queermunist , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

The corrolary is that pardons from a Republican victory would vindicate them, so uh

Etterra , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

Maybe they are, but not all of it. There’s always the ones that double down.

D61 , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

Each of these folks is now a hero in the eyes of MAGA enthusiasts. They’ve been martyred after a fashion. They’ll be able to generate a steady flow of cash for probably a solid decade whether behind bars or released.

Maybe they will be pissed that Trump and the rest of the really fashy right wingers in the USA political establishment have left them out to hang, but the next time a right wing populist gets them all riled up they will know to go full force and not waver like they did during January 6. They got to experience first hand what “going halfway” gets you and will learn from it.

beef_curds , avatar

They’ll probably get a good cash stream at first. But I’m not sure most people in America have enough object permanence to care about these folks after a few years. Won’t they be like a Reality Winner, where almost no one remembers them a few years later except as a trivia answer at trivia night?

D61 ,

Not saying these people are going to be millionaires… But they’ll be able to make the rounds on right wing radio, local church speech circuits, all the neo fash militia groups that are around and be probably be able to have a nice safety net that most of the rest of us won’t have when we need it.

CannotSleep420 ,

No more half measures Walter.

M68040 , avatar

Like, seriously, the answer to “If you actually punish them they’ll become a martyr” is to punish all the people they become martyrs to in turn. Pretty simple stuff frankly

D61 ,

I’m not saying that they shouldn’t get punished, hurt them any way possible, they’re the enemy and fair game. But I don’t think this is going to finish them. And how long before the libs decide that “the government is going too far” and stop supporting the judicial attempts to punish these people? How much mileage can they get from the schadenfreude before it gets boring? I’d imagine that once that happens, Dems won’t be able to get as much juice for their fundraising efforts over this and prosecutions will start happening less and less.

And the people that were sitting on top of the walls cheering them on, have gotten to walk away pretty much free from all serious punishment. In a better country, this might make some lights come on in the old thinkin’ box that their leaders are mostly grifters and stop supporting them… but… if the polls are anything to pay attention to, Trump is as popular as ever and he’s the only one even remotely getting into some legal trouble.

I’m hoping that all the fashy TeaParty types stabbing each other in the backs over crumbs might have some negative effects on the disparate fascist groups organizing with each other… but I’ve got to admit that its most cope than hope at this point.

reddig33 , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

Doubtful. These are the same idiots who yell “trump won!” after being hauled off after sentencing. They haven’t learned a thing. Look at Mike Huckabee’s war mongering quotes that came out today.

downpunxx , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

alternatively, morons can't be frightened, they never see themselves as being in the wrong or having to suffer the consequences of their actions, morons are bereft of wisdom which comes from learning by watching other peoples actions and experiences. magats are morons by definition. ipso facto.

tym ,

I wish you were wrong.

Jaysyn , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

view mercy as weakness & will stab you right in the back at first opportunity.

winterayars ,

Yep, I’ll consider them reformed after like ten years of honest, serious, and not self-promoting work to undo the damage they did and not sooner.

mustardman ,

Unrelated, but your hashtag showed up as:

Fascists ( view mercy…

At first I was like, I guess they are a little different than Lemmy but can’t be that bad, right?

CrabAndBroom , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

IMO this is why it’s super important that the Republicans, especially Trump, don’t win the next election (even more so than usual.) There are already literal nazis outside Disney Land, the absolute last thing anyone needs is some dickhead pardoning the Proud Boys and emboldening the far right even further.

Flaps ,

How do you see the dems stopping the rise of fascism? Not asking in bad faith, it’s just that the things you describe are happening under a democratic president.

The sentencing of these proud boys truly is a good thing, don’t get me wrong (but we must also add that their convictions only came after threatening the state, not the threatening of marginalized people). The rise of fascism however isn’t stopped with this ruling. The conditions that foster it aren’t adressed.

What do you think the democrats should do after an electoral victory in 2024 to achieve this?

Adkml ,

I’m not going to lecture anybody on voting for dems but the bar is so low that “what are they gonna do to stop the rise of fascism” they aren’t going to pardon all of them and embolden them. I don’t think they’ll ever do anything to really meaningfully oppose them but not pardoning them and showing people there’s literally no consequences from it is the least most bad option.

reverendsteveii ,

This. Fuck a liberal but at Dem rallies no one chants about how I should be murdered.

Adkml ,

Yea I’m basically at the point where I don’t think things will get better under a democrat but a lot of people far more vulnerable to fascists then me have talked about preferring to not have the president using them as a scapegoat everyday.

