BedSharkPal , to Politics in News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics

There's a lot of "Weekend At Bernie's" going on in Congress these days huh?

Ironically Bernie is one of the least comatose of the bunch.

Maajmaaj , to Politics in News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics avatar

…we can’t catch a fucking break.

Entropywins , to Politics in News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics avatar

My idea of fine and his idea of fine are polar opposites... funnily enough when it comes to policies and health

startlefrenzy , to Politics in News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics

I sure as hell disagree with Mitch but I do hope he really is fine health wise. That pause did not look good.

BedSharkPal ,

At the risk of sounding like an ass.... why? He's done a lot of horrible things that affected a LOT of people.

startlefrenzy ,

Oh you won’t see me disagreeing that he’s made bad decisions in the Senate but I do think we should keep some things separate such as politics and wishing someone’s health doesn’t get worse.

Hyacathusarullistad , avatar

Why? The man has used politics to consciously and deliberately harm millions of people. For years.

He doesn't deserve respect, civility, or compassion. He deserves a swift fall and a sudden stop.

Pandantic , avatar

I can see this both ways - I also lamented his recovery, but it does make you feel something strange wishing for another human to die.

IEatAsbestos ,

I think you’re on a false moral highground. I used to be up there with you, saying stuff like this feels like the right thing to say. Its civil, its kind, and it has no place in modern politics. He is barely a human in my eyes. He lacks any and all compassion and will sell out his state the second that he can, and has done so before. He is a lying pile of grease and greed that has no place in the world.

Hello_there OP ,

Maybe a good middle ground is just saying 'i hope bad things happen to him' but not explicitly calling for someone's death?


Nah. I hope the fucker dies, soon. An enormous piece of shit that has made millions of people's lives soooo much worse, resulting in plenty of deaths, too. The world would be better off the sooner he dies. Maybe he can go visit desantis and they can get in a car accident together... something something two rats with one stone.

Pandantic , avatar

I don't know, maybe I'm just naïve, but it feels like dehumanizing the other side (which, yes, is what they do to us) drives us further apart. I'm not saying "when they go low, we go high", but I can't help but feel like it's harmful to my own psyche to dehumanize others.

Then again, I wouldn't say, "I wish Hitler hadn't killed himself" (except for him to face a harsh and public punishment for his crimes) and, though I'm not up on what McConnell has particularly done, if he's anything like the middle to most extreme of the R party, it's probably still fascist activity.

Hyacathusarullistad , avatar

wishing for another human to die.

Well there's your error. Mitch McConnell hasn't been a human being for ages now.

cassetti ,

Your family raised you right.

I agree with a lot of people who disagree with you and your sentiment. But don't stop.

At the end of the day we're stuck on this planet together. Regardless how much of a d!ck someone is in real life, you don't have to sink to their level.

As much as I dislike Mitch, I have to feel for all of his close family members who must be concerned for his health this evening. I might not care about that turtle, but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad for his family who saw their loved one experience a stroke on live television.

originalucifer , avatar

all humans deserve sympathy to an extent. we dont choose to be dropped into whatever environments shape our psyche... until later.

there are absolutely humans who have wreaked so much havoc on the rest of us, they do not deserve our ongoing sympathy, they not only do not deserve it, they have lost whatever humanity they were born with.

mitch is one of those people.

we need to turn our backs on people like this, not continually elect them 'because its just politics'

dandelo ,

Why not? It costs you nothing to be empathetic of others, regardless of their misdeeds. We’ve gotta do better if we’re going to make it as a society/species.

RGB3x3 ,

I’m not arguably the most powerful person in government playing at best an obstructionist role and at worst actively destroying the freedoms of the people I’m supposed to serve.

He doesn’t deserve any kind of sympathy and the world would be a better place without him. If we’re going to do better as a society, we have to call out the hatred and despicable behavior. Not by pretending we care about those knowingly and willingly destrying people’s lives.

dandelo ,

I agree with you, but I don’t think empathy = sympathy, and one can call out hatred without being hateful. Wishing death on others only steepens the divide.

GARlactic ,

I don’t. I hope he dies in the most painful way possible. Fuck that piece of shit.

TheButtonJustSpins ,

I couldn’t care less how he dies. I’m not here for revenge; I just want him to stop working so hard to make the world a worse place.

GizmoLion , avatar

He's a self professed Christian. I assume, then, that hath done unto others as he wishes they do unto him.

