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The expectation society (men & women) has of men to approach and initiate an interaction is the reason women feel unsafe when a man does approach ( )

I hear all this talk about women's safety when out on the streets (a real issue which I do acknowledge) and how we as men need to do our part to make sure they feel comfortable, safe, and that we hold other men accountable when doing the same thing. Absolutely have no problem with this. But one of the main issues men have is a...

hotpotato138 ,

women's safety when out on the streets

I never approach women on the streets. That's weird!

How are we supposed to take the lead and approach while keeping women safe at the same time when approaching her could make her feel uncomfortable, even in safe environments such as social groups, bars & clubs, workplaces, etc?

It's not hard to make women feel safe. It's not rocket science.

main issues men have is a rise in male loneliness

I made a post at leftwingmaleadvocates about depression being the cause of male loneliness. Men's mental health is ignored. It's unpopular to say incels should take responsibility for their mental health and dating life.

The redpill/PUA.

I think most PUAs are actually "blue pilled", not "red pilled." I don't think redpill is as toxic as people say. It is based on data and it hasn't been debunked. Data is reality.

These are the communities that teach them the alpha-beta nonsense

I don't label myself as an alpha or beta. I don't label other men either. However, I think there is some truth to them. Alpha doesn't mean superior and beta doesn't mean inferior. People can choose how they feel about those words.

So the first step here is for society to stop expecting men to make the first move and not just that.

I'm a shy guy, and I prefer to approach women. I wouldn't want women to approach me most of the time. I think it's in men's nature to be the pursuer.

hotpotato138 ,

What makes you say it's not as toxic as people say?

I watch Rollo Tomassi's videos. I haven't read his books. He probably talks more about it in his books. Basically, red pill is about hypergamy. Hypergamy doesn't mean all women have unrealistic standards. There are lots of average men in relationships too.

hotpotato138 ,

I agree.

hotpotato138 ,

maintain frame and power and to manipulate a woman to get sex

It depends on who you follow within the redpill community. Some people are toxic. I follow a dating coach named Alan Roger Currie. His approach was about being straightforward and honest with women. He had he beef with Rollo Tomassi and didn't think Rollo was truly "red-pilled." He believed in the alpha/beta stuff, but otherwise his philosophy is pretty good.

fresh n fit or andrew tate

I don't follow either of those.

Redpills also teach men that women love it when a man is dominant, that these are the lies they tell, these are the games she plays or if she chooses not to have sex with you, it means she sees you as beta or low value.

I think there's a difference between being dominant and being an asshole. It's possible to have an egalitarian relationship once the relationship is more established.

hotpotato138 ,

There is no way to guarantee a woman won't feel uncomfortable, when she is approached.

hotpotato138 ,

Yes, there are men who don't mind being approached.

hotpotato138 ,

I agree with you about toxic masculinity and patriarchy because those don't exist. Feminism exists as an ideology. Many people identify as feminists so it's okay to use feminism.

hotpotato138 ,

I have no intention of watching this movie.

hotpotato138 ,

They probably have the toy in India nowadays.

hotpotato138 ,

I think bitch and cunt are still offensive to women.

‘Toxic masculinity’ is toxic terminology — The Centre for Male Psychology ( )

As I psychologist, I’m concerned about mental health, especially the mental health of men and boys because it’s been overlooked for so long. Because there was so little interest in how much the negative discourse around masculinity impacts boys, my colleagues and I ran a survey. We found that around 85% of respondents...

hotpotato138 ,

"Toxic masculinity" downplays men's issues.

hotpotato138 OP ,

Yes, I came here from Reddit.

hotpotato138 OP ,

Men are stereotypically the primary household earner.

That's because women like to marry up.

I'm sure we agree that the top 1% of men are more powerful than the top 1% of women, so it would follow that the average man would be more powerful than the average woman.

It is true that the richest people in the world, are men. Women have more social power than men. For example, people tend to believe women more when it comes to domestic abuse. Police are more likely to arrest the man.

hotpotato138 , (edited )

EVERY woman has had MANY bad experiences with men, because some guys are shitty.

Feminist propaganda also demonizes all men. It might be annoying for women to be approached by 90% of guys they don't find attractive.

hotpotato138 ,

Because of what they're taught by PUA/TRP, they react poorly to simple rejections from women due to society telling them that their value is tied to how successful they are sexually.

I don't think TRP is responsible for guys getting mad at women for rejecting them. The guys who get mad are already crazy prior to learning anything from any of the pills.

hotpotato138 ,

The belief that women in general should be wary of men in general is NOT feminism, it has been taught for a loooonnnnggg time.
Feminism actually says "it's fucked up that we're taught to be afraid of men" and aims to make a society where that isn't the case. Both men and women want this, as we've talked about in this thread.

I believe women should be cautious around strangers. I'm cautious too. There are some feminists who do demonize men's sexuality. Some of them thought all men are rapists. Every feminist has different beliefs about it.

It's the fact that too many men have been raised in a way that they make women feel unsafe.

Yes, I think men should be taught to respect women and vice versa. There's always gonna be a few creepy men. We can't totally prevent creepy men from interacting with women. The creepy men should be punished.

Some women pretend to be victims, even when they're not. There are videos about women at the gym and they label a guy creepy. The guys are usually minding their own business. Some of those women probably identify as feminists.

hotpotato138 ,

Instead of hearing "no" (which could be for a million different reasons) they hear "you are not enough" (which would be a mean thing to say), and they react to the latter.

Those are the guys who feel entitled to sex. Most men feel disappointed when they get rejected. The guys who feel entitled are "black pilled", not "red pilled." I don't identify with any of the pills.

hotpotato138 ,

I agree that involuntary celibacy can cause mental issues. Sometimes involuntary celibacy is caused by mental issues.

hotpotato138 ,

We're taught that women send signals to show if she desires or wants someone or not, but many of these signals are very subtle

The only signal I consider to be valid is consent for sex. Some women give out numbers, but they have no intention of meeting up. Some women go on dates for free food. Subtle flirting signals don't mean anything nowadays.

the original poster thinks that men get angry at women because they're allowed to be sexy and feel desirable in ways that men aren't.

That is nonsense.

hotpotato138 ,

I agree that men get complimented less than women. However, that shouldn't prevent them from feeling content with themselves. Some women are pretty straightforward with their compliments. I met some women who told me I'm hot. I wasn't even dating them.

why i think that men dont align with feminism and the left at large ( )

so overtime i have been seeing the left after the convo's about men's place in society, and it has been dismal. There was this video of a trans man talking about the loneliness of men went viral on TikTok and A channel named Aba and Preach covered it from their perspective (

hotpotato138 ,

The left has a good ideology of egalitarianism. In practice, the Left is bad. They have become gynocentric, which is not egalitarian.

hotpotato138 ,

Left wing feminists have the most abhorrent views of men. I'm a left winger, but I disagree with most left wingers and feminists about men's issues.

“I’m not like the other feminists.” ( )

There’s a certain copypasta that gets posted in men’s issues spaces online. I think it might have originally been said by Karen Staughan. You may know the one I’m talking about. If you have it handy, please post it in the comments. I want to go ahead and reiterate it because it’s a very important point about online...

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