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Hi all. I'm Dan. You can message me on Matrix @danhakimi:matrix.org, or follow me on Mastodon at @danhakimi.

You might want to check out my men's style blog, The Second Button, and the associated instagram account

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danhakimi OP , to Politics in President Joe Biden wanted Gigi Sohn to fix America’s internet — what went wrong? [Analysis]


danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

@foodporn isn't bad. Not really a cooking community, but active.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

I wasn't raised to think I'm better than everybody else, I was raised properly. I wasn't educated in the art of contempt, I was educated well. Your parents should be (and I assume are) ashamed.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

I'm getting fired up over you insulting all of humanity. If you can't stand to be called an idiot, maybe stop calling billions of people idiots in every comment, idiot.

Fuck off.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

The fediverse will never offer phone numbers as a regustartion option. Why? One, it’s invasion of privacy (something the fediverse is strictly against), and two, it’s a service that costs money, while email is free.

Do you know what an option is? Are you confused about how options work? How is it an invasion of privacy to let me choose between the thing we're already able to do and a new thing that some other people might choose if they want to?

Yes, if the services offer “sign in with Google/FB/Twitter”, yes, most people will use that. Ask them if they usually use the last “sign in with email” option and you have your answer… because the other methods I mentioned requires just one click/tap, but not the email option.

No, I'm talking about services that only offer email signup. Actually, there is also eBay, which I guess offers a facebook sign in option, but my mom and sister both signed up by email, they found it easier, because they both occasionally use one of the same computers, and they didn't want to log in and out of facebook to switch ebay accounts.

It’s best that they don’t in that case.

It's best that you stop sucking your own dick about how fucking high your consciousness is and how much better you are than everybody else.

I beg to differ. There are plenty of subjects that appeal to my interests.

Okay, are you going to disagree with my point?

I still know plenty of people who signed up for accounts and never posted because there’s nothing to talk about, nobody to engage with.

You found people here talking about what you like talking about. Why shouldn't anybody else have that?

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

You can pretend all you want, I know I’m right.

You never asked how I know that. The fact that you got fired up and started using curse words says a lot.

My identity is not a secret dumbass, you can look me up. You can tell me how you "know" that I'm in my twenties, but you don't, because I'm not. You "know" that in my twenties because you think my worldview is somehow less mature than yours, and that somehow explains my age. No, I'm just less of a dick than you are.

Please quote where I wrote that. I wrote older people are wiser. Not smarted, wiser. Why? Because they have more life experience. Not every older person is wiser, but those that have more than 2 synapses firing up there, usually are.

Oh, I see, so you're wiser than me because you've spent more time in your mom's basement than you think I've spent alive, huh?

Plase take a look at what has happened this year alone regarding social network platforms and you’ll see I’m right. Reddit’s API changes, Twitter limiting tweet views, Meta launching Threads and deciding to federate that platform with the fediverse. Please point at another year in which so many changes have been made on all social networks worldwide. Trust me, the time is now. If it doesn’t happen now, it’ll most probably never happen.

You're explaining why there's an opportunity now. There's still nothing happening on the fediverse. People are flocking to threads and ignoring the fediverse. I'm trying to argue that we should do something about that, make the fediverse a social network and not just a place to discuss the fediverse. You're arguing that it's probably already happened and I just haven't noticed yet. I've been here for six years. A million signups sounds like a lot, but I'm telling you, nothing has changed.

A million sign ups means a lot. If it means nothing to you

It means potential. It means opportunity. It does not mean that we've arrived, or hit an inflection point, or taken advantage of the opportunity.

Even for Reddit and Digg that took years and years.

Not nearly as long as it's taking for the fediverse. I don't want to spend six more years crossing my fingers while Threads grows and the fediverse continues to stagnate, and then wonder why people didn't bother.

Those are usually not things that people who have a higher consciousness and decided to drop the mainstream social media will be interested in.

I really... I don't understand why you're confused when I insult you. It's hard to imagine that this isn't an intentional, active attempt to be seen as a piece of shit. Do you not see how hard you have to suck to say something so stupid, so elitist, so wrong-headed as this? You do not have a higher consciousness than other people, you have one interest most people don't have. Cooking and fashion and cat gifs are not lowly interests, they're interests you don't have. Your personal preferences don't make you some kind of ubermensch, dumbass, they're just preferences.

