MossyFeathers , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

Dark Brandon is cringe af, but it’s funny how bent out of shape some people get about it.

Drusas ,

I think it's some amusing trolling.

CobblerScholar ,

It’s a dumb meme that lives rent free in idiots heads

PenguinJuice , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

To me he's been a shitty president. Where's my student loan forgiveness, you senile old fuck? Oh, too busy handing out free military equipment

Aggy ,

The loan forgiveness was killed in the courts. The president doesn't have the power required to forgive student loans. As far as I know, the only way left to do loan forgiveness is through a bill passed through congress.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Bidens plan was designed to fail so they could blame the courts for his incompetence. Roberts mentioned in his piece that the wrong method of canceling debt was used, the exact opposite of what Biden was advised to use.

Democrats are ineffective at governing and need to stop being rewarded with reelection

notacat ,

Sure it’s possible it was “designed to fail” but not because the wrong method was used but because our current extremist supreme court would have used any excuse to stop it. It was based on the same HEROES Act that Trump’s pause of student loans was based on and the act explicitly says “waive or modify” loans so if Biden’s cancelation was illegal then so was Trump’s pause.

Here is a quote from the DOJ: “The plain text of the HEROES Act authorizes the Secretary to “waive or modify any statutory or regulatory provision applicable to” the federal student loan program, … We conclude that targeting relief towards those individuals who suffered financial hardship because of COVID -19 and who otherwise satisfy the requirements of the Act accords with the Act’s requirement that the waiver or modification “be necessary to ensure that” student loan recipients who are “affected” by a national emergency “are not placed in a worse position financially” with respect to their loans as a result.”

From this law blog

PenguinJuice ,

He purposely chose the wrong method is all anyone needs to hear. It doesn't matter what happens after that. Choosing the wrong method purposely makes him 100% to blame.

Feathercrown ,

Oh my god [edited to be civil and respectful] even if democrats got literally nothing done they’d still be infinitely better than the entirely corrupt party of intentionally backsliding morons. At this point the republicans and their supporters are a big enough threat to our democracy that enough trademarked democratic infighting could actually bring this whole system down, and not in the way you’d want.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Viewing both parties from the outside, you are both a threat.

Feathercrown ,

Jesus christ

aalvare2 ,

Do you have a link to this piece that you could share?

nkat2112 OP , avatar

Exactly - thank you.

DauntingFlamingo ,

Where’s your knowledge of current events led you man? That was struck down by the Republican dominated Supreme Court. Biden fought hard to get it that far, and his attempts fall in line with the original HEROS Act of 2003. It was the conservatives who robbed you of student loan forgiveness, not Biden

Franzia , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

Biden wishes he had the cult of personality that Trump has had. Maybe GOP voters are actually persuaded by it.

nkat2112 OP , avatar

(1) Unlike Trump, I really don’t think Biden wanted to run a cult - for the same reason that humans with empathy would never want such a thing. (2) I seem to recall that Trump found many in his cult to be quite creepy - referring to them as ‘disgusting’ for instance.…/trump-supporters.html

averyminya , to U.S. News in Uber Eats will start accepting food stamps for grocery delivery in 2024

I’m conflicted on this, it’s good to have options but its rough knowing that fees of delivery will be taking food away from people. That’s the tradeoff, I guess.

TheRtRevKaiser , avatar

Yeah, considering the compounding problems of transportation and food deserts in the US I think this could be helpful for a lot of people, but on the other hand I’m not wild about a company like Uber extracting profit from public assistance. Feels a little exploitative.

Kolanaki , avatar

If they’re like literally all the other services that already do delivery for EBT, they will waive the fees.

averyminya ,

Oh I wasn’t aware that was a thing, well awesome then! More accessibility is always good!

PotentiallyAnApricot OP ,

Wait, which services waive fees?? It would be great if those exist in my area. My location has ebt support via instacart, but the fees are definitely a huge out of pocket expense. EBT does not cover them.

Zarxrax , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

Wow, this is news to me. I found it so useful to be able to see all of my financial information in one place. I don’t want to have to open up 4 or 5 sites all the time just to make sure my bills are getting paid and I don’t have any fraudulent transactions.

TCBloo , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

My wife and I use Monarch Money. It’s good, but not free.

naught ,

Second this. YNAB is a glorified spreadsheet. Monarch is what Mint et al shouldve been

cabbagee ,

The thing I love most about Monarch is that they actively work to improve it. It’s not perfect but they really listen to feedback and every one of my bug reports has been addressed quickly.

karakoram ,

I’ve had exactly the opposite experience. They respond quickly to tell me that nothing will change and I need to live with it.

Corgana OP , avatar

How is it with connecting (and staying connected) to different services? My biggest complaint with Mint was how randomly some connections would fail due to not having a standard.

