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wintermute_oregon ,

Prosecutors have immunity. It’s next to impossible to win a lawsuit against one. We give immunity to too many people which prevents accountability and bad behavior.

wintermute_oregon ,

If homeownership is best understood as an investment, like equities, we should root for prices to go up

A home is where you live. Too many people believe homes are investments which has driven the cost up.

wintermute_oregon ,

This is the problem with crappy laws. McDonalds bakes rolls which are bread.

I thought the bakery exemption was weird.

wintermute_oregon ,

This guy is a personal hero of mine. I stay at a company as long as I am benefitting from it.

My current employer has been great but we are being bought by another company. As such, I may go find a new job.

A warning, though, is that many companies are now putting weird job requirements in the process.

I was denied a job recently because I had two contracts on my resume. They wanted each jobs to be at least two years and were looking for five.

They couldn’t grasp why I only stayed six months on a six month contract or a year at a year contract.

wintermute_oregon ,

I have only seen one explanation that Space X has made. Since it denies them a trial by jury then it is unconstitutional. That seems to be the crux of their complaint.

wintermute_oregon ,

I suspect that’ll be the answer. Fine give them a jury. I don’t they’ll fair well

wintermute_oregon ,

I work in sales. I don’t sell anything related to VMware directly but customers bring it up. They are looking at other alternatives. Not sure what changed In the last two weeks but there has been an uptick in my customers talking about it. It’s early stage, so they haven’t decided on the path but they’ve decided they need to leave.

wintermute_oregon ,

That was months ago. Two weeks ago all my customers seemed to come to the conclusion, it’s time to leave.

I would have planned to leave as soon as I heard the announcement. Broadcom just raises prices, cuts support unless you’re their target customers.

wintermute_oregon ,

They canceled the ability to sell new licenses for all partners.

Ah that must be the new nail in the coffin.

wintermute_oregon ,

will be moving everything to subscription based licenses.

That is how the industry is moving. Everything I sell is a subscription model. If it’s SAAS, it makes sense. For on premise, not always but I get why companies are pushing it.

When it was announced, not many customers were talking about it. All of a sudden, about 2-3 weeks ago, customers started moving meets because getting off VMware became a priority. Something freaked them out.

When Broadcom bought symatec it took a year for people to start freaking out. That is when they got their first new bill and I saw bills tripple.

wintermute_oregon ,

Hedge fund. He doesn’t care about the employees or the company. Just the money he can make trading the stock.

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

I don’t have a problem with people who create value and become wealthy. They earned it and created good jobs, more power to them.

Hedge funds, most Private equity, etc can go fuck themselves. They strip wealth and destroy things.

wintermute_oregon ,

I own a little Google stock. I don’t mind they pay their employees a shit ton. I want them make good products. I’m not a fan of most their products but that’s just me

wintermute_oregon ,

Most of them are not. That’s the beauty of a cash cow like Google. They’re working on things that may be profitable in the future. By cutting the future, you’re cutting future growth.
It’s why I dislike hedge funds. They’re stripping value instead of creating value.

wintermute_oregon ,

I own about 250k of Google stock. So a little bit. I don’t own more because I don’t like that you are the product.

wintermute_oregon ,

They already have union employees. I didn’t know till this came out a few weeks ago. From what I can tell, Costco doesn’t try to union bust. I’m impressed with their response to the situation

wintermute_oregon ,

Everyone I know who worked for Costco or works for Costco has loved it. That says a lot about the company.

One of my friends has a STEM degree and said if she had stayed at Costco, she’d make more money and have better benefits than she does now.

No company is perfect but we need more Costcos and fewer Walmarts in the world.

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

Maybe give people stock options. I’m going to make over 100k a year for the next three years just in stock options because of shareholder value.

ETA: Panera isn’t a public company anymore. It was bought a few years ago by a crappy company. So there is no reason for employees to go the extra mile.

wintermute_oregon ,

I’m a huge fan of stock options or stock. Everyone should get some skin in the game.

As much as people want to whine. We are all shareholders if you have a pension or 401k.

Why I’m a fan of the old ceo of Costco. Not only did he create growth in the stock. He treated the employees well. He felt the two went hand in hand. He looked at long term goals and not short term market shifts.

We have to many executives look at short term goals.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

wintermute_oregon ,

Pensions for the most part are gone and are not coming back.

It’s why I think Congress should require employer contributions to a 401k and a match. By law.

wintermute_oregon ,

When my dad plant at gm closed. They offered him a college education for free.

Unemployment is an insurance program. I think it should provide full pay for x amount of time. I think employers should be financially incentivized to avoid layoffs or terminations.

Right now the payouts are a joke.

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

You realize gm shareholders lost everything in the last bailout. That includes the workers who had stock as well.

Many people are myopic and forget the workers are shareholders. My dad was a uaw for most of his life. I lost all his shares in the BK. I only kept them for sentimental reasons but they’re gone.

Another thing to note, pension plans are some of the largest shareholders. So you’re literally mocking union workers.

wintermute_oregon ,

Yes. Since pension plans are some the largest shareholders. People don’t understand who shareholders really are. They think they’re some mythical person when really it’s pension funds.

wintermute_oregon ,

Is there a mouse in your pocket? We are not talking about anything.

The largest shareholders are pension/retirement funds.

I get you want to screw the unions but grow up.

wintermute_oregon ,

Very pro-union but you have no clue how the system works. I’ll leave you with this to educate you on why shareholder value is important. Most my family is retired uaw and I like you they know their pension plan and medical plans are funded from shareholder value.

