Chozo , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

The hits just keep on coming.

xuxebiko , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

SCOTUS looks and acts like a den of thieves. They make the Mos Eisley Cantina look decent. One way to regain any credibility is for the entire SCOTUS to be suspended and all their judgements stayed till the DOJ completes a full investigation on every sitting SCOTUS judge for corruption.

Frog-Brawler , avatar

At this point, the DOJ can investigate, find evidence for 1,000 separate instances of Thomas taking bribes from Russia, and he’ll still be sitting on the bench unless the GQP decides that the laws of the land are more important than their team. Don’t hold your breath.

stevexley , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

Because I work in government I have to declare any gift with a value over $50. I also have no power over anything without 5 levels of oversight and this guy is chins deep in bribes and can overrule decades of precedent that affect millions. FFS.

VanillaGorilla ,

I don't work for the government, but it's somewhat the same range for me (in Germany). And that's how it should be in every job. Especially if you have any power.

stardust , to Politics in Private GOP Polling Data Reveals Why DeSantis’ Campaign Is Sputtering

Good. Let him tank.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Private GOP Polling Data Reveals Why DeSantis’ Campaign Is Sputtering

TL;DR: It's because his campaign is beating the antivax and COVID restrictions drum, but GOP polling shows that COVID isn't listed in even the top 15 issues of concern for conservatives. Also, DeSantis is somehow boosting Trump's numbers because Trump has managed to play both sides of the vaccine issue with his base.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report

Well of course he did.

style99 , to Politics in Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report avatar

Maybe they should ask the FBI to go retrieve it.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in RFK Jr. Is Raking in Big Money From GOP Donors

RFK would be ashamed of what his son has become.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report

One might have thought Israel would be more wary, dealing with a Hitler wannabe.

Hellsadvocate , avatar

I mean... Have you seen Israel lately? They aren't short of trying to play the authoritarian government at the moment.

MushuChupacabra , to Politics in Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report avatar

To be fair, they had no way to know that Trump would be shifty.

xc2215x , to Politics in RFK Jr. Is Raking in Big Money From GOP Donors

Not surprised the GOP like him.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Israel Struggling to Recover Ancient Artifacts Trump Took to Mar-a-Lago: Report

Ol' president sticky fingers, at it again.

gentleman , to Politics in RFK Jr. Is Raking in Big Money From GOP Donors

@Col3814444 making his handlers proud and lining their pockets as well. Traitorous scum. The family should say more and loudly

Col3814444 OP ,

I believe the Kennedy family made a statement today condemning him for his crazy covid remarks, and it has been reported he was ‘not invited’ to a recent large family gathering.

Rottcodd , to Men's Liberation in The Next Front in the GOP's War on Women: No-Fault Divorce avatar

Of course it's Crowder at the forefront of this - the narcissistic manchild who was caught on-camera being such a vile piece of shit to his eight-month-pregnant then-wife that even his biggest simps couldn't pretend that it was defensible.

style99 , to Politics in [Analysis] Vivek Ramaswamy Is On the Rise. So Are Christian Nationalist Attacks on His Religion avatar

Ramaswamy’s appearance on the Flashpoint show was typically crisp and articulate. Asked to explain his religious outlook by the host, pastor Gene Bailey, Ramaswamy declared that the United States was “founded on Judeo Christian values,” and insisted that, though he is a Hindu, “I share that same value-set in common.”

I do believe the gentleman has been misinformed about the kind of "values" Americans have (drinking and guns).

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