admiralteal , to Politics in Trump Threatens to Appoint ‘Maybe Even Nine’ Supreme Court Justices if Elected

Progressives need to stop pretending that packing the court would open the door for conservatives to do the same.

At this point, conservatives will simply do the same if they lose control of it. They do not care about law and order and they do not care about mores. They only care about oppressing the weak and solidifying their power. The SCOTUS is a political institution that needs immediate reform.

We're racing to doomsday and they're leaning on the accelerator while progressives argue about whether it's safe to turn off the ignition.

chaogomu ,

Progressives know damn well that Republicans have already stacked the court. It's the establishment Democrats that are whining about an imaginary retaliation. You know, the centrists who are basically Republican lite, the assholes who whine about how extreme the Left-most parts of the party are, while ignoring how extreme the entire right-wing has always been.

We've seen this shit play out dozens of times in the past, the centrists say we progressives need to moderate ourselves to appeal more broadly, that we need to compromise or lose support. The reality plays out that any compromise we make is what loses us our support, and the centrists then side with the extremists on the right to hurt us more.

This is a great write-up of what it looks like in practice.

keeb420 ,

we shouldve been packing the court already. but nope democrats dont wanna rock the boat. something about when they go low we get high. no sorry, when they go low kick em in the fucking mouth.

Overzeetop , avatar

Yeah, with what majority? There are only 47 Democrats and 2 independents who are interested in any politics left of center. Manchin, techincally a Democrat, will only vote for his personal, center-right beliefs, and Sinema, the only remaining independent has shown she's in it solely for personal financial gain. There was no time in which there were enough Democrats, excepting the two aforementioned posers, to add seats to the court or confirm any justice without some money changing hands. If it weren't about power or money we could have had 52 states (DC and PR) and at least 3 more truly democratic senators (considering the outside chance of a 50/50 split in PR). But that was impossible because it would have reduced the power of Manchin and Sinema, and that's the only reason for them to exist.

snooggums , avatar

Like how the Dems won't get rid of the filibuster, while the Reps got rid of it to push through the judicial nominees. Or how the Dems did absolutely nothing about the Rep Senate ignoring Obamas nominee and then rushing through their own at the last minute to stack SCOTUS.

Dems just can't admit that they need to play on the Reps level because the other team openly cheating while you take the high ground just tolerating the intolerant.

chaogomu ,

There's never been a filibuster in the House.

It didn't originally exist in the Senate either, but the worse Vice President we ever had, decided that the Senate had too many rules and got rid of most of them. One of those original rules allowed any senator to call for a vote, even when someone was on the floor speaking.

This rule, called the previous question for some reason, still exists in the House, along with the Hour Rule which limits the time a Representative can spend holding the floor.

So we already have the framework to end the filibuster, but conservatives on both sides of the aisle like it because it means that they can thwart progress.

Of course, when it gets in the way, Republicans quickly carve out an exception for themselves, like they did with Judicial appointments.

admiralteal ,

The Senate is a useless and bad institution anyway. It's the US House of Lords, where land is being given rights to vote over people.

If we're swinging magic wands anyway, just get rid of it and give its duties to the House. Or maybe return it to being a governor-appointed advisory board that only has proforma powers over legislation that the House can override.

At a minimum, make it so Senators can cast as many votes as they have constituents. Do the same thing for reps in the House.

taurentipper ,

"needs immediate reform" is an understatement. The corruption thats coming to light is a literal threat to our democracy

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

No, not a repost. This is EVEN MORE corruption.

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

"It wouldn't be a problem if people just stopped looking!"
-Roberts, probably

VanillaGorilla ,

Stop the count?

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

To be fair? I don’t think I can count that high… neither can kavenaugh unless he lays off the beer

VanillaGorilla ,

Maybe stop the crime would be easier

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

habits are a bitch to change. Might in fact be easier to convince all the little peons from looking into things.

VanillaGorilla ,

"But wait, there's more!"

Branch_Ranch , to Politics in ‘He Kicked Me in My Balls.’ Fight at Michigan GOP Meeting Turns Physical: Report…/michigan-democrats-whitmer-liberal-rc…

Michigan Repubs are pissed that the dems are kicking their ass and I’m here for it.

SexualMastadon ,

Hell yes. My wife and I are thinking about moving back from deep red TN, where they gerrymandered away Nashville’s one representative. Seeing the GOP in Michigan keep shooting itself in the foot is great.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

Or kicking each other in the balls as soon as they open the door, as it were

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in ‘He Kicked Me in My Balls.’ Fight at Michigan GOP Meeting Turns Physical: Report

Mark DeYoung, who chairs the Clare County Republican Party, said he heard Chapman’s attempt to enter the room and opened the door after seeing someone flip him the bird through a window. “He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” DeYoung said of Chapman, speaking to The Detroit News by phone from the emergency room.

