ikidd , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

12 dead in Ohio.

nifty , avatar

Can you link to an article please? This is horrific

Edit: oh it’s about the Kent state shootings. Here’s an article,

ikidd , avatar

It's from the Neal Young song about that.

RizzRustbolt ,

Everything was so great...

HootinNHollerin , (edited ) to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

University of Texas at Austin. There were protests of the Vietnam war there and the university put giant planters into the west mall where the protests were to reduce their size. They’re still there today. They always felt a bit out of place then I learned the history

psycho_driver , to Work Reform in How in the hell

Look at Mr. fancy pants, sleeping in until 6:30 every morning.

Hello_there , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Get that photographer a pulitzer

thanks_shakey_snake , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Can someone OOTL this for me? What's going on in Texas?

theparadox ,

More arrests of college students walking out of class and peacefully protesting the situation in Gaza. This time UT Austin.

okamiueru ,

What do they need the riot police for?

Passerby6497 ,

Violently suppressing peaceful protestors is my guess.

frunch ,

To make it look like the protestors are violent. They wouldn't call in those troops if it weren't for those savage antisemitic protestors, right?!?

RizzRustbolt ,

Or if a bunch of school students are about to be killed and they need a group of nutsacks to stand around and do nothing.

These are the same dorks from Uvalde.

jkrtn ,

Spraying chemicals directly in the faces of nonviolent students and then beating the shit out of them with batons.

DerArzt ,

And then trying to wipe it off the internet.

PrincessLeiasCat ,

Wait - that meme cop at UC Davis or wherever some years ago with the pepper spray? They tried to scrub that?

Or a different one? Because that meme was everywhere - good luck with that one.

troglodytis ,

They tried to scrub that. Silly humans

scoobford ,

Depending on your biases, either to try and maintain order to prevent it from becoming a riot, or to intimidate and assault protestors.

Given the history of police and protesting college kids, it's probably supposed to be mostly an intimidation thing.

masquenox ,

It's hard to crack down on dissent without them.

graymess ,

Great question.

melpomenesclevage , (edited )

Terrorism. Literally all riot police ever do.

uis , avatar
Aceticon ,

Because the American Power Elites believe Might Makes Right and the riot police are their most willful and most violent goons.

Natanael ,

They don't, they just want to scare the kids into but expressing ideas they don't like. Which is very illegal but they don't care

Evotech , to Seattle in Seattle’s first protected intersection, Dexter Ave N @ Thomas St.

The shit Americans will create to avoid making a circle...

Soulg ,

We have a lot of them though

Species8472 ,

Crop circles?

yamsham ,

This is not an American invention, nor is it interchangeable with a roundabout.

The main priority of roundabouts is safe traffic flow for cars, but they can (sometimes) still be very hostile to pedestrians. This type of intersection is meant to prioritize pedestrians as much as possible. The narrow street slows vehicles, and the sidewalk bump outs make people trying to cross the street extra visible and minimize the time they need to be vulnerable in the middle of the road.

Which isn’t to say that roundabouts are necessarily bad, they just serve different purposes

chunkystyles ,

It's also very hard to retrofit a roundabout in tight spaces.

IamSparticles ,

Yep. I visited London for the first time last summer. They have protected pedestrian crossings everywhere and it's really nice. A very walkable city.

protist , (edited ) to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

It should be noted these are State Troopers, who basically follow Abbott's orders these days, and are always itching to put on a show for the cameras, eg the one above. APD and UTPD don't seem to be involved in this.

Edit: UTPD was involved:

UT Police Assistant Chief Ashley Griffin issues a dispersal order to those present. That statement was read over campus loudspeakers, Ryan Chandler reports.

“I command you in the name of the People of the State of Texas to disperse, and if you do not, you shall be arrested for Violation of Penal Code Section 42.01 Disorderly Conduct, 42.02 Riot, 42.03 Obstructing a Highway or other passageway,” the order reads.

