IHeartBadCode , to Politics in Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense avatar

Okay so there's an aspect of law that's really needs to be considered when we talk about this 3rd indictment. Motive. So Trump's lawyers are asking the public to simply look at the actions that were taken. Which are questionable, needs a judge to iron out, but not massively culpable for the particular crimes Trump is being indicted on.

But when we look at what the DA is submitting before the judge, we see Trump talking, having arguments about knowing that what they are doing is questionable, and still continuing those things to elicit a much larger plan of delaying the counting of votes. This is where the conspiracy sets in.

It isn't that the actions themselves warrant the greatest concern, it's the underlying motive Trump had for doing the things he did that moves it into potentially criminal actions.

Like filing a lawsuit isn't any kind of bad thing. But if you file a lawsuit knowing that you're just doing it to enact some other aspect outside of justice for a perceived wrong, that's a frivolous lawsuit or can be a violation of the False Claims Act. Say your former boyfriend or girlfriend accuses you of some crime because you broke up. Filing the lawsuit isn't wrong in of itself, but when you consider the background details for why this lawsuit exists, oh boy are you in trouble now.

And that's where we are at with Trump. His angry speech is just that, a speech, but when there's emails going around indicating that Trump needs to fire up the group so they'll go marching on the Capitol, and that during that invasion of the Capitol Trump will start calling key people to try and get different slates accepted to be counted. Well now all that combined, that's the problem. No one thing in isolation is some massive "Oh no", but all together and it begins to become clear that the entire point was to "convince by any means necessary" any hold outs to Trump's idea of how the election should progress. That is a violation 18 USC §§ 1512(c)2.

From Trump's lawyer:

What’s the unlawful means? There was an effort to get alternate electors, which is a protocol that was used in 1960 by John Kennedy. And it was a protocol that was constitutionally accepted

And the thing is, it isn't that he just tried that. It's that there is a stack of emails and text indicating that the people attempting to work with Trump to do that thing knew that they were doing something that wouldn't be accepted by Congress, were told by members of Congress that they wouldn't accept it, and that a "plan" to "convince them" that they should accept it was needed to get them to accept it. That's the massive difference. It isn't the action in isolation that's at issue, it is Trump's team indicating that they will need to, in broad terms, help convince members of Congress to accept that new slate. That's interference. If you've cannot accept the answer and then motivate yourself to do things to change that answer you've already gotten, that's interference. Just like you cannot just keep on, keeping on in a courtroom after a Judge has ruled. It's over with, you got your answer.

So yeah, there's an attempt by Trump's lawyers to grossly simplify the conspiracy their client is currently facing. This is a pretty age old tacit of being a lawyer. It's like those bad videos where people jump out of nowhere on purpose to be hit by a car, then attempt to sue the driver, and then they fail at their act. Yeah, you can simplify that as "oh well they're just trying to cross the street..." But it's the motive that drove them to do the thing they did, they were motivated to do something in the commission of highly questionable conduct for monetary gain. So maybe they we're able to successfully convince the insurance you hit them or you had a dashcam. So technically speaking, they didn't get away with it. But just because they didn't actively defraud your insurance does not mean they did not still commit a crime.

That's the really important aspect of these new charges. All of the actions in of themselves aren't gross violations of the law, but they are manifest of a something deeper that was being carried out to defraud the US Government and overturn an election. That deeper part is what this indictment points out.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense

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gonzoleroy OP ,

Done, I'll use the guidelines if I post again. Take care!

gonzoleroy OP , to Politics in Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense

This is what they do. They get out ahead of bad news for him by announcing it themselves and downplaying the wrongdoing. They seek to control the narrative, normalize what he did, and plant seeds of doubt. When the consequences hit, his supporters will be outraged due to all this brainwashing.

I think they're setting the stage for more Jan. 6 events.

brothershamus , to Politics in Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense avatar

As we can see in Trump’s third indictment, he could not be trusted in that regard. His advisers were planning to stage a coup, and also preparing to use the military to quash protests if that coup failed.

What's so batshit crazy about this is that the corporate news networks, covering this 24/7, never dwell on this for more than a second, if at all - which most don't.

Iwasondigg , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Sorry for the low effort comment, but, LOL.



BaconIsAVeg ,

That’s part of the problem though honestly. It saddens me that US politics is so damn entertaining to watch, like a slow motion train derailment, you just can’t take your eyes off it.

I really wish it wasn’t so humorous to watch.

TheMage ,

Agree, every time our idiot president opens his mouth. Awful.

spaceghoti OP ,

That’s the point. That’s exactly the public sentiment that conservatives have been trying to foster since the 50s. The more we lose faith in public institutions, the easier it becomes for them to replace them with private, profit-based alternatives. And we see how well that’s working for our healthcare sector.…/s12115-011-9498-4

ikiru , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

She knows.

