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iiGxC ,

I also wouldn't have read it without your comment, but it was absolutely worth it

iiGxC ,

Idk why all the downvotes, maybe people are assuming stuff based on the ben shapiro thumbnail? I haven't seen the video, just guessing

iiGxC ,

Yeah, I've understood this community and similar ones to be about social norms, not rights. Your rights aren't being violated if someone tells you boys don't cry, but that person sure is being an asshole spreading bs and we should tell them they're wrong and push for better social norms

iiGxC ,

"7:05-7:13 We here at The MRM have been operating under the (uninterrogated)belief that Intersectional Feminism’s proponents are nigh-omnipotent sorcereresses(occasionally sorcerers), who turn docile plebs into blood thirsty misandrists, just by uttering magic lies from behind their microphones. Turns out, the explanation for their success at winning public influence may be simultaneously more prosaic AND more profound:

Intersectionalists provide their prospective converts with not simply one, but SEVERAL roles to play, within the framework of what appears to be, at first glance, a heroic saga… "

wow, who would've guessed that they don't actually understand the ideas they're pushing back against. They're fighting caricatures and straw-people rather than actually trying to understand what's going on, so then when good ideas convince people of something that they don't understand (or ideas that are mostly good but get taken too far), they just see it as magic lies that offer a framework of heroism. Sounds like they might have been won over by the framework of heroism and noble rebel offered by mrm, and are projecting 👀

and to be clear, I'm not saying lies can't convince people. But at least understand why the lies are convincing, what hidden premises they might be built on, what common bias they target, etc, instead of just treating them as magic words.

Twilight | ContraPoints - video essay mostly on dichotomy of dynamics in love and lust ( )

I know Twilight but, hear me out - if you are into thinking about human nature, philosophy, love, sex, sm and more I highly recommend that video essay. I don’t really like to give an outline, since the essay is journey of itself.

iiGxC ,

It was really good, many great points, many funny moments, solid work.

one point I liked was the point that many fantasies from women involve being strongly desired, and that incels are, in part, very frustrated that they’ve never felt desireable at all.

iiGxC ,

People shouldn’t be hunting in the first place. Toxic masculinity (toxic humanity really) thinks killing/exerting power over a weaker innocent is a good thing though

iiGxC ,

i don’t have the stats, but if I had to bet, I’d bet that most people do not hunt for that reason, and they end up spending more than they would otherwise

also, almost nobody in the US needs to eat cows or any other animals. Lentils are cheaper than all of the above, and that’s without looking at externalities like climate impact

iiGxC ,

of course I’m vegan, at this point not being vegan is the b12 deficient thing to do. Compassion for all sentient beings is the next ethical step humanity needs to take.

Also, conserving it so they can do what exactly?

iiGxC ,

If deer overpopulation is the problem, catch-neuter-release is more ethical than killing them.

I don’t know the specifics on lentils, but if we stopped feeding so damn much of our crops to other animals, we wouldn’t need so much cropland and it wouldn’t be as big of a problem and we could use better practices on the land we do grow crops on. I don’t remember the exact number, but something like 80% of the soy we grow gets fed to exploited animals. And when you look at trophic levels, it makes sense. Only like 10% of the energy from one level makes it to the next, so eating other animals will always be inefficient and unsustainable on a mass scale. If everyone hunted and ate the same amount of dead animals as they do now it would be catastrophic for local ecosystems.

it always amazes me when people would rather eat insects than plants. Grasping at any straw to avoid eating your veggies

iiGxC ,

I can understand why people with no other choice would hunt. If there are other options though, it’s unnecessary killing and violence

iiGxC ,

Do you think the same strategy should be applied to feral housecats? How about overpopulating humans?

iiGxC ,

We shouldn’t cull humans for the obvious ethical reasons

nor should we cull other species, for the obvious ethical reasons. If your solution to a problem is “kill until it’s not a problem anymore”, guess what, that’s not good enough

iiGxC ,

Exactly, it’s not simple, hence the need for better, more ethical solutions. I don’t know the best solution, I’m not an expert on deer or ecosystems, but I think we can do better than killing till the problem goes away

iiGxC ,


iiGxC ,

Unnecessary killing is wrong? Killing is something to avoid? Taking anothers life should be a last resort and if it is absolutely necessary, we should always be trying to stop it or find ways to make it unnecessary? Live and let live? Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you?

idk those are pretty obvious to me, if they’re not obvious to you then idk what to tell you

iiGxC ,

I don’t think others not being able to hold up their end of the contract is a good reason to drop the contract. There are plenty of humans unable to hold up that contract either due to mental illness or just being dealt a shitty hand in life, but they still deserve to be treated with compassion. In fact, lacking the ability to understand the contract should ellicit more compassion, not less

iiGxC ,

Continue killing unnecessarily. Continue needless violence

iiGxC ,

Yeah, doing the right thing is usually more expensive. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth it

i usually hear it in discussions like this, where people think cheap, sustainable, high protein, plant based foods are lacking. Beans and nuts and legumes are right there lol

iiGxC ,

I don’t think that is a good solution either

iiGxC ,

you can bond, get out in nature, etc, all without hurting fish

iiGxC ,

A lion hunting is violence. The circle of life is violent. I agree hunting isn’t the top priority of problems to solve, but people should at least be able to call it what it is and recognize it’s not a good thing

iiGxC ,

Yeah, I mean when you look at how much suffering humans cause despite all our intelligence it’s not that hard to be jaded. Even then, at least for me, it’s a lot easier to empathize with humans than other species. It’s also a lot easier for me to empathize with humans in my social circles than humans I don’t know.

it bothers me when people arbitrarily limit who they’ll empathize with.

iiGxC ,
iiGxC ,

The video says it better than I would, but in short: asking “what if it was you?” is a good heuristic on whether something is ok or not

iiGxC ,

In some sense it is violence, but in another sense violence against a baby doll is fine while violence against a live baby is not. One of the key differences is the baby is sentient, the doll is not. The doll can not experience the violence, so it’s morally irrelevant. The baby can experience the violence, so it is morally unacceptable. To the best of my knowledge plants can’t feel pain, so violence to them is morally irrelevant.

But I still accept that harm is unavoidable (at least in our time), but our response should be to minimize harm, not throw up our hands and give up and perpetuate the injustice

iiGxC ,

why wouldn’t the natural order be unjust? Survival of the fittest doesn’t give two shits about justice, that’s not samething that gets selected for at all except in social species, and even then usually it’s only really selected for within the species

iiGxC ,

Well that’s a massive question that we certainly won’t see answered in our lifetime - we haven’t even figured out justice between humans, and we still have a long ways to go on just that front. I have some ideas on what a more just world might look like, but some are not feasible with the current state of the world. But I think a good place to start is with the original position/veil of ignorance thought experiment

‘I’m not ready, brother’: US man to be put to death months after botched execution attempt ( )

Kenneth Smith, 58, is facing execution by an untested method that has never before been used in capital punishment in the US. It’s a technique that has been rejected on ethical grounds by veterinarians for the euthanasia of most animals other than pigs: death by nitrogen gas.

iiGxC ,

Speciesists discriminating arbitrarily is nothing new

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