Both parties are not the same.

Grumps ,

You can smell the testosterone supplements from this description alone. The door was locked and everything was under control... But DeYoung couldn't let a middle finger stand so he opened the door. For what? To shame the other person? No, for confrontation. And he got it. Now he's injured and asking, "why is everything so divisive?!"

Both of these people are children walking around in adult costumes.

stevexley , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

Because I work in government I have to declare any gift with a value over $50. I also have no power over anything without 5 levels of oversight and this guy is chins deep in bribes and can overrule decades of precedent that affect millions. FFS.

VanillaGorilla ,

I don't work for the government, but it's somewhat the same range for me (in Germany). And that's how it should be in every job. Especially if you have any power.

xc2215x , to Politics in Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison

Hope he goes there.

marx2k , to Politics in [News] Trump Pushes Total Lie About Georgia Prosecutor Sleeping With Gang Member

Here’s the thing. The prosecutor could have gotten gang banged by gang members and had 30 babies by gang members.

None of that changes whether Trump is guilty or not.

I_AM_CORNHOLIO , to Politics in [News] Trump Pushes Total Lie About Georgia Prosecutor Sleeping With Gang Member

I can’t wait to see this traitor shitcunt in an orange jumpsuit.

btaf45 ,
Bipta ,

Too much fake tan.

style99 , to Politics in Trump’s Plan to Save Himself: Scapegoat His Coup Lawyers - Analysis avatar

“My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country,” the (so far) twice-indicted former president posted to his social media website last week.

I wonder if this sticks. If this does stick, it becomes a huge talking point for him being a weak, ineffectual non-leader. He could actually be throwing himself under the bus, politically speaking.

elscallr , avatar

He might prefer that to being thrown in jail. Either way we win.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Honestly MAGA doesn't care about that. Trump is a strongman to them; nothing that says differently will sway their opinion.

Hairyblue , avatar

Putin playing hockey in his late 60's and "scoring" all those goals against the professional hockey players is such an illusion. And so is the Strongman Trump pretends to be, until he is asked to serve in the military, then he has bone spurs. Ow ow ow.

He is a criminal who worked with Republicans to steal the election from the people.

Phlogiston ,

This is an interesting inversion of the fascist doctrine that the enemy are both really strong and also really weak. Only here Trump and co are applying to themselves -- they're both super powerful and the only hope and also completely weak and ineffectual and always being led astray by the deep state or poor guidance from their own lawyers.

I wonder if this will work as well on their followers.

eestileib ,

Won’t hurt with his fans. They don’t care that he did it, they don’t care that he’s lying.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in RFK Jr. Is Raking in Big Money From GOP Donors

RFK would be ashamed of what his son has become.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Private GOP Polling Data Reveals Why DeSantis’ Campaign Is Sputtering

TL;DR: It's because his campaign is beating the antivax and COVID restrictions drum, but GOP polling shows that COVID isn't listed in even the top 15 issues of concern for conservatives. Also, DeSantis is somehow boosting Trump's numbers because Trump has managed to play both sides of the vaccine issue with his base.

xuxebiko , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

SCOTUS looks and acts like a den of thieves. They make the Mos Eisley Cantina look decent. One way to regain any credibility is for the entire SCOTUS to be suspended and all their judgements stayed till the DOJ completes a full investigation on every sitting SCOTUS judge for corruption.

Frog-Brawler , avatar

At this point, the DOJ can investigate, find evidence for 1,000 separate instances of Thomas taking bribes from Russia, and he’ll still be sitting on the bench unless the GQP decides that the laws of the land are more important than their team. Don’t hold your breath.

Chozo , to Politics in Investigation Uncovers More of Clarence Thomas’ Undisclosed Freebies from Wealthy Pals

The hits just keep on coming.

Fatbuddha , (edited ) to Politics in ‘He Kicked Me in My Balls.’ Fight at Michigan GOP Meeting Turns Physical: Report

Fake news the best people tell me Republicans don't have balls, if they did they might stand up to the blatant corruption and descent into fascism that is obviously happening in the gop. I guess we can sum this up by saying if you don't believe physical violence in a chamber of politics is appropriate don't vote Republican. However Brandon is trying to forgive student loans so I don't know who to vote for since both parties are the same.

NotBadAndYou , to Politics in ‘He Kicked Me in My Balls.’ Fight at Michigan GOP Meeting Turns Physical: Report

Chapman also said that during the confrontation, he removed his glasses. “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock,” Chapman said.

So he admits that it was premeditated. Good luck with your assault charge there, bud.

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