fiat_lux , (edited ) to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

I am so sick of health condition speculation of politicians. If they have a formal dìagnosis and release it publicly, fine. But this article is just pure conjecture.

  1. Not all memory issues are age-related or dementia or degenerative. While US politicians do trend extremely old and this increases the likelihood of having a disability, plenty of younger people have memory issues too that can get better or worse randomly. Covid fucked my memory hard.
  2. It's ableist to require peak health 24/7 from people, even your leaders. They have teams of people around them for a reason, to collect and provide accurate information. There are briefings and reports. Redundancy is built into the system, the President isn't the only source of truth. If a President becomes unable to perform their duties in a timely manner because of these problems, like Dianna Feinstein, then we can worry about that problem.
  3. Disability is an increasing issue, and climate change and future pandemics are going to increase the rates at which everyone experiences chronic health problems. 15% of all people globally self-identify as having a disability. If you live in a country with a life expectancy over 70, you can expect to spend an average of 8 years of your life with a disability. Globally, 49% of people over 60 have a disability. Protection of society from a single point of failure requires systemic change that builds in failsafes and enforces them. Build accommodations

Trump isn't dangerous because his father had Alzheimers and he's (understandably) afraid of developing it. He's dangerous because he has a habit of making absurdly malicious power-hungry selfish decisions.

hitmyspot ,

Peak health 24/7 is unrealistic for anyone, but even with a chronic health problem of any kind, you need to be able to perform the functions of the job.

We don’t have a diagnosis for Trump, but there is clearly something deeply wrong with him. If he willfully provides misinformation about his health, all we have is conjecture.

Disability should not preclude you from work,but just like people without a disability, you seek roles you are suitable for. It’s not ableist to say someone with alzheimers and associated cognitive decline is not suitable for president.

fiat_lux ,

perform the functions of the job

After attempts have been made for accommodations and they have failed or the job description itself cannot be altered. Yes, in that situation it's fine.

We don’t have a diagnosis for Trump, but there is clearly something deeply wrong with him

We know what is wrong with him. He's extremely selfish and greedy. That is what disqualifies him to be a leader. Our speculations about his medical situation are unnecessary.

Disability should not preclude you from work,but just like people without a disability, you seek roles you are suitable for. It’s not ableist to say someone with alzheimers and associated cognitive decline is not suitable for president.

It's not ableist to say that someone with a predictably degenerative disease which is affecting their ability to make logical decisions, that we have no workarounds or treatment for, may be unable to fulfil the job requirements.

It is ableist to suggest that any incidence of memory loss or shitty rhetoric or bad writing or family history is evidence of a degenerative disease and that they should not be eligible for a role because of it. Especially when that conjecture comes from people with no medical background or relation to the person in question.

hitmyspot ,

Selfish and greedy is just part of it. He is unfit on many levels.

Any incidence of memory loss is not automdisqualifying, but I’d want to know the medical reasons before electing someone to such a high office. Again, in the absence of accurate information, we only have speculation.

Discussion about these topics is not ableism. Some are suggesting an upper age limit. To me, that’s just using age as an allegory for health. We should just set minimum standards for health of these offices, if we have an aging population with increasing health needs.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

Dementia didn't stop then president Regan, hasn't even stopped modern republicans from loving him. The failure of "Reaganomics"/War on Drug/Long-term-International-problems doesn't ever factor in. He's still the best. Don't see how it would change anything here.

It's not hyperbole to say conservatives don't care if their politicians have a functional healthy brain, it's literally just a fact. Mitch McConell is another great example of this.

SpaceNoodle ,

It didn’t stop Reagan, either.

spaceghoti OP ,

However, at that point Reagan wasn’t so concerned with his public image. Trump is as insecure as they come.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) avatar

The a is for alzheimer's. It's on brand for me to forget.

(I love that I got his name wrong but nailed Reaganomics 😂)

Vaggumon , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling avatar

I know this diarrhea smoothy will never spend a single second behind bars, even if convicted of every crime ever in the history of crime. But I really wish Marmalade Hitler would experience a fraction of the justice he deserves.

ForgetPrimacy ,

Marmalade Hitler is so satisfyingly condescending…

SilverFlame ,

I can’t believe it’s not Hitler!

Pratai , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

This isn’t an age thing- it’s an intelligence thing. He’s a huge dumbass. His college professor even said he was the dumbest kid he’d ever seen.