Yes, I'm aware that the fediverse is mostly techies and nerds. That does not make it better. Reddit has plenty of room for people with different interests. Twitter has plenty of room for people with different interests. Lemmy and Kbin are designed to support different interests. But you continue to express some kind of fear that, if people who like clothes come to the Fediverse, they're somehow going to make your experience more like tiktok. Fuck off with that noise. Don't subscribe to fashion magazines, problem solved.

Be that change. Start posting on a more a link like aggregator place, like KBin or Lemmy. Mastodon is more of a microblogging thing.

I'm doing both. @malefashionadvice and similar communities are absolutely dead. I have found twelve accounts I want to follow on mastodon, half of them have never posted, and the other half are software projects. And I'm really pushing it, I'm really looking, there's just nobody talking about anything interesting.

I really feel that's the experience almost everybody on the planet would have if they tried signing up for and using mastodon. That's why those six people don't post—they came, they gave it a chance, they found a barren wasteland of nothing, and they left.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

You’re in your 20’s, I can tell that much. Get to your late 30’s, then we’ll talk.

Guess again, dumbass.

Maybe stop pretending you know everything about everybody. You took a stab in the dark and pretended it was knowledge. You don't need to make assumptions about how old people are because you want to use those assumptions to judge them. You told me I'm too young to know anything, and that you knew better because you were older. You just don't realize how stupid you are.

You started using Mastodon when nobody was actually using it. Things will happen in year or two from now. People are finally getting fed up with the nonsence and ads on mainstream social media. That coupled with bad decisions management wise will reduce the actual users on those platforms (bots don’t count). The time of growth is now, not 6 years ago.

Nothing has changed in the past six years. We've had multiple moments that have felt like... oh wow, people are going to start caring about the fediverse! People are going to come join and it's going to be a place where people do things! But none of those moments materialized into anything, because a million signups mean nothing if you can't find anybody to follow, can't find any followers, can't find anybody talking about anything but the fediverse, and feel, when you post, that you're shouting into the wind. You're not going to post. You're not going to come back tomorrow. You're not going to come back in a year. You tried the fediverse, there was nothing there, you went back to the social networks where society resides.

For something to change, we're going to need to have a conversation people want to join. We're going to need to build communities that people want to post in, or vote in, or lurk in, or comment in, or share posts from, or talk about, or care about. We can't just say "there's no Zuckerberg!" That's not enough.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

except this one is a hell of a lot more complicated for signing up. “Now I gotta chech my email for a confirmation link, great 😒… shit, can’t remember my password 🤦… aaah, fuck this shit.” See how easy it is for normies to give up. Make the sign up process with a phone number and sign ups will skyrocket, I guarantee you that. But… wait, that’s info that I would rather not share with a social network. Yes, for people like you and me, yes, for normies, it’s just easier 🤷.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Plenty of services offer both options because they might as well. Yeah, SMS is less secure. Who cares? This is not a bank account, nobody's account is gonna get hacked. And email really isn't secure in the first place. But also, there are plenty of services that only offer email signup, and plenty of people use them, and I've never really heard of anybody having an issue signing up with email, my mom manages, my sisters manage, my technophobic cousins manage.

But they would never come to the fediverse in the first place, because the fediverse never really had a selling point that mattered to any of them. They want to see their friends, and their friends don't use it, or see their hobbies, and nobody talks about their hobbies, or see anything that they could possibly care about, and there's none of that here. If I paid people to check it out, they wouldn't stay. I know plenty of people who signed up for accounts and never posted because there's nothing to talk about, nobody to engage with.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

She doesn’t understand why calling her brother abroad without the country’s calling code doesn’t work, I had to type the number in her phone with the country’s code because she didn’t think that was important and just left the code out… cell operators were also a PITA to explain to her, and I don’t think she got that either, cuz she still asks me what the first 3 numbers in front of the cell are and sometimes I give her bogus codes just to see if she’ll go “don’t screw with me”, but she writes them down and never asks me why is this code different from all of the rest that are in use here… not ever.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Why wouldn't you just give her a number and tell her that's the number? Fuck that, why don't you just send her a contact and tell her "click on Bob and it'll call bob! Or tell it to call Bob and it'll call Bob!" Why the fuck would you ever bother to explain country codes to her? Nobody needs to know about country codes, you're inventing this problem.

I'm getting the impression that when you say you don't understand email, you're talking about how people don't know how email routing works, don't understand pop vs imap, don't understand why the sender field is sometimes not accurate. That's not what I'm talking about, because it doesn't fucking matter. Everybody knows everything they actually have any reason to know about email. If I asked a hundred people on the street how to send an email, or check their email, one hundred of them would be able to describe the process successfully. You're just looking for excuses to call them stupid to make yourself feel smarter.

