
DosDude , to Politics in Voters have ‘been gerrymandered out of a choice,’ says N.C. state Senate candidate
@DosDude@retrolemmy.com avatar

Nothing new. America, land of the free… Flowing corruption.

Nothing democratic about this. Counting the votes should be the only result. Anything else is corruption.

spaphy , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

I feel as though clearing debt for the select few without actually solving the problem is a weak bid anyways. IMO that’s buying votes.

But Bidens been what he needed to be: neutral and boring, with some attempts to break monopolies on the sidelines.

Trump is insane. The mans selling crypto Pokemon cards of himself in jail. The two braincell populace will have him voted in.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

But Bidens been what he needed to be: neutral and boring,

So we’re just ignoring his genocidal tendencies?

theodewere , to Politics in Colorado Supreme Court justices face a flood of threats after disqualifying Trump from the ballot
@theodewere@kbin.social avatar

clearly demonstrating why the piece of shit's name shouldn't be printed anywhere but on a prison roster

Kusimulkku , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

Well this is one reason why young voters aren’t taken seriously. They don’t vote or basically waste their vote so no reason to pander or even campaign for their votes.

And then they wonder why they’re not a focus hah.

Alsephina ,

Voting in a rigged system like this where both parties are just slightly different levels of unacceptably terrible is meaningless anyway. Organizing outside it is the only way there’ll be change.

Kusimulkku ,

You could do both. You’d hopefully get the less shitty guy to win while hoping that the outside organizing works out.

Alsephina ,

Has that been working out at all? The “less shitty guy” is a zionist that’s supporting a genocide right now.

Kusimulkku ,

Has the organizing been working out at all? Yeah. That’s why you’d do both in the slim chance it works.

And do you think the other guy is any better? Less shit option doesn’t mean a good one. Just less shit.

Alsephina ,

Has the organizing been working out at all?

People haven’t been doing that at all. Just voting for dems and simping for them as if it’ll change anything - like it’s a football game.

Kusimulkku ,

As I said, fo both, no?

WetBeardHairs , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

Genocide in the middle east
Genocide at home

Pick one

KingThrillgore OP ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Honestly, a genocide at home may make people feel a bit empathetic for what happens abroad. But that’s not an optimal outcome for anyone.

Paradoxvoid , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
@Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone avatar

Ultimately this won’t change unless young Democrats actually take over the party and shift the overton window back to the left.

This generally, and specifically electoral reform is the only way to get the USA out of its two-party hellhole.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

That was tried in 2016. The DNC’s got too much of a stranglehold-- they’ll just keep putting up malfeasant, genocidal capitalists. There is no alliance in the Democrat party, young or no. Just like the cops, I believe the Democrats are only good for abolition-- not reform.

satanicllamaplaza ,

The only way out of the 2 party system is to stay in the 2 party system? Math ain’t mathin.

Paradoxvoid ,
@Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone avatar

Good luck getting any reform done within America’s FPTP by going 3rd-party.

Politics is a battle of inches, and you need to walk before you can run, or else 3rd-parties are doomed to irrelevance forever.

satanicllamaplaza ,

How many inches have the dems walked backwards? Yeah I’ll vote for moving forward. You do you boo.

Alsephina , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

Just don’t vote for someone funding a genocide

420blazeit69 , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

I’m voting Biden


Omega_Haxors , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

A long empty scroll unfurls for 3-4 minutes before fully undoing with the very end being a single phrase saying “don’t do genocide”

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Biden hurls the scroll back down the well it came from with a bolded, underlined, and italicized “WE GOTTA FINISH THE JOB, JACK”

stolid_agnostic , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

I’m now convinced that a lot of this is trolling. People who say “Well I’m Muslim and it bothers me that Biden supports Israel so I won’t vote for him” have to be completely out of touch with reality or are completely fake. Same thing here–not voting for Biden ensures that Trump wins, and your theoretical third-party person has no chance of doing anything except dilute the vote.

So? I’m really not buying this narrative or these polls anymore. The respondents are either morons or plants.

PowerCrazy ,

Healthy democracy you’ve got here, where people who have real complaints about the parties of capital and genocide are dismissed as “trolls.”

