beefsquatch , to Work Reform in Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job avatar

Sounds like a Seinfeld episode lol

MonkeMischief ,


AllNewTypeFace , to Work Reform in Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job avatar

How will the logistics of this work? Are there fast-food restaurants that would accept a privileged Karen with anger management issues as a member of their team? After all, they have a business with tight margins to run, and this sounds like a huge liability.

enbee , avatar

most fast food places are desperate for staff right now. if they get a guaranteed 60 days out of a hire I bet they say yes.

Showroom7561 , to Work Reform in Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job

Judge Timothy Gilligan gave her the choice of a 90-day jail sentence or a 30-day sentence on top of 60 days working in a fast food job.

After watching the video of her assault, I think she got it too easy.

If Judge Gilligan believes that the trauma of being assaulted at work by a customer lasts only 90 days, perhaps she should try working in a fast food job, too.

legios , avatar

I think the idea here is to force them to develop some sort of empathy for what people who work in fast food have to deal with on a day to day basis and learn from it (which should reduce recidivism) as well as some punishment, hence the 30 day jail sentence and 60 days working in the job (or just 90 days in jail).

I’m personally in favour of this. A jail sentence is purely punishment, whereas this feels like a combination of punishment and rehabilitation which is rare but tends to provide better outcomes (this tends to be contentious so I won’t provide links, but please do look it up if you get the chance).

Showroom7561 ,

Yes, I totally agree, but a few months isn’t enough.

I’m of the belief that the consequences of a crime should never be shorter than the effect it had on the victim.

Someone who’s been assaulted at their place of work may develop ongoing trauma beyond a few months. It’s unfair to the victim if they have to suffer longer than the instigator.

pineapple_santa ,

That’s just thinly veiled revenge justice. It’s not a good doctrine for a humane (or working) society.

Showroom7561 , (edited )

I don’t see it as revenge justice, but more like siding with victims.

You can’t “rehabilitate” an abuser by having them work 60 or 90 days as a fast food worker. It could be part of a broader, long-term strategy to turn a horrible person into a normal one, but that doesn’t seem to be what’s happened here.

SuperSpaceFan OP , to Work Reform in Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job avatar

I’d like to see more of this for some of these Karens.

ptz , avatar


If anyone reading this lives near there, you should find out where she works, go there to eat, and just be the worst.

“Can I get a glass of hot water? Before you serve it to me, let it cool down to room temperature first. I just need to know that it was once hot. Also, I’m in a hurry, but if it’s not right, I will send it back.”

Also be sure to snap your fingers at her because service workers love that.

saltnotsugar ,

Yeah I have a big order (constantly asks for clarifications over the phone while ordering for a small army)

bedrooms , to Politics in [Analysis] What is no-fault divorce, and why do some conservatives want to get rid of it? | CNN

I never understood the alternative. If either of the couple wants to divorce, why is the government supposed to be able to stop it?

My country, in fact, bans no fault divorce. I mean, I don't want to divorce, but it's a matter of human rights.

bioemerl ,

The problem really isn't the choice to get divorced, it's stuff like child support and alimony crossed with a court system very biased towards giving those to women when they probably shouldn't be

Divorce has or had become a "no fault" leave and make money system. I see literally zero reason to get married the way things are now. All loss and no gain.

bedrooms ,

I think you might have a fair point. I have a different opinion though.

If men are treated unfairly, although I don't take sides on this exact issue, that's a separate thing that should be fixed. Doesn't mean to abolish no fault divorce. In theory. I don't know enough to decisively argue how practical that theory is.

carebear , to U.S. News in At least 22 dead and suspect at large in mass shootings in area of Lewiston, Maine

how are there only 3 non-bot comments on this massive news story? 🫣

memfree OP ,

no one has new news and the initial reports were way wrong?

alyaza Mod , avatar

initial reports weren’t all that far off (22 dead vs 18, 3 locations vs 2) but yes most of this is because there’s not that much to report other than sheer number of fatalities and the fatalism people have toward mass shootings in this country. there are only so many novel things you can say when we have a minimum of one or two double-digit death toll mass shootings a year.

alyaza Mod , to U.S. News in At least 22 dead and suspect at large in mass shootings in area of Lewiston, Maine avatar

number of dead has been revised to 18 with 13 injured, according to the Governor.

admin , to U.S. News in At least 22 dead and suspect at large in mass shootings in area of Lewiston, Maine avatar

Woke up to this news, here in Maine, and they’ve closed down most of our school districts while the manhunt is under way. I’m locked and loaded at my house.

yenahmik ,

Stay safe! I hope they find the guy soon.

bingbong ,

I’m locked and loaded at my house.

