
ivanafterall , to LinkedinLunatics in LinkedIn starter pack

I HAVE THE GREATEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!! Thanks so much to @rist097 for hosting this 3-day roundtable on career leadership. "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

UESPA_Sputnik , to Star Trek in Yeah...
@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

What if La’an leaving the gun in the room was a predestination paradox? Leaving it there means Khan rises to power, fathers more children than he would have otherwise, thus resulting in La’an being born in the first place.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.one avatar

Most time travel in Trek seems to result in retroactive bootstrap paradoxes. History is only theoretical until it is directly observed, with many possible histories converging onto the present, and the observation of a time traveler collapses the waveform for them into a version of history where they were integral to events.

Before La’an went back, things played out how they played out. After she inserted herself into the timeline, events changed, but the outcomes of relatively minor changes like the gun were already anchored in the future, and so they didn’t significantly alter the final outcome. The path may have changed, but the destination remained the same.

dcheesi ,

The Romulan agent in this episode directly references a sort of self-healing aspect to the timeline, like minor (Butterfly Effect) changes don’t do the job due to … something. As such, the presence or absence of that gun is probably indifferent to Khan’s outcome.

Though one wonders if her speech to him might have reinforced the malignant narcissism that presumably underlies Khan’s later cruelties.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.one avatar

It occurs to me that the “healing effect” might in fact be the Travelers, or some other unseen group of time travelers from some point in the future who have a vested interest maintaining events that lead to a specific point in history. It doesn’t need to be some impersonal force of nature making these course corrections.

dcheesi ,

True. For that matter, it could have just been that Starfleet time-cop group thwarting her over and over, without her realizing it.

Still, seems more like a lampshade thrown over the “temporal mechanics” here so the writers didn’t have to deal with minutiae.

CeruleanRuin ,
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.one avatar

If you think about time travel seriously, you start to see how truly complicated it would make things. If the multiverse exists and time travel also exists, then inevitably there would be meddlers from the future messing things up. And following that would be those who believe such meddling is dangerous, because it creates more timelines branching off that would accelerate the meddling, until there are more polluted timelines than “natural” ones, creating a future filled with bizarrely chaotic outcomes all branching from the recursive meddling. And so there would have to be some kind of ongoing arms race of preservationists versus people who want to stack the future with timelines friendly to their own cause.

rockyTron , to Star Trek in Yeah...

Yeah I was wondering about that

OctopusKurwa , to LinkedinLunatics in LinkedIn starter pack

Can we get a rich douchnozzle to buy and ruin LinkedIn too I wonder

Sharpiemarker ,

How do you ruin something that has already been ruined?

TWeaK , to LinkedinLunatics in LinkedIn starter pack

I use unique email addresses for everything, and while this doesn’t happen now LinkedIn remains one of two websites I’ve ever signed up to that started spamming my email address immediately after signing up. The email address doesn’t even actually exist, it was only ever used in their account creation page, so I know it was them that compromised it.

If you remember how LinkedIn started out this is in no way surprising. They’ve always been worse than Facebook.

electro1 ,
@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

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  • TWeaK ,

    The email address I give out doesn’t exist, but whenever sends me an email to an address that doesn’t exist it gets forwarded via the back-end of my email server to my actual email inbox. So I receive emails sent to those addresses, and the email I receive has the non-existent email address in the “To” field.

    I end up sending email from this actual email, but I spoof the “From” email to the non-existent one. I’ve actually been planning on changing this, because it’s possible for people to read the header information and determine my actual email address. What I’m thinking of doing is creating “[email protected]” with a 0MB mailbox, and then using that for all outbound emails.

    And yeah, like I say, after doing this for many years I generally get very little spam. There are a couple websites that apparently got hacked, their emails get spam, and things like my voter registration email (which is in the public domain) gets all sorts of crap. But LinkedIn was unique in that the spam started immediately. The only other website that this happened with was AdultFriendFinder.

    Maybe the websites were compromised when I signed up on those occassions. My most recent LinkedIn account did not have this happen. However, it certainly fits the pattern of behaviour from LinkedIn, and furthermore that recent LinkedIn email also gets its share of spam these days, and it’s spam that’s related to the industry I work in. LinkedIn aren’t supposed to be giving this email out, and yet people get it somehow.

    electro1 ,
    @electro1@infosec.pub avatar

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  • TWeaK ,

    Oh, so it’s like you create an email on the fly and it forwards it to your actual email

    Exactly! Except it’s not a regular forward, there isn’t a send action, it’s just moved into my email inbox.

    when was the last time you used LinkedIn?

