Drusas , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

I don't know how this is legal in any way.

michaelrose ,

What do you think is illegal?

Drusas ,

I think it is legal. I'm suggesting that I think something in here should not be. Related to obstruction of justice, trying to tamper with his ongoing cases, I'm not sure what it would be since it is legal as things are now. It just doesn't seem right to be able to influence justice due to popularity.

Chetzemoka , to Politics in Opinion - Trump's dementia challenge: Fear of Alzheimer's has him scrambling

For the record, my grandmother with actual Alzheimer's continued to ace the MoCA tests long after we had taken her keys and checkbook away. Not all mental deficits are revealed by those tests.

steebo_jack , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds


carl_dungeon , to Politics in "I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds

Raise your hand if you’re surprised.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Texas in Texas GOP and UT-Austin leaders shift from championing free speech to policing protester intentions

Shift? They never championed free speech, just conservative speech.

lemmytellyousomething , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

As it says in the bible: It’s totally fine to insult minorities!!!11

some_guy , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

He also broke down Donald Trump’s efforts to classify Mar-a-Lago as a social club in the 90s, which saw the former president signing a 1995 deed relinquishing his right to use the property as anything other than a club and a 2002 “Deed of Development” forever extinguishing his right to develop Mar-a-Lago and limiting changes to it, including division or subdivision for any purpose like use as single-family homes.

“Exacerbating defendants’ obstreperous conduct is their continued reliance on bogus arguments in papers and oral argument,” Engoron wrote in the filing. “In defendants’ world: rent regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air; a disclaimer by one party casting responsibility on another party exonerates the other party’s lies; the Attorney General of the State of New York does not have capacity to sue or standing to sue (never mind all those cases where the Attorney General has sued successfully) under a statue expressly designed to provide that right; all illegal acts are untimely if they stem from one untimely act; and square footage subjective.”

“That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” he added.

PeepinGoodArgs , to Politics in "War on Mexico": Republicans ramp up calls for military action as they blast Democrats as warmongers

I was told that this was “just rhetoric” on a conservative instance. So, it’s okay. They’re just looking for support.

The same person also told me he lived under a rock. So…ya know…critical thinking.

Son_of_dad , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

The u.s also has a problem with narcissism. There are cleaning ladies and ditch diggers who think that they’re smarter and knows more than doctors, teachers, scientists, researchers, etc. People think they know better than anyone, and that everyone else is stupid.

ohlaph , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond

It’s a lot easier to control and fool an ignorant population.

Bizarroland , avatar

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time" -Abraham Lincoln

And my corollary to that is that you can hire all of the people that you can't fool all of the time and get them to help you fool all of the people that you can fool all of the time.

Vrabielley , to Politics in [News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums -

There’s no terrorism like Christian love.

Chetzemoka , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends

Make racism wrong again

Telorand , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"

Oof, I hope all the "Texan for life" types are paying attention, because letting the GOP inject blatant propaganda into the veins of Texas is what has given us people like this.

Bonevac is proof that being a professor of philosophy doesn't mean your philosophy is good or that you have any skill in self-reflection or skepticism.

Edit: and according to his university bio, one of his professional interests is "Christian Philosophy." What. A. Fucking. Surprise.

newtraditionalists , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

What must it be like? To be so immensely mediocre, and think you are ordained by a deity? I imagine it’s actually a lot scarier than they lead on. And that’s why they freak out about literally nothing. They have no idea what the fuck is going on around them, but they are just aware enough to know those around them expect them to lead. They are dumb animals acting out of pure flight instincts, but they’re privileged enough that the systems around them won’t let them fail. It’s hilarious and maddening.

0110010001100010 , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor avatar

Cry some more snowflake.

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