takeda , to Politics in "Sounds like Rudy flipped": Giuliani evades Jan. 6 target letter after meeting with prosecutors

Well, to be frank, he was responsible for many things, but I don't think there was anything (at least currently publicly available) that he had part in planning January 6th.

DarkGamer , avatar

[Guliani] was responsible for many things, but I don't think there was anything (at least currently publicly available) that he had part in planning January 6th.

@takeda He did, and there is:

“[Guliani] was definitely intoxicated,” Jason Miller, a senior Trump campaign advisor, said in a recorded deposition that was shown publicly for the first time on Monday during the Jan. 6 committee’s second public hearing. Giuliani wanted Trump to ignore the math and declare victory, immediately. “‘We need to go and say that we won,’” Miller recalled Giuliani saying, and that anyone who disagreed “was being weak.”

That same night, Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, had a tense meeting with the president in which he counseled him that “the votes were still being counted” and “it was too early to call the race.” Stepien had warned the president that key mail-in voting tallies coming in later on election night would likely weigh toward Joe Biden, as Trump had told his supporters not to trust mail-in ballots. Trump “thought I was wrong, and he told me so,” Stepien said.

The two scenes demonstrated a central thesis that the Jan. 6 Committee worked to convey to the American public on Monday: that Trump had plenty of advisers trying to convince him of the truth, but that he willfully chose to listen to those telling him what he wanted to hear.

Trump ultimately followed Giuliani’s plan and declared victory early in the morning on November 4, 2020, when the outcome of the election was still unclear. Trump delivered the speech from the East Room of the White House, calling the election “a fraud” and saying, “we were getting ready to win this election—frankly, we did win this election.” source

HWK_290 ,

calling the election “a fraud” and saying, “we were getting ready to win this election—frankly, we did win this election.”

It’s a fraud… We won… Ergo, we won fraudulently?

DougHolland , to Politics in Republicans beware, Donald Trump will turn his Big Lie against the GOP avatar

Of course he will.

He’s never made a mistake in his life, never broken a law, never lost money unless someone else was a crook, never been outsmarted because he’s the smartest human ever, never touched a woman who didn’t want his touch because he’s the sexiest man alive, and never lost an election unless it was stolen from him.

How could he lose an election, when no-one anywhere would vote against him, because he’s Donald Trump.

Jafoo , to Texas in Texas GOP and UT-Austin leaders shift from championing free speech to policing protester intentions

Not surprising.... We humans are hardwired to silence anyone who dares to utter words challenging our own thoughts and beliefs out loud. It's not simply an accident that free speech only started to become viable in the last couple of centuries, and even then, only in a very few corners of Earth

Most nations still place draconian restrictions on what their citizens can say in public

TheCynicalSaint , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

Disrespectful, NatC trash. People like that deserve to be hexed into oblivion and get stuck in purgatory.

Gargleblaster , to Politics in [News Analysis] GOP waging a "coordinated national effort to undermine American elections," says leading official avatar

And notice this is reported by Salon and not the TV networks or CNN.

They are siding with Trump.

Fuck democracy if we can make money.

CADmonkey , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

My wife works with the elderly, and has since 2014. I distinctly remember her words when she saw trump speaking on TV:

“That man has dementia.”

I believe her because she would know.

soumerd_retardataire , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes

You’re all fucking crazy, they didn’t have any power to stage a coup or topple democracy you morons. They simply entered a building !
You can’t all sincerely believe that they were going to achieve anything by entering the Capitol, the historical place to have manifestations ?
Political prisoners aren’t only people whose ideology you agree with, you’re sending people who didn’t hurt anyone ^(o.m.g., he pepper sprayed a cop) to almost a decade in jail, sometimes fathers&mothers, am i living in a parallel universe ?

felixthecat ,

Yes they could have. If they went to the right chamber and started killing representatives or at least taking them prisoner they could have. All it would take is a smart, motivated, evil leader to take the reigns and that day could have ended very differently.

Thankfully those idiots had no one leading them. But I do wonder why Russia or China didn't exploit the situation to their advantage.

soumerd_retardataire ,

Or they would have exchanged their arguments like the civilised people we’re supposed to represent. If they killed your representatives that would be worth a decade or more in jail i suppose, but they didn’t, they simply entered a building and are accused of having attempted to overthrow the government, an accusation that no one can take seriously(, and yet).
Russia, China, or the many other sanctioned countries, can rejoice on their medias, who are either banned or not read by the “free world”, but otherwise, i don’t see how they could profit from it. More importantly, they wouldn’t be glad that their enemy has problems if we were allied, this world f*cking stinks, and shouldn’t.

mrnotoriousman ,

You're free to go ahead and look at all the evidence presented for the proud boys and oath keepers. It's all right there but that would pop your right wing bubble. No idea gets sedition charges for entering a building. And we all watched it live on TV, most people take what happened very seriously.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

Ah yes, the people literally smearing shit on the walls were certainly just looking for a nice, civilized argument with their representatives.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

But I do wonder why Russia or China didn’t exploit the situation to their advantage.

Let me guess… BECAUSE they might not be as evil as USA stuffs in the heads of you people everyday on TV?

Shit, this must either be a Eureka moment, or maybe a result of non-poisoned minds speaking sensible things.

xc2215x , to Politics in [News] “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge

Yikes. Scary stuff here.

xc2215x , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums -

It is what Trump wants.

btaf45 , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums -

After seeing mugshot, Crybaby Trump must never ever have the nuclear launch codes again.

unix_joe , to Politics in Trump judge: Women owe us more sonograms avatar

Pray tell, what connection is being implied that this Judge has anything to do with Elliot Rodger?

spaceghoti OP ,

Before driving to the sorority house, Rodger uploaded a video to YouTube titled “Elliot Rodger’s Retribution”, in which he outlined his planned attack and his motives. He explained that he wanted to punish women for rejecting him, and sexually active men because he envied them.

The author is comparing the judge’s reasoning to Elliot Rodger’s. Clearly in his mind, women have no automony of their own. They exist only to entertain men with sex and childbirth.

unix_joe , avatar

That is a general conservative Christian sentiment not out of line with the far right and republican values. It’s a shitty position but one that many Americans hold on to.

Why was Elliot Rodger specifically mentioned in relation to Judge Ho?

spaceghoti OP ,

Because they’re both icel arguments.

Anticorp , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

Shocking! Said no one, ever.

Tarkcanis , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

The US should let the south succeed, then, when their government colapses, bring them back as protectorates with ZERO political power.

style99 , to Politics in Trump aims to expand presidential power over "every part of the federal government" with any independence avatar

I don't normally find myself agreeing with Hasan, but I feel like this bears repeating:

"Be afraid. This is on the verge of happening 18 months from now," tweeted MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan. "Now ask yourself this question: are cautious, in-denial, business-as-usual establishment Dems equipped, or even willing, to address this anti-democratic, autocratic threat?"

LostXOR , to Politics in Fraud justice: Decision based on a fake case showcases the Supreme Court's illegitimacy

That article seems pretty biased.

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