Although as somebody who lives in the boonies all the chuds around me get way more fired up and antagonistic when there’s a dem president. There’s a shitload of flags telling me to go fuck myself on the way to work and the numbers increased in the last couple years.

Although it has been interesting to take the temperature of your average chud by checking to see if the one trump/ DeSantis flag is still up.

GarbageShoot ,

It seems like you’re still fucking liberals then, and not in a derisive way

reverendsteveii ,

I do not volunteer to be sacrificed for your ideological purity.

GarbageShoot ,

I am encouraging you to be honest, not to sacrifice yourself, though if you think my complaint with the dems is “ideological purity” then you clearly don’t understand why liberals are so terrible to begin with.

silent_water , avatar

the dems are in power now. what are they doing to stop the on-going trans genocide?

spaceghoti OP ,

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by “dems are in power now”? Are you saying they have complete and unfettered control over the entire government to do as they wish?

silent_water , avatar

I’m saying they hold the executive and a branch of congress. how are they using it?

spaceghoti OP ,

As best they can. Are you saying they can take unilateral action without the full support of the House of Representatives? What do you think they could be doing that they’re not?

silent_water , avatar

you should read how the republicans plan to avoid congress in order to accomplish their aims the next time they seize the white house. and also how fast the dems are moving right on trans issues.

spaceghoti OP ,

I am fully aware of how Republicans have abandoned democracy in order to accomplish their goals. And I have no doubt that Democrats are being spineless about trans issues. But I asked a very specific question that, given your complaints, you ought to be able to answer easily. Without control of both houses of Congress as well as the Oval Office, what could the Democrats be doing that they aren’t?

2Password2Remember ,

reddit moment

Death to America

CrabAndBroom ,

I mean honestly I think the dems being in power is kind of like sticking a band-aid on a gunshot wound at this point, but the Republicans in power is like treating it with… more gunshots or something lol. I think the US needs pretty fundamental change to actually fix anything substantial, but I don’t think that’s realistically going to happen anytime soon. Not trying to “lesser of two evils” it or anything, I just meant that the first step is to probably to shut the nazis down.

CatoPosting , avatar

to shut the nazis down.

And are the dems taking meaningful action to do this? From where I’m sitting, I’d say they are not as the fash is only gaining steam under the current administration.

America delenda est.

GarbageShoot ,

But the Nazis aren’t getting shut down, and we have a Dem president already. Clearly something other than red/blue elections are needed to shut Nazis down, as history hopefully helps demonstrate.

Adkml ,

Right but all those other things get shit down immediately, its just the harm reduction argument again.

If the options are do nothing, elect the fascists who want to murder Trans people, or elect useless libs who aren’t actively calling for the execution of trams people seems like one of those options is preferable even if still shitty.

So I guess I’d turn the question around, what are the better alternatives to shut this shit down at this point.

Again not arguing that anybody should feel like voting for libs is gonna solve anything but if it means the people literally explicitly calling for violence against minorities have slightly less direct access to governmental power that seems like the least worst option available at this point.

GarbageShoot ,

even more so than usual

It’s interesting how it’s more urgent than usual every time

xc2215x , to Politics in [News] “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge

Yikes. Scary stuff here.

roguetrick , to Politics in [News] “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge

Wannabe brown shirts LARPing like they're good for anything but terrorism. They'd be the first to be purged. Nobody competent works for free

Jaysyn , to Politics in [News] “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge avatar

The are making plans.

Let's continue to ruin them.

reddig33 , to Politics in "War on Mexico": Republicans ramp up calls for military action as they blast Democrats as warmongers

Idiots. Mexico is a huge trading partner, and it is much more convenient to build things south of the border than putting them on a ship to get here.

PeepinGoodArgs , to Politics in "War on Mexico": Republicans ramp up calls for military action as they blast Democrats as warmongers

I was told that this was “just rhetoric” on a conservative instance. So, it’s okay. They’re just looking for support.

The same person also told me he lived under a rock. So…ya know…critical thinking.

TokenBoomer , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

Thanks for realizing it’s still capitalism’s fault. I was beginning to think no one would notice.

taanegl , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

Trickling brain economics

Son_of_dad , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

The u.s also has a problem with narcissism. There are cleaning ladies and ditch diggers who think that they’re smarter and knows more than doctors, teachers, scientists, researchers, etc. People think they know better than anyone, and that everyone else is stupid.

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