mplewis , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early avatar


niktemadur , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Three or four months too late, wouldn’t you say?
At this point anything they do seems like a ploy done in bad faith. They have burned all trust to ashes.

VulcanSphere , avatar

They are panicking

IPO during this time will be a PR disaster (although the Lord of Snoo spez probably doesn't even care about this).

Bozicus ,

I think Huffman may have gotten rid of the “other people’s opinions matter” part of his worldview, due to decades of everyone in his life telling him that he sucks, and needs to get his shit together.

s_s , avatar

IPO will be boosted by a flood of bots, regardless.

Chozo , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Someone pointed out that in the original Reddit thread, that there were a large number of shadowbanned users in the comments.

Reddit is lying about transparency.

Pulptastic , to U.S. News in Texas is replacing thousands of human exam graders with AI

AI writing reports and AI reading them. What is this charade all for again?

e_t_ Admin ,

Something something shareholder value?

t3rmit3 ,

Glorified daycare so parents can slave away to make CEOs more money.

RemembertheApollo , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech

Pointless unless:

The agency has authority

The agency can enforce that authority

The agency can levy fines and other deterrents significant enough to make tech companies fear #1 and #2.

Otherwise it’s just another agency that will face regulatory capture and dole out slaps on the wrist that Big Tech can effectively ignore.

ripcord , avatar

...and is properly funded.

JWBananas , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early avatar

It was so hyped for so long. I was beginning to fear that it couldn't possibly live up to expectations.

I was pleasantly surprised.

Fuzzy_Dunlop , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early

How important is it that I see Lower Decks first? I keep hearing good things about it, and I will get to it eventually, but I’m not familiar with it at all beyond the premise.

Benfell , avatar

@Fuzzy_Dunlop @Madison_rogue

Actually, the Lower Decks series makes numerous references to previous series on an ongoing basis and should be regarded as a spoiler.

I would recommend especially The Next Generation before Lower Decks.

jasep ,

I’d also like to know if there are specific Lower Decks episode(s) that should be watched first to fully appreciate the crossover.

CodingAndCoffee , avatar

Almost every anachronistic reference the Lower Decks characters make are references you’d catch from DS9, TNG, or Enterprise. You probably won’t enjoy the campy silliness as much as fans of Lower Decks, but it’s a great episode regardless of the crossover.

bestnerd ,

None. If you haven’t watched it it’ll make you watch it

jasep ,

I have watched a chunk of the first season, but for some reason it didn’t click for me. Which is weird because I love The Orville. Loving Strange New Worlds so I’m looking forward to this.

Thteven , avatar

It gets better, they were still finding their stride in the first season.

arusso ,

Haven’t seen it so I can’t say for sure, but I would at least watch a few episodes to get to know the characters. You may end up getting hooked and binging it, it’s a great show.

monsterlynn , avatar

It's more like if you find the Lower Decks characters in the crossover amusing, then you'd probably enjoy Lower Decks, but the episode isn't written in a way that you have to know that show to enjoy it.

StealthToad , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now

I wonder what other third party app features users loved will get locked behind the reddit premium paywall.

deegeese , avatar

Spez is copying Elon so I’m sure they’ll paywall DMs because those can’t be monetized by ads and have a high support load.

crowsby , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

This shit just feels like more work.

What if they miss their standup? Are the admins going to assign moderators tasks in Jira next? What if they don't agree on the story points, should the moderators still consider themselves committed to the work this sprint?

Also, how much will the feedback from these conversations weigh in on the moderators' quarterly performance reviews?

FiendishFork , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

The Verges coverage of this has actually been really good. Most other media outlets that have covered it at all have had 1 or 2 that demonstrated a superficial understanding of the conflict.

The verge has been regularly keeping up with what’s going on and seem to have a pretty good grasp on the issues.

Kwik ,

They're DMing mods. No one else is doing the investigative journalism on this.

I think someone at The Verge is really committed to this, and with good reason. Reddit is showing what can happen when you invest your energy into a corporate platform.

Emotional_Series7814 , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

I don’t moderate anything.

Quotes taken from

Imagine starting [a subreddit], hyping it up, patiently providing four-fifths of the content until people show up, moderating spam, moderating jerks, growing it gradually over time. Setting rules, establishing tone, running the weekly topical threads. Would you feel like that /r/whateverItWas existed because of Reddit the company? Would you feel like it fundamentally belonged to his Royal Highness Steve, and Steve was just delegating it to you to run? No! You started it! You shaped it! You collaborated with the people it attracted to make it what it is! Even those users – they could switch tomorrow to /r/whateverItWasTwo and you couldn’t do a thing about it – if they decided they didn’t like your vision for /r/whateverItWas, they would, so the fact that they’re still here is a kind of voting with your feet, it validates what you’re doing… To the extent that /r/whateverItWas exists as a thing within Reddit as a whole, to be run or misrun, managed or mismanaged? It feels like yours.

But at the same time, to an external observer – you can see how they would feel that this is pretty silly, right? The thing that’s “yours” is nothing but rows and columns in Reddit’s databases13, a series of flags giving you the power to moderate. The only thing you have is set in Reddit’s systems, a permission to edit stuff under a certain scope a bit differently than other users, wowee aren’t you important. It’s not you who has a license to the user posts, it’s not you who controls anything but a tiny little square of grass Reddit let you mow. You’re gonna protest over that? The world at large already doesn’t understand why you might volunteer for this work, why you might care enough to do it unpaid – you seem like a schmuck to them, a victim.

or a power tripper.

