Devouring , to Work Reform in How in the hell

Didn’t people do this for centuries to farm and have enough food?

Who said that the goal of humanity is happiness and hedonism? Why not make responsibility your goal?

I can even contend that true happiness is reached through responsibility.

unfreeradical , avatar

It seems as though you and I read two completely different posts.

Did you intend to put your comment elsewhere?

Floey ,

Would you tell a slave to just focus on responsibility? Why would you tell someone working for a wage something similar? It doesn’t seem hedonistic to me to want to enjoy the fruits of your own labour, or see your community made better by the work you did. Instead a lot of the value of your labour is siphoned off by people you will never meet and only have negative feelings for.

ProdigalFrog OP , (edited ) avatar

I think different humans have different goals, and as long as those goals don’t infringe on others, that’s perfectly fine. So you wanting to take on responsibility (in whatever way that means for you) is totally chill.

The issue with the current system is that the goals of business owners (the ruling class), infringe upon others, and those other people would prefer to have a system that doesn’t do that, so that everyone can more freely try to achieve their goals without being exploited by a minority of others.

Franzia ,

to farm and have enough food?

Farming is literally seasonal work. Meaning no, you don’t do it every day. The main events are planting and harvesting.

true happiness is reached through responsibility.

Your main point could just as easily be used to defend capitalism - ie. Paying your bills. Can you get more specific about how I can use responsibility to create happiness in my life?

MJBrune , to Do It Yourself in Made a table

Nice, looks amazing! How heavy is it?

apprehensively_human ,

It is now a permanent feature of the home

Sharpiemarker ,

I had a similar coffee table. The shin-breaker-5000.

nyan ,

Well, if OP ever moves, the old slab could be broken up on site, the base moved, and a new slab cast at the destination. Or just hire the local high school football team at $20/jock/hour—four of them should be able to move it. 😅

UnknownQuantity ,

4 X 50 = 200. Then add some weight for the fence mesh and timber frame/legs. I’d say around 250 pounds or around 110kg.

CadeJohnson OP , avatar

top slab is about 230 or 240 pounds. Wood base is only about 15 or so; light. I made no attachment between the concrete and the wood - just gravity.

Vokills , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

I think it is getting better. I have a "Boys Get Sad Too" hoodie (recommend them wholeheartedly) and so far I have gotten only positive comments, even from people where you might not have expected it.

princessnorah , to Men's Liberation in Yikes avatar

As a trans woman who grew up being taught boys don’t cry, it’s taken me the better part of 6 years to learn how to connect with my emotions healthily. I’m so sorry that society treats y’all like this. 💜

Naia ,

I basically had suppressed my emotions my whole life. Since puberty I could count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of times I legit cried before transition and it was usually something like death of a pet or family member.

Some of thst was from running on the wrong hormones, but plenty of cis men are able feel emotional on T. A lot was being scared of showing I had emotion.

I've faired better as I'm not 2 years into transition and already feel like a different person.

Oka , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

It’s gotten better

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

This is so true. I think for a lot of us this advice (or often command) was most frequently heard in these exact words during adolescence. That said this sentiment can at times feel very present.

wewbull ,

In my experience it’s gotten better amongst men. Men telling each other to “man up” has largely died, and they are much better at supporting each other. A lot have gotten much better at recognizing when to ask for help too.

However, I think there are a lot of men in relationships under pressure to always be the rock, the protector and provider. They’re not allowed to have a problem or a weakness. I mean it’s a great way to flush out awful candidate partners. Show a little vulnerability and see how disinterested they get, but it gets tiresome.

amrawr , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

Why does society do this? Mysterious as the dark side of the moon if you ask me...

lemmyZee , to Work Reform in I hope memes are allowed here, sorry if not
nehal3m , to Work Reform in I hope memes are allowed here, sorry if not

I’m going to start by acknowledging I’m privileged not to worry too much about finances since I have a well paying job that I quite enjoy. I realize that the grind is a bitter necessity for some.

That said, living simply affords you the time to do this kind of thing. Notice how there’s no 70 inch MagnaPhallix 5000 OLED TV in the background. It’s old furniture in a cave. If you’re happy with simple things and time spent with friends you don’t need the grind as much.

Anticorp ,

It’s hard to find friends who are interested in sitting with you in a cave in a world full of material desires. Also, it’s not a cave, it’s a hollow tree. Have you never read Whinnie The Poo?

nehal3m ,

I’ve watched the cartoon, but that was a million years ago.

I take your point. I guess I didn’t even realise I am lucky in that sense as well.