It’s no wonder he’s the front-runner for the Conservative Party- because only morons would think that ignorant pissfart has a viable wagon hitch.

Geek_King ,

The phrase “A useful idiot” comes to mind. He’s a dangerous mix of stupid, lack of empathy, with a massive dose of narcissism.

Pratai ,

Just what a bunch of half-evolved brainless primates need in a leader. Someone who is just barely smarter than they are.

mister_flibble ,

Honestly, I think it’s both. Watch pretty much any interview with him from the 80s or 90s. He was still an egotistical dumbass, but he was far more coherent.

Yearly1845 , to Politics in [Opinion] Trump's plans to become a dictator: It's time to get real about Project 2025 - Chauncey DeVega - Salon

Every day I become more and more convinced we are close to a societal collapse.

RickRussell_CA , to Politics in [Opinion] Trump's plans to become a dictator: It's time to get real about Project 2025 - Chauncey DeVega - Salon avatar

On the other hand, "idle threats or empty acts of ideation" is pretty much Trump's brand. Everything he does is half-assed and never comes to fruition.

But I concede that he might hire underlings capable of sustaining a dictatorship.

AOCapitulator , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

And the evidence for them changing their positions at all is…. That trump is leading the primary again and the GOP is doing the same fuckin shit but arguably MORE?

puttputt , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

Dominic Pezzola, who had joined the group only weeks before the January 6 attack, declared himself “a changed and humbled man” ready to return to a quiet life as an apolitical father and partner to his girlfriend.

Pezzola, after getting sentenced to 10 years, raised his fist in the air and yelled “Trump won!”


shiveyarbles , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

Fuck around and find out, fucking traitors

IHaveTwoCows , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

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  • Franzia ,

    Don’t come for freedom of speech. Oh and you forgot Section 230. I believe these changes would not genuinely make America a better place.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Absolutely restrict fascist media. I have heard every one of the arguments against it and they all suck. Unregulated free speech is a fucking disgraceful failure and gave us fascists and fascism. You’re not “shining light on the cockroaches”; you are normalizing genocidal ideology. I cant help but notice that radical right wing violence has been rising ever since Rush Limbaugh went on the air.

    silent_water , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar
    Farman , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

    In authoritarian north korea the goverment jails peaceful protestors…

    tomatopathe ,

    How is that related to this?

    spaghettiwestern ,

    You are a bald-face liar to suggest that January 6th was a peaceful protest.

    IHaveTwoCows ,

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  • ThereRisesARedStar ,
    AOCapitulator , avatar

    Fuckin what?

    AyyLMAO , (edited )

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  • Farman , (edited )

    The idea is that if similar senteces were given to similar protests in north korea or iran or russia etc. There would be huge outrage in the mainstream press calling them authoritarian and totalitarian and so on.

    that those countries are not nearly as bad as the us.

    HawlSera , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

    God I certainly hope that’s true.

    420blazeit69 , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

    After being sentenced, Biggs called into a vigil held by pro-insurrectionists outside the jail and declared that his 17-year sentence was “insanity,” even though it was half what prosecutors had asked for. “They can kiss my ass. We’re still fighting all the way to the end,” he told the crowd, imploring them to “never give up.” He also called into “Infowars” to insist, “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

    No one has been scared straight here. The ones who got got are martyrs to the cause and the ones who flip are traitors or plants.

    They’ll either be more careful next time or they’ll be just as sloppy but convince themselves it’ll work out, because this time is different.

    PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

    No doubt. It hasn’t hit home…yet: the American public is unhappy with THEM.

    So, for now, they are deluding themselves with magical thinking that a pardon is in their future. When it’s 2030 & their ass is still stuck in jail, and nobody gives a shit about whatever petty grievances they thought they had … then, and only then, will it sink in: it wasn’t worth it, and they wasted whatever platform they thought they built on a cause that used them like the tools they are.

    420blazeit69 ,

    The American public isn’t unhappy with them, though. Republicans are at worst annoyed and the large segment of non-voting/non-political people aren’t invested either way. It’s Democrats who are unhappy with them, but they already knew that.

    then, and only then, will it sink in: it wasn’t worth it, and they wasted whatever platform they thought they built

    If this comes to pass it still has nothing to do with “scaring the rest of MAGA straight.” At best you’ll have these assholes crying into their pillow in prison, forgotten by any significant movement outside.