So instead of being an edge lord. Learn how the system works. Union families don’t find you wishing them harm so funny.…/2020SAR-gm.pdf

wintermute_oregon ,

When people say that they just show they don’t get how the system works and they’re not union members.

I just cited you where their medical retirement fund is gasp funded by shareholder value.

I get you hate unions or just lack the knowledge to see how stupid phrases don’t help.

Buybacks help the union as it increases their funds for pensions and medical care. I’m against them but to deny they help the union is just stating you don’t get the symbiotic relationship they have together.

wintermute_oregon ,

So you are anti-union since that would remove their pensions and healthcare. I get being an edge lord is tough but I support the unions. Wishing for them to lose their pensions and healthcare is twisted.

wintermute_oregon ,

He’s been very strategic. It’s been interesting to watch compared to the strikes in the 80’s and 90’s.

Either he’s going to go down in history as a great leader who won workers more or the person who destroyed the UAW.

wintermute_oregon ,

This very much was because they unionized.

Unions are all about give and take. You negotiate what you want and what you’ll give up.

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s complicated but mostly made up argument.

It varies company to company. An old company I worked at we got a tax break for how many employees we had in the office. (Pre-Covid)the idea was to encourage us to move employees from other officers into the downtown office.

If everyone is working remotely, you don’t get those tax benefits.

The main reason I’ve seen is habit. We have been going to an office for a long time and it’s about control. They want to watch their workers.

Now what interesting is people are suing because they’re working from home. It’s increased their cost and they want the employer to pay it.

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s a real estate thing.

Yes if I was self employed I’d do that but not for a company.

wintermute_oregon ,

This is the problem with nafta. NAFTA created an environment that is hard for unions to operate in. The big 3 can send it all to Mexico and just ship the final product back.

Or Canada. Either is cheaper labor wise.

It’s why nafta needs to be renegotiated.

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

NAFTA is horrible for the average American. It destroys unions and wages. It allows a massive export of our jobs to other countries.

You have a cite around workers pay? That wasn’t in the original plan.

Eta: found an article from 2017…/will-nafta-2-0-really-boost-mexican-wag…

wintermute_oregon ,

NAFTA allows them to do it. So yes, it allows a company to avoid the unions by moving to Mexico or Canada.

wintermute_oregon ,

Yes. Everyone else does it. Otherwise union labor will not be as competitive in America.

I’d rather have some guardrails to keep the labor here.

wintermute_oregon ,

Yes and they make fraction of what American workers do. They make more then Mexico which is why most the jobs are going to Mexico.

wintermute_oregon ,

I am the first generation not to work in an GM auto plant in my family. The town I grew up in was built by autoworkers after nafta passed, slowly the jobs started moving north and south. Almost all the plants and associated plants closed.l as they moved away.

wintermute_oregon ,

Current advantages but wages are typically lower. I know in my career field they’re about 40-50% lower. You also get the savings of not paying healthcare cost. (Most people don’t understand that employers are self insured. That means medical payments come out of expenses).

Tesla mostly produces in Nevada and California. Texas is starting to pick up but it isn’t as union as Nevada or California.

When my wife at the time bought her Nissan, it was more American built than any product in the same price range. It was non/-union labor but mainly built here.

Gm has moved a lot of production to Mexico. People forget all the supply chain which has moved as well. Ac Delco moved almost everything to Mexico.

I don’t know what is reasonable as I’m not an auto worker. I don’t buy most American car brands because they’re garbage. My two cars currently are an Audi and a Tesla. I know the Tesla was not union but Im not sure about the Audi.

wintermute_oregon ,

I was baffled by that comment. Did he mean 40-50% higher or 40-50%. Huge difference.

If I understand his business correctly, that amount of unemployment would cause him to fail

wintermute_oregon ,

That’s nothing new. That’s how it’s always been defined. I’m not unemployed if I’m not looking for work. Otherwise housewives would be unemployed, disabled people, pensioners, etc.

The one weird part is people transitioning just are counted towards the unemployed numbers even though they have a job coming.

wintermute_oregon ,

You have a cite for that? The definition hasn’t changed that I’m aware in the last 40 years.

wintermute_oregon ,

You have a cite for that?

According to this it hasn’t changed since 1945 when it was defined.…/employment-vs-unemployment-diff….

wintermute_oregon ,

Are you talking doctors or population?

Many of the blue states are losing to the red states but it’s not universally true.

Here is an article on the topic.…/states-move-to-from/

wintermute_oregon ,

I cited the article. Do you have an opposing cite? Just because the population grew doesn’t mean people didn’t move away.

I doubt it has less to do with ideology and more to do with the cost of living. I know very few people who moved from Oregon to Texas because of politics. It is almost always because of cost of living. Just like the people I know who moved to Oregon didn’t do so because of the politics. They normally moved for the outdoor life.

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

So you have a citation to refute it?

wintermute_oregon ,

I cited my work. THe article cites their source.

wintermute_oregon ,

I mean I’m paid kick ass money. I also don’t work much but this issue here is the Arby’s manager and not us.

They’ll make them a “manager” and then work them 80 hours a week.

That’s unfair and that’s abusive. Workers should be paid fairly and in most cases 40 hours should be the cap.

Salary should not be an excuse to work someone to death. It should be used to avoid tracking hours and making pay easier

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