Looks at username

watson387 , to U.S. News in Kenneth Chesebro: Pro-Trump lawyer pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case, implicates Trump in fake elector conspiracy avatar

So he’s not going to do any time? Wtf

sin_free_for_00_days ,

If his testimony leads to trump being in jail, it would be fucked up, but worth it. Otherwise, yeah, that’s a travesty.

memfree OP ,

I might have this wrong, but my understanding is that his plea deal only covers state prosecution, but not federal. It is possible the feds could prosecute him, but I haven’t seen nor heard if there is a side-deal to keep that from happening. Surely his lawyers would have tried to secure that, but did they succeed?

apis ,

Good question.

Has he been charged at federal level yet? Would imagine that federal prosecutors prefer to negotiate deals separately, but who knows what strategic arrangements go on behind the scenes.

Even if this won’t touch the federal case, it would be worth his while, purely because state prisons are far gnarlier than federal. He’s still likely to get some credit for having eventually cooperated at state level.

FlashMobOfOne , to U.S. News in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case | CNN Politics avatar

Probation for trying to illegally elect a president.

Must be nice to be in Sidney’s tax bracket.

Zipitydew , to Politics in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case

Womp womp

FARTYSHARTBLAST , to Politics in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case avatar


mateomaui , to U.S. News in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case | CNN Politics

tough break for Cheese Bro

memfree OP ,

And now he’s pled out, too!

Codilingus , to Politics in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case

“Fulton County prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials, write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia, pay nearly $9,000 in restitution and fines and turn over documents.”

That’s it?! Must be nice to try and undermine a presidential election, to only potentially face probation + $9000.

Kmcb182 ,

Isn’t this quite literally treason?

How is this the sentencing recommended?

SayJess ,

It would be sedition, not treason. Still, your point regarding sentencing still stands.

Spacebar , avatar

In a Rico case, they always get some people to flip. Her demanding a speedy trial positioned her to get a better deal.

It’s unfair, but if Trump gets Convicted, then I’ll take it.

Darorad ,

Being the first person to flip usually gets you a great deal

azimir ,

Second in this situation. She’s #2 so far.

What’s the over/under on how many will flip of the 19?

Bakkoda , avatar

Once they start flipping, more and more flip and get less fun deals.

ElleChaise ,

First pig to the trough eats the most.

Vode_An ,

Testify at future trials is the key part. I the kids gloves are contingent on him singing a good song when they go after other people involved.

I doubt it’ll go anywhere, but that’s probably the logic behind it.

DarthTanion ,

I wonder if the lenient sentence relies on the fact that a) she is genuinely mentally unwell and b) without the people she is about to testify against she can’t organise anything.

modifier ,

This is all about the testimony. Simple as.

geekworking ,

It’s a setup for the RICO case.

In order to prove RICO, you need to prove in court that crimes were committed and that they were part of an organized effort.

Having lower level actors plead guilty establishes that there were actual crimes that were committed. You can’t argue that something is not a crime after there’s a conviction.

Now add in the promise to point fingers in future trials, and you can connect the bosses to these proven crimes to establish the organized efforts.

NovaPrime , to U.S. News in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case | CNN Politics avatar

This fucking ghoul gets off with an apology letter and probation, meanwhile a mom in Alabama was forced to give birth in a prison shower and sentenced to 15 years for having an addiction that she tried to seek help with and was denied resources for (convicted of endangering the fetus). The legal system is a fucking joke

Deconceptualist , avatar

Supposedly this is part of how racketeering cases go. Those defendants who flip early get the best deals, basically little more than a slap on the wrist. The next ones get good deals but not quite as lenient, and so on. Because they’re not even the real target. The real win here is the “testify in future trials” part.

What the prosecution actually wants is to snowball a critical mass of the conspirators to all plead guilty and point their fingers at the holdouts, especially the kingpin. That’s how you collapse the whole racket.

If you don’t make them turn on one another then the criminal conspiracy club can hold together and protect each other with plausible and consistent lies. But when some of them start squawking “yep we did it all and here’s how”, the other crooks’ alibis start looking a whole lot less believable.

NovaPrime , avatar

Oh I get the mechanics of it (attorney myself) but it still exposes a two-tier justice system where those with power and influence get overall better deals for much worse crimes than the poor and those deemed “useless” for future prosecutions. The system doesn’t care about justice but rather prosecutorial efficiency and conviction rates.

Deconceptualist , avatar

Ah apologies then, your awareness is well beyond what I realized when posting.

And yeah that situation is definitely unfair in the larger picture. I have no law experience and no idea how to make it better. Happy to read from experts though.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Unfortunately, here in America, we like our criminal justice system to mete out cruelty except to the rich.

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