    Then there’s the possibility that they never get pardoned but become martyrs/celebrities on the right (already happening), or the possibility that Trump wins in 2024 and they do get pardoned. Again, nothing here to dissuade the broader MAGA movement.

    PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

    MAGA will go the way of 2004 George Bush voters; sure, he was elected, but try and find someone who admitted they helped him to his second term. "Oh no, I didn’t vote, I voted independent, I … " sure buddy.

    “Republicans are at worst annoyed” – read what Pence has to say about that, alongside GOP senators + congresspeople who were cowering next to Democrats, wondering if that day was going to be their last. The killing of cops, the destruction and storming of the federal government, the strong arm of a private policy over foundations of democracy … that did not set well with the voting electorate. NeoNazis? Sure, they ate it up.

    The guy who owns his own plumbing outfit and has three other plumbers working for him? That did and does not sit well, not at all.

    Honestly, what Trump showed is that there is a thirst for politicians to reach out to issues that the majority cares about, and this majority doesn’t see identity politics as helping them. They/them, black lives matter, even MeToo, none of that shit is on the agenda of most Americans. People want to hear- we are helping protect your way of life, the life of your mother and father that you are trying to pass onto your son and daughter. That’s all Trump did, plus the worst overtones imaginable, despite having zero ability to deliver, which didn’t matter as he had zero intention of trying.

    Adkml ,

    “Republicans are at worst annoyed” – read what Pence has to say about that, alongside GOP senators + congresspeople who were cowering next to Democrats, wondering if that day was going to be their last.

    And then when asked he said he’d still vote for hum if he was the candidate.

    Im not sure how you haven’t figured out to recognize performative outrage from republicans at this point.

    PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

    good point. I still think when 10 MAGA 4 LIFE types go into the voting booth come the general election, Trump is not going to get 10 votes. He may not get 10 votes in the primary.

    Sphere , avatar

    MAGA is the 2004 Bush voters, my friend. Did you forget that Karl Rove engineered a win in Ohio by getting gay marriage on the ballot? Now those same hogs are squealing about “groomers” and attacking drag events. They didn’t go away before, and they’re not going to go away now.

    soumerd_retardataire , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

    five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes

    You’re all fucking crazy, they didn’t have any power to stage a coup or topple democracy you morons. They simply entered a building !
    You can’t all sincerely believe that they were going to achieve anything by entering the Capitol, the historical place to have manifestations ?
    Political prisoners aren’t only people whose ideology you agree with, you’re sending people who didn’t hurt anyone ^(o.m.g., he pepper sprayed a cop) to almost a decade in jail, sometimes fathers&mothers, am i living in a parallel universe ?

    felixthecat ,

    Yes they could have. If they went to the right chamber and started killing representatives or at least taking them prisoner they could have. All it would take is a smart, motivated, evil leader to take the reigns and that day could have ended very differently.

    Thankfully those idiots had no one leading them. But I do wonder why Russia or China didn't exploit the situation to their advantage.

    soumerd_retardataire ,

    Or they would have exchanged their arguments like the civilised people we’re supposed to represent. If they killed your representatives that would be worth a decade or more in jail i suppose, but they didn’t, they simply entered a building and are accused of having attempted to overthrow the government, an accusation that no one can take seriously(, and yet).
    Russia, China, or the many other sanctioned countries, can rejoice on their medias, who are either banned or not read by the “free world”, but otherwise, i don’t see how they could profit from it. More importantly, they wouldn’t be glad that their enemy has problems if we were allied, this world f*cking stinks, and shouldn’t.

    mrnotoriousman ,

    You're free to go ahead and look at all the evidence presented for the proud boys and oath keepers. It's all right there but that would pop your right wing bubble. No idea gets sedition charges for entering a building. And we all watched it live on TV, most people take what happened very seriously.

    I_Has_A_Hat ,

    Ah yes, the people literally smearing shit on the walls were certainly just looking for a nice, civilized argument with their representatives.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    But I do wonder why Russia or China didn’t exploit the situation to their advantage.

    Let me guess… BECAUSE they might not be as evil as USA stuffs in the heads of you people everyday on TV?

    Shit, this must either be a Eureka moment, or maybe a result of non-poisoned minds speaking sensible things.

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