Please tell me the world statistic (percentage) of people that actually went and graduated. I haven’t seen the statistic either, but I bet it’s no more than 15% on a global scale, which about sums my estimate of over 80% of the population not being able to understand simple things (yes, they are simple IMO) like email or federation.

Well, obviously college isn't the only sign of intelligence, obviously you don't need a college degree to operate imgur, or upload a photo to kbin, obviously children don't have college degrees, and obviously different nations and cultures have different systems and norms around education, but:


So 40%, as of 2021, in OECD countries. Is that good enough for you, asshole?

Also, fun fact, 4.37 billion people use email: https://techjury.net/blog/how-many-email-accounts-are-there/. (yeah, that article is written weirdly).

They use whatever their friends, coworkers, family use. Why?

How fucking stupid are you? It's literally called social media. You're confused about why people would rather see what their nieces and nephews are up to than listen to some stranger rant about how stupid everybody, everywhere is?

reset you password (cuz none of them actually remember it, they’re not used to remembering stuff)

you should not be remembering your passwords. You know you're not supposed to remember your passwords, right? I have hundreds of unique, complex, randomized passwords, I don't remember them. I know a lot of normies who are smart enough to not remember their passwords, Apple and Google are both making it easy. Why are you remembering your passwords? Are you part of that 80%?

People usually don’t care about techie stuff.

They shouldn't need to. Most people don't know how IG works and enjoy it just fine. The reason people don't enjoy the fediverse is not that it's too complicated, it's that it's not enjoyable enough. If people ask me what the deal is, I explain it, but if they ask me why they should join, I can only talk about theory and potential, because there's nothing worth doing here, it's all potential. It needs to be an enjoyable place with people who don't call them idiots and with people who are talking about things they want to talk about.

You don't need to roll your own server on the fediverse. You don't need to compile your own app from source. You don't need to set up your own image server to share images from. You just need to come here and lurk, or vote, or comment, or post, or whatever, and have some fun.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

This post is not a complaint. It's a reminder.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

You’re talking about people that open up FB accounts with a phone number… they don’t understand the concept of email.

No, I'm not. My mom is afraid of computers, but she understands email just fine. I've been able to explain federation to a lot of my non-techie friends. You're giving me some hypothetical caricature of a technophobe, but I'm telling you, I've done it, I've explained it to people, it's not that hard, you just hate people too much to give them a chance.

You sure about that? Cuz I’ve had talks with young people that are considered techies amongst their friends, they know a lot less than what techies used to know at that age, which was dissapointing for me. For example, they know that Thor hides their real IP, they don’t know how though. They think it’s somehow magical and that it doesn’t need an IP.

I assume you're talking about TOR, and not Thor. I consider myself a techie, I'm a patent attorney with a degree in computer science. I've read about how TOR works a few times, and probably once new whatever it is you're getting at, but I couldn't tell you how the fuck TOR works now. And I couldn't care less. And I don't need to understand it to sign up for the fediverse or upload a photo to kbin or upload a photo to imgur.

You don't need to be a software engineer with experience in every field of technology to click a link, sign up for an account, and leave a comment. My mom could do it (if she wanted to, although she's probably get angry at me if I suggested it and talked to her about it for more than 20 seconds).

You're just being an elitist misanthrope here. This has nothing to do with the issues facing the fediverse.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

They will never get the defederated aspect of the fediverse. It’s like speaking some alien language to them, it simply does not compute.

It's really not that hard to explain. Just tell them it's like email, they'll get it.

I swear, most techies think that non-techies are another species. It's not that hard to explain things, and not everybody is as incompetent as our mothers. Young people understand technology better than old people, not worse, not sure how that part has you confused.

But yeah, being able to post photos directly without going to imgur is easier and more intuitive, I'm glad it seems to be built into kbin without any issue.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

I'm posting on the existing fashion communities I've found. I've posted plenty about fashion on mastodon as well. It takes more than one person actually doing these things. So here I am, constructively encouraging people who care about the fediverse to use it. I'm sorry you don't appreciate that.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

I did and I have, here and on mastodon, but I can't affect this change alone.

danhakimi OP , to Fediverse in Can we please remember to talk about things on the fediverse besides the fediverse itself?

You’re young. I used to think exactly like you. You’ll start seing things more from my point of view as you get older.

Exactly how young am I, o great omniscient lord on high?

You want things to happen instantly, they don’t happen like that.


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