How about “fuck you,” supporting israel in any manner should should be automatic disqualification from any possible democratic process. If you don’t accept that you don’t deserve any of the rights described in the bill of rights.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This is what an unrepentant settler fascist looks and sounds like.

Kusimulkku ,

You think Trump would do better or worse in this situation? Because those are the two options Americans get, as much as it sucks.

bouh ,

It would be so sad if, in a democracy, you were able to vote for your ideals instead of voting against fascism isn’t it?

stolid_agnostic ,

It would be nice if Smurfs walked around singing all day long but that’ll never happen either.

spudwart ,
@spudwart@spudwart.com avatar

This isn’t a democracy. I’m tired of pretending it is.

If it were even attempting something close to a democracy, we’d have rank choice voting and more direct say in actions.

And most importantly, we would not have UN-elected government positions.

Beetschnapps ,

It would be so sad if people saw reality as less than perfect and as a result petulantly made it worse.

Doubledee ,
@Doubledee@hexbear.net avatar

“I cannot conceive of the idea that people can dislike my preferred political choice for any valid reason. Not picking my preferred choice would mean a thing I don’t prefer would happen. Nobody could possibly want that.”

I love that this is how libs are going to deal with their deeply unpopular genocidaire, just pretend he’s actually popular and fine. Real winning strategy there, I hope democracy isn’t on the line.

ShimmeringKoi , (edited )
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, the people who don’t want to vote for the fascist sending bombs to an ethnostate to kill their friends and families? They’re the out of touch morons.

WetBeardHairs ,

One is a neoliberal that embraces a political philosophy where you turn a blind eye to suffering abroad for stability and prosperity at home.

The other is a wannabe dictator that repeatedly echos hitler and will lead to civil war where your neighbors, family, and yourself are put at risk of death and the destruction of your livelyhood.

One of them is more imminently dangerous to the voters who are tasked with casting votes.

voight ,
@voight@hexbear.net avatar

Where’s the prosperity at home, Jack?

WetBeardHairs ,

Aren’t you a multimillionare capitalist yet?

voight ,
@voight@hexbear.net avatar

Do you think Biden doing the same shit as Trump but under the banner of civil rights and progressivism could be deletrious to the goals of those movements here?

Admittedly he did throw $4B at green hydrogen as we fall behind Namibia and Mongolia in green energy production. 😒

WetBeardHairs ,

If there were a viable third option I would vote for them. Being moral in this situation means Trump would get elected and my family would be victims of political violence while that same apathetic blind eye turns away from us. It’s a personal threat to my physical safety if Trump is elected.

I politically align with Repugnicans by about 2%, Democrats by about 10%. I don’t want either. But I only have 1/300,000,000 shares of power in America to enact my will and it is “i don’t want to be dragged from my home and shot”. And yes, that does mean I am voting in the interest of myself not being dragged from my home and shot while the president actively throws bombs on a warzone where that happens to other people on the other side of the planet. It fucking sucks. But being moral here will result in my fucking death.

voight ,
@voight@hexbear.net avatar

Biden isn’t saving anyone. Reactionaries think neoliberal policies being implemented by Biden are communism, they think Lula is communist.

The democratic party is a shambling pile of donors that’s why they need Hillary. They feed off of us.

Biden is worse than Trump, and Trump 2 will ge worse than Biden. Every president is exponentially worse than the last.


TheLepidopterists ,
@TheLepidopterists@hexbear.net avatar

He’s not turning a blind eye, he’s actively facilitating a genocide.

Many people are more moral than you and refuse to support anyone supporting a genocide.

WetBeardHairs ,

If there were a viable third option I would vote for them. Being moral in this situation means Trump would get elected and my family would be victims of political violence while that same apathetic blind eye turns away from us. It’s a personal threat to my physical safety if Trump is elected.

ShimmeringKoi ,
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Oh well shit, better kill millions of others to slightly delay it then. Carry on, my good liberal.

Kuori ,
@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

right, so you care more about you and yours than millions of people in palestine. sounds about white

WetBeardHairs ,

Yes. It’s not my job to stop all the wars in the world. I’m not going to sacrifice myself for that because it wouldn’t make a difference.

