
worfamerryman , to U.S. News in Suspended Twitter account tracking Elon Musk’s jet moves to Threads

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Sarsaparilla , to U.S. News in Suspended Twitter account tracking Elon Musk’s jet moves to Threads
@Sarsaparilla@kbin.social avatar

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Hairyblue , (edited ) to Politics in Ron DeSantis' presidential bid is giving life to a struggling Florida Democratic Party
@Hairyblue@kbin.social avatar

I live in a southern red state too. Our Democratic party sucks. I hope Flordia can find good candidates to run.

Republicans need to loose power. They have no policies to help anyone and all they push is hate and culture wars.

wagesj45 , to Politics in Georgia mayor arrested on burglary and trespassing charges
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Really need more information to make any kind of call. On the one hand, I'm reluctant to believe that a mayor just broke into someone's home for some petty theft. On the other hand, I'm also pretty suspect of any politician that claims that God is using them and their "persecution." What is this beef between the mayor and the council? Did the council have something to do with the trespassing/burglary charges? Like wtf is this story.

SomeoneElse ,

From the New York post so make of it what you will:

The mayor told officers that he was on his way to a dog park when he stopped by the house, claiming it was his dream home and that he had hopes of purchasing it one day, according to the police report.

Kamau admitted to police that he was aware he was trespassing on the homeowner’s property, despite telling FOX 5 Atlanta he believed the home was “abandoned.”

The homeowner, who has not been publicly identified, said he saw the mayor walk up his driveway and approach his lake house when he rushed to get dressed and called police from inside his truck.

The owner of the home then approached Kamau and held him at gunpoint until police arrived, warning the mayor to stay put, the report states.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Georgia sounds like a wild fuckin' place to live. Was the mayor actually inside the home, I wonder? It doesn't really say. And why do they think he had intent to steal anything?

I use question marks, but really we can't know until more info comes out.

SomeoneElse ,

I read it as he was outside. He walked up the driveway and the homeowner decided to grab his gun, call the police and detain him until they arrived. As a Brit the thought of someone holding me at gunpoint because I walked up their driveway is absolutely terrifying.

TheButtonJustSpins ,

It’s not less terrifying here, just more common. Honestly, the fact that he wasn’t shot is news on its own.

SomeoneElse ,

Just seeing a gun irl - usually only at the airport - makes me physically recoil. They’re just so rare here. I hate that you’re right about him not being shot being news worthy, a black man trespassing… Does Georgia have stand your ground laws where you can just shoot people if you’re scared of them?

kuontom OP ,
@kuontom@kbin.social avatar

Georgia has a no duty to retreat law where you can use deadly force against someone who invades your home and threatens you/your property, without trying to escape first. You can't shoot someone if you were just scared of them though, at least on paper. There has to be an imminent threat. But yes with the incident involving 1. a black man, 2. trespassing, 3. Georgia... might get away with murder if you hire a 'good' lawyer.

SomeoneElse ,

I can’t bring myself to upvote this. But thank you for the explanation.

keeb420 ,

and by good lawyer he means one thats not gonna release damming video of you essentially lynching a black man thinking itll be exculpatory.

ripcord ,
@ripcord@kbin.social avatar

Eh, it's no Florida.

keeb420 ,

what was he doing undressed in his truck though?

kuontom OP ,
@kuontom@kbin.social avatar

What is this beef between the mayor and the council?

From an Atlanta Journal-Constitution article

Five of the seven members of South Fulton’s city council sued to throw Mayor Khalid Kamau out of office — in part, for allegedly recording closed-door executive sessions for his “personal benefit.” The 98-page lawsuit says Kamau’s conduct prevents the council from effectively governing. During executive session at a November 2022 meeting, council members discovered Kamau was recording it on a cell phone, the suit says. During a Facebook Live broadcast in December, Kamau said he would continue to do so and release those discussions to the public. He has since refused to stop recording executive sessions and further threatened to use the recordings to sue the City Council and or its members, according to the filing.

