Amphobet , to fountainpens in NID, A small collection of Diamine inks. Looking to move away from pure jet black. avatar

Nice! Have you tried any yet?

EmrysOfTheValley OP ,

I’ve loaded Misty Blue in and its quite a nice blue. Need to find my other converters to try the others.

Amphobet , avatar

Blue’s my favorite color. Can you post a pic of it in use?

EmrysOfTheValley OP ,
moosemoosemoose ,

I am digging the Misty Blue. It’s work friendly, but that slightly lighter blue black has more personality than a darker one that leans closer to black. It’s on my wishlist now!

atlasraven31 , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese

Janeway: coffee?

Neelix: no, but we have molded brie

MentallyExhausted , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese

Get the cheese to sickbay

Thorry84 , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese

State of the art ship, goes to shit because of cheese, smort engineers take days to figure it out… The future!

unwantedpamphlet , avatar

@Thorry84 @xilliah I’ve done a lot of tech trouble shooting, sounds about right. It’s always something really dumb that you never would have imagined+hardware failure.

agent_flounder , avatar

And for me at least it is also usually self inflicted.

xilliah OP , avatar

Well it went into the vents!

HeartyBeast , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese avatar

When Voyager was first shown on TV, a mate from work used to come around every week and we’d have a beer and watch it.

The episode with Neelix’s cheese ended that tradition

xilliah OP , avatar

Understandable but would it shock you to know that it’s my fav star trek? But ya it unfortunately has some weak episodes, especially in the beginning.

Hyacathusarullistad , avatar

It's my favourite as well. My parents watched TNG and DS9 when I was a kid, but Voyager was the first Trek that I went out of my way myself to watch. Kathryn Janeway is high on my list of personal (albeit fictional) heroes.

richieadler ,

VOY is the most scientifically illiterate of all Trek series. They tried to sound at least as “sciency” as TNG, but:

  • They spent half a season searching ores on planets while mentioning a gas
  • They invented the “iso-” pseudo prefix to hide they didn’t understand the metric system (in a prior episode they were alarmed by a cosmic event generating as little pressure as 10 atmospheres).
HeartyBeast , avatar

Are you forgetting Discovery's space tardigrade? and the mycelial network?

michaelgemar , avatar

@HeartyBeast @startrek Please can we forget them?

richieadler ,

I consider Discovery in its own disaster category. They didn’t even try to make sense.

Voyager had at least a veneer of palatable Trek. Sometimes.

xilliah OP , avatar

Personally I find that show to be unwatchable.

TheFriendlyArtificer ,

Shall we talk about their continual shortage of deuterium? Possibly the second most common substance in the universe!

richieadler ,

Thank you, yes.

xilliah OP , avatar

Aren’t they looking for anti deuterium?

xilliah OP , avatar

Oof ya if you’re going for scientific accuracy I wouldn’t rate it very high either.

HeartyBeast , avatar

I've subsequently seem other episodes - and yes, it's solid. It's just that one episode, where we looked at each other and went 'nahh'

TingoTenga , to Star Trek in That time Neelix disabled the ship with cheese

I loved Voyager, but I always hard a little bit of a hard time with Neelix.

HobbitFoot ,

I feel like the writers never figured out Neelix.

TheFriendlyArtificer ,

Just imagine what the crew had to go through… Kinda surprising that Tuvix didn’t have any support since splitting him up would mean that Neelix is back.

ArtieShaw , avatar

Neelix was awful, and probably made worse because I wanted to like him from the start.

Without getting into Kes - which compounded the Neelix problem for me - I started to hate him less in the last few seasons when he went all dark sad clown. I was still viscerally annoyed, but he turned into almost a Michael Scott type character. He was horrible, but you could see the the pain that made him that way.

socprof , avatar

@ArtieShaw @xilliah @TingoTenga Of all the "hospitality" people in ST (Guinan, Quark, Neelix), Neelix was by far the worst. He was just annoying. No wonder poor Tuvok couldn't stand him (and then they got merged :eyeroll: ).