She doesn’t care.

comedy , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?) avatar

More and more, the existence of people like MTG makes me think we are living in a simulation, and some teenaged alien is laughing his ass off and showing his friends how ridiculous this particular simulation has gotten.

krafffmagtu , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Is this even worth a news in the USA?

Anticorp ,

No, but that’s never stopped them before, and it won’t stop them now.

artisanrox , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?) avatar

Betcha she knows a few things about a loooooooot of illegal activities 🤔

Anticorp , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Why not both?

Synthead , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Why there’s a whole Wikipedia article for that…/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_al…

carl_dungeon , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

It’s too bad we don’t have better healthcare for the mentally retarded.

P1r4nha ,

What are you talking about? Doesn’t the US provide the best healthcare to congress people?

carl_dungeon ,

Nah, mental health[care] is taboo in the US.

btaf45 , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

According to a 9 year employee of Jeffrey Epstein under sworn oath, Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump raped a 13 year old girl in Epstein's NY apartment.


Plaintiff Jane Doe, proceeding under a pseudonym, brings this action against Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, and alleges that...

TheMage ,

Most of Hollywood an the Govt. Are guilty too. Are you also going after them?

stillwater ,

Of course. But this is a comment section specifically about Trump. Please try not to get so upset about that fact.

JackbyDev ,
btaf45 ,

Does "most of Hollywood" and "the Govt" have a 9 year employee of Jeffrey Epstein say in sworn testimony that they raped a 13 year old girl? If anyone else has such clear overwhelming evidence against them like Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump does then of course police and the justice system should "go after" them.

TheMage ,

Sure, it was just Trump. He’s guilty of everything. It’s hilarious that so many people are still infatuated with this guy. He’s living rent free in the heads of Hollywood, the liberal media, etc. y’all still pissed about Hilary losing, eh?

At least arrest scumbag Bill Gates and Tom Hanks. They are clearly card carrying members of Epstein Island, LOL.

NattyNatty2x4 ,

People tend to focus on those who break the law, yes.

TheMage ,

Sure, they’re all a bunch of terrific people. Trump is the ONLY high profile person ever to step foot on that island. Sure, Jan. Sworn testimony means nothing without evidence anyways. It’s called hearsay. I know a guy that knows a guy. Zero credibility.

NattyNatty2x4 ,
  1. Wanting Trump to face consequences for breaking the law does not mean I think others shouldn’t face consequences for breaking other laws, that’s the dumbest argument I’ve heard in a while. Liberals and those further left regularly say that when democrats break the law, they should be punished. I’ve only seen conservatives bitch and moan when their politicians break the law, like democracy is a team sport.
  2. There’s very likely written and audio correspondence damning Trump in these indictments. We’ll see for sure when the trial starts.
  3. You conflating all sworn testimony with hearsay makes me think you don’t actually know what those words mean.

But sure, Cleetus, we only hate breaking the law when republicans do it. $100% 👌

TheMage ,

You need real tangible proof regarding Epstein. There’s a reason why they murdered the guy though. Ya think? Cleetus?

btaf45 ,

At least arrest scumbag Bill Gates and Tom Hanks.

Do they have have the same evidence that we have for Trump? An employee of Epstein's who was a witness? Or some equally strong evidence? If you have such evidence report it to the police. "Some conspiracy guy said so and I love to be lied to" is not acceptable evidence by the way.

It’s hilarious that so many people are still infatuated with this guy.

Nobody is infatuated with Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump except for other losers.

y’all still pissed about Hilary losing, eh?

No. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton. I'm sure she is enjoying her gigantic tax cut that Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump and the GOP gave people like her. We are pissed that anti-American neofascists tried to overthrow democracy to keep a pedophile in power. Over 200,000 Americans died fighting fascism in WWII and now Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump thinks he can sneak in fascism thru the back door?

TheMage ,

See, you’re still mad. He isn’t a convicted sex offender. It’s pretty evident that a lot of people are still completely buried in what’s going on with Donnie. You’re using the word fascism wrong but most are in this forum. Just typical left wing whining. Try googling fascism and provide actual proof regarding claims of fascism.

btaf45 ,

See, you’re still mad.

Not "mad". There is a very good reason why I refer to Accused Pedophile Treason Trump as Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump. He has committed so many crimes that people cannot remember all of them. So I constantly remind every one of that particular crime, so they don't forget it.

You’re using the word fascism wrong but most are in this forum

Not fascism -- "neofascism". Neofascism is the 2020s version of the 1920's fascism. It applies to everyone who supported Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy. All of those people are America's arch enemies who are trying to destroy our longstanding core values of democracy and freedom.

Fuckass , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)

Next Laura Boebert will demand the judges go after groomers showing their dicks to teenagers at bowling alleys

mar_k , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?) avatar

Next she’ll tell her to go after Epstein’s old friends

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