TheLepidopterists ,
@TheLepidopterists@hexbear.net avatar

I’m not asking you to be a superhero who ends all war, I’m telling you that when you support Joe Biden you’re actively supporting a current ongoing genocide that he’s facilitating. It’s not that I’m criticizing you for not doing enough for others, I’m criticizing you for actively aiding a genocide. All you have to do is stop doing that.

People who decline to aid and abet a genocide are a better people than people who agree to help aid and abet that genocide.

WetBeardHairs ,

I don’t support his actions.
But I have to vote against trump or else my family and myself will be dragged from our home and shot by radicals.
A vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump in my state.

I’m working to move away from these radicals but it’s expensive and time consuming and I likely will not be able to do that before the 24 election

TheLepidopterists ,
@TheLepidopterists@hexbear.net avatar

Voting for someone is literally supporting his actions.

You’ll be complicit in a genocide for the rest of your life. I recognize that this won’t sway you but I want you to know what good people are going to think of you going forward.

WetBeardHairs ,

you guys need to shut the fuck up already

TheLepidopterists ,
@TheLepidopterists@hexbear.net avatar

EDIT: Sorry my previous comment was uncivil.

Rephrased: I will not be ordered around by someone voting for genocide.

ShimmeringKoi ,
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

“Wahh stop making me think about why my children will one day put me in a home wahhh”

The gore on your hands will never wash off, hog.

TC_209 ,

I was going to vote for Biden but now I won’t because you acted with such brutal incivility. This is the most important election of our lives; democracy itself is on the ballot and you are turning people away from the polls before they’ve even opened. You are handing Trump the keys to the White House; you are ushering in the dark tide of fascism. Enjoy the next election, you have made it our last.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

In the coming days, and for the rest of your life; when you close your eyes, may the voices of those whose blood you’ve decided to wash your hands in devil you from your rest, and chase you through the emptied catacombs of your mind until the sun comes back up.

ShimmeringKoi ,
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Motherfucker it’s your job as an alleged human being to at least not actively support it

WetBeardHairs ,

Who says I give a fuck about humanity? We’ve shown ourselves time and time again to do the selfish thing to fuck people over. Guess what? I’m one of them. My selfish thing is “I don’t want to be murdered by terrorists.” There are terrorists over there and there are terrorists next door. Which one is imminently a threat to me? Not the one that is across the planet. But the second Trump gets power, he has said he will not prosecute terrorists.

ShimmeringKoi , (edited )
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Ugh, another “Humans are inherently bad” edgelord projecting their solipsism and historical illiteracy for all to see. If humans are so bad, why are you so concerned with sparing yourself, or with who dies for that matter? No, your faux-world weary nihilism is just a paper-thin cover for your atavistic selfishness. You don’t want to have to think about the mountain of skulls we were born on top of, you just want to go back to consuming cheap treats while the real terrorists do the killing for you, and you can’t even be bothered to construct more than the most half-assed epistemology to soothe the little part of you that knows you’re choosing to be a monster.

Fascism isn’t a risk or a possibility, it’s fucking here. It’s been here, except it’s not evenly distributed. It will continue to be unevenly distributed even after it engulfs you, and you will look back and see your former cohort making excuses and reassuring themselves that there was nothing poor little them could have done to save you. First they came for the communists, then they came for the immigrants, then they came for the lgbtq, now they’re coming for the Palestinians. You can either cower and smugly support their genocides until they come for you too, or you can realize that no individual ever makes a difference, and throw your weight in with the mass of humanity who you currently oppose with your dead-end ideological lethargy. “Oh you have to vote for the blue genocider and not the red one”, how about fuck that, both of those ghouls and the empire they serve must die so that humanity can live.

if you really want to make the sane and realistic choice at this juncture in history, then it’s time to grow the fuck up and become a communist.

satanicllamaplaza ,

You and trump got a lot in common. Hell you and Biden too. You should feel bad. Have a good day.