In addition to seeking Kamau’s removal from office, council members want an injunction or restraining order to keep him from recording executive sessions and making those discussions public. “To be clear, the City Council has only ever used its executive sessions as authorized by the Georgia Open Meetings Act, which makes it unclear how, or why, the Mayor would seek to use these recordings in a lawsuit against the City Council,” the request says.

Georgia law allows public officials to discuss property transactions, potential litigation and employee matters in private. Council members say they can’t effectively do so under the threat of being recorded. “In short, the Council Members are being held hostage by the Mayor; forced to choose between either betraying the City’s confidence and allowing its confidential information to be recorded and disclosed, or simply not addressing these important matters at all,” the suit says.

Did the council have something to do with the trespassing/burglary charges?

No, but the majority of the council members want him removed from office, and the person taking over for now is one of those members. So I assume they're happy. Good ol' political drama

fades ,

They got mad because he values transparency for the public, which results in them unable to govern? Lol

We can’t govern if you tell them what we’re trying to do!

I’m sure there is more nuance but lol. Pathetic from the top to the bottom

keeb420 ,

if theyre talking about private matters unrelated to city governance and hes threatening to release that, they might have a case. but if they are up in arms about hi m recording and potentially releasing discussions relating to the job itself, it makes them have an appearance of guilt.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Georgia is a one party consent state. Get fucked, city council.

Spaceman2901 , to Politics in Ron DeSantis' presidential bid is giving life to a struggling Florida Democratic Party

Abbott and Texas next please.

Jaysyn , to Politics in A collision course over government funding raises fears of a shutdown
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

Shut it down then. Take away their weapon. The GOP already caught one car, let's see them catch another one.

The military already knows which party fucks with their paychecks and hinders their readiness. As Alabama has recently found out thanks to the PoS fascist Tommy Tuberville, the military will shutter bases or skip over those states for new programs.


HubertManne , to Politics in A collision course over government funding raises fears of a shutdown
@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

ugh im so sick of this charade. they want to pretend they are not doing anything and could sorta give it away back with clinton but when it did not happen with bush and then did with obama and then didn't with trump and now does with biden. No one is fooled.

keeb420 , to Politics in A collision course over government funding raises fears of a shutdown

im so tired of this shit. call their bluff then. im so tired of them pulling this shit. im tired of their voter rewarding this shit. im tiring of having to worry about this shit. theres no problem. but no republicans cry about the deficit after cutting taxes and the solution is to cut benefits. no fuck you. raise taxes if the government isnt bringing enough in, and start on those you last cut taxes on. im tired of hearing about rolling back benefits and labor protections, especially recently where theyve been rolling back child labor protections. like fuck that shit were not some developing country where child labor is still a thing. weve dealt with that a century ago. but its back thanks to asshole republicans.

SpaceMonk , to Politics in Biden confronts a 'pissed-off generation' of young voters who may be decisive in 2024

We’re gonna fuck these people up. DECADES of not listening to your kids and putting your materialism ahead of your children was a HUGE miscalculation.

All while lying to them about how “we’re trying to protect you”

From what? You let literal Nazis into our government and the planet is polluted as fuck.

Get out there and vote and let your dissatisfaction be HEARD. Be bigger than those who came before you and stand up for yourselves like they DIDN’T.

They sold half of us out to a liar war and the other half to crippling debt, don’t be like them.

MetaPhrastes ,
@MetaPhrastes@lemmy.world avatar

Hope you will, really from the bottom of my heart. I am writing from the EU, a region where no matter what we vote we’re double tied with what you on the other side of the Atlantic decide. So please be wise next year and think of all the lives that depend on your freedom of choice.

Axxi ,

We have a very shitty two party system here in the US. 3rd party candidates don’t receive screen time and anyone who gains momentum on their own that isn’t sanctioned by either of the two parties are pressured into backing out of the race while simultaneously endorsing one of the “chosen” candidates.

When you can have a president sit for 4 years and the country has only gotten worse, there should be no question about them running again. They do though. It’s not what the people want, it’s which of the two candidates is going to be less shitty. It’s far more important that we keep up the illusion of choice than actually give power to the people.

