
thantik , to Politics in Seven of the 9 men running for House speaker voted to overturn the 2020 election results

That is currently Russia’s overarching goal with other places, according to American intelligence. The goal is to thrust enough distrust in the voting system to destroy democracy as we know it. There needs to be a full, complete, hard line in the stand here from all Americans, if we’re going to survive this.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Average lemmy.world take

If America collapses, that would be good. Yes, Russia is trying to make it happen. No, Russia is not good. Yes, it’s still good that Russia is trying to destroy America.

People should not have trust in the American “democracy”. Just because Russia is trying to foment this distrust does not make it ontologically invalid.

atocci ,
@atocci@kbin.social avatar

Average lemmygrad.ml user

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar


Fraylor ,

It’s probably an average take because it’s close to being the most correct.

LarkinDePark ,

What does Russia have to do with anything?

DaMonsterKnees ,

Couldn’t agree more. It’s basic region destabilization, which we’ve used extensively in sabre rattling abroad, just disappointed it’s working so effectively here.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

People are people. People in the US are not special compared to anyone else. Just as susceptible.

PowerCrazy ,

Holy shit I can’t believe the liberals and their fucking Hilary 2016 talking points are still here. Not everything is Russia, in fact most things are not Russia. when people on the internet call you a fucking idiot, for your brain dead takes it’s not Russians doing that.
Also “america” shouldn’t “survive” this at all. America is trash, and american democracy isn’t worth saving.

thantik ,

I mean, it’s China’s too - as well as Saudi Arabia, and others. But Russia seems to be the most effective at it. Hell, for that matter, US intelligence does it abroad too. All first-world nations probably participate in this kind of destabilization tactic to some degree.

Why do you think the Great Firewall of China exists? Same reason – we were filling their heads with anti-communist propaganda and that’s the only way China deemed was possible to keep us out.

Hell, a large batch of our Republican politicians visited Russia on independence day 2018: americanindependent.com/republicans-congress-cele…

So yeah, they seem to be the ones courting our politicians the most now, and it seemed relevant to discuss.

PowerCrazy ,

I’m actually more worried about Israeli influence in the US government which is well documented, and well funded, and pays huge dividends but no one ever brings them up for some reason.

Cruxifux ,

Meanwhile I’m far more worried about individual private interests like banks and military weapons manufacturers and oil interests controlling US and every other countries interests that is even more well documented and even more detrimental to our countries and the world at large, and can be more easily fixed than complex foreign affairs, but that seems to always be the last thing anybody brings up with these things.

But they’re all issues and playing “my issue is more important than yours” isn’t helpful for any leftist agenda man.

PowerCrazy ,

That is a separate issue with capitalism but would be a non-sequitur in the case. When liberals bring up Russia, but ignore Israel who actually do the things they accuse Russia of, it is correct to point out the contradiction.

Of course Capitalism is a problem, but that isn’t what the person I was responding to was defending.

thantik ,

When liberals bring up Russia, but ignore Israel who actually do the things they accuse Russia of, it is correct to point out the contradiction.

You realize that Israel is basically an intelligence arm of the US, operating within range of russia and the middle east right? MOST of our intelligence tools come from Israel. THAT is why nobody is pointing it out, because they’re operating under our umbrella.

PowerCrazy ,

That’s even worse. You get that if Israel is actually an arm of the US operating clandestinely and without oversight of the American people that isn’t compatible with democracy right?

thantik ,
PowerCrazy ,

Sounds like if the world “works” that way, then Jan 6th was morally correct in all ways and those fighting to preserve the status quo should be hunted down.

thantik , (edited )

Yeah, you’re dumb as fuck and I’m glad you showed your true colors here plain as day. Wannabe Nazi russian sympathizing trash.

Went from Dirty Liberals, to Capitalism to a problem, to feigning “concern” about Israel, and “America shouldn’t survive”… god damn orc.

PowerCrazy ,

Fuck you. Piece of shit fascist apologist. Go die in ukraine with the rest of your capitalist nazis. I don’t care which side you choose to die for they are all the same.

Powerpoint ,

You’d have to be an idiot to think it’s not Russia when they tried to overturn an election to help a Russian asset.

