FMT99 , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Change the world kids! No, not like that!

ZK686 ,

So, are you okay with these "kids" (adults really, but whatever) disrupting campuses all over the country for Palestine? I mean, WTF? Lol...

Kalysta ,


Next question?

frostysauce ,


Zehzin , avatar

The only thing they did wrong is not disrupting streets also.

Glytch ,

Yep. Are you okay with cops pulling another Kent State?

ZK686 , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Can't win in the United States....people are complaining that the cops aren't doing shit about all these protests, and then when they do, people complain. Whatever...

yuri ,

yeah bud, because it’s different people complaining. it’s a country with a lot of people who all have a lot of differing opinions. most places work like that actually.

scottywh ,

Only dumbass shitbag fascists are complaining that "the cops aren't doing shit about all these protests".

So, there's that ...

Of the people I personally know, it's pretty much universally agreed there was no need to do anything about anything.

Ultragigagigantic , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Somebody needs a pepsi!!

h3mlocke , avatar

What kind of monster would downvote this?

Natanael ,

Red bull

njm1314 , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Texas University isn't a place.

JasonDJ ,

Sure it is. It's where all the smartest Texans go to further their education.

Up north we just call it "middle school", though.

thanks_shakey_snake , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Can someone OOTL this for me? What's going on in Texas?

theparadox ,

More arrests of college students walking out of class and peacefully protesting the situation in Gaza. This time UT Austin.

okamiueru ,

What do they need the riot police for?

Passerby6497 ,

Violently suppressing peaceful protestors is my guess.

frunch ,

To make it look like the protestors are violent. They wouldn't call in those troops if it weren't for those savage antisemitic protestors, right?!?

RizzRustbolt ,

Or if a bunch of school students are about to be killed and they need a group of nutsacks to stand around and do nothing.

These are the same dorks from Uvalde.

jkrtn ,

Spraying chemicals directly in the faces of nonviolent students and then beating the shit out of them with batons.

DerArzt ,

And then trying to wipe it off the internet.

PrincessLeiasCat ,

Wait - that meme cop at UC Davis or wherever some years ago with the pepper spray? They tried to scrub that?

Or a different one? Because that meme was everywhere - good luck with that one.

troglodytis ,

They tried to scrub that. Silly humans

scoobford ,

Depending on your biases, either to try and maintain order to prevent it from becoming a riot, or to intimidate and assault protestors.

Given the history of police and protesting college kids, it's probably supposed to be mostly an intimidation thing.

masquenox ,

It's hard to crack down on dissent without them.

graymess ,

Great question.

melpomenesclevage , (edited )

Terrorism. Literally all riot police ever do.

uis , avatar
Aceticon ,

Because the American Power Elites believe Might Makes Right and the riot police are their most willful and most violent goons.

Natanael ,

They don't, they just want to scare the kids into but expressing ideas they don't like. Which is very illegal but they don't care

Linkerbaan , (edited ) to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Fun fact: 91 of these DPS riot cops stood outside the Uvalde Texas elementary school shooting.

DPS was one of various local and state law enforcement agencies that responded to the Robb Elementary shooting on May 24, 2022. Ninety-one DPS personnel were at the school when law enforcement waited over an hour before breaching the classroom where the gunman was.

Video: University of Texas protestors chant Who Failed Uvalde? DPS!

Delusional ,

Ah so if anyone with a gun showed up, they'd all run away.

melpomenesclevage ,

You could just tell them there's someone with a gun on the next property over, and they should probably run away.

phoenixz ,


myusernameis ,

But they look so strong and brave standing there waiting to beat up unarmed people protesting genocide!!

hactar42 , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Whenever I see things like this I think back to something Lewis Black once said back during the Occupy Wall Street protests. They had him on ABC or one of the major news stations and asked him what he thought about it. His answer was along the lines of, "When were the college kids ever wrong?"

ZK686 ,

Um, now? I mean, these "protestors" aren't even remotely interested in what's REALLY going on with the Israel/Palestine situation...they just want to protest from the comforts of their home here in the United States.

