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In Poland firefighters were called to a house fire. There were no people inside the house but there was a terrified bunny that the firefighters rescued from the flames. ( )

According to the article the top floor of the house and the roof had burned down completely. The firefighters had to bust in the door and use oxygen masks to get inside. The bunny was found inside an enclosure in one of the rooms. It was panicked and difficult to catch but they succeeded in rescuing the cute little furball. The...

TWeaK ,

Toll roads are for profit. Roads shouldn’t be for profit.

TWeaK ,

But where are the laser lizard doggos??? :(

TWeaK ,

The common centre is the galaxy they both orbit spiral around together.

Then, the galaxy moves around some other point along with other galaxies.

Then, a bunch of aliens are playing with marbles.

TWeaK ,

I was thinking Men in Black.

TWeaK ,

Almost had me thinking another season had started!

TWeaK ,

Better yet, here’s the paper itself:…

It’s not yet been peer-reviewed, though, but it is at least free to access.

TWeaK ,

the.CEO saying that they have been punished enough with the stock price.

Yes because making less profit is the same as losing your entire income.

TWeaK ,

It has the tag, but for some reason it still isn’t frosted.

TWeaK ,

It comes up frosted now, maybe I saw it somewhere in between.

TWeaK ,

Money might not buy happiness, but it sure as hell solves a lot of problems that make people unhappy.

TWeaK ,

Is that the Terry Pratchett boot thing? I’ll be disappointed if that isn’t mentioned.

Edit: There we go:


  • 00:00 - Intro
  • 01:50 - The Boots Theory Of Economic Unfairness
TWeaK ,

Well, as a society we could solve the problem with money. We’re all too happy to print more money for people who already have lots of it, why not do so for people who don’t?

TWeaK ,

A billionaire doesn’t buy billion times as much clothes or food more than a comfortable middle class person.

TWeaK ,

It’s less of a pain when the work you do is fun and interesting, but ironically when that’s the case you’re usually making even more money for someone else.

TWeaK ,

I dunno, working in construction contracting has taught me that time in man hours is the ultimate pricing value point, that everything can be boiled down to. Someone who gives up their time should reap the most benefits. Someone who owns a business and pays others to work should be heavily taxed.

Earning a bit more does help make it more palatable, but it still isn’t fair.

TWeaK ,

A common saying is that a fair deal is one that neither party feels happy with, because neither one is taking advantage of the other.

TWeaK ,

I think employees generally get such a raw deal that a fair deal would be refreshing and positive. However when you look at massively overpriced roles, eg consultants, they’d probably say it wasn’t fair to give them a fair deal.

TWeaK ,

This is so not fair. How dare you post this and not give us a more recent photo?!

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

TWeaK ,

They didn’t need guillotines in Holland.

TWeaK ,

Does the light switch operate the sockets outside? Maybe a previous owner installed it for Christmas lights or something.

TWeaK ,

Make sure you use insulated tools, you should also prove dead, ideally with a proper proving device.

TWeaK ,

That deer’s face holes are freaky.

TWeaK ,

Ah nice one. I was trying to think what it was, thought maybe a muntjac, which also has those face holes, but it obviously isn’t.

In any case as far as I’m concerned a dik dik is a type of deer. Taxonimists be damned!

TWeaK ,

Nah this is like when you stick your leg out from under the sheets like a heatsink to cool down.

TWeaK ,

I work in the power industry, we use foam to fill ducts. The inside of the duct is filled with little rubber tubes (I think 1" diameter, maybe smaller), these provide structure for the foam to fill bigger holes. Without that though it isn’t suitable.

TWeaK ,

They never used to be. I got a massive discount for buying Witcher 3, even though I didn’t buy the earlier ones from them, and it came with all DLC as they came out, eventually turning into the GOTY edition. Then with Cyberpunk they got greedy and hired a Hollywood actor who pressured them into releasing before it was ready with standard Hollywood penalty clauses.

TWeaK , (edited )

Yes GOG, owned by CDPR. It’s the same people running the show. I think you’re imagining the business as far larger than it is. Hell, the business back when Witcher 3 first came out was much smaller than it is even now.

However things have definitely changed with CDPR. That happened during the Cyberpunk development, which is what I was trying to point out.

I don’t have a source on Keanu Reeves pushing it. It’s my own rationalisation - a theory, but one that fits well. Also, to be clear, I’m not talking about Keanu Reeves the person, I’m talking about Keanu Reeves the Hollywood actor who as a legal entity is represented by a team of agents, negotiating contracts on his behalf.