Who am I to deny a dying man his wish?

jballs , to Politics in Giuliani concedes he made defamatory statements about Georgia election workers avatar

Sounds like he may have committed some light treason.

jordanlund OP , avatar

And he refuses to comprehend how what he said endangered poll workers.…/capitol-siege-2022-midterm-elections…

jballs , avatar

Well that sounds horrifying. I can’t imagine being so brainwashed that I’d ever break into someone’s house because Donald Trump, of all people.

TurtleJoe , to Politics in White House condemns Fox News over 'dangerous and extreme' Holocaust comments from top host avatar

Having read Man’s Search For Meaning myself, I think one would have to have serious brainworms to take that message away from the book.

The message that I will away was that under the worst circumstances, you have to dig deep down within yourself to find a reason to keep going. It might be hard to understand that message if you’ve never really experienced any kind of difficulty in your life.

That said, I often apply the opposite of Hanlon’s razor when talking about GOP operatives: never attribute to stupidity that which can be ascribed to malice.

fiat_lux , to Politics in White House condemns Fox News over 'dangerous and extreme' Holocaust comments from top host

"Utility kept you alive"

What a condemnation of humanity it is when someone can say this and think it's a good thing.

TurtleJoe , avatar

This was exactly what they argued during covid when they wanted to open things up early. Elderly and immunocompromised people don’t contribute to the economy.

darthfabulous42069 OP ,

Statements like that are the most gross things a person can say, honestly. It implies so many, many horrific things and belies such a horrific mindset.

It’s like the kind of shit an abusive parent says to their child victims when they complain.

Spacebar , to Politics in White House condemns Fox News over 'dangerous and extreme' Holocaust comments from top host avatar

Cable TV has metastasized into a cancer… and Fox News is ass cancer.

Son_of_dad ,

There was never a time when cable news wasn’t cancer

reddig33 ,

I remember the days of CNN Headline News when Ted Turner owned it and Bobbie Batista sat behind the desk and just reported actual news.

In other words, I am old.

Drusas , to Politics in Medical professionals describe a world of uncertainty a year after the Roe v. Wade reversal

These restrictions on bodily autonomy are both heartbreaking and infuriating, but I am very glad to read that they are having consequences for the states who are rolling them out. Losing out on doctors, losing out on college students, losing out on vacationers. Their governments and people can start to see the results of their actions.

Drusas , to Politics in Medical professionals describe a world of uncertainty a year after the Roe v. Wade reversal

Hi @pinkdrunkenelephants (great username, by the way), could you please take a moment to edit your title to add a label? It looks like "analysis" would be the best one for this article.

The mod team just recently finalized (for now, we will review later based on community feedback) some posting guidelines which you can find in the sidebar or magazine info page. One of the guidelines is to begin your titles with a label so readers know whether it is news, opinion, editorial, or analysis. Thank you!

pinkdrunkenelephants OP ,


HumbleHobo , to U.S. News in 7 Republican AGs write to Target, say Pride month campaigns could violate their state’s child protection laws avatar

This is infuriating as fuck that Republicans are just allowed to abandon any presumption of governing and just subject citizens to these endless campaigns of outrage that always seem to end up putting some group of people in the crosshairs. I am really tired of politicians being allowed to waste tax dollars on this meaningless bullshit. You should not be allowed to go after any specific group of citizens for pursuing “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

I want these cruel crooks to be punished for their constant culture war battles.

Lieuwe2019 , to Texas in [CNN] Fourth bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles

Merely sending them to sanctuary cities……isn’t that what they wanted??

Zombiepirate , avatar

How do you know what they want or what they were told?

Blamemeta ,

Yes. Don’t know why people are upset, beyond they were told to be upset.

conditional_soup , to Texas in [CNN] Fourth bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles

Tbh, we have so many migrant workers and people in California, let alone LA, that a fourth bus is still barely a blip. It’s just kinda sad that they thought this would be a cool stunt, and to be clear, I mean sad in the same sense as a German making a joke. What’s next on their pathetic prank list, are Abbott and DeSantis going to come and re-arrange Newsom’s mail? Come and drink some of our tap water without us noticing? (spoiler alert: don’t, it tastes horrible) Oh, maybe they can send us some completely blank postcards.

I feel bad for them to be such sad people that they thought this would be a cool win. And I feel bad for the folks they did this to, but hey, consolation prize, you’re no longer in TX or FL.

TWeaK , to Texas in [CNN] Fourth bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles

Maybe California should stop subsidising Texas with its tax revenue…

Zombiepirate , to Texas in [CNN] Fourth bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles avatar

Republicans’ only policy considerations are:

  1. does this increase the wealth of the .01%?
  2. is this a callous showing of cruelty towards groups hated by Christian Nationalists?

A ‘yes’ to either question gets rammed through regardless of anything else.

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