Adkml ,

“Turning a blind eye” - that guy

“There will absolutely not be any conditions on our aid to Isreal, the only condition is defending isreal” - Biden

Sounds like he’s got his eye pretty squarely on the prize to me

brain_in_a_box ,

Liberals, as ever, unable to accept that anybody might honestly disagree with them.

stolid_agnostic ,

You, as ever, unable to provide a single idea of what the alternative is.

brain_in_a_box ,

The alternative is that people legitimately disagree with you, genius.

stolid_agnostic ,

Yet are unwilling to state what that disagreement actually is. You’re definitely a reactionary. You’re here for the angries.

brain_in_a_box ,

My disagreement is with the idea that people can’t legitimately disagree with liberals, as I have stated. Spare me the insults.

BurgerPunk ,
@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar
GarbageShoot ,

People who say “Well I’m Muslim and it bothers me that Biden supports Israel so I won’t vote for him” have to be completely out of touch with reality or are completely fake

“If you aren’t voting for me, you’re not Muslim, Jack”

420blazeit69 ,

here–not voting for Biden ensures that Trump wins

Too late – I didn’t vote for Trump so Biden wins

Adkml ,

I’m not voting for either which means I’m actually voting for both of them which means I’m legally voting twice.

Why do libs insist on only voting once when they could vote for neither and vote twice. Why are they neglecting their right to vote by only voting half as much as if they didn’t vote for anybody.

Also this argument makes lots of sense.

DengistDonnieDarko ,
@DengistDonnieDarko@hexbear.net avatar

I will not be voting for Biden biden-troll

Kalinus , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  1. Has anyone done some actual digging to find if the people the reporter talked to are real? Or is this just trying to make Biden’s campaign and prospects at a 2nd term worse than it is?
  2. You all do realize polls are ALWAYS going to be skewed going forward since they get their info from people who respond to unknown numbers right? My phone literally filters unknown numbers out so I don’t get them unless it’s ABSOLUTELY important, so I’ll never end up in a poll. For all we know if every American was forced to answer a poll Biden could be much higher in the polls than what news orgs say he is. But they don’t have a poll answered by all ≈330 million Americans. Not to mention polls can change rapidly at any time, something could happen in the months leading to election day that could swing voters more towards Biden.
KingThrillgore OP , (edited )
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar
  1. I am going off what NBC has reported and let’s be honest, they probably went to HARO* for a lot of it. It doesn’t matter where I got it from I gotta go off the reporting.
  2. If Biden is really doing bad in internal polling the Dems message will skew towards it being a “vote for freedom” or not so I don’t know. I DON’T KNOW GOD DAMNIT. And that’s what frightens me. We could very much end up voting for Trump, and the only certainty is if he wins, is its over.
  • Cision Help a Reporter Out, basically a place where you can pay for “expert perspective” aka supporting viewpoints for your journalism without bothering to do the research
Kalinus ,

Well the surest way to not vote for Trump is to vote for Biden so… 🤷‍♂️

Jaysyn , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar
frauddogg , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar
satanicllamaplaza ,

You forgot “poor kids are just as bright as white kids”

Tremble , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

Oh joy…. Here come the Biden cock suckers getting upset that younger generation won’t just shut up and vote blue no matter who….

Lol. Give us policy. We will no longer keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

I don’t care if you think not voting for Biden is voting for facism. Voting for Biden is a vote for right of center neoliberal politicians who takes legal bribes from corporations.

A vote for Biden tucking literally means, “Nothing with fundamentally change.” He said it himself.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

Lol. Give us policy.

Of all the Democratic politicians you could raise this complaint about pretty legitimately, Biden’s not one. This is a pretty good overview of the substantive things he’s done. Obama did a better job of branding his accomplishments, but Biden hasn’t been just fucking off doing nothing.

I don’t care if you think not voting for Biden is voting for facism.

I don’t care if you don’t care. Not voting for Biden is making it more likely that Trump wins, which is, quite literally, fascism. That remains true even if you don’t like it.

Voting for Biden is a vote for right of center neoliberal politicians who takes legal bribes from corporations.

Accurate yes. It’s a goddamned shame, I 100% agree. Letting democracy collapse in the US completely won’t help though. Right? On that we can agree? Maybe not.