From everything I've seen, this was a peaceful, mobile protest that caused no disruptions until the police caused disruptions.

gearheart , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

So what happened with state law protecting speech activity on this campus?.…

ZK686 ,

Have you not been paying attention to the news? The protests are literally disrupting normal kids from just wanting to go to school. USC cancelled graduation because of all this least Texas is nipping it before it causes any problems.

zalgotext ,

Yeah, obviously the protesters should be off in a corner where they aren't a nuisance or disturbance to anyone. I'm sure their protest would still be just as effective 🙄

Osito ,

Some people like their boots fried some like em grilled

Natanael ,

The police and admin are disrupting normal kids wanting to go to school and also wanting to see other kids be allowed to go to school without being bombed

scottywh ,

God damn you're a fucking moron.

Glytch ,

You seem like you would know the answer to this: which tastes better leather or rubber?

EvilEyedPanda ,

Remember Kent State in 1970. The police are class traitors.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

This is the same state which said it was perfectly legal for them to seize border checkpoints from the federal government. They seem to be making "states rights" arguments all over the place. So, apparently we're sliding backwards.

doctorcrimson , to Work Reform in How in the hell

Keep in mind that in 1975 the top tax rate was 48%, some sources say the effective rate on corporate was 44%. This message went out right before the largest recorded increase in USA poverty from 1980 to 1983, and the Reagan Administration gutting federal regulatory bodies and slashing the corporate tax rates down to effective 0 rates, sometimes a negative rate if they received corporate welfare.

If anything, bro really jinxed it by saying “it can’t possibly get worse, right?”

neuracnu , to Seattle in Seattle’s first protected intersection, Dexter Ave N @ Thomas St. avatar

Am I the only one who thinks that the design decision to eliminate the ability for cars to both cross Dexter or make left turns anywhere is a deliberate choice to create driver frustration and reduce favorable attitudes towards building more of these?

Normal protected intersections are terrific and allow automotive traffic to flow in all directions. What was the thought process here?

pruwybn , avatar

I think the idea is to discourage drivers from using Thomas, and try to make it the main east-west bike corridor in the area.

Evotech ,

Stopping people from driving directly to where they want to go reduces traffic apparently.

They use it very deliberately in larger cities to just make driving downtown a hassle.

If it's just a bit more annoying, people are less inclined to do it.

bwrsandman ,

Just a guess (looking at the sharrows at the end of the other street) but it's probably a deliberate design to reduce the flow of car traffic on the street.

Esqplorer ,

Left turns are a fuck you to everyone behind you who knows it would be faster and safer for you to right and U-turn but yet you still hold us back.

pacology , avatar

We have found the Michigander.

mlg , avatar

Dumb considering Michigan also mandates dedicated left turn lanes on every small intersection.

Like okay left allowed on any road but not if it's a split avenue. Instead of making a cheap and usable roundabout or ring road, let's make you play frogger against 3 lanes of traffic so you can do a massive U turn.

EmperorHenry , (edited ) to Work Reform in How in the hell avatar

if I bust my ass for a company, I deserve an equal portion of the money the company rakes in from whatever it does.

An equal portion of money as every other employee gets. For the parasites in the excusive room, that means much less, but for the people who actually have to work in the company that means a lot more.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

“That’s not how the market works.”

I’ve had to have this conversation so many times I feel like I’m losing my mind. Like I need to write a manifesto or blog post that I can reference instead of rewriting it every time.

Markets are not moral.

Market forces are like physical forces - we observe them and use that knowledge to predict the outcomes of situations. But by the same token we need to have a moral framework underpinning the way we use the knowledge, or else we will destroy the world.

Justifying low wages by saying “people are willing to take the job” is just saying “people would rather do this job than be homeless, starve, or be poor_er_.”

I, personally, am fundamentally not okay with an economy that is fully supported by workers essentially being coerced into working from fear of death or despair.

We look at the nuclear bomb and the damage it caused and say “that was bad, let’s not do that”. But we look at inflation, wealth accumulation, class warfare, rampant shameless greed, and don’t immediately see the cause/effect relationship.