Keanu Reeves is a Hollywood A-lister, his team has all the weight when it comes to contractual negotiations with CDPR. They negotiate Hollywood contracts. Hollywood expects a movie to take more or less a fixed amount of time, then payment will come in. This does not fit well with game development, which can very easily suffer massive delays. In the past, CDPR have been more than aware of this, and have readily delayed games to get them closer to a finished state. However, CDPR did not do this with Cyberpunk, they pushed and pushed and pushed to get it out the door, coupled alongside a massive Hollywood-style marketing campaign.

Like I say, this is speculation. I don’t claim that this is exactly what happened. However, it seems far more likely than almost every other explanation I’ve read. CDPR were at the height of their game before Cyberpunk, it’s hard to imagine that they wouldn’t have enough capital (particularly with ongoing income from GOG) to tick things over until the game was finished - unless they had some bigger player they needed to satisfy.

The only bigger player involved in Cyberpunk 2077 is Keanu Reeves.

Edit: Also, for clarification, CDPR is both the developer and the publisher in this instance. They’re pretty small time for a publisher, compared to the likes of EA and others, but it’s not hard to imagine they’d have visions of loftier heights. One way of doing that is getting a Hollywood star on board, even if it’s costly and you have to negotiate a contract that doesn’t work well for you.

Regardless, ultimately CDPR almost certainly released early for financial reasons. The exact explanation for that is private, we can only speculate. However I think you’re probably right about the “shitty publisher” behaviour - in fact I think most of it falls down to the attitude of just one man in a semi-senior position at CDPR. I’m terrible with names though.

TWeaK ,

You have not said anything of any worthwhile meaning. Your comment serves no purpose other than to garner upvotes. Can you please be specific?

US concerned about growing cyber threat posed by China ( )

The USA continues to increase efforts on countering China’s intelligence activities in America. So, on August 14, US Department of Justice published a statement on detention of two US Navy sailors of Chinese origin. According to the press announcement, machinist’s mate P. Wei served at Naval Base San Diego, California, which...

TWeaK ,

You never seem to hear about American cyber attacks, though. The two countries conduct cyber warfare completely differently, the US tends to keep their exploits secret and hold them in reserve, while China uses them as much as they can until they’re discovered.

However most of the text is talking about regular spying from agents within the armed forces, not cyber attacks. Just because it involves sharing data does not make it “cyber”.

TWeaK , (edited )

Yes but the internet is made of more than just US media. China might report on them, Russia and North Korea also, but these three are the most well known state actor APTs encountered on computer networks all over the world, so it makes sense that they would throw shade in retaliation for being called out for their attacks. Meanwhile all the European tech companies, ones not bound by US law who are keen to report negatively on the US three letter agencies, none of them ever have much to report on US cyber actions. They don’t find anything.

I’m sure the US definitely does conduct cyber warfare, however they’re a far cry away from China in the level that they do. The US are incredibly surgical and don’t get caught, in part by focusing on their target. Meanwhile we have Russia hacking the Sochi Winter Olympics and North Korea stealing billions from banks. China is at least a little different, they assist businesses to hack on their behalf, stealing patents and technology. A lighter shade of black hat hacking, perhaps, but still cyber crime.

The US seem to generally conduct cyber warfare, while China, Russia and North Korea also conduct cyber crime.

Edit: Oh wait, of course, the US did Stuxnet - the virus which attacked Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and then later many other computers over the world. However again, that was more warfare based. The goal was to inhibit Iran’s nuclear capabilities as a military target, rather than anything commercial.

TWeaK ,

thatsthejoke.jpg. The alt text is saying that the UK have fall and autumn the other way around.

TWeaK ,

I know (I’m British) and the US doesn’t have Autumn. They are the other way around.

In the comic, the US has both, with Autumn in the brief period before Summer ends and Fall starts. The alt text is saying the UK has the two the other way around.

TWeaK ,

This is less of a news report and more of an ad for Costco.

TWeaK ,

In the UK it’s pretty clearly spelled out (although not always perfectly applied, I’m sure there’s still the odd boss trying it on).

Your working day starts when you arrive at your contracted place of work, and are ready to start work. Not when you walk in the door, before having a cuppa or breakfast in the office kitchen. Not after your computer has booted up and is ready for you.

If you have multiple places of work, or are travelling away from your contracted place of work, then your working day starts the moment you walk out your door and leave home.

The end of the day is the same, if you’re in the office it ends and then you leave, if you’re working away it ends when you get home (so factor in travel time and leave site before then).

Whether or not you actually get paid for every hour is another matter, however. Salary vs hourly work. If you’re salaried it’s supposed to be give and take - however it’s ultimately up to you to take what you can to balance it out. Work isn’t going to offer you an early finish, not as easily as they’ll ask you to stay late.

TWeaK ,

I would have thought only the instance you’re visiting would be able to get your IP address? If you reply to a Meta user they should only get the IP address of your instance.