PowerCrazy ,

“Russian Asset” jesus fuckign christ.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

“We get all the money we need from the russians” Don Jr

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

USA is trash, I suggest laying low and not hinting anything helpful to these burgerstanis that could help their genocidal settler colony. If you speak they will come with their shit laced unwashed asses telling you how to behave, while their tax money supports genocide and colonisation elsewhere.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Well it’s certainly not Russians downvoting you through the basement. Its “people on the internet calling you a fucking idiot for your brain dead takes”

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Literally anything bad happening in USA…

CIA stooges: its the fault of Russia/China/North Korea/Iran/Venezuela/Mexico/

figaro ,

Only when the evidence says so ?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Evidence that does not exist, you mean? Or the “truth” that is invented regularly by NATO media with Hitler’s Big Lie principles?

figaro ,

Does Russia fund groups to spread misinformation online?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Nothing like what CIA pays some people who go around blaming Russia and China for shitting in their own diapers.

figaro ,

Whataboutism, for 100 please.

We all know the US does bad things. We can say it. That’s not in question.

What is frustrating is when tankies deny obvious facts like this, and think that “but but America” somehow means that totalitarian dictatorships are justified in the shit they do.

Good luck with life dude. Hope you find happiness in a way that doesn’t harm others.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Whataboutism claims are a good sign of pseudo intellectuals dog whistling to attract mob attention, usually a last resort card played by people when they never have good discussion or argument skills. It is also a dog whistle of dishonest Anglo people who want to spread an agenda, to deflect their racism in the name of moral elitism.

What is amusing is fashies like you, laced in liberal coat of paint, pretend to sound convincing and correct, but are just pseudo intellectual hipsters sitting thousands of kilometres away, funding genocides with taxes.

I have no need for your fake empathy, keep it for yourself. You will need a lot of it in the coming years, as the entirety of Anglo empire withers down to breadcrumbs, and fascism becomes a widespread ruling ideology, wiping out the facade of democracy you people have pretended to carry.

figaro ,


azulavoir ,

Fashies in liberal coats of paint say what?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Whatever fashies say. Liberals are spineless fascists in sheep clothing. They will protest against a fake genocide in China/Russia, and the very next day support genocide in Palestine. They will support western feminist rhetoric, and the very next day call “all men are bad and should die”. They will source their news from Instagram and MSM, and the next day they will troll and hurl abuses at someone telling historical facts on a discussion website.

figaro ,

Your reply to me was literally “what about ___.” That literally does not answer the question we were talking about. It was a cowardly dodge of the question.

Everyone knows america sucks already, that’s not what this conversation was about. People here can handle the criticism of their own country, and most of us agree it needs to change.

You are using that to dodge the question of “is Russia spreading misinformation.” Can you give an answer to that? A simple yes or no, please.

I highly doubt you will be able to lol.

TheAnonymouseJoker , (edited )

Everyone knows america sucks already

So what have you, or Americans ever done anything about it, other than funding genocides with taxes and voting genocidal warmongerers every election?

The original quib was you implying “evidence” exists for Russian interference, which is proven false with the Russiagate information by Jeff Gerth. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCkvD7gt89A Using the “evidence exists” trope, you insinuate with full intent and no ambiguity that whatever narrative western media establishes is the undeniable truth and is the narrative I should align myself with, to which my inner response is “fuck off dumbass”. Why? Because before every US election in the past 10-15 years, there comes this “intelligence information” just a year before election about le ebil China/Russia destroying USA democracy, creating a scapegoat out of thin air for economic, social, healthcare, civil order downfalls every single term, and to cover up the genocides caused overseas. Probably happening for longer though… checks 100+ countries list foreign intervention.

The most cowardly act is the one you are doing, selling off your soul to American state and Anglo empire, just for temporary comfort in dystopian capitalist western world. Hence why I said liberals are spineless cowards, which you are, without a shred of a doubt. As for me, I know what’s good for America can almost always never be good for the world and me, because they are the largest settler colonial state with an economy based upon creating war and genocide. Critically reading into a little history and material conditions allows me to orient my compass to what’s the correct approach to anything.

Highly doubt your grammar comprehension capabilities to absorb all this.

figaro ,

That’s a lot of words for “I’m too cowardly to actually answer the question.”

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Highly doubt your grammar comprehension capabilities to absorb all this.

Thanks for clarifying.

figaro ,

Lol whatever helps you see yourself as not a coward. You can’t even answer a simple question. Yes or no?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Cry more. No binary responses for you today, kid.

figaro ,

Lol this is why talking to you people is pointless. You didn’t give an answer. You pointed fingers, you deflected, you insulted me. But you couldn’t answer the simple question.

