
If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?

I’m a nurse working shifts and sometimes 5 days without a pause and I still don’t know if I’m gonna take one of the 2 9 to 5 jobs my hospital system has offered. I’d earn less money, but I’m already 45 years old and I don’t know if I should call it quits and settle for a regular job 5 days a week and free weekends...

U.S. Remains Outlier in Denying Voting Rights for Criminal Convictions as 4.4 Million People Disenfranchised Despite Worldwide Trend to Restore Eligibility, Human Rights Watch says ( )

The United States is out of step with the rest of the world in disenfranchising large numbers of citizens based on criminal convictions, the Sentencing Project, Human Rights Watch, and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a report released today. In this US election year, and going forward, US states should reform their...

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