raccoona_nongrata , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S. avatar

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  • ConsciousCode ,

    The US has white supremacy in its very bones, we can paper over it but we’ll see it spring up even hundreds of years later. Note that if you do like the US I don’t think that makes you a white supremacist, clearly people are able to compartmentalize them successfully.

    ammorok , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S.

    Sarah has not had a single novel idea as Governor. It has been dog whistles and the perpetuation of “owning the libs” that has occupied her time, and bringing in the Department of Education guy (Jacob Olivia) from Florida is a part of it. She should do better.

    YeetPics , to U.S. News in Sanders suggests course on Black history spreads ‘hate’ against U.S. avatar

    You know what makes me more full of hate than any section of history ever?

    This inbred dipshit’s face. That wore-out workboot looking thing makes me want to give myself a vinegar enema after shitting sandpaper for a week.

    admin , avatar

    Your comment is not nice. Please, remember to be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Thanks.

    Rapidcreek , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy'

    It is strange to be living through history. A time when the most stable democracy in the world saw an attempted coup by a President who only stepped down when his attempt to stop the transition of power failed. Then he used his grip on a following of poorly educated racists to maintain a stranglehold on a major party to force his return to leadership knowing the party would collapse if he took his following with him. Trump is a villain for the ages.

    Pratai ,

    Well said.

    MightEnlightenYou ,

    I’m going to need a source for “the most stable democracy in the world” part

    givesomefucks ,


    We have large turnovers constantly. Our system is inherently unstable, even if one side actually tried to build as hard as the other side destroys, we’d just end up constantly building and destroying on a cycle. We’ve been destroying more than we build since the 90s when neoliberals convinced voters if they tried half as hard, they’d maintain power and slowly make progress.

    But that hasn’t made us stable, we’ve just been taking two steps back and one forward. A slow march to dystopia

    correcthorsedickbatterystaple ,
    nomecks ,

    Pretty sure Britain’s parliament is like a thousand years old.

    btaf45 OP ,

    Maybe 700 years old, but most of the middle class couldn’t vote until 1832.

    flossdaily ,

    Trump should have been behind bars since the afternoon of Jan 6.

    He should have been impeached immediately, and arrested and indicted for inciting an insurrection.

    And every Republican in Congress should have been 100 percent on board with that.

    But… If we set aside for a moment that they are a party of traitors, that still doesn’t explain why Merrick Garland wasn’t putting the cuffs on Trump the day he was sworn in as the new AG.

    IT’S ABSOLUTE MADNESS THAT TRUMP IS ALLOWED TO WALK AROUND FREE. In our entire history, we’ve never come closer to losing our democracy. Including the civil war.

    Poob ,

    Wait, y’all really think you were “the most stable democracy in the world” at any point in history?

    You had a civil war.

    Pratai , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy'

    And in related news, the sky is made of air.

    morphballganon , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy'

    Anyone who was paying attention 3 years ago knows this

    AllonzeeLV , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy'

    Why would Trump try to copy Reagan’s signature achievement?

    Poggervania , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy' avatar

    lmao American democracy was being destroyed the moment Reagan made lobbying a thing. All Trump did was show how fucking broken our system is and how close we can get to being a fascist regime without actually becoming one.

    Biden should really be saying “we are destroying American democracy”, because until corporate interests get the fuck out of politics as a whole, American “democracy” will always be a theatre show to convince us we still matter to them.

    metaStatic ,

    the last democratically elected government was Hamas.

    Democracy has been dead for a very long time, and with good reason.

    Cruxifux ,

    Dude shut the fuck up.

    Potatos_are_not_friends ,

    I hate it.

    I hate how every single web leads back to Reagan. Dude had incredible charisma and destroyed so many things.

    ChonkyOwlbear , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy'

    It’s not hyperbole. The republicans literally want to end representative government in this country.

    roofuskit , to Politics in Biden: Trump is determined 'to destroy American democracy' avatar

    It's not just Trump, the majority of the Republican party is complicit and in reality got there first.

    Hairyblue , to Politics in Nevada attorney general opens probe into Trump 2020 fake electors avatar

    X and Facebook are allowing false claims about how the 2020 election was rigged. Hope that Nevada can get their findings out to help stop all the misinformation that Republicans and social media post.

    e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in This Idaho plan to get rid of domestic terrorism doesn’t involve fighting it

    Idaho is run by domestic terrorists. Of course they're not going to fight themselves.

    philo ,

    Only if there is foreign involvement 😘

    millie , to U.S. News in This Idaho plan to get rid of domestic terrorism doesn’t involve fighting it

    They’re going to be real upset when animal rights activists take advantage of this and sabotage every factory farm in Idaho and they can only hit them with property destruction charges.

    mozz OP , avatar

    I don't think they have any intention of applying it consistently. Harsh things are designed to be used against enemies, friends need to have kind consideration of their circumstances, and the Right People need to be in charge of the whole system, to make sure it can be applied "fairly." This law is for MAGA people, and the laws that you can run over protestors and it's okay are designed for the animal rights or BLM people.

    This is why you heard the January 6th people get so shocked and bent out of shape when people treated them "like criminals." It violates some unspoken and un-analyzed features of how they think the whole thing should operate.

    t3rmit3 ,

    “Vegetablism is a foreigner thing. Terrorists!”

    Drusas , to U.S. News in This Idaho plan to get rid of domestic terrorism doesn’t involve fighting it

    The Idaho Senate voted Thursday 27-8 to advance a bill that defines “domestic terrorism” as requiring the involvement of foreign groups. According to the bill, if there’s no foreign involvement, then there can be no domestic terrorism.

    That is the opposite of what "domestic" means.

    chemical_cutthroat , to Politics in Opinion | As New York’s mayor, I watched Trump evade consequences for years — until now avatar

    “For years I was part of the problem, and now that someone is finally holding him accountable I’ll tell you that I knew it all along.”

    Evotech ,

    And not in in a position of power anymore

    Spiralvortexisalie ,

    Reeks of didn’t read the article because everything mentioned, such as a 1974 discrimination case, Central Park five(1989), and his dad’s casino chip purchase (1991) predated Bill de Blasio’s term (2014-2021)

    chemical_cutthroat , avatar

    He stood idly by and did nothing except for when he himself was running for president against Trump and started an attack campaign against him that fizzled once he couldn’t get into the primaries. The same campaign where he spent $300,000 of the city’s money on his campaign and didn’t repay, racking up a $150,000 fine. The same campaign that he took inappropriate donations on, and was fined another $50k by the FEC. Is that what you are talking about? The upstanding citizen Bill de Blasio, the towering pillar of virtue that dedicated his career to fighting corporate and political greed. You’re right, I didn’t read the article. I didn’t fucking need to.

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