MetaPhrastes ,
@MetaPhrastes@lemmy.world avatar

Even “less sh*tty” is a valid criterion, though! I totally agree with your idea about the “illusion of choice”, but it doesn’t depend on the number of parties. With many smaller parties it would be even worse, since after the elections nobody has the majority and they have to create (to say as much politely as possible) “original” coalitions to rule a government which in the end is useless because most decisions are supranational.

demesisx ,
@demesisx@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah! Let’s vote even harder this time. We need to make sure the guy who got $250,000 from MBNA after he wrote the legislation that made student loans inescapable defeats a literal Nazi! That’ll teach em!

MiscreantMouse ,
@MiscreantMouse@kbin.social avatar

Voting doesn't preclude direct action, and one of those options is still way worse than the other.

Just make sure to show up for the primaries too, and do more than voting.

Entropywins ,
@Entropywins@kbin.social avatar

We've got a couple options change what we can, give up and revolution... two of those options are viable for me. ATM the best thing I can really do is talk with coworkers/acquaintances about their concerns in the world and how we can address them. The more I talk with maga folk about their concerns the more common ground I find with them... we all want a better life for our children/community we just get caught up in how to get there. Listen to concerns, find the common ground and come prepared with receipts... I cant say I've changed anyones mind but I will say the die hard liberal/left wing hating coworkers no longer have the direct hate and can see what folk like me are getting at... All this to say don't give up friend we can still do a lot at the community level, the institutional level will come with time.

demesisx ,
@demesisx@lemmy.world avatar

Well-said, friend. ✊🏼

Unaware7013 ,

We saw what happened when people didn't give enough of a shit to vote - you get Nazis in government and a supreme court fucked for generations.

People need to stop acting like electoral politics has no place, because not playing the game means all the rules are set against you going forward and they tell you to get fucked even harder than they would normally.

Ganondorf ,
@Ganondorf@kbin.social avatar

Even after all the bull shit, my parent still refuses to fucking vote. This weekend she tried to start a conversation about how the ice caps are melting. Yeah, no shit! Not like you have done ANYTHING to prevent it either. Mine and my young niece's futures are totally bleak because of the older generation being proudly ignorant and selfish. It's infuriating!

root_beer ,
@root_beer@kbin.social avatar

That sucks, sorry to hear it. My mom, of all people, who I don’t think has ever voted, asked me the other day if I was going to vote no on issue 1 in the upcoming special election in Ohio, in which a yes vote would prevent a ballot issue protecting women’s reproductive rights from being up for the vote in November. It’s gotten bad enough here that she is going to vote. There’s a red line for everyone, maybe you need to help yours find it.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , to Politics in Biden confronts a 'pissed-off generation' of young voters who may be decisive in 2024
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I read the original blog post and I don't think the recommendations he gives the party are going to help.

If, as the data shows, more young people don't think politics are able to meet our challenges, how is better Tik Tok content going to convince them? Especially when we know that any legislative or executive initiative to help things is going to get stopped by a corrupt Supreme Court.

osarusan , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says

If you told me they made a comic about The Scarecrow getting kicked out of the Legion of Doom for being too nasty, I wouldn't believe you. But here we are.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says

Sick of the “boys club” that the Freedom Caucus has turned into, Greene will be starting the Shedom Caucus.

Unaware7013 , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says

“I’m mostly focused on the work I’m doing and serving my district, not interested in any drama."

None of those things are true. She's never focused on her work, and she absolutely cares more about drama than any part of her job. If it wasn't for the drama she causes, shed still be some dumb nobody

e_t_ Admin ,

It's always the ones who "don't care about drama" that are the instigators of the most drama.
People who actually don't care about drama, like people who are actually smart, don't proclaim it.

NotTheOnlyGamer , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

Huh. I wonder if she's setting herself up for a run at something bigger and trying to be "the opposition".

DarkGamer , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has been removed from the conservative group, citing her repeated “attacks” on GOP colleagues.

The vile, stupid, shocking, racist, anti-American things that she constantly spewed didn't bother them, but criticizing fellow Republicans? Unacceptable! Narcissistic sociopaths can't have that.

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