if the debt is not paid the house is taken In recompense), they do. Not. Own. The. House. They have zero ownership. The house belongs to those on the title.

I really hate the 'banks owns the house' mentality, it's not true and this weird transferral of power to 'another landlord' is putting the collar around your own neck and ceding power for no reason

Taleya , (edited ) I mean, you can have your feels on home ownership being a fiduciary trap, but don't try to present them as fact.

Taleya ,
  • repaying a loan is not 'rent-like behaviour', applying a brush that broad would paint any regular payment as 'rent-like behaviour', which is preposterous.

  • 'Economic rent' is a meaningless phrase, especially in this context. Rent is a concept of lease without ownership. We are literally talking about owning property. There is no rent. There is debt and burden, sure, but there is no rent.

  • Equity is not a lie. It's the very simple concept of a property's worth after deduction of amounts owing. Now the nuances and application has gotten insanely out of control in miltiple countries (I'm Australian, ask me about our multigenerational housing inequities!) But the basic idea of inflation increasing cost/value is generally sound.

A rental property and a ppr are nowhere near each other, not financially, socially or emotionally. They cannot be equated, no matter how much you torture the syntax. Each has their place for personal preference, but they are not the same

Taleya , (edited )

Do you have many friends that rent?

Don't try and turn this into a ridiculous class war statement on me. Am I a homeowner? Yes. I've literally only been a homeowner for 13 months. Before that, I rented for over 26 years. Most of my friends still rent.

And yes, there are people who choose to rent - some choose the motility, some choose to invest over mortgage and some choose to remain renters for the reasons stated in the start of this very comment thread. Don't pretend otherwise.

You're still acting like loan debt repayments and a rental payment are the same thing. They are not. I don't care how many times you go to the "if you stop paying you lose your home" well, that's the barest, most facile comparison imaginable.

In short: I don't care how badly you want to be a pontificating chud

  1. A bank does not legally own a house under mortgage.

  2. Rent and loan repayments are not the same thing.

Get over it.

Taleya ,

Try coding a static route?

Taleya ,

Not quite. Static route is coded on both ends. Tells your machines 'if you want to talk to network B use this ip / route and no other.' And then on the other end tell the machine 'you want to talk to network A via this ip/route and no other.'

You can jigger with the subnets obvs, to cover an entire network range or just a specific ip / machine

Taleya ,

Cunstomer is the first word any frontline worker learns

Taleya ,

Cable management, you don’t’t want any heavy rackmount stuff 3d printed.

I did a nice fanmount for my Arris NTD, i’ve also done some toggles to go with paracord to loop up network cabling. Thangs, cults3d and thingiverse are your friends :)

Installing some weird rails and a server in a rack ! A blog post by me! ( )

I got a server case and some rails for free, they were annoying to build (yes, build), and I could not find anything regarding those rails online, so I decided to blog about it, in the hope of helping someone with all the same questions as me!...

Taleya ,

Oh god i remember thise fuckers. Used to be ubiquitous on 1RUs in the early oughts

Taleya ,

I can still feel that fucking residue from building a comms room in 2004 gyraahhh

Taleya ,

Nah. ‘Oh you can be nice, but those people over there aren’t nice, so we need to be even less nice to protect you!’

Race to the friggin bottom

Taleya ,

well, Sisko was pretty clear “We don’t do that shit

Which might sound hypocritical with some of the actions he took, but actions of an individual that would face consequences vs actions of an institution that are beyond oversight are very different beasts

Taleya ,

Not just germans, aussie here, assumed that was internal walls (which differ from external). Seen a few double brick/ concrete framed out like that

Mind you our building standards have gone down the shitter since the 90’s…

Scene Edit: The Doctor is a Person

My wife and I just watched Season 5, Episode 11: “Latent Image” in which the Doctor discovers that he performed an operation on Ensign Kim, but the memory has been erased. The episode ultimately revolves around whether Captain Janeway considers the Doctor to be a person who can consent to be edited. The Doctor’s main...

Taleya ,

Interesting. I never saw it as the EMH failing to advocate for himself, but as someone in the greatest of mental distress driven to an extreme action.

Taleya ,

Especially since 2009 had it not be the romulan star, but one near enough for the shockwave to tank Romulus

Taleya ,

From the script:

SPOCK PRIME: (voice-over) That is where I’m from, Jim. The future. The star went supernova…

SPOCK PRIME: (voice-over) …consuming everything in its path. I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet…

If the sun in question was the Romulan star, then turning it into a black hole to contain the explosion would not save the planet.

Killing the star would not save their planet.

Anything involving Romulus’ star means that ‘saving the planet’ is completely impossible.

Taleya ,

Give us Kirk’s time on the Farragut before the Enterprise was even a thought.

Taleya ,

Technically speaking, automatic doors were invented in antiquity. Hero built a set for a temple in Alexandria.

Taleya ,

They may be rampant organ thieves but they have standards!

