Pratai , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor


AOCapitulator , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar

And the evidence for them changing their positions at all is…. That trump is leading the primary again and the GOP is doing the same fuckin shit but arguably MORE?

captainlezbian , to Politics in “I was just following orders”: Ex-prosecutor calls out Trump co-defendants for using “Nazi defense”

Ah yes no defense like the worlds most famous insufficient defense

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , to Politics in Most recent ex-president arrested for fourth time: What the hell country is this? avatar

We never should have reopened that black sarcophagus.

cmbabul ,

Or shot that gorilla

Krakova ,

The moon is an ancient alien graveyard. We’ve been cursed since the landing. Moon’s haunted.

Alaskaball , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

The first friend I made in preschool was different from me. Damn bigots

autismdragon , (edited ) avatar

My mom’s anti-racism was very liberal white savior but I will always thank her for the fact that she actively encouraged me to make friends with our black neighbors when I was like 4. I unfortunately still lived mostly in white dominated areas growing up and had very few black acquittances and no close black friends. Though I did have a few close asain friends in highschool I guess. But still, I went to a highschool with like a grand total of two black people, and the one I was friendly with had been adopted by a white family. So while my mom did instill that racism is wrong, i still lacked necessary perspective for a long time. Pretty much didnt really get interested and involved in race issues until I was on tumblr when Mike Brown happened. And I still haven’t really had as many one on one conversations and friendships with black people as I would like.

Idk, maybe I’m being weird about race even with this post. I just kind of regret the fact that being in white dominated areas meant I didnt get to have the kind of experiences that would help me have been better on race earlier. I did at least have no open racists in my family growing up, which was good. And in addition to my mom my paternal grandma has always been proactively anti-racist. Both in a liberal way, but better than the upbringing a lot of white Americans have.

Sorry for the info dump lol.

ETA: OH I should mention that one positive experience with racial diversity in my life has been working with POC children in my past jobs with kids. Thats been beneficial I think. For example I specifically remember viscerally feeling the anxiety my latine students had during the rise of Trump.

SpacePirate , to Politics in Analyst on Don Jr.'s "stunning" testimony: "I cannot overstate how damaging these admissions are"

Classic stupidity isn’t fraud defense. It’s fairly effective, despite what this article is representing; if they prosecution can’t prove conspiracy or material fraud (smoking gun), they have an uphill battle proving their case.

Froyn ,

Conservative attorney George Conway called Trump Jr.'s claims "ridiculous" because "Management representation letters are called management representation letters for a reason: They contain representations made 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 and it’s the 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 who are entitled to rely upon them."

From the article, with their own emphasis.

Jr's version sounds a lot like "I didn't read the terms before I clicked Agree to install iTunes". Except the Terms for iTunes are the same for everyone and the documents he was signing her specifically made for him (in his position with the company).

Bizarroland , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond avatar

I take umbrage with titles like this.

Isn't it great that somebody is telling us that "everybody has gotten stupider" and at the same time implying that "you are not one of the people that got stupider, of course, dear reader".

It's bullshit. We're not stupider. It's somebody else right? There's obviously got to be some giant group of stupid people out there and what it is is it's the fucking prisoners dilemma and we don't even realize we're in it.

Telling us that we are smart and educated of course and there's some invisible group of stupid people out there fucking everything up so there's nothing we can really do about it?

it's fucking mind control.

And you know, I personally hate being mind controlled by weird deceptive language.

Look past the article, find what they're actually reporting on and think for yourself okay?

btaf45 ,

somebody is telling us that "everybody has gotten stupider"

I agree that Reagan started turning everything into crap. But it is not that simple. How come 50 years ago there was a lot more smoking and people believed in things like Extrasensory Perception? How come literacy and high school graduation rates were lower? How come half of Western Europe countries had large Communist parties and all of Eastern Europe had Communist dictatorships? How come conservatives were calling Eisenhower and Kennedy communists?

Treczoks , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums -

I don't hink that Fultons County Sheriffs Office is the right agency to deal with this threat to the juridical process. This (most likely) crossed state borders and should therefor handled by federal agencies, who happen to have the proper resources, too. One can safely assume that Fultons County Sheriffs Office is not set up to track down some people off the QAnon network.

At least put them down as John Does for "Aiding and Abetting".

whatupwiththat , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

fucking exhausting

Fiivemacs , to Politics in Trump's "defense" strategy: Flooding the zone with sh*t

Easy…ignore anything he says and work based on the facts. He has already been proven a master liar so why listen to him unless he’s on the stand.

ubermeisters , avatar

He is NOT a master liar. He’s not even good at it in the slightest. The differenc eis that his base doesn’t care. They knows a lie and what isn’t. It’s a big game of “what can we get away with” becuase they need validation so fucking bad at this point.

MiddleWeigh , avatar

He doesn’t even lie as far as I’m concerned.