Kalysta ,

The united states is the reason israel even can afford a military. Protesting putting their war on our credit card should be done at home.

Though they could also all pile into DC and shut the city down. Would you rather that happen? You know what, that’d likely work better!

mlg , avatar

Lol you want them to make an insurgency group and get labeled enemies of the state?

This exact same stuff happened during Vietnam, including stupid comments like yours.

JasonDJ ,

Ahh those were the good ol' days of Lemmy...back in 'nam.

mojorizer , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Land of the free.

Nobody ,

Whoever told you that is your enemy

ZMonster , avatar

Now, something must be done

Ultragigagigantic , avatar
ZK686 ,

Oh brother...let us know when you're leaving...

gamermanh , avatar

Cowards flee.

People with backbones stay and make things less shit.

Of course you'd immediately go to the former, conservatives always do.

Retrograde , avatar

That song slaps

uis , avatar

It is not France

ZK686 ,

Well, I mean...we're not PALESTINE...but hey, we're trying to be more like them! Emma right? Emma right? Lol...

Zehzin , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar


TropicalDingdong , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.


FatTony , avatar

I'm out of the loop on this one. What exactly is happening over there at University of Texas?

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

Pro Palestinian protests are getting quashed with a complete violation of freedom of assembly

MonkderDritte , (edited )

Uncle sam says nothing? You still have amendments and so on, right?

jkrtn ,

The Amendment still exists but someone gave Clarence Thomas an RV so it isn't in force at the moment.

MonkderDritte , (edited )


Sorry for duplicates, server had a stroke.

klemptor ,

He would be quick to clarify that it's a motorcoach, not an RV.

Andrenikous ,

Bribed with a vehicle meant for traveling.

tocopherol , avatar

Those amendments are very selectively applied when it comes to any grassroots action that isn't fully right-wing. There is essentially no protection to speak against the state if they want to target you.

Kalysta ,

May the first amendment lawsuits be plentiful and crush the fascists.

Captain_Buddha ,

People protesting another war, and they feel more aggression is the right answer.

Superfool , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Riot police is what you get when parents don't show their children love.

Captain_Buddha ,

Oh come now... there's a very real chance their parents loved them, and they still became assholes.

Zink ,

Eh, a lot of people are fucking terrible at showing love, even to the ones they actually do love.

Either that or they just have their priorities mixed up. I wonder how many of them had attentive parents, but they thought doing a good job as a parent meant raising sons to be aggressive tough guys.

Masterblaster420 ,

it's indoctrination, which is strong in rural texas. the problem cannot be solved without a complete overhaul of the social landscape of america. conservatives need reeducation camps.

paradiso ,

Re-education camps? Hahahaha you're actually insane.

Masterblaster420 ,

insanity is doing nothing while sociopaths destroy the last vestiges of humanity.

paradiso ,

Don't you think the concept of re-education camps is a bit sociopathic? Genuine question.

Masterblaster420 ,

yes i do but the ends justify the means

melpomenesclevage ,

So you're saying there's no collateral damage if they go away?

_lilith , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Should we beat and arrest the students or maybe sever ties with a nation committing war crimes? Better get those students and arrest record, looks good on job interviews.

tocopherol , avatar

Vast majority of protesters arrested don't end up with any charges or a record, the police know this, but they still get their mugshot taken which gets posted online by right-wingers, doxxing them to potential political violence.

Masterblaster420 ,

which is why we should do the same thing to conservatives. don't get bullied. bully back.

tocopherol , avatar

Last I was on Twitter a couple years ago there were antifascist pages that did that, the ones I followed were banned while the fascist 'antifa watch' pages I've seen are promoted. But I agree, Twitter won't work for it anymore but we should have some kind of fascist watchlist.

I've thought about the deck of cards of terror suspects the US had, with higher members of Al Qaeda or whatever, we should have that for the top fascist politicians and war mongers. It should be well known the names and faces of the people pushing us off the cliff.