Jaysyn ,
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

I'm old enough to remember when "young people" weren't going to vote for Obama's second term because of "drone strikes".

Voting is a chess move, not a love letter.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

Voting is a chess move, not a love letter.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

I feel like people from countries where they just recently got free elections can explain this better. I see all this conversation (entitlement? propaganda? cluelessness? The OP article is definitely in the “propaganda” category) from people who are talking about how not liking something Biden did, translates into deciding not to vote for Biden. To someone coming from some situation where voting is connected to your survival and safety, as opposed to the modern-day US where it’s more like a fashion statement, that seems like just pure careless idiocy.

And, as far as the 2024 election, it is connected to your survival. Usually in the US it’s not. This time it is.

Jaysyn ,
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

There is a reason that pollsters ask you how you "feel" about a candidate & not who you're voting for. Can't spin the latter.

stolid_agnostic ,

Bernie or Bust comes to mind too…

Diotima ,
@Diotima@kbin.social avatar

Along the same lines, fielding Biden knowing that he is polling quite low against Trump is making it more likely that Trump wins. There are 49 million registered Democrats. There are almost certainly qualified, principled, charismatic people in that group that would both energize the core and appeal to progressives, independents, and swing voters.

If the Democrats' stubborn pride allows a Trump victory, then we should lay the responsibility at the feet of those who were best positioned to provide a viable candidate who could win.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

What’s your percentage definition of “quite low”?

I mean, I do kind of agree with you. Biden’s old and a sort of “acceptable centrist” candidate. I miss Bernie. I’m still voting for Biden, because Trump is the end of the goddamned world.

Diotima ,
@Diotima@kbin.social avatar

He's polling neck and neck with Trump, some polls have him trailing in key states. It's early, granted, but his support of Israel's approach to Palestine suggests that many progressives are at best uncomfortable with him.

Primaries are still coming up, no? Why not push for someone better? You still end up in the same place if you're unsuccessful.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

He’s polling neck and neck with Trump

Yeah. Which is nuts when you think about it.

Who would you push for instead of Biden?

The Democrats have a pretty good process going of pushing out any non-pro-establishment candidates, which leaves the field pretty much full of wet towels. Biden is above the average by quite a bit among the wet towels, in my opinion. Who do you see who could replace him? I’m genuinely asking.

Tremble ,

Because of electoral college dems need 55% to barely eek by with a win

Diotima ,
@Diotima@kbin.social avatar

I'm registered independent so I don't get a say. I can dig into the options, but last time I might have been onboard with Yang; he seemed sincere. Sanders, though he has issues, would have been a much better choice as well.

If the party elite are blocking meaningful representation within, that's a problem.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. Sanders was the most popular politician in America for years after the election. Don’t get me started about it lol. If the argument is “we need someone who’s a realistic candidate in the general election,” they had that on a silver platter, and they stabbed him in the back and threw him in the trash.

If the party elite are blocking meaningful representation within, that’s a problem.

It is, in fact, a massive problem. Let’s keep all the candidates down who people actually like, because the stuff everyone likes tends to be not the favorite thing of all our rich friends. Oh no! Why are we unpopular. Don’t people know we’re better than the Republicans?

Fuckin assholes. I mean, they are better than the Republicans, but ass cancer is better than the Republicans.

Diotima ,
@Diotima@kbin.social avatar

And that's the problem I have. If the DNC is willing to suppress their own members, why should I encourage that behavior by doing as I"m told because they're too blind or too arrogant to listen? Trump is the worst. But he's a product of a broken system that democrats are all too happy to perpetuate.

If Trump wins, I blame his fascist followers. But I would be lying if I said that I didn't also blame the DNC for colluding with the GOP in the first place.

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. If someone told me that they were working in politics to try to get a non-shitty bunch of people in charge (in or out of the Democratic party) I’d applaud the hell out of it. I was registered as Libertarian or Green Party for basically all my young adult life. If someone’s not doing that, though, and also not voting for the Democrats, then I would blame that person too if Trump wins (in addition to the fascists and the DNC).

