ptz , to Politics in Sen. Ted Cruz's Jan. 6 Scheming Exposed In Newly Unveiled Recording avatar

And I’m sure there are lots of officials right on top of doing absolutely nothing about it. :sigh:

RooRLoord420 ,

Wish you were wrong, but know you’re right. Absolute travesty. My son was born on the 7th just past midnight. The whole day of the sixth I was watching and hoping that my son wouldn’t be born the very day our democracy fell. I’m grateful some bulwark held, but it feels more and more like those cracks are just ignored.

ptz , avatar

Yep. Forget who said this, and I’m paraphrasing, but “A failed coup, without punishment for those who orchestrated it, is just a practice run.”

snooggums , avatar

"But if we hold terrible people accountable then terrible people might use that against not terrible people!"

-anyone who has the power to do something about this

ptz , avatar

The terrible people are going to do that anyway. Wish they’d realize that.

flipht ,

They realize it. Some don't care and just want plausible deniability. Some are actual useful idiots.

In the end, the effect is the same.

n0m4n ,

The terrible people already did. It was the attempted coup.

1chemistdown , avatar

There will be more

Jaysyn , to Politics in Sen. Ted Cruz's Jan. 6 Scheming Exposed In Newly Unveiled Recording avatar

I bet Jack Smith hasn't forgotten about this traitor.

Zombiepirate , avatar

I want so badly for this smug trashbag full of soiled diapers to get charged that I can (unfortunately) taste it.

He’s culpable in driving people to violence through his lies.

btaf45 , to Politics in Sen. Ted Cruz's Jan. 6 Scheming Exposed In Newly Unveiled Recording

Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

Ganondorf , avatar

According to the United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.”

Furthermore, 18 U.S.C § 2381, states that a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

It's wild to me that according to our laws so many of these "law and order" Republicans should be either executed or behind bars, yet walk free and unscathed.

PinkPanther ,

The rules are for thee, not for me.

TauZero , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti

Wow, you can even see the graffiti in that exact spot in the street view! Right on the rail, you know, where the side wheels go. Never thought I’d need to add “concrete rails create a flat surface attractive nuisance for graffiti” in the monorail “con” list.

carl_dungeon ,

Guess he went out with one last spray!

theodewere , avatar

and a ka-BOINK

gravalicious , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti avatar

Police say the man was spray-painting a building with graffiti when he was struck.

Maajmaaj , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti avatar

He was 14. I hate when media does this fuckin BS. that was a boy, not a man. RIP kiddo.

blewit , to U.S. News in Experts sound alarm over concerning ‘propaganda’ found in public school curriculum: ‘It’s evil more than it is stupid’

The “expert” quoted was an unidentified Reddit user! Nowhere in the article was it stated what was being taught. This isn’t an article for information, it’s just an attempt to fan the flames of division.

Not saying I agree or not with what’s happening in (surprise) Florida. Just saying nothing in this article provides for discussion or critical thinking about the topic.

“It’s evil more than it is stupid,” said a Reddit user discussing the Guardian article, while another lamented the forces enabling this and anti-environmental policy planning like Project 2025 as “doing the bidding of oil companies.”

charles ,

Read the three lines right above that quote. Those are the experts.

Adrienne McCarthy, a researcher at Kansas State University, told the Guardian why this is particularly troubling.

“It’s propaganda 101,” she said. “Equating people concerned about climate change with Nazis can have long-term impacts on young, impressionable people. The beliefs PragerU are pushing forward overlap with far-right extremist beliefs. The fear is that they will bring this sort of extremist beliefs into mainstream society.”

In a piece for Mother Jones, principal climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists Kristina Dahl annotated the transcript of one of these videos, demonstrating how the visuals and script are trying to convince the viewer to ignore the findings of scientific research.

blewit ,

The title of the article Experts sound alarm over concerning ‘propaganda’ found in public school curriculum: ‘It’s evil more than it is stupid’ is suggesting the quoted are the experts. They are not, they were an unnamed Reddit.

What McCarthy stated may be true, but it doesn’t share what was being taught to kids so that you and I could assess if, in fact, she is right. She should have been referring to some other material created by the same author, though not taught. What was actually included in the curriculum was not shared in this article. No opportunity for you and I to have our own actual opinion on the topic. That’s not news, that’s propaganda.

glacier , avatar

The article does explain what is being taught to students.

The Florida Department of Education has approved screening videos that deny the Earth’s changing climate to schoolchildren in the state, according to the Guardian.

The videos approved to be shown to children from kindergarten to fifth grade feature characters who question several sustainable actions, such as moving away from dirty energy sources, switching to renewable energy, and reducing reliance on plastics.

