NeedingvsGetting , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump

I want to point out that they denied climate change while in Milwaukee, which set a record high temperature of 101°F the day of the debate, with a heat index of 115°F.

The average high temperature over the past 30 years is 80°F

No wonder the audience started to boo.

Sterile_Technique , avatar
kryptonicus , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It
Rhaedas , to Politics in A Longtime Political Organizer in AOC’s District Says She’s the Real Deal avatar

Even if you disagree with her leanings, just listening to the depth of stuff she talks about particularly at congressional hearings should suggest she's doing more than a lot of the others who talk fluff and waste everyone's time.

madcaesar , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump

Party of anti-science doesn’t believe in science! More at 7!

PreviouslyAmused ,

Where we will discuss the wetness of water and reveal the surprise religion that is prominent within The Vatican.

SouthernOcean , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It

People are making a mistake about viewing Republicans as a block. The way conservatives work is that a single issue is enough to get them to vote for the party.

If that single issue is being against abortion, then the GOP stance gets their support. But if their concerns are gun control or immigration control, they will overlook the disagreement on abortion rights because it probably doesn’t affect them directly.

neuropean ,

Most accurate take.

xenu , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

Dear Jesus,
Please rapture your followers so the rest of us can fix this planet.

floofloof ,

“They’re nothing to do with me.” - Jesus

TokenBoomer , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump

The scariest thing to me was when they talked about invading Mexico 👀

Damage ,

Excuse me, what the fuck?

AstralWeekends ,

Here’s a quote from a Washington Post blog/summary article.:

Would you, co-moderator Martha MacCallum asked DeSantis, support sending American Special Forces over the southern border to take out the cartels that produce fentanyl, a synthetic opioid thought to be the leading cause of death for Americans 18-49. “Yes,” he replied confidently. “And I will do it on Day One.” “Would I use force? Would I treat them as foreign terrorist organizations? You’re damn right I would,” he continued.

Damage ,

Cool. Hopefully he meant with the permission of the Mexican government.

Dubious_Fart ,

You know he didnt. Cause he wants to provoke war.

Republcians love war. it makes them feel all tingly in their daddy bad touch no no parts. and enriches their benefactors.

HubertManne , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump avatar

oh man yeah that is what blows me away. And the question was from some young conservative environmental activist group. They might as well have said that the youth of the world should never vote for their party. Its like only the one woman was willing to say it was real but was still all wuuuhhh china, india, wuuuhhh

HulkSmashBurgers ,

And the question was from some young conservative environmental activist group

I hope they’re ready for a life of disappointment.

nyoooom ,

“conservative activist”

So, you want things to change or to stay the same?

Them: yes.

Sanctus , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It avatar

Smol gubment, but we tel u wut do. Gud partee :)

Gargleblaster , to Politics in A Longtime Political Organizer in AOC’s District Says She’s the Real Deal avatar

She deserves a shot at the White House. I'm not interested in arguments about how she needs more experience or other reasons to put it it off. Obviously not to compete with Biden. But she is my post Biden top choice.

sxan , avatar

I wish only that she wouldn’t attack members of her own party that aren’t in full alignment on all of her hot-button issues. There are Dems holding seats in districts where they are barely beating their Republican rival, and may not have AOC’s luxury of being full-throated on all of the issues. I’m not asking her to defend pedophiles in her ranks (as the Republican party does), but just… not try to tear them down and allow their Republican rival to beat them.

Her inability to work with moderates in the party - at least in the press - is not a strength.

archomrade ,

I wish more progressives would speak out against moderate positions within the democratic party. While it might hurt election chances against Republicans, the democratic party has a long history of vamping to progressive issues and then walking them back when it’s time to vote.

cobra89 ,

Did you read the article, because it addresses this to some extent. It describes how she used pressuring members of her own party to get things done. Like pressuring Kathy Hochel to not nerf the Build Public Renewables act.

It is only not a strength in the press because the press loves to smear her. People are complaining she’s “just a plain old Democrat now.” Which just implies she goes along with the Neolib agenda. But she also fights with her own party too much? So which one is it?

Cargon , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

We have a moral obligation to encourage these people to self rapture.

MedicPigBabySaver , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It avatar

Pack of total shitheads! Nothing but losers.

FReddit ,

And they claim to be the party of small government.

Veraxus , avatar

Oh they are. It’s just that when they say that, they mean government should be composed entirely of a small clique of their own choosing.

You know, fascism.

FReddit ,

Could not agree more.

kingthrillgore , to Politics in James O’Keefe Is Now Under Investigation for Looting Project Veritas avatar

At the heart of the modern Republican party is a vested interest to grift.

Overzeetop ,

It is their only true core value.

Conyak ,

It really does seem to attract the worst people.

HipPriest , to Literature in A Book Is a Book Is a Book—Except When It’s an e-Book

I like the part where they point out that writers probably have more leverage than they think about having a say - but then maybe many writers don't consider the ebook side of things when thinking about getting their work published.

It's obvious that 'they' are out to demonise IA as something like Pirate Bay whereas it really, really isn't. Aside from the massive amount of obscure reference material, I found BBC documentaries on there from the 80s about some history which is otherwise unobtainable. I can understand if there's some legal points which need to be worked out between both sides in order to keep the site going... but that obviously isn't what the publishers are going for.

keeb420 , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It

They don't care. It's not about abortion or the babies it's about control.

SouthernOcean ,

They actually say that exact thing about democrats because of gun control.

Pratai ,

And the money.

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