Tremble ,

I hear you on the branding point. He has done a terrible job letting people know about the minuscule things he actually has accomplished.

But he has no backbone

mo_ztt ,
@mo_ztt@lemmy.world avatar

What, to you, would be not “miniscule”? I linked a source listing concrete things he’s done in more detail than I really want to retype out here.

Jaysyn , (edited )
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

I see the fake-ass "Bernie Bros" have already started up for this election cycle.

I don’t care if you think not voting for Biden is voting for fascism.

Tell me you don't understand math or game theory without telling me you don't understand math or game theory.

Give us policy.

Tell me you that you don't actually follow politics without telling me you don't actually follow politics.

Poggervania ,
@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

I don’t care if you think not voting for Biden is voting for facism. Voting for Biden is a vote for right of center neoliberal politicians who takes legal bribes from corporations.

This is the one that's getting me.

As as one of the younger millennials, I also don't really like Biden - in truth, the Democratic Party in the US is more akin to center-right than actual left, but it's waaaaaaay more left than what the other party, the GOP, is. However, the unfortunate and real truth of the US today is that your vote isn't for who you actually want - nowadays, you're voting against what you don't want. A large majority of people (myself included) didn't even want Biden in office, but we wanted Trump in office less than we wanted Biden. Same with Hillary in 2016 - my vote for Hillary wasn't for Hillary (full disclosure, I was a Bernie bro), but rather it was for against Trump. To not vote at all is, for all intents and purposes, helping vote in a person who wants to turn America into a corpofascist dictatorship.

Lol. Give us policy. We will no longer keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

There's a quote that comes to mind from The Witcher series: "Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all." This was said by Geralt when choosing between having to kill a person he knows and sort-of cares about to placate an angry mob, or helping the dickhead wizard out and killing the village, he chose... neither. And he ended up with the literal worst of both worlds by remaining neutral; the person he knew died, and he killed almost the entirety of the village before getting merc'd by a pitchfork and becoming the Butcher of Blaviken.

I bring this up because it's a perfect example of what not choosing can sometimes be: the greatest evil. Choose what more aligns with your morals and ideas, but recognize that if you do not speak up now for a step towards good because it's not perfect, then you are part of the evil.

banneryear1868 ,

Yup and they will always shame the voters they need, the people who are correct, over the failures of the party. They can barely respond to the ridiculous issues the GOP are attracting voters with, they’ll say the issues aren’t relevant, while they lose over them and have nothing to say. Suggest they need to do better and you’re the problem. It’s 2016 all over again, Trump controlling their fears with his insane ramblings, any concerns from the left that the party should do better dismissed and shamed. It’s just so pathetic to see it happening like this again.

Tremble ,

Preach it brother

Tremble , to Politics in Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back

Oh joy…. Here come the Biden cock suckers getting upset that younger generation won’t just shut up and vote blue no matter who….

Lol. Give us policy. We will no longer keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

I don’t care if you think not voting for Biden is voting for facism. Voting for Biden is a vote for right of center neoliberal politicians who takes legal bribes from corporations.

A vote for Biden tucking literally means, “Nothing with fundamentally change.” He said it himself.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

Biden has literally had a ton of policy victories that the average person should like. If you can’t find any, it’s only because you haven’t looked. No seriously go look. I’m not saying he’s wonderful, great or perfect. But if you think the likely alternative is going to be better than him. You’re only fooling yourself.

Corkyskog ,

To be fair, half of that is just reversing Trumps nonsense.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not going to say none of it is but I think you really over estimate how much.

Biden honestly has a singularly outsided role in the fact that we have marriage equality at all. More or less because Mr gaffe sputtered it out in the open. It basically forced the more hesitant and reticent hand of Obama in pursuing the policy. Who had traditionally been opposed whenever publicly asked.

The NLRB Union decision under his administration administration was quite earth-shattering. A sea change. This sort of thing most of us thought we would never see again and would only ever read about in history books over the new deal.

Not to mention his push for public infrastructure. At its highest point ever since, practically the new deal. Works that will benefit everyone and our desperately needed. As well as his American rescue plan and many of the other things that he pushed for, which as you said tended to undo a lot of the damage Trump did.

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