“Were gon be shitty and tribal cuz muh nature”

sin_free_for_00_days , to Politics in Donald Trump unleashed a war against the U.S. government — and now he can't control it

Then came Ronald Reagan and the dark times.

That about sums up the situation.

arin , to Men's Liberation in Patriarchy harms boys and men, too. Helping them realize this is key to erasing toxic masculinity

Damn sucks to live with people who are upset your children born are the wrong gender.

Gradually_Adjusting , to Men's Liberation in Patriarchy harms boys and men, too. Helping them realize this is key to erasing toxic masculinity avatar

Is this sub about actual mens liberation and not just a reactionary movement?

homoludens ,

The former :)

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar


jeffw OP , avatar

Men’s liberation is a far cry from MRAs, which is probably what you’re thinking of

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It's mainly what you see these days, isn't it. Lemmy is a different energy though, I like it.

TurtleJoe , avatar

The men's lib subreddit used to be very good as well. (It probably still is, I just haven't checked it in a while.)

Jarix ,

MRA is kind of the inverse i think because it typically is just about mens rights not egalitarianism. At least in my experience with it online.

I can accept im wrong if put to the test but i dont think im wrong enough that ill wait for a convincing argument before i burden myself with slogging through that much slop to find if theres good stuff underneath

jeffw OP , avatar

MRAs are mostly driven by their hatred of women

Lusamommy , to Men's Liberation in Tradwife stereotypes are making male loneliness worse

An interesting video on the topic, that directly argues against a lot of what the article says

spaduf OP Mod , (edited ) avatar

ShoeOnHead primarily produces rightwing dogwhistle content. Her videos are generally not welcome here.

EDIT: More info for those curious: is that she’s pretty explicitly an antifeminist and has been for as long as she’s been in the public eye (since gamergate).

Lusamommy ,

Is that a mod warning, or just your garbage personal stance?

msage ,

Jesus since when is shoe right dogwhistle?

No1RivenFucker ,

There’s a large portion of the left that just absolutely loathes the idea that someone might not perfectly fall in line, and thus brands everyone who they disagree with as some right wing psyop

aBundleOfFerrets ,

If you are going to peddle such miserable drivel, at least have the common courtesy to make it a piped link

Lusamommy ,

Lmao you’re in the responses to someone who posted a fucking salon article. This is hardly the drivel here

SkepticalButOpenMinded ,

The video is not addressing the specific argument in the article. The main argument in the article is that the interest in tradwives is harming men’s ability to function in the real dating world. That seems plausible to me. There are probably not that many women who are into being tradwives so it’s an outrageous expectation to normalize.

The video doesn’t address that thesis at all. It’s making more of a libertarian argument: “tradwives aren’t hurting anyone so leave them alone.” But even if women should be allowed to be tradwives, that says nothing about whether men and other women are harmed by the promotion of these regressive gender norms. At one point, the video shows a ton of examples of men wishing violence on tradwife women, for e.g. not having dinner done on time. Somehow, this YouTuber still doesn’t see how promoting this view of a women’s place is harmful.

DerisionConsulting ,

I haven’t really heard anything about her since gamergate, and the anti-SJW/feminist days in the 2010’s. I have seen her pop up twice in a week, both times in places where anti-SJW beliefs would not be welcome.

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

Are her views/take fairly shallow and easily swayed, has she matured as a person and changed her politics, or is she just an online creator following where the trends are for views?

I don’t think there’s been any significant change in her content. Notable that the person posting the video was a fresh account and that was their first comment.

Franzia ,

I continue to wash Shoe despite a few frustrations. She’s not easily swayed or stupid, but does have a uniquely liberal take on everything. That is to say, often telling people to be more permissive of right wing. She has matured, but its hardened her views into this weird, both sides, dogwhistle-y brand of opinions. And yet she continues to cover important topics, just… In a way that leaves more to be desired.

No1RivenFucker ,

Why is it a problem that she’s not just hostile towards the right? Is leftism an obligation in your eyes?

Franzia ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk. And Shoe has been pushed to the left before. I find her drawing this liberal line is one if the most important aspects to her content.

No1RivenFucker ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Compromise is only valuable when the positions the compromise seeks to find ground between are both equally honest positions. And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative. And just to add onto it, the guy who posted the video was immediately banned for it. Compromise isn’t the goal it seems. It’s to throw out and discredit dissent.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk

No, we’re on Just because the mod is on solar punk, it doesn’t mean that the community is. And makes no claims of being a leftist instance, just a Canadian one.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative.

She’s been producing antifeminist content while calling herself a progressive for a very long time. I fail to see how that’s not right wing dog whistling that is largely incompatible with the goals of this community.

No1RivenFucker ,

For how much you hate her, you are as hell haven’t leveled a single actual point against her other than generic shit talking. Surely you can actually point to specific issues, no?

UFODivebomb , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue"

What a child

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