TCBloo ,

Some of them fail occasionally. The problem account I have (out of 20+) is my Mohela student loans, but I just reconnect it every few months since the balance doesn’t change much.

railsdev ,

I tried Monarch coming from Truebill. I honestly didn’t find it useful and ended up canceling it.

TrickDacy ,

$15 a month is steep. It took longer than it should’ve for me to find that price too, so I get sketchy vibes from this service

PhilipJFryJr ,

They also usually do a Black Friday deal for 50% off. Highly recommend!

pnutzh4x0r , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple? avatar

Ugh. I shared this with my wife and she is really saddened by the news. We have over a decade of historical data on Mint and she really values the insights it has been able to give to her in planning for a family.

Hopefully, the community can suggest some viable alternatives :|

cabbagee ,

Be sure to export your data. I wouldn’t be surprised if alternatives made a feature to upload old data, and at the very least you could pop it into a spreadsheet so it’s not completely lost.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Almost every financial app I’ve ever interacted with allows you to export a .CSV file. Hopefully they allow that.

videogamesandbeer , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

I use Rocket Money. The free features seem fine. I’m certain it’s not open source.

Album , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple? avatar

Mint never worked well for me, would regularly fail to load the data from my bank and sometimes it would even create duplicates.

I just use a spreadsheet now. Pretty much all banks have an export feature, i setup a column with category dropdowns

xpinchx , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

I use YNAB (you need a budget) it’s not free but it’s GREAT for setting savings goals, paying back debt, etc.

It’s also flexible if you need to break your budget for some reason. You can pull from another bucket easily (gas bill is high, pull from emergency savings or cut from gaming), or just overspend and it goes on a report to keep track and plan better.

The best part is peace of mind on big bills - when it comes time to pay taxes or pay for my 6mo car insurance I’ve already been saving 1/12 or 1/6 of that total every month leading up to it. I can put everything in auto pay and never have to worry about the money being there.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Man I used YNAB a ton as a freelancer starting out as a sort of bubblegum and paper clip solution for tracking my expenditures/purchases. It’s a surprisingly, flexible program and was definitely worth the money. Really glad I had it. Not saying that’s how people should use it, but the point is it’s just really good for tracking money in/money out.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

I’ll third YNAB. I’ve been using it for years. Being able to see how the money in your checking account already has a purpose and isn’t sitting there waiting to be spent on some bullshit is huge. My SO and I argue about stuff, but our financial stress, a huge problem in many relationships, is nonexistent.

xpinchx ,

Yeah I used be like wow I have $5000 time to buy some bullshit. But really $3-4000 of that is upcoming expenses so I really only have $1000 and I should use that to pay down a CC or student loans.

stolid_agnostic ,

I tried it for some time but couldn’t get past the onerous need to reconcile and categorize every single transaction that it detects. It finally made me shut down my account because it caused me such great anxiety.

xpinchx ,

It auto categorizes now but it’s still a little tedious, sometime recently they added batch categorizing so I can grab all the restaurants and add that to my Eating Out category but it also forces me to look at my finances every couple days which is a good habit imo.

SpaceNoodle , (edited ) to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

Mint was useful to me for a while until it started forcibly recategorizing stuff with no way to fix it. Tech support was aggressively worthless to the point that I fully shut down every Intuit account I had (they have their tentacles in some surprising businesses). Fuck Intuit and their data hoarding and their anti-taxpayer lobbying and their cold-blooded murder of what was once the only half-decent money tracking app.

stolid_agnostic ,

This is a good example of what was once a really good company that made really good products but was ruined by the business bros. Everything they touch turns into garbage.

JoeHill , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

I went from Mint to Money in Excel to Tiller. Tiller has been the best for me. Very stable and highly customizable if you know Excel or Google Docs.

Downside is that it’s $79/year

Upside is that it works really well, has a deep user community and they aren’t selling your data (which Mint definitely did).

DarkGamer , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple? avatar

Seems like a stupid move to destroy such a popular platform, and highlights the risk of relying on cloud services.

Corgana OP , avatar

It really does. I’ve been migrating away from cloud services this past year, wasn’t planning on losing Mint but there’s no time like the present, I suppose.

PeleSpirit , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

My credit union has these apps as part of the account. They’ll pay bills for you too.

Atropos ,

Nice! What credit union is this?

Hobble_bobble , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

Actual Budget is very good. I’m self hosting but you can host with pikapods or other public services and be up and running very quickly.

It’s YNAB -esque in implementation.

glarf ,

What’s the general level of toil in keeping this software up-to-date? I’m hoping I can get a drop in replacement more or less.

Hobble_bobble ,

Mine is deployed on home assistant.

I get an update once a month, I can ignore it. The update process is completely automatic and only takes a couple of minutes.

The UI includes a one button export of all your budget data so it’s incredibly easy to back up your budget for peace of mind before an update.

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