e_t_ Admin , to Texas in Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelter

Watch as the Texas Supreme Court reverses this and gives Paxton whatever he wants. They don't even pretend to be unbiased.

Drusas ,

The fifth circuit court of appeals will handle that for them.

kylie_kraft , to Texas in Texas’ Attorney General Is Increasingly Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Targets

I have a theory that this is why the Supreme Court spared the Consumer Protection Agency

Telorand , to Texas in Texas’ Attorney General Is Increasingly Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Targets

"It's fine, as long as he's hurting the right people." —Conservatives, probably

admiralteal , to Politics in Wisconsin Picks New Legislative Maps That Would End Years of GOP Gerrymandering

I would say they ameliorated it. They definitely did not end it. The maps still likely advantageous overall to the GOP, and even if they weren't... partisan gerrymandering will ALWAYS be a part of the system there until they modify the laws around it to, at minimum, establish an independent nonpartisan commission to handle future maps.

There is no such thing as an objectively fair election map. Everything is a tradeoff. If you could truly design a flawlessly optimal map, then the technique you used to do so almost by definition replaces the need to even bother with having the election -- just use your algorithm to pick the representatives.

And no, there's no future technology that will fix this issue. When you chose one place and not another to draw a line, either way it influences results. It is a value judgement which outcome is preferable -- one the computer is simply not capable of making.

You can only try to be reasonable and fair. So long as the process is fundamentally political, it cant be. Dems might be way better than the GOP when it comes to supporting fair democracy, but the Dems also have a long history of partisan gerrymandering when they have power. And even when the gerrymandering isn't to achieve political goals, it will still do other unfair things like entrenching incumbency in a partisan system.

Press the advantage and enshrine into law an independent and nonpartisan districting organization. Even this cannot possibly fix all issues with districting, but at least it can disincentivize the worst behavior.

philo , to U.S. News in 21 Bodycam Videos Caught the NYPD Wrongly Arresting Black Kids on Halloween. Why Can’t the Public See the Footage?

TBH, what good does making guesses amount to?

mosiacmango ,

What do you mean? No one is making any guesses.

The author is following up on an instance of police abuse he personally witnessed, was gaslight about, was confirmed to have happened by 21 different pieces of video evidence, and was then swept under the rug by the NYPD.

philo ,

Are you for real? Read the title of the damn article. It’s a freaking leading question? So to as who’s making guesses or hypothesizing is kinda of silly when that is what the article is all about.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Its not at all about guesses. The civilain review board watched the footage and confirmed they hit the teenager they were chasing with their cop car, held several unrelated teens at gunpoint, and arrested those unrelated teens unjustifiably. They then recommended the harshest action possible.

The NYPD hand waived it away for 4 of 5 cops, with the 5th only receiving any action because of “swearing.”

How is officially released records about civil rights violations the reporter and his family personally witnessed “a guess?”

We know why the police won’t release the footage. It’s because it proves they act unlawfully. The authors experience, that the article explains in full, explains the “leading question.”

t3rmit3 ,

This dude is just a pro-cop troll.

YeetPics , avatar

Is making guesses at what’s on the footage they won’t allow citizens to FOIA is more damning than the abuse of children by police I would be fucking SHOCKED.

furrowsofar , to U.S. News in Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints About Money Sparked Fears He Would Resign

The court pays over twice median household income for Washington DC. So he should have no problem affording to live there. On the other hand their pay is a bit low for what the job is. Inflation adjusted pay for the court has kind trended between 2x and 4x of current median household income so at a little above 2x it is on the lower end of historical. Perhaps a pay increase to 3x median income is reasonable.

Hello_there , to U.S. News in Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints About Money Sparked Fears He Would Resign

Complains about money. Conservatives give him a crap ton.
Isn't this just a quid pro quo with a few extra steps?

WarmSoda , to U.S. News in Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints About Money Sparked Fears He Would Resign


agegamon , (edited ) to U.S. News in When Railroad Workers Get Hurt on the Job, Some Supervisors Go to Extremes to Keep It Quiet

It’s unbelievably disappointing to see such an efficient and potentially clean source of transit absolutely ruined. Ruthless capitalism for the win - but only if you’re warren buffet or a dead guy named vanderbilt.

Oh also, let me drop this here: last week tonight on presicion scheduled railroading

Very similar theme to the above article, also I forgot how absolutely fucked original Thomas the tank engine could be lol

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in The Judiciary Has Policed Itself for Decades. It Doesn’t Work.

I mean, has self-policing ever worked for anything? I've always assumed it's tantamount to corruption.