    A month or two ago. I’m sure my data has been breached a few times. However, that doesn’t exactly absolve them - I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the “breaches” were in fact commercial agreements, when it comes to them.

    LinkedIn have always been scummy, since their inception. Their original trick was to get you to provide your email login details, then they would log in to your email and spam all your contacts telling them to join. That was literally how they established themselves in the market. This was back in the MSN chat days.

    ShadowAether , to LinkedinLunatics in .. what is this website for again?

    That is an ad, they just posted it instead of paying LinkedIn

    Kuma , to Satisfactory in My Northern Forest Factory
    @Kuma@lemmy.world avatar

    I haven’t played the game since update 5. How much different is it now? I really liked it but when I had done everything that was realistic possible did I stop to wait for more content

    captain_aggravated ,
    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    My first run was in Update 5. A lot of things have been tweaked, but the major ones I think you’d immediately notice:

    Hogs no longer circle. They might run a quarter of the way around you to take off in another direction, but no more spinny spinny. Pyroceratops now come in lots of colors. moar ammo! Same detonator, rebar gun and rifle, but there’s several ammo types for each with their own characteristics. Shock rebar, splinter rebar, homing bullets, etc. It doesn’t get as dark at night; it’s more like there’s bright daytime and blue daytime. Ceiling conveyor hangers exist. There’s a blueprint system now so you can build assemblies.

    It’s actually come a long way.

    Kuma ,
    @Kuma@lemmy.world avatar

    That is exiting! Thanks for the info! The fights were pretty lack luster. More annoying than fun

    captain_aggravated ,
    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Update 8 on Unreal 5 can do some absolutely gorgeous scenes, though it’s currently running kind of rough. I find it fairly hitchy, especially with a lot of player movement. I don’t really want to play it this way; I’m hoping that they get some stuff worked on and it smooths out a bit.

    kurgal , to RedditMigration in Reddit is not a safe space

    It will never be a safe space as long as spez is around


    It will never be a safe space as long as spez is around

    period. Centralized systems like Reddit are inherently beholden to the views of the people who own the central hub. Even if the people at Reddit now were “cool”, eventually a piece of shit would end up in a position of power and compromise the site. As we have seen time and time again, both recently and throughout history, we cannot allow our systems to be contingent on the assumed goodwill of the people who run it. Said differently, we need to assume that bastards will take control at some point in the future, and intentionally design our systems to be robust in the face of disturbances caused by bad actors.

    fubbernuckin , to Work Reform in It doesn't work. Not anymore

    I’m pretty sure it does work, actually. That’s the problem.

    RickRussell_CA , to RedditMigration in Reddit is not a safe space
    @RickRussell_CA@lemmy.world avatar

    Well, how do private subreddits sell ads & provide training info for AIs?

    <checks notes>

    Oh, they don’t.

    cryptosporidium140 , to RedditMigration in Reddit is not a safe space

    Creeps and weirdos? What the hell are they doing there?

    carteblanche OP ,

    Breastfeeding fetish….

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I had to stop posting photos of me feeding my baby on FB (even when you couldn't see shit or only a tiny bit of skin) because I would ALWAYS get random creeps PMing me.

    I'm also an admin in a pregnancy/birth group and I constantly have to block scody arseholes from trying to join. It gets depressing sometimes. I can only imagine what r/breastfeeding mods have to endure to keep the community safe.

    Hyperreality ,

    The reality is that creeps harassing pregnant women is the least of reddit's problems.

    I mean, not so long ago reddit hired a paedophile apologist and IRC diaper play furry fetishist as an admin. They claim they forgot to vet them, but this is the site that tolerated a subreddit with pictures of underage girls for years and gave the mod a custom award.

    Expecting reddit to be a safe space for this kind of thing, is like worrying about Epstein stealing beer from the fridge, after you've asked him to baby sit.

    Honestly, you might as well burn the whole thing down to the ground. That's the only way to make that site safe for women.