That said, what evidence do we have they didn’t? With the phage rampaging through a full planetary population they could have very very horrifically turned on each other and every other living thing on the planet before hunting the stars

Taleya ,

The best kind of trolley problem

Taleya ,

I think we established at this point with the vidiians that Mister Logic Is Not At Home

Taleya ,

So here’s the fun thing:

A small home nas or a plex could easily do what my fileserver ‘Enigma’ does.

But I built Enigma in 2001. Granted she’s had her upgrades and grown from 1tb (princely back in the day!) to 25, but it’s the same server.

This is how most of it goes. You see a tech with a giant rig doing something that a smaller commercial unit does nowadays? That didn’t exist when the custom rig was built. That’s why the rig was built. To fill a need you can’t commercially.

Anyway that’s storage, my fuckoff ram server runs the nagios and home automation servers and is used to spin up test vms for work : P

Taleya ,

Mentality of a fourteen year old. Thinks he sounds hard, actually sounds like a complete wanker

Taleya ,

wake me up when we start eating the elons eloi

Taleya ,

In no particular order:

  • i’m the X
  • status report
  • keep us connected
  • I’m ready
  • status report
Taleya ,

…with a lot less rapey murder childkilling

Taleya ,

Inline labels, hands down. I did similar to this to roll my own

Also just ask work if you can run some off on the brady, they probably won’t give a shit

Taleya , (edited )

Np :). Just make sure you use enough tape to overlap itself, makes them more secure.

The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them

I’ve been watching the various Star Trek shows for a while now, and while not finished I saw most of them, I believe. And I cannot shake off the feeling that the messages given by these shows, especially (and almost exclusively) recent ones are pushing horrible morals that most people seem to not care about....

Taleya ,

trek is not here to teach morals though. It’s here to entertain

Taleya ,


Taleya ,

Looking at OP’s history and conments…yeah those downvotes happened in context.

Taleya , (edited )

They’re not interested in progression, or resolution, just ranting at perceived wrongs. It’s the standard outrage trope parading as morality.

Every single relationship they see is ‘toxic’. Every action is labelled as ‘toxic’. They literally rant on the immorality of actions that within the ahow itself are painted as being not only bad, but right over the moral event horizon and accelerating as if it’s some astounding revelation only they can see and must bring to the attention of the blind stupid masses. Their entire argument hinges on treating fictional characters as moral guidelines to real life as opposed to complex beings that serve a story.

We all know the fandom kind. It’s a blinkered childish media consumption that only see the most basic of surface levels and brands anything they personally dislike or can’t understand as bad.

I pointed out the fault is in their misconception that trek ‘teaches morals’, it is simply a television franchise. Their measured response was to accuse me of enabling oppression. Ain’t nobody got time for this sort of ridiculousness in fandom spaces.

Taleya ,

3D printer. Get one, find someone with one, library, etc.

I own so my ntd is running a 120mm fan in a custom secured chassis

JBOD/Disk array noise/heat generation

I am currently looking into upgrading storage for my homelab. The two routes I am looking at are grabbing a dell r730 or a disk array. They are both about the same price, but my major purchase concern is heat and noise. My office/homelab is in a 10x10 foot room. I have worked hard to get the sound floor at my desk to be around...

Taleya ,

I do a lot of work with Qnap’s TS-431 rackmount series atm (building dedicated docker machines) and they’re pretty sweet noise-wise. I can actually hear if a drive platter is dodgy over the system db. Something to consider?

Taleya ,

Yes. They’re the ones that said ‘fuck this’ to Surak

Taleya ,

Mark twain was the callback of the century 😂😂

Taleya ,

Lol ‘lower salaries’ they were never legitimately offering those salaries you boot gobbling fool

Taleya ,

If it’s a dedicated box, proxmox is a bit of overkill imo. But definitely have a massive separation of OS and storage drives

Taleya ,

Even just putting a fan to exhaust on that grill vent behind the cpu will do wonders

Taleya ,

yup, highlighted in yellow. Looks around a 120mm aperture, but check 'cos hey, I’m looking at a photo :P

Hot air rises, so you have this sort of cloud of heat hovering there from the CPU and the back of the GPU card - a fan will suck it straight up and spit it out the back of the case.

Taleya ,

paprika? (love it but damn it can be a ramhog).

Taleya ,

Pretty damned good, you can scrape websites and add, but the big draw for us was the mobile app tie in - we can plan on the way home, see what’s in the pantry and pick up anything else on the fly. Very useful when your husband has adhd and keeps bringing home garlic :)

Taleya ,

Even if open it’s worth considering - unless you literally have exterior airflow source blowing in the side, pockets are pooling. To give you an idea, i have roughly the same setup - granted it just runs a slack lamp - but i don’t even need a cpu fan, just the stock heatsink and the case is closed. Intakes and exhaust, unless you got a watercool chiller airflow, airflow, airflow is paramount.

(My main beast has a 250mm window fan plus intakes/exhaust, ambient temp is about 8c over room temperature even when thrashing)

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