ArtieShaw , avatar

I hadn't even thought about the comparison to Guinan or Quark. The comparison makes Neelix so much worse. Guinan didn't need a redemption arc . Quark had a good one. Neither of them were annoying.

mosiacmango ,

Guinan gained a threatening arc, if anything. The ultra calm, compassionate counselor that scared gods like Q, and could swing a mean rifle when she needed to.

JohnnyCanuck , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor! avatar

Very cool! Do you have more pics video of putting it together?

wifienyabledcat OP , avatar

I unfortunately don’t, but it was basically just soldering everything together on the PCB. AirGradient provides build instructions if you get a kit.

Fiivemacs , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

How does it calibrate?

Fonderthud ,

Not op, I’m not seeing anything about calibration for PM or VOC just stuff for open air bump tests. Interesting alternatives to filter load and PIDs I wonder if they’re robust enough to find their way into EPA or OSHA level investigations, I haven’t run across them yet

Cris_Color , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

Thats so fucking cool!!!

Diurnambule , (edited ) to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

That noice but I can’t get over then holding it by the USBC connector… how in a right mind would you do that ?

wifienyabledcat OP , avatar

yeah I know it’s not great for the port, but it’s light enough and small enough that it was fine for the photo

Diurnambule ,

I can understand that logically but that strike some thing which forced me react…

wifienyabledcat OP , avatar

yeah it’s running firmware made by the ESPHome integration and is discoverable on homeassistant.

Adramis , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

This is really neat! How much did everything cost in the end, and are you going to get some kind of case for it?

wifienyabledcat OP , avatar

total ended up around $85 including shipping.

I’m planning on 3d printing a case.

KyuubiNoKitsune , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

I have one of the non DIY kits, they’re pretty cool.

JackbyDev , to Do It Yourself in Put together a DIY air quality monitor!

I’ve been curious about getting a CO2 monitor after I heard that excess CO2 in rooms cause your brain to get dumber. I can’t think of what to call it, maybe the CO2 talking.

(And just to be clear, I’m talking about CO2, not CO, we have a CO alarm.)

ciagovv , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Diy freeskates. They seem simple enough to try fast, and look like they could actually be useful for my commute.

shapesandstuff ,

Awesome! Are you gonna post a build log?

loopy , avatar

I’ve never heard of those. I looked them up and they look super fun! Like a skateboard and rollerblades had children.

DarkSirrush , to Do It Yourself in (September) New month, new projects. What are you working on now, DIY?

Replacing our incredibly sketchy wood stove with a gravity fed pellet stove.

Still mulling over how to replace the pipe on the roof, since the opening was built for a 7" pipe and the pellet stove requires a 3-4" pipe at most.

Heavily considering running the new pipe through the current one and paying someone to do it right next year.

m0darn ,

Not something I have any experience with but please allow me opine from my armchair:

the only problems I forsee with that approach are:

– any bends you might have to navigate – supporting/stabilizing the new pipe – sealing the top to prevent a down draft forming between them and pulling exhaust into your home

DarkSirrush ,

There are no bends, or I wouldn’t even consider it, and figuring out the support/stabilizing of the new pipe would likely tie into sealing it to prevent the downdraft.

Those are good points though.

Ix9 ,

I’m not familiar with pellet stoves, but would a converter work so you can reuse the old exhaust pipe in place?…/202191795

DarkSirrush ,

Yes, but I need to make sure it doesn’t increase the airflow by a very large margin, or it affects the stove in a very negative way (either burning dangerously hot, or causing smoke to go the wrong way, etc).

Mostly I need to inspect what’s currently in place and see what fits where to figure out what I am doing.

Dixiewalker108 ,

My sister’s creosote build up in her exhaust pipe ignited one Thanksgiving. A fire of sticky tar, in a tube running through inaccessible walls and roof. That was interesting (ripped the pipe out quickly and it was contained). You may want to inspect before adding in a new exhaust, if you haven’t yet.

DarkSirrush ,

Chimney fires are incredibly scary, and I definitely will be cleaning the old piping before I do anything else. Fortunately I don’t have any sort of attic or complicated setup, it just goes through about 1’ of ceiling/roof and that’s it.

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