Now the conversation about some work being harder, more unpleasant, more stressful, or more valuable than other work is an important one. But in my mind the important part is removing the coersion.

If people had their basic needs met and didn’t fear starvation or homeless, I bet employers would have to give their workers a better shake in order to keep things running.

EmperorHenry , avatar

We look at the nuclear bomb and the damage it caused and say “that was bad, let’s not do that”.

Most people have no idea how horrible it would actually be if WW3 happens. That’s why we need to stop the fighting in ukraine and start the peace talks.

I’m not on either side of that war. I just don’t want the world to become radioactive ashes.

But everything else you said, yes. If you want people to work, you need to pay them. If no one wants to do the job, you need to offer higher pay to make people want to work there.

This is basic supply and demand. Boomers refuse to understand this because they think younger people are entitled for wanting the American dream.

Work is often hard…but the shitter the job is, the higher the pay needs to be.

unfreeradical , (edited ) avatar

I think it is not particularly helpful to frame the overarching antagonism in our society as one between two groups of different ages.

Most households, including most households of Boomers, are workers, and are also workers who are struggling more than they were forty years ago.

kicksystem ,

I cringe everytime money grubbing is normalized. Bloomberg is now building an AI like chatGPT to do their forecasting. They are super proud of that, but instead they should be deeply ashamed. What value are they providing? People are just lining their pockets and other people applaud these people. This is a serious culture flaw.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

I’m THRILLED with the promise of technology making human labor obsolete.

Is labor the best use of your limited time?

Why should we design a society where people must labor in order to survive?

However I’m DEEPLY concerned with our blind dedication to the private ownership of everything, exclusively for the purposes of growing the wealth of the few.

I don’t believe we’re in a post-scarcity world yet, and so I don’t think we’re able to stop laboring altogether. But we’ve definitely reached the point where many have stopped laboring and are surviving on the backs of others. Their lessers.

That needs to become embarrassing instead of a point of pride. We need to start shaming people into doing their part.

kicksystem ,

100% agreed.

I am actually a vegan activist, so I am somewhat used to shaming people. Although that is never the purpose. The purpose is to stop people from exploiting animals (killing, breeding, enslaving, using for testing and entertainment) when in today’s world 99% of it is unnecessary. It is very cruel and also is a major factor of climate change.

I digress, what I wanted to say is that this thing that you and I are talking about should have activists too. Money grubbing needs to be shamed endlessly. I just don’t know exactly how. I feel like going onto the streets with thousands of activists like I do with veganism, but I lack a clear movement, message and organization.

I honestly don’t have a systemic solution, like with veganism, which may be the crux of the problem. I just believe people need to be held accountable for what they are or are not bringing to the world.

Do you know of a movement? Perhaps degrowth?

Superfool , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Riot police is what you get when parents don't show their children love.

Captain_Buddha ,

Oh come now... there's a very real chance their parents loved them, and they still became assholes.

Zink ,

Eh, a lot of people are fucking terrible at showing love, even to the ones they actually do love.

Either that or they just have their priorities mixed up. I wonder how many of them had attentive parents, but they thought doing a good job as a parent meant raising sons to be aggressive tough guys.

Masterblaster420 ,

it's indoctrination, which is strong in rural texas. the problem cannot be solved without a complete overhaul of the social landscape of america. conservatives need reeducation camps.

paradiso ,

Re-education camps? Hahahaha you're actually insane.

Masterblaster420 ,

insanity is doing nothing while sociopaths destroy the last vestiges of humanity.

paradiso ,

Don't you think the concept of re-education camps is a bit sociopathic? Genuine question.

Masterblaster420 ,

yes i do but the ends justify the means

melpomenesclevage ,

So you're saying there's no collateral damage if they go away?

zaph , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

thank you for making it your Texas

That was a fucking lie.

Caitlyynn , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Brick time

SteefLem , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Aaahh look at these adorable wanna be somethings. Heros that ran in to a school when there was an active shooter killing little kids, look how proud they stand not shitting there pants because now there are no guns fireing.
Quick throw an acorn….

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