RizzRustbolt ,

Ooo... a Tarot deck of conservative facists.

melpomenesclevage ,

I mean, fuck social media, just do it somewhere?

Masterblaster420 ,

it's a war. you get it.

melpomenesclevage ,

Honestly, I think cops just need to be reminded they bleed too, and there are no way they can win if we actually fight back.

Masterblaster420 ,

damn right

uis , avatar

"Revenge cannot be used to return to norm, it normalizes violence." - Ekaterina Shulman

Masterblaster420 ,

you can ride a high horse all the way into oblivion" - Masterblaster420

it's about self defense and preserving humanity for future generations.

melpomenesclevage ,

So the police are violent. Hope somebody starts taking pot shots when they line up all convenient like this.

C'mon, be the mirror universe cool Texas we know you can be.

FenrirIII , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

ACAB. Remember that when things get worse.

melpomenesclevage ,

Prisoners are for exchange. If exchange is refused, they have outlived their usefulness-blue lives do not matter.

badbytes , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

This pic is going in future history books.

melpomenesclevage ,

If there's anyone around who bothers to write them, sure.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Not any books sold in Texas.

CrayonRosary ,

Which means not in any US primary schools.

JoMiran , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin. avatar

Texas cops at an elementary school shooting: "Someone is armed and shooting! Imma stay hidden."

Texas cops at a peaceful, unarmed protest against genocide: "These boots were made for stomping, and that's just what they'll do."

Chefdano3 , avatar

Sound like the solution is the arm the protesters.

Rentlar ,

It makes sense, the protestors were clear and honest about their non-violent intentions, which is perfect as a target of oppression. They don't get any warning for real crimes like school shootings so there's nothing they can do, too bad.

psvrh , avatar

The problem is that all this does is encourage protesters to come armed the next time.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Reposting this because it’s relevant here too: A scenario like this is what led to the formation of the Black Panthers during the civil rights era, and subsequently led to gun control laws being started by republicans. During the civil rights protests, people quickly realized that peaceful protests were violently broken. But heavily armed peaceful protests had police nervously watching from across the street.

Because police had no qualms about firing into an unarmed crowd to get people to disperse. But when the entire crowd is armed to the teeth and can immediately return fire, the police are suddenly okay with watching from afar. This was the start of the Black Panthers; a group who organized heavily armed protests.

When conservative lawmakers saw a bunch of heavily armed black people (and allies) on their front steps, and saw the police unwilling to break the protests, those conservative lawmakers got really fucking sweaty. So instead, they gave the police tools to arrest individual protestors. The Mulford Act was drafted and quickly passed. At the time, it was the most restrictive gun control law the country had ever seen. It was written by Ronald Reagan (yes, the same Ronald Reagan that the right uplifts as a paragon of conservative values,) and was supported by the NRA, (yes, the same NRA that lobbies for looser gun control laws in the wakes of school shootings.)

This gave the police the power to arrest individual protestors after the fact. Instead of firing into the crowd to disperse the protest, they would wait for the protest to end, follow the protestors home, then kick in their front doors while they were having dinner with their families. (Remember all of the “don’t bring your cell phone to protests because police will arrest you a week or two later if your phone was pinged nearby” messaging during the pandemic protests? Yeah…)

This led to the Black Panthers diving underground. They realized what was happening after protests, so they took efforts to guard their members’ identities. They pulled tactics straight out of anti-espionage textbooks. Randomized meeting places, so police couldn’t set up stings ahead of time. Code names, so arrested members couldn’t rat even if they wanted to. Fragmented info, so no one person (even the leaders) could take down the entire operation if busted. Coded messages. Dead drops. Et cetera, et cetera…

We’re on a rocket trajectory straight down that same pipeline now.

NovaPrime , avatar

As they should. Police have shown their hand time and time again. Peaceful marchers and protesters get beaten, sprayed, and generally abused without consequence. Armed protesters, even those who go full on violent, are left alone and watched from a distance.

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