    Further reading for those who weren't around or didn't get to hear about it because of censorship on reddit:



    Big_Dick_Dastardly , to RedditMigration in Reddit is not a safe space

    That is just sad. Some subs were the only safe place to chat with others with similar issues.

    jerrimu ,

    /r/bigdickproblems was never private

    FuccDiss ,

    Never heard of this sub :/

    axtualdave ,

    At inception I think it was legitimately a place for guys with oversized stuff to talk. Like, there are actual issues guys with giant dongs have to deal with.

    But it quickly devolved into lulz my girl says my dick is too biiiggg!!!

    FuccDiss ,

    Yeah I’ve heard stories. Not as fun and one thinks.

    Peruvian_Skies ,
    @Peruvian_Skies@kbin.social avatar

    If it's big enough, you can't even maintain an erection because it requires too much blood. Or wear several types of pants or underwear, or sit comfortably in certain kinds of seats, or sometimes even get the simple feeling that you're done peeing when you are. But "lol I hurt women with my massive 50-inch pecker" gets more upvotes.

    Hyperreality ,

    From what I've heard, a big issue is condoms. Length isn't an issue, girth is. Too large or too small and it rolls up and/or is more likely to tear. Like a too small latex glove, except a dick there's nothing to stop the condom rolling up. Cleaning a toilet and the glove tears? Shit happens. Condom tears? Baby or STD happens. Not funny.

    But from what I can tell, a lot of people who post in forums like that are roleplaying having a large dick or gay guys who want to creep on guys with large dicks. People are weird.

    backseat , to Work Reform in The system isn't working if we can't even afford healthcare.

    My wife is deaf. She gets given batteries for her free hearing aid plus an assessment from the audiology department once a year.

    My daughter was born 5 weeks premature. She was in the ante natal care unit for three weeks.

    My daughter also had open heart surgery when she was 9 years old. Full medical team at a world-famous teaching hospital, 2 days in the paediatric cardiology intensive care (nurse to patient ratio 1:1, 24/7) and 2 days in the post-op ward (ratio 2:1).

    None of this has ever cost us anything.

    America needs to fix its health "service". While you're at it, fix your gun laws too (children practising hiding from gunmen in schools? Really??). And your legal system. And women's rights. And police corruption. Once you get those sorted, the rest of the civilised world has a long list of other suggestions.

    neanderthal ,

    fix your gun laws too (children practising hiding from gunmen in schools? Really??). And your legal system. And women’s rights. And police corruption.

    I’d say they are all symptoms of the same problem, economic insecurity and misaligned incentives. People like to blame communism and praise capitalism for the results of the cold war, but I see the US making the same mistake that lost the USSR the cold war, but inflexibility and misaligned incentives. The US in the 20th century went from almost unregulated capitalism to a regulated market economy. IMO, it was that ability to change that brought the US ahead, not some magic of capitalism or brokenness of communism. Now we are stubbornly stuck on the ideology that could very well could have led to the collapse of the US in the 1930s.

    Take the freight rail strike fiasco and recent train wrecks. Capitalism creates an incentive for the companies to reduce costs as much as possible. The rail unions are practically useless due to a terrible federal law. What we need is a more pragmatic government and population that will allow them to be and pass legislation that deals with it. One reasonable approach is to deregulate the unions a bit to ensure a quality workforce. Another is regulations that micromanage operations. Maybe fine companies in key industries for both preventable environmental disasters and failure operate under the threat of forced liquidation if they can’t get their act together. Another is professionalizing rail workers so no worker will risk personal liability or loss of licensure for cutting corners. Something else?

    At the scales we are talking about, there is so much complexity that it is almost impossible to predict the outcome of a policy, so I am a big advocate for flexibility.

    Turkey_Titty_city , to Work Reform in The system isn't working if we can't even afford healthcare.

    The system is working. It's designed to enrich the wealthy and extract that wealth from the poor.

    The entire medical industrial complex is not going to give up their wealth willingly.

    Plus most doctors are born into money already. They don't ever associate with ordinary people in the lower 80% of households.

    YourHuckleberry , to Work Reform in The system isn't working if we can't even afford healthcare.

    Summation of conversations I’ve had with a doctor about the healthcare system.

    Doctor: “The system needs fixing.”

    Me: “Agreed, we need to socialize the healthcare system.”

    Doctor:“Not like that, I still wanna be rich!”

    Itty53 ,
    @Itty53@kbin.social avatar

    How many times have you had that conversation?

    Methinks zero.

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