YGDWYGD , to Do It Yourself in To anyone in this DIY community who has a motorcycle or a car:

Hey, I don’t need anything fixed, I just wanted to say that you seem like a great person. Stay awesome!

LallyLuckFarm , to Do It Yourself in Scissors sharpening avatar

I’m having a bit of a tough time making out the bevel in your second picture - the angle looks steep but not unreasonably so. Are you flat filing the backs of the cutting faces to work the burr? Here is a guide to determine the angle you should be aiming for.

I love flat files for sharpening larger blades like my axes and hatchets (they’re still finished with a stone) but tend to reach for a sharpening stone for smaller blades like scissors and secateurs. The wider face of the stone makes it easier to keep a consistent angle even without the use of a jig.

toothpicks OP ,

Thanks. That’s helpful! I don’t have a stone just yet. The angle seemed a little steeper than I expected but I couldn’t tell if flattened out nearer the handle. I did some work on the back but not much, it’s not concave on the backs.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

It’s normal for scissors to have different angles on the thumb arm than the finger arm, depending on their intended use. You shouldn’t have to work the backs too much, but they should be revisited every so often during filing/honing to work the burr that is formed by the sharpening. I personally feel that a stone is more economical but you can finish hone with high grit automotive sandpaper too. If you’ve got an old leather belt, some scrap wood, and some glue you could make yourself a strop and only need some polishing compound. The finish work with a strop removes the burr, leaving the sharpened edge - if you don’t remove the burr your tool is likely to lose the edge more quickly.

toothpicks OP ,

Thank you. I meant on the same blade, the angle looked like it could be steeper at one end than at the other. But it seemed odd that it would come like that or wear like that over time? So maybe I was imagining it I’m not sure

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

I see what you mean - is it possible that you’re a “back third” cutter? I tend to cut close to the lever end of scissors and will have to touch that section up well before the point end needs any maintenance.

Anticorp , to Do It Yourself in Scissors sharpening

You just need to hit the angled part of the scissor blades a couple of times with the file, following the already established angle. The file is probably too coarse to make a smooth edge though. So you have anything to finish up with? A honing steel or something?

toothpicks OP ,

Good point! I’ll try hitting it some more with the finer file or some fine sandpaper on a block. I don’t have a stone just yet, or a honing steel.

NotTheOnlyGamer , to Fediverse in Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here avatar

Honestly, given the ruckus they've been raising for a while now, my feeling is that Beehaw wants to push themselves away from society as a whole. I don't agree with their perspective, which is part of why I never engage with much of their content or users. All I can say is that I wish them only the best for their echo chamber.

shortwavesurfer ,

I have been unsubscribing from communities on beehaw and finding their siblings on other instances so that if they decide to leave i have already mostly disconnected from them and my home feed wont become a shell of itself.

btaf45 ,

I too dropped all my subscriptions to beehaw groups way back when I realized they are problematic.

MJBrune ,

It’s less an echo chamber and more simply an attempt at creating an Internet community that doesn’t constantly argue or insult people. Where you treat people like they are smart humans and where others return the same assumption. All different opinions are welcomed. I know I hold a few strong differing opinions than the norm on beehaw and have always been treated with decency. Taking those same opinions in to lemmy general I’ve been called names and attempted to be invalidated instead of people trying to see a different opinion. So if anything it seems like lemmy general is becoming an echo chamber and beehaw is trying to be a respectful discourse community.

Elevator7009 ,

The impression I get is that Beehaw is trying to seclude itself not to be an echo chamber, but because an admin saw CP get posted and is traumatized by that, and it’s really highlighting the lack of mod tools. They want to moderate the space to ensure it’s nice (and it’s frankly needed. I made a Beehaw account at one point in time. I reported quite a few not-bigoted-but-still-nasty posts) and right now being federated with everyone makes it way too hard because even if 1% of posts are anywhere from “not nice” to “you literally posted child porn,” 1% of 100 is easy but 1% of 100,000 could be a lot of work.

MJBrune ,

Ah, yes that too. I was thinking of the defederating with and when I was reading that. But Also, yes, they are likely moving because mod tools on the fediverse are a nightmare. Honestly, I see why the US Congress and major lobbyists want to hold service owners accountable for what their users post. Creating a platform for users to post whatever then not moderating it properly should be and I think is illegal in the USA. The fediverse at heart seems to be designed without any moderation in mind.

CyberCatBytes , avatar

How is it an echo chamber?

hoodlem , to Fediverse in Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here

Very well thought out post. It seems like they are considering pretty big measures. I think the next logical place to go for them is to whitelist instead of blacklist. Sucks for self hosters, but in general gives Beehaw what they want.

Moderation tools seem to be the biggest problem for the poster. They also say the devs don’t see it as a priority. They say they’ve even offered bounties to add better tool support. Moderation tools get brought up all the time on Lemmy—I agree that it should be the main focus or development right now TBH.

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

A big problem a lot of mods had on Reddit, and why they basically needed 3rd party apps - was that moderation tools weren’t up to snuff. So I don’t quite understand why getting good, robust moderation tools isn’t a top priority for the lemmy devs.

readbeanicecream , to Fediverse in Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here avatar

@stopthatgirl7 This seems like quite the lift and shift. Moving to a new platform would definitely split their user based. I would also thin that any form of aggressive defederation would split their user base as well. From what I can tell, there are not many (if any) fediverse platforms that have the level of moderation tools they they are looking for.

Unfortunately, It just looks like they are in a tight spot. One the could make or break that community.