Anticorp ,

It is indeed a blessing. I had 4 very close friends who shared my enjoyment of simple things. One died, 2 went to prison, and the other lost his personality to politics. I haven’t really met any other people who I identify with in my adult life. I’m sure there are others out there, but it’s definitely harder to form bonds in middle age.

big_slap ,

sounds like its time to join a club around your area centered around a common interest

casmael , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

Didn’t csny have something to say about this like fucking 50 years ago fml

max_adam , to Texas in Riot cops line up next to a sign at University of Texas at Austin.

The irony of the message on the red stand banner.

jonsnothere , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

There’s only one context “Be a man” should be used in…

mojo , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

Females aren’t in any better of a situation. Mental health support funding is non existent and fucking me over right now :(

snooggums , avatar

When discussing men's experiences the most important thing is switching the conversation to women's experiences.

High fives all around!

mojo ,

I’m saying it’s not a gender specific issue, but I guess you’d rather play a victim. If you want experience from a men’s perspective, I have zero issue with emotional support when I’m talking to girls I can trust.

snooggums , avatar

Guess which hand you are in the picture.

mojo ,

I’m saying the complete opposite of “be a man” that support is out there for men. Are you even attempting to read comments in good faith, or are you reading some completely different text that isn’t there?

snooggums , avatar

So you disagree with the premise that men who reach out are told by society to be a man instead, and want to bring up women's problems instead of acknowledging the problem because you have 'girls you can trust'. To top it off you respond to someone pointing out your whataboutism by accusing someone of 'playing the victim'.

That is what I am responding to, you dismissing the issue while claiming that are aren't and doing the exact thing being discussed in your responses.

mojo ,

Alright I think this convo is done since you are clearly taking this in bad faith after I clarified multiple times that is nothing close to what I said. Find a strawman somewhere else to argue against.

nickwitha_k ,

I think that you are both wrong and right. Societal treatment of mental health issues is indeed quite poor regardless of gender. However, it is important to realize that there ARE differences that relate directly to one’s presenting gender.

Just as women are not taken seriously by health professionals, men are frequently treated as less-than by western culture at-large, if we show anything but chauvinistic bravado. This lack of care has had a profound impact on both young and old men who have any mental illness, leading to isolation, and becoming vulnerable to radicalization by those actively preying on them and using them as tools of violence or suicide.

It’s a real, gender-specific problem that is well-encapsulated in the proverb “A child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”

atyaz ,

I think you’re being a little disingenuous. The two conversations are not only both important, but they’re both closely related to each other. It’s impossible to talk about the mental well being of half the population without the other half coming up, since a lot of the problems and their solutions are the same.

snooggums , avatar

It is very possible to focus on half the population being told to 'man up' and the gender specific meaning that phrase has since it does not apply to the other half. Just like we can focus on women being told to smile more without needing to drag men's vaguely related experiences into it.

Roundcat , to Men's Liberation in Yikes avatar

The fact that being stoic, emotionless or even cold is seen as a trait of masculinity is incredibly frustrating. I feel men should be encouraged to be passionate and expressive with their emotions. Anger shouldn't be the only one we encourage as a society. Have you ever seen a man glow up about his lego collection, or cry at a beautiful scene in a movie they love? More of that please.

Also, men are just as deserving of support networks as anyone else. Though we all experience life differently, we are all human in the end.

kat ,

The fact that people took Stoicism, a philosophy that’s basically cognitive behavioral therapy for emotional awareness, and twisted it to mean “stiff upper lip” or “repress everything lest you seem weak” is depressing as hell.

ICastFist , avatar

It’s one of the reasons I’ve taken a liking to Diogenes’ Cynicism, seeing past the “social norms” and dumb social organization ideas humans come up with.

villasv ,

That, and at the same time it’s manly to be angry.

So you’re supposed to be emotionless, unless the emotion pushes towards violence.

chicagohuman ,

This is one reason that Star Trek and Spock and data resonate with me

bleistift2 , to Men's Liberation in Yikes

It’s the same for women… “Keep your head up” is also super solid advice.

Roundcat , avatar

"YoU sHoUlD sMiLe MoRe."

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

This is great context. Particularly as it highlights the differences in gendered experiences. For women it’s in some ways a demand for attractiveness while for men it’s more of a literal command that is more likely to be used in self policing (that is men policing masculine expectations of other men). Also notable that both sentiments seem to be more likely to come from men.

Roundcat , avatar

As someone who presents masculine, I have gotten the "be a man" treatment from women several times. Ultimately it does come from a patriarchal standard of society, but its something that is perpetuated by everyone, consciously or otherwise. Not discounting what you are saying, but I think it's important to highlight that toxic masculinity can come from anywhere.

starlinguk , avatar

All your symptoms are caused by being a woman!

Half a year later: just kidding, it was cancer, too late now.

PatFussy , to Work Reform in I hope memes are allowed here, sorry if not

Normalizing lazy times? I dont get it… what does normalizing the grind mean?

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