I’ll admit that some mods probably are on a power trip. A clear example of “probably not, they have an actual reason to want to stay in power” is r/askhistorians, where you probably don’t want random people replacing people with lots of historical knowledge on a subreddit specifically about history that only allows informative replies complete with a works cited. They care about the online space they’ve built, not that they have a ban hammer and can wield it with prejudice. I’d imagine a lot of other mods are pretty similar. Knowledge about their niche community, though probably not as much as the people on r/askhistorians, a certain subreddit culture that they don’t want to collapse and fall apart… they’d rather preserve the online space they and many other people enjoy. Even if it just looks like free labor and power tripping to outsiders whenever they don’t want to just up and abandon Reddit.

BlackCoffee ,

"A clear example of “probably not, they have an actual reason to want to stay in power” is r/askhistorians, where you probably don’t want random people replacing people with lots of historical knowledge on a subreddit specifically about history that only allows informative replies complete with a works cited."

Call it what you want. It is power tripping or having a sense of superiority or higher self for whatever reason.

Since when is Reddit the beacon of all that is right in regards of information? Why not pack up and start an community somewhere else?

Reddit is just a medium and nothing more.

The problem I have with these statements and the course of action overall is the following;

Why even protest? The most ironic thing should be that r/AskHistorians should know of all people what happens with mutinies or strikes that have weak or no resolve.

Why would you even strike when you would fold by the first sign of friction that is coming your way?

Just again, keep modding your community and ignore everything but don't act like they are so very wronged and need to have some sort of sympathy when they are literally happily providing labor...for free.

For example:

2 months ago there were strikes in my country regarding distribution centres of one or the biggest supermarket chain in the country.

In these distribution centres are working around 5500 people and 2700 of them are "migrant workers".

Quoting the union;

"The temporary workers in the distribution centers are almost all migrant workers. Hundreds of them have joined the strikes. That is special and very courageous, because they are in a weaker position and are often put under pressure to keep working."

The end result?

"After months of negotiations and eleven days of strike, the Union has achieved a result with the supermarket group. In it, salaries will increase by 10% and austerity of the Sunday allowance is off the table. Temporary workers also get more certainty about their schedules."

They fudging won big time.

squirrel OP , avatar

Yeah, as someone who modded for several years, there were two insults people loved to throw at us: Either we were power tripping or we were janitors who didn’t matter.
Either of these were used whenever we enforced the rules of our community and kicked out people who didn’t want to play nice with the rest of it. Of course, they will never have a positive opinion of people who enforce a community’s rules.

And that’s the thing: The community. You do not spend several years modding a subreddit without getting to know the people and having some sort of relationship with them. The community is not an abstract, it’s people you get to know - often over several years - and that’s not something you want to leave behind.

BlackCoffee ,

"And that’s the thing: The community. You do not spend several years modding a subreddit without getting to know the people and having some sort of relationship with them. The community is not an abstract, it’s people you get to know - often over several years - and that’s not something you want to leave behind."

Who is asking them to leave it all behind?

The only way you can be part of a community is by being a mod?

If mods are feeling as wronged by Reddit as how they say they feel, why not resign as a mod and just join the community as a member?

I mean you would still be part of the community you say they hold so dear but in a different capacity.

Emotional_Series7814 ,

I would think stepping down has some risks at the moment because you don’t know who’s replacing you. Someone who also cares about the niche topic just like you, or someone on r/redditrequest who just wants to collect the subreddit as their 483th moderated sub and won’t do anything? Less of a big deal if you have several mods, but if you’re the only one…

BlackCoffee , (edited )

"I would think stepping down has some risks at the moment because you don’t know who’s replacing you"

You could literally give an notice to the Reddit admin or whoever you are in contact with that you disagree with the way they handle things, that you are gonna step down but would like to pick your replacement personally.

Reddit would likely agree because it means that they don't have to search for a mod themselves and if the mods have such a strong connection with the community than finding a replacement should be in the realm of possibility.

The whole striking saga gives a whole lot of "We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas" vibe.

itsgroundhogdayagain , to U.S. News in An earthquake just rocked NYC, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas

I was in the Statue of Liberty. They kicked us all out.

millie , to U.S. News in An earthquake just rocked NYC, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas

Ohhh, thaaaaaat’s what that was!

sarcasticsunrise , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early

What?!? Hell yes! Just about to start my weekend and the wife is out watching Oppenheimer. This season kinda started off sluggish with the opener, but every episode since has been solid

StillPaisleyCat , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early avatar

This is one of the rare times that I wish we had Star Trek on Paramount+ in Canada.

I guess we’ll just have to wait until Thursday.

tqgibtngo , avatar

FWIW, "this episode is live on Crave," someone noted at:

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

We’ve got CTV Sci-fi channel which means our other Trek content won’t be vanishing in August.

Who knows, perhaps CTV will add it ‘On Demand’ early.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Space CTV Sci-Fi has a “special presentation” on the schedule tonight - I’m guessing it’s this episode.

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

Brilliant thank you! It’s showing in the schedule for 22:30 EDT.

Now if I can figure out how to get Bell Fibe to schedule a recording of a ‘Special Presentation’. (Or just brute force it.)

thejohnr , avatar

@StillPaisleyCat @tqgibtngo
Pluto streaming service has 2 channels that play nothing but Star Trek every day. The service is free.

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

Yup. It’s a help.

But everything new other than SNW is going away at the end of this month. It looks like Bell Media’s streaming licence is winding up and all the new stuff will be on Paramount+ in Canada rather than Crave.

@ValueSubstracted has confirmed with Bell Media that CTV Sci-fi Channel will continue to have everything - including Prodigy!

So, we’re sticking with linear for this.

And Bell Media knows it’s audience and is delivering a ‘Special Presentation’ to CTV Sci-fi Channel tonight so we’re golden.

andrewrgross , avatar

Wow, thanks!

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