Those are tactics a coward uses when they don’t want to answer a question. The fact that you can’t answer the question is the answer in itself though.

I’m done responding now. I’ll let you have the last word or whatever you want to say about me, it’s fine. Just remember when you go to sleep tonight - you couldn’t answer the question. Ask yourself why.

shogun5000 , to Texas in Ken Paxton plans to file criminal complaints against lawmakers who impeached him

Great. It was frivolous to begin with and wasted a ton of tax money going after him because he hurt RINO feelings.

FarFarAway , to Texas in Ken Paxton plans to file criminal complaints against lawmakers who impeached him

Should have impeached this pos when u had the chance. Dumbasses.

I know this is all for show. They think all the theatrics is somehow riveting the population into ignoring the 14 bills that are to be voted on this election.

1 of them is obviously worth it. Some of the rest sound nice, but probably hide some shady doings. With this crap going on, it’s hard to take the summaries for granted.

admiralteal , to Texas in Ken Paxton plans to file criminal complaints against lawmakers who impeached him

Qualified immunity. This is nonsense.

Astroturfed ,

Clearly you do not understand what am infected anal polyp of a human this man is. He’s going to try and hurt anyone who tried to hold him accountable in any way he can.

Telorand ,

He won’t hurt shit, except the taxpayers who are footing the bill for this. This is “kraken” level political theatre.

e_t_ Admin , to Texas in Ken Paxton plans to file criminal complaints against lawmakers who impeached him

Hopefully, this quest for personal vengeance will distract Paxton from his nuisance suits against the federal government.

FarceMultiplier , to Texas in Ken Paxton plans to file criminal complaints against lawmakers who impeached him
@FarceMultiplier@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh good. Time for a proper discovery.

Ejh3k , to Work Reform in Nonunion autoworkers are watching the UAW — and deciding whether they want in

Falid, you sir, are a fucking clown.

mycatiskai , to Work Reform in Nonunion autoworkers are watching the UAW — and deciding whether they want in

It would be hilarious if the non union plant that Trump visited, while certain outlets said he was visiting striking workers, ended up unionizing after they see a good deal being negotiated by UAW.

burntbutterbiscuits , to Work Reform in Nonunion autoworkers are watching the UAW — and deciding whether they want in

Misleading headline. More than 70% of American workers support unions.

unfreeradical , (edited )
@unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

30% of the US population is large enough to include, by a comfortable margin, all the major shareholders for NBC.

burntbutterbiscuits ,


GlitzyArmrest , to Work Reform in Nonunion autoworkers are watching the UAW — and deciding whether they want in
@GlitzyArmrest@lemmy.world avatar

The more the merrier.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in [News] Rep. Matt Gaetz triggers vote to oust Kevin McCarthy from speaker's office

Upon examination, I do not understand what any Democrat would find of redeeming value to allow him to persist in the speakership.

The only redeeming quality of McCarthy is that he's already Speaker. Remember how much of a circus McCarthy's election was? All those rounds of voting? Well, that's going to happen all over again if he's ousted. Republicans aren't going to vote for any Democrat as Speaker and they're too divided amongst themselves to pick one of their own, if not McCarthy. And the 45-day clock is ticking until another potential government shutdown. Spending most of that time in internecine squabbles over the Speakership helps no one.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s bid to use congressional map with just one majority-Black district

In a just world:

Based on the Alabama legislature's failure to draw a map with the two majority-Black districts we ordered, we will direct the special master to design a map with three majority-Black districts. The legislature is invited to try for four.

root_beer , to Politics in Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s bid to use congressional map with just one majority-Black district

And they’ll submit another unacceptable map, then another, and another, until welp, it’s election time, guess we gotta go with what we have. It worked for them in Ohio.

watson387 ,
@watson387@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yep. They’re thieves.

Whisp ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • captainlezbian ,

    Oh good. Can we have one in Ohio? I’d like my vote to impact my state’s legislature

    root_beer ,

    I don’t get why they couldn’t have done that here in the first goddamn place. We’ll see in November but the August special election is the first step in showing that we may not be as red as we look, and we need a map that reflects that. Not that the GOP cares, but

    Brunbrun6766 , to Politics in White House launches American Climate Corps
    @Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar


    I signed up, we’ll see how long it takes and what opportunities will be available

    Izzgo , to U.S. News in 'Gas Hat' Jan. 6 rioter who first breached Capitol tunnel entrance arrested by FBI

    Two years later and still making arrests. Good.

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