Now, videos featuring climate-denial talking points could be shown to children as young as five years old.

charles ,

If you want to complain about the toxicity of sensational headlines, I don’t think many people would disagree. But it’s two posts in a row you’ve claimed untrue things about the article without having clearly read and digested it. Maybe you should consider why you’re so quick to assume it’s “propaganda” and rush to prove yourself correct.

blewit , to U.S. News in Experts sound alarm over concerning ‘propaganda’ found in public school curriculum: ‘It’s evil more than it is stupid’

For those that want to be informed, here’s the animation produced by PragerU and enforced for the Florida school’s curriculum:

And here’s a more thorough article with facts and details, that does beyond calling a Reddit user and expert for a clickbait headline:

Review the details and draw your own conclusions, don’t listen to Reddit (or Lemmy) users. Because knowing is half the battle.

jarfil , to U.S. News in Experts sound alarm over concerning ‘propaganda’ found in public school curriculum: ‘It’s evil more than it is stupid’ avatar

This seems to be kind of on point with the current political issues surrounding the Turów brown coal mine in Poland:

Kalothar , to Texas in [Yahoo! News] Texas family rejects millions for their property and does something remarkable with it instead: ‘I’m just very grateful’


Ronnie and Terry Urbanczyk’s were paid 25 million to turn their land into a state park, instead of 125 million to turn it into a bunch of residential properties.

So they rejected big millions off still quite big millions. Also the surrounding community opposed the original deal.

Track_Shovel ,

Still, that a huge deal for the park, especially if property abuts the park.

HubertManne , avatar

yeah but housing is so scare. im conflicted.

VerdantSporeSeasoning ,

Humans have changed something like 70% of the earth for housing, business , etc. Yeah, Texas is growing, yeah people need places to live. But we’re not the only species that needs room to live either.

HubertManne , avatar

yeah higher density would be better

wintermute_oregon , to Work Reform in Return to the office? These workers quit instead.

This very much was because they unionized.

Unions are all about give and take. You negotiate what you want and what you’ll give up.

Crackhappy , to Work Reform in Return to the office? These workers quit instead. avatar

I believe a primary driver of this is the enormous commercial real estate bubble that is going to destroy the economy and is looking very large right now. That and of course greed.

severien ,

This argument never made sense to me. Why would greedy companies voluntarily pay for something they don’t need just to support some “greater good” of keeping the economy afloat? It means reduced profits yet the “contribution” of each individual company is just drop in the bucket.

NotGeorge ,

It would make sense if the executives making the order to return to the office also have commercial real estate portfolios.

severien ,

Then it would be just moving profits from one pocket to another.

IMHO it can’t explain the industry trend.

camelCaseGuy ,

It doesn’t make sense because it’s some conspiracy theory level bullshit. It would imply that big CEOs or board members either:

  • Possess a big percentage of the current real estate properties (and I mean, huge, like 50%)
  • Big part of their assets are in real estate (again, more than 30%)

And, that of course, they are all colluding. Meaning, there is a kind of Illuminati kind of society of all the CEOs that get together with pie charts and excels to see how to maximize their profits.

It’s a delusion that people with a low grasp of reality are using to cope with the fact that:

  • Economy is shit
  • There are people that, because of connection and money, are unscathed by the economic shitinnes we live in
  • Because the economy is shit, companies are grasping to get out of red numbers
  • Because we have had mediocre to sheerly bad managers in almost every industry for most of the last three decades thanks to some economic bonanzas, the only way they see they can improve the margins is by doing stupid things like back to office

I like Hanlon’s razor for these cases: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I this, I feel, is indeed that.

jayemecee ,

Exactly. Hence government intervention needed, unfortunately

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s complicated but mostly made up argument.

It varies company to company. An old company I worked at we got a tax break for how many employees we had in the office. (Pre-Covid)the idea was to encourage us to move employees from other officers into the downtown office.

If everyone is working remotely, you don’t get those tax benefits.

The main reason I’ve seen is habit. We have been going to an office for a long time and it’s about control. They want to watch their workers.

Now what interesting is people are suing because they’re working from home. It’s increased their cost and they want the employer to pay it.

Nougat , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case

So looking forward to finding out what drove that decision.

TehWorld ,

Besides the 1.4 million in unpaid fees? Does there need to be another reason?

teuast ,

Rudy being his own worst liability, maybe.

EdibleFriend , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case avatar

I love how these fucks can’t keep a lawyer.

fiat_lux ,

I also sort of love how lawyers keep taking these cases, like it's somehow not the legal equivalent of a fly deliberately walking into a Venus fly trap.

Nah, <NewLawyerName>, you got this. All the rest of those lawyers were never as smart as you! /s

Questy , avatar

I like the saying that MAGA stands for Make Attorneys Get Attorneys. No wonder lawyers eject. More than a few have joined the defendants. Work with criminals and sometimes it rubs off on you.

fiat_lux ,

I like the quote "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with“. The longer I'm around, the more true it seems to be.

We don't always get to choose who those 5 people are, unfortunately. But when we can we need to choose carefully who we want to be more like and how we are influenced. Avoiding bad influences would be pretty hard while working in the justice system.

Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani definitely both chose poorly. I wonder how shitty they were as people beforehand though. Maybe they just found their soul-mates/cell-mates.

ronalicious , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case


negativenull , (edited )


TheJims ,

Womps and preyers 🙏

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