argv_minus_one , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S.

And it is entirely justified. What the US did and continues to do to black people is appalling.

UFODivebomb ,

Aye. Understanding our part is essential - even the bad parts.

That doesn’t invalidate my stance that the US is still the greatest country.

But if you are a reductionist, looking for a simple lie, holding those two truths simultaneously is very difficult.

argv_minus_one ,

If your idea of the greatest country is one in which you can and probably will be imprisoned through no fault if your own, forced to perform manual labor until it kills you, and if you somehow survive long enough to be released, systematically impoverished in order to force you to steal to survive and thus ensure that you end up back in prison, then I have to wonder what you think goes on in the rest of the world.

Make no mistake, this country is extremely cruel. Living here is terrifying, and I’m not even black.

interolivary , avatar

Per capita, the US has incarcerated more black men than China has Uyghurs.


furrowsofar , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S.

Why is belief in freedom, fairness, honesty, truth, knowledge, and acceptance of diversity considered hating the US. At the same time some how is authoritarianism, exploitation, lying, manipulation, ignorance, and tribalism loving the US. That is like saying left is right, up is down, dumb is smart, totally bizzare.

mooncabbage , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S.

There’s no talking to these people or applying logic to them. They want to be racist, they enjoy being hateful, but they won’t admit that in those words. More and more though they are saying the quiet part out loud.

poorsocialskills , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S. avatar

It’s right to hate hateful things. Perhaps the lesson isn’t to hide from, but instead to fix, the things you hate. Or, maybe she’d prefer not to fix these things after all.

norb , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S. avatar
Vlhacs , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S.

Does teaching Holocaust make us hate modern Germany? Does teaching about Pearl Harbor makes us hate modern Japan? Why do they think that teaching black history is exclusively spreading hate?

Infynis , avatar

She probably does hate Japan, but I’ll bet Germany gets a pass for some reason 🤔

flipht ,

Because they don't see the racist, slave-holding south as a past entity separate from their current reality.

If the federal government weren't stopping them, they'd re-enslave people today. In fact, they have via the prison system. So they don't want anyone closely examining it, hence banning or slowing the subject in schools if they're able.

4am ,

Because she wants slaves.

Illogicalbit , to Texas in [MSNBC] Opinion | Why "pro-life" Texas is arguing in court that a fetus has no rights

Sums it up well:

If it were otherwise, the U.S. would have seen waves of legislation in support of pregnant people and children after the fall of Roe, especially in states like Texas where abortion is banned. But despite having had nearly 50 years to develop such policies and legislation while the anti-abortion movement worked to topple Roe, these “pro-life” politicians have done little to nothing, even in the dozens of state legislative sessions convened in the year since Dobbs. They’ve had plenty of time to put in place policies and programs that genuinely “defend life” and protect “women’s health.” They instead chose simply to ban abortion and to criminalize pregnant people and abortion providers and call it a day.

chaogomu , to Texas in [MSNBC] Opinion | Why "pro-life" Texas is arguing in court that a fetus has no rights

As always, conservatives are not pro-life, they are anti-women. Everything they do is about control.

To the conservative mind, white men should be in control, and all others should be lower down on the hierarchy, obeying those above them, and keeping those below in line. If viewed through that lens, every argument conservatives make becomes consistent. They want to be in control, and will burn the world to stay in power.

gravitas_deficiency ,

May the lord open, I guess :/

Drusas OP , to Politics in Opinion: The sweltering heat in this Louisiana prison put children's lives at risk

A Times-Picayune story about the immense heat inside prisons noted that voters in Jefferson Parish, the second-largest parish in the state, approved a new local jail in 2014 but only after leaders promised the jails wouldn’t be air-conditioned.

In other words, there are people who believe that people convicted of crimes, or merely accused of crimes, are supposed to suffer this way.

The government is subjecting people, even young people, in prison to extreme heat conditions, solitary confinement, violence and other abuses because it apparently doesn’t see such people as human. Adults sentenced to Angola have to do hard labor in the punishing sun. They are seen as the property of the state to be used as needed.

Emphasis mine. Jesus christ, people can be pure evil. I'm sure almost every one of them thinks they're a good Christian as well.

Hairyblue , to Politics in Ted Cruz takes aim at Barbie movie in latest pop culture misstep avatar

I remember the Green Eggs and Ham story's point was missed by Ted. Hope he loses his next election and we never have to hear from him again.

Zombiepirate , to Politics in Ted Cruz takes aim at Barbie movie in latest pop culture misstep avatar

Not enough incest porn for his liking?

Weird how Cruz thinks people want to hear his shit takes on pop culture and pornography.

cultsuperstar , to Politics in Trump is campaigning to establish ‘a presidential dictatorship’ historian Beschloss says

Well yeah. I bring this up a bit but after President Xi made himself president for life during, Trump said “maybe we should try that sometime.” He said it in a somewhat jokingly way, but you could tell he was dead serious and gauging his audience reaction to it.

Girlparts , to Politics in Trump is campaigning to establish ‘a presidential dictatorship’ historian Beschloss says avatar

I am terrified he will get elected again

sparseMatrix , to Politics in Ted Cruz takes aim at Barbie movie in latest pop culture misstep avatar


Ted's fave kind of girl. Blonde, fine, can't defend herself, and all plastic...

McBinary , to Politics in Ted Cruz takes aim at Barbie movie in latest pop culture misstep avatar

The video on that page is absolutely hilarious!

I can't wait until I never have to see this guys face or hear about him again...

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