Gaywallet OP , to U.S. News in Louisiana Judges Systematically Ignored Prisoners’ Petitions avatar

I don’t think I’ve heard a single bit of positive news about the 5th circuit of appeals in at least a decade. This just drives home, in stunning detail, how utterly corrupt the justice system in the US has become.

tygerprints , to U.S. News in DOJ Backs Tenants in Case Alleging Price-Fixing by Big Landlords and a Real Estate Tech Company

Oh gee, you mean, Landlords are FIXING PRICES on rental properties? Next you'll be telling me Santa Claus is just some fat guy in a red suit.

In Utah (where I am) there are no "tenant's rights." Landlords are all legislators and have passed laws that prohibit tenets from ever taking them to court or having any legal recourse against them.

And now you're telling me they are complete bastards as well. Who would have guessed.

Anticorp ,

My friend in Los Angeles has a rent controlled apartment. He’s paying $1,100 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment in West Hollywood. Meanwhile my landlord has raised my rent 22% in the last two years.

LoamImprovement ,

Between rent increases and student loans kicking back in, my COL has increased $5000 a year, with zero commensurate increase in wages.

I’ve told my family not to get me anything for Christmas because I sure as hell can’t reciprocate it this year. I may not even be able to afford the gas to drive there and back. But the economy is doing great, so I hear.

tygerprints ,

I had a one bedroom in Salt Lake for years, very nice top floor apartment with a huge porch and view overlooking most of the valley. I was paying $1300 a month at the time, but the rent kept going up astronomically every year. Now it's over $3670 a month and without them making any improvements of any kind - I had to move out but I hated giving up my amazing view.

Most renters in Salt Lake are now homeless, the wages here are ridiculously low but housing prices are among the highest in the world here.

vanderbilt , avatar

It’s gotten ridiculous enough I’m considering a digital nomad life just so I can save up some money.

tygerprints ,

It might be the only way you CAN save any money these days. I was (kinda) lucky in that my only surviving parent is elderly, has a huge home so I was able to move in with her to be her caretaker - now I'm finally able to save money since I no longer have rent payments. It's a trade off but it has helped me get a little bit ahead.

agegamon , to U.S. News in This Louisiana Town Runs Largely on Traffic Fines. If You Fight Your Ticket, the Mayor Is Your Judge.

This is so insanely corrupt. Really, Louisiana should be penalized by the feds for even allowing a sham court like this to exist, let alone go as far off the rails as fenton has. And the mayor - and anyone associated with them - really ought to be behind bars serving mandatory minimums.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in The EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Contaminants in Drinking Water but Hasn’t Set Safety Limits on Them

Water is the source of all life. Seven tenths of this Earth's surface is water. Why, do you realize that 70% of you is water? And as human beings, you and I need fresh, pure water -- to replenish our precious bodily fluids. Are you beginning to understand?

NightGaunts OP , to Politics in The Biden Interview: The President Talks About the Supreme Court, Threats to Democracy and Trump’s Vow to Exact Retribution

I declined to vote Democrat for almost the entire Clinton/Obama era instead opting for 3rd party candidates. Trump was too repugnant to not vote against. I begrudgingly voted Dem, however, I have been okay with Biden overall. The Democrats have stopped ignoring blue collar folks (though not always) after being taken for granted by the Clinton/Obama wing. Maybe I am moderating in old age, and I am surprised by this, but Biden has not been a bad president.

HubertManne , avatar

I had no issue with clinton and obama. I still consider obama to be the best president of my lifetime. All the same he should really be the low bar for president. I often wish we had more of a parlimentary system. I think if we had the examples of today the founding fathers would have based congress more on modern parliments.

dingus , avatar

I will never label “best President of my lifetime” the guy who let war criminals walk and then legalized and codified some of the worst aspects of the War on Terror.

Why is Donald Trump walking free? Because we couldn’t/wouldn’t even begin to prosecute war criminals.

Milquetoast Obama letting war criminals walk literally set the stage for this. You don’t get to be shocked about the kid-gloves treatment for Trump after knowing “the best President of your lifetime” chose to not prosecute war criminals because it “might appear partisan” or some dumb shit. It’s literally the same dumb hand-wringing we get with Trump today. We are stuck with Trump because Obama didn’t have the fucking balls to prosecute war criminals.

Why are they scared to prosecute a former President? Because we have refused to do it again and again when it matters.

HubertManne , avatar

Your are not taking into account who is competing against. Name a better president and be ready to list all their ills. Honestly the thing that is highest on my obama issues is the opposite of what you list which is his treatment of snowden.

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