
azimir , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

It turns out if you build a coalition with hard-line idealogues they’re going to hard-line idealogues even when you don’t want them to be.

stolid_agnostic , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

Can you imagine trying to publicly strongarm and shame the people you call colleagues for just a little bit of power? He betrayed every relationship he had and expended all of his political capital, gaining nothing in the process.

N0body , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

A glimpse of the utter disaster that would be Jordan as Speaker.

itsgroundhogdayagain , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

did Jim try bullying them in the locker room?

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Maybe he should try calling them and crying on the phone like a bitch that covers up sex crimes.

Neato ,
@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Did he do this? Haven't heard that one.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

One of the wrestlers reported that he called him in tears begging him to lie about the sex abuse he experienced/ witnessed.

He’s a complete piece of shit and the fact that we are suggesting he be one of the people in line for the presidency is a travesty.

I’d rather see the country shut down for months than give this man one more inch of power.

Techmaster ,

Here’s what I don’t get. So this doctor raped like 100 something grown men. And they were wrestlers. Aren’t they supposed to be tough? And nobody kicked his ass? He deserved a good ass kicking, for starters.

mosiacmango , (edited )

So blaming rape victims is never a good start, but here we go.

These were very young men in high pressure enviroment. Teenagers, mostly. Maybe 18/19, but not mature adults. They had no support network, as even the coaches turned a blind eye to it as you can see with Jim jordan who they reached out to get help from. This happened basically as the Internet was first starting, in the 80s/90s, so no social media to reach out to.

The “doctor” used sport exams as cover for his sexual assaults. These young men thought it was just them not “being tough” about part of their sport. They didn’t know he did this to a hundred other men.

They probally did know, that even if they did come forward, victim blaming assholes would say it was their fault for not “kicking his ass.” That they would be shamed for being weak about not only being raped, but by not “being manly” about it.

So yeah, like most sexual assualt, the rapist targeted young, vulnerable people unsure of themselves who he knew had no support network. Then, like now, he knew people would blame them as much as possible, and people continue to help rapists by doing so.

Techmaster ,

I’m not blaming them. Nobody is at fault over what was done to them other than the person who did it and the dickhead who covered it up. I’m just surprised that he managed to do that to so many men and nobody did anything about it. And these were people who likely got scholarships for being tough. Gym Jordan wouldn’t be able to cover up a doctor with a broken jaw and gouged out eyeballs.

shiveyarbles ,

He threatened to expose their sexual abuse but they just laughed because Gym Jordan will never do that.

Toto , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

It’s the perfect culmination for a party who’s platform is to oppose laws and never compromise

taj ,

I feel so very very sorry for them. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy… /s

pimento64 , to Politics in Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.

Pro tip:maybe don’t try to ride roughshod over people whose entire ideological basis is the phrase “you can’t tell me what to do”. Do conservatives not even understand themselves anymore?

Shyfer ,

Republican politicians: “Hm… This has always worked before with the Democrats. Why isn’t this working?! 😠”

Shyfer ,

Republican politicians: “Hm… This has always worked before with the Democrats. Why isn’t this working?! 😠”

Yepthatsme , to Politics in [Opinion Analysis] Meet the white Trump official behind the launch of Black America for Immigration Reform

Conservatives ruining the minds of minorities again?

PuppyOSAndCoffee , to Work Reform in Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’
@PuppyOSAndCoffee@lemmy.ml avatar

Unionize health care and Disney and you have unionized the south.

Chetzemoka , to Work Reform in Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’

"Unions make people lazy" "Unions make people less creative, less likely to work to fix problems" "Unions make employees fight with each other" "Unions mean we'll earn less money"

The propaganda I've heard from older generations is really incredible. We're still actively unionizing lol

bluGill ,

There is some truth to that. Unions typically focus on seniority above all else so there is no advantage to being objectively better at the job, just don't be so bad you are fired and you are fine. They also insist that if you want to move to management you start at the bottom thus ensuring that someone who might want to change tracks is worse off and in turn there is no reason to try.

Unions are not all bad, but they deserve a lot of criticism as well.

Chetzemoka ,

Why is less productivity a horrible thing? Why is wanting a good wage for just showing up and doing your normal job a bad thing? Why is having no interest in moving into management so atrocious?

It's way past time to start questioning American work culture. I shouldn't be expected to be operating at the razor's edge of my ability to keep up with everything constantly and forever for the rest of my life. I just want to punch a clock, do my job, and also be able to afford my mortgage for having done that and nothing more.

bluGill ,

More productivity means that you produce more wealth. If you are less productive you are worth less. (Stop saying the rich take the wealth, that is what unions claim they are preventing).

It is a logical fallacy to read what I wrong as saying there is something wrong with not wanting to go onto management . I said there is something wrong with stopping someone who does want to go into management. Those are very different things.

If you want to stay where you are, I have no problem with that. However if you turn your wish to not improve into holding back someone else who does that is wrong ' (improve here as defined by the other person's values and what they think would improve them)

Chetzemoka ,

Here's a crazy radical idea: Wealth does not improve people beyond a certain point. Leisure time and lack of stress improve people. The American culture of work yourself to death to accumulate is killing us and it's killing the world. It's time to stop.

Work, make enough money to provide, have plenty of leisure time to relax and spend with your family. Those are the lives we should be striving for.

bluGill ,

That is an idea. Some agree with it, some do not. Who are you to judge those who do not?

Chetzemoka ,

Have fun killing yourselves for other people's profit, I guess? I'm joining a union.

watson387 , to Work Reform in Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’
@watson387@sopuli.xyz avatar

The only way this works is if people join. I’ve worked in quite a few right-to-work states. There is a lot of poverty and there is always someone willing to work more for less money. That is also true in the north, but unions already have a foothold here. Republicans also have convinced a lot of people down there that unions are just trying to steal your money.

Ensign_Crab ,

Republicans also have convinced a lot of people down there that unions are just trying to steal your money.

Lotta people don’t realize that there’s no silver medal in the race to the bottom. There’s always someone who is more desperate than you to be exploited.

watson387 ,
@watson387@sopuli.xyz avatar

Right. And companies have mastered the art of exploitation down there.

style99 , to Politics in [Opinion Analysis] Meet the white Trump official behind the launch of Black America for Immigration Reform
@style99@kbin.social avatar

They're tired of enslaving Mexicans. They want to get back to the good ol' days of enslaving Blacks.

xc2215x , to Politics in [Opinion Analysis] Meet the white Trump official behind the launch of Black America for Immigration Reform

They want more people hating immigrants, so they will do this.

rafoix , to Politics in [Opinion Analysis] Meet the white Trump official behind the launch of Black America for Immigration Reform

The divide and conquer strategy has been working great for the wealthy.

s20 , to Politics in America’s Surprising Partisan Divide on Life Expectancy

Nothing surprising about it.

WhatAmLemmy ,

I didn’t read the article. Let me guess… Conservatives areas live shorter, lower quality lives? Who would’ve thought the state providing actual services and support with tax dollars could increase quality of life!?!

GreyEyedGhost ,

I have it on good authority that governments, and especially taxes, have never benefitted the people.


e_t_ Admin ,

Yeah, our Founding Fathers clearly believed that to secure the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, governments were wholly unnecessary. They split from Britain and set up their own government just for funsies.

TubeTalkerX , to Politics in Trump Can’t Go Home Again

Oh no


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