TWeaK ,

I wish people wouldn’t watch The Witcher. We need to vote with our feet on that one.

TWeaK ,

What annoys me is that all too often the drama is created by characters being a bit shitty to one another. These parts are where I feel it doesn’t quite meet the true Gene Roddenbury version of Star Trek, where the characters all try to be good and yet face difficult situations where there isn’t really a good answer. It’s nowhere near as bad as Discovery and others, but it doesn’t quite reach that TNG level, in this regard.

TWeaK ,

Exactly this. The classic example:

  • Warner Bros Studios (WBS) wants to make a movie.
  • WBS license IP from Warner Bros Productions (WBP).
  • WBS hire sets and costumes from WBP.
  • WBS pays WBP for promotional marketing.
  • All workers are contracted with WBS, who is making the movie.
  • Movie brings in millions or billions in revenue to WBS.
  • It just so happens that all those things, IP, sets, costumes, marketing, well they all came to more millions and billions, which WBS now needs to pay WBP.
  • WBS operates at a loss, WBP gets all the profits.

The reality is much more complicated than that, but that’s the gist of it - and the Hollywood entertainment industry aren’t the only ones doing it anymore.

Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law ( )

The goal of Death Star is simple. The deeply conservative Texas Legislature wants to effectively deny cities—the state’s large Democratic-leaning cities, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin in particular—the ability to pass local laws and regulations in eight major policy areas: agriculture, business and commerce, finance,...

TWeaK ,

It’s the opponents of the law that gave it that name.

TWeaK ,

In general the law is very vague, and apparently exactly what it covers will have to be argued in court. However if the city loses it will have to pay the other side’s costs, while if it wins it will still pay its own fees unless the lawsuit is particularly frivilous.

Apparently there are some sections defined, eg over animal regulations (no doubt heavily in favour of the farming industry), but most of it leaves it completely open to interpretation. Interpretation that private interest groups can sue over, with the city paying.

TWeaK ,

The article says that the Federal government provides no protection between State and County or City. Texas specifically may have law prohibiting this new law, but that’s only because the new law is too broad and too vague. That might not stop other states from implementing the law successfully, however.

It won’t go to SCOTUS, it’s all at the state level. Unless someone comes up with a US constitutional angle, or something.

TWeaK ,

Potentially, it isn’t clear, but if someone sued the city would have to argue it in court.

If the city wins, they only get their legal expenses back if the suit is frivilous. If the city loses, they pay the claimants costs and legal expenses.

This law was written to make money for lawyers.

How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue ( )

I found this after reading and responding to this post here about early Trek fans’ prejudicial negative reaction to TNG. One of my responses (see here) was to point out that any fans of the progressiveness of Trek ought to have been mindful of the room for improvement over TOS, with female representation being an obvious...

TWeaK ,

Nice one!

The question I was wondering: SNW passed with 9/10 episodes in season 1.

Disco was 93-100%, Picard 90-100%. They don’t have Prodigy or Lower Decks, though.

TWeaK ,

The email address I give out doesn’t exist, but whenever sends me an email to an address that doesn’t exist it gets forwarded via the back-end of my email server to my actual email inbox. So I receive emails sent to those addresses, and the email I receive has the non-existent email address in the “To” field.

I end up sending email from this actual email, but I spoof the “From” email to the non-existent one. I’ve actually been planning on changing this, because it’s possible for people to read the header information and determine my actual email address. What I’m thinking of doing is creating “[email protected]” with a 0MB mailbox, and then using that for all outbound emails.

And yeah, like I say, after doing this for many years I generally get very little spam. There are a couple websites that apparently got hacked, their emails get spam, and things like my voter registration email (which is in the public domain) gets all sorts of crap. But LinkedIn was unique in that the spam started immediately. The only other website that this happened with was AdultFriendFinder.

Maybe the websites were compromised when I signed up on those occassions. My most recent LinkedIn account did not have this happen. However, it certainly fits the pattern of behaviour from LinkedIn, and furthermore that recent LinkedIn email also gets its share of spam these days, and it’s spam that’s related to the industry I work in. LinkedIn aren’t supposed to be giving this email out, and yet people get it somehow.

TWeaK ,

Oh, so it’s like you create an email on the fly and it forwards it to your actual email

Exactly! Except it’s not a regular forward, there isn’t a send action, it’s just moved into my email inbox.

when was the last time you used LinkedIn?

A month or two ago. I’m sure my data has been breached a few times. However, that doesn’t exactly absolve them - I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the “breaches” were in fact commercial agreements, when it comes to them.

LinkedIn have always been scummy, since their inception. Their original trick was to get you to provide your email login details, then they would log in to your email and spam all your contacts telling them to join. That was literally how they established themselves in the market. This was back in the MSN chat days.

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