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

I think part of the problem is that moderation tools, in general, on the threadiverse are extremely weak. It’s easy to share across platforms and instances on kbin and lemmy, but it seems to be a nightmare to moderate across platforms and instances, in a way that it isn’t on other Fediverse sites. I can’t tell if it’s by design or by oversight, but it’s going to only become a bigger problem in the future if it isn’t sorted soon. Beehaw’s issues with moderation seem like the canary in the coal mine.

furrowsofar ,

This I think. Every platform that is not just a mess needs moderation. There are things you just cannot allow especially in a platform that is suppose to be a safe space or at least not a total shit fest. Some of this is the law too, CSAM for example or copyrighted material. The rest is just about not putting up with trolls. When lemmy was 1000 users total this problem is a lot different then 1 million to 10 million or 100 million. It is just that Behaw is a bit more particular on one hand and probably more of a target on the other.

btaf45 ,

but it seems to be a nightmare to moderate across platforms and instances,

Nobody needs to moderate across platforms and instances. Just moderate your own community, on your own site. Power is decentralized by design.

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

Looking at all the spam on the science community proves you wrong. It’s on lemmy, and the mods smack down all the spam quickly…On Lemmy. But people looking at it on kbin see constant posts of spam and advertising, making the community completely unusable, because the lemmy admins can’t moderate the page on kbin once it’s federated into the kbin server. Likewise, mods on lemmy and kbin might lock comments on a post that’s getting toxic, but that lock doesn’t carry over to kbin, and they can’t do anything about it. That’s the issue I’m talking about.

btaf45 , (edited )

If the community is on kbin that the kbin mod removes the spam. If the community is on lemmy instance than mod on lemmy instance removes spam.

Isn't that how it works? The mod on the community instances removes the spam and then it gets removed on all sites right?

Likewise, mods on lemmy and kbin might lock comments on a post that’s getting toxic, but that lock doesn’t carry over to kbin, and they can’t do anything about it.

Wouldn't a lock on a thread on that community's site prevent any new comments from coming back to that site over the fediverse?

stopthatgirl7 OP , (edited ) avatar

Yes, but the problem is it doesn’t federate. A lemmy mod can remove spam on their lemmy community, but there’s no one to remove the spam once it federates to be on a kbin server. That’s why the science community seen on kbin is swarming with spam - the mods on lemmy remove it, but there’s no one to remove it on kbin until Ernest removes it, because communities default to him as the moderator of the kbin magazine version, and no way for lemmy mods to make someone on kbin a moderator for it.

FARTYSHARTBLAST , to Star Trek in "I'm giving her all she's got, Captain! She cannae take anymore!" avatar

muh warp core!

calhoon2005 , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY? avatar

I need to de-huge a huge room. I thought making some sound absorbing panels might help. I found this video, which is great, so I’m going to try this. Having trickle finding thermally bonded polyester though. Is that a common thing, or is it a niche product.

GreenMario , to Star Trek in "I'm giving her all she's got, Captain! She cannae take anymore!"
DarkSirrush , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Replacing our incredibly sketchy wood stove with a gravity fed pellet stove.

Still mulling over how to replace the pipe on the roof, since the opening was built for a 7" pipe and the pellet stove requires a 3-4" pipe at most.

Heavily considering running the new pipe through the current one and paying someone to do it right next year.

m0darn ,

Not something I have any experience with but please allow me opine from my armchair:

the only problems I forsee with that approach are:

– any bends you might have to navigate – supporting/stabilizing the new pipe – sealing the top to prevent a down draft forming between them and pulling exhaust into your home

DarkSirrush ,

There are no bends, or I wouldn’t even consider it, and figuring out the support/stabilizing of the new pipe would likely tie into sealing it to prevent the downdraft.

Those are good points though.

Ix9 ,

I’m not familiar with pellet stoves, but would a converter work so you can reuse the old exhaust pipe in place?…/202191795

DarkSirrush ,

Yes, but I need to make sure it doesn’t increase the airflow by a very large margin, or it affects the stove in a very negative way (either burning dangerously hot, or causing smoke to go the wrong way, etc).

Mostly I need to inspect what’s currently in place and see what fits where to figure out what I am doing.

Dixiewalker108 ,

My sister’s creosote build up in her exhaust pipe ignited one Thanksgiving. A fire of sticky tar, in a tube running through inaccessible walls and roof. That was interesting (ripped the pipe out quickly and it was contained). You may want to inspect before adding in a new exhaust, if you haven’t yet.

DarkSirrush ,

Chimney fires are incredibly scary, and I definitely will be cleaning the old piping before I do anything else. Fortunately I don’t have any sort of attic or complicated setup, it just goes through about 1’ of ceiling/roof and that’s it.

FlashMobOfOne , to Literature in Emily Dickinson's grave at West Cemetery avatar

I dunno how I feel about that.

She was undoubtedly a master at her art form, but she specifically asked for her writing to be destroyed upon her death.

ciagovv , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Diy freeskates. They seem simple enough to try fast, and look like they could actually be useful for my commute.

shapesandstuff ,

Awesome! Are you gonna post a build log?

loopy , avatar

I’ve never heard of those. I looked them up and they look super fun! Like a skateboard and rollerblades had children.

nyan , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Finishing the projects I wasn’t able to make enough time for last month. 😅

shapesandstuff , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Printing some armies for OPR Grimdark for myself and my brother to test the war gsming waters with :)

So far a few test prints worked great and the second land raide equivalent is coming along great.

JackbyDev , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

I’ve been curious about getting a CO2 monitor after I heard that excess CO2 in rooms cause your brain to get dumber. I can’t think of what to call it, maybe the CO2 talking.

(And just to be clear, I’m talking about CO2, not CO, we have a CO alarm.)

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