Zarxrax , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

Wow, this is news to me. I found it so useful to be able to see all of my financial information in one place. I don’t want to have to open up 4 or 5 sites all the time just to make sure my bills are getting paid and I don’t have any fraudulent transactions.

averyminya , to U.S. News in Uber Eats will start accepting food stamps for grocery delivery in 2024

I’m conflicted on this, it’s good to have options but its rough knowing that fees of delivery will be taking food away from people. That’s the tradeoff, I guess.

TheRtRevKaiser , avatar

Yeah, considering the compounding problems of transportation and food deserts in the US I think this could be helpful for a lot of people, but on the other hand I’m not wild about a company like Uber extracting profit from public assistance. Feels a little exploitative.

Kolanaki , avatar

If they’re like literally all the other services that already do delivery for EBT, they will waive the fees.

averyminya ,

Oh I wasn’t aware that was a thing, well awesome then! More accessibility is always good!

PotentiallyAnApricot OP ,

Wait, which services waive fees?? It would be great if those exist in my area. My location has ebt support via instacart, but the fees are definitely a huge out of pocket expense. EBT does not cover them.

Franzia , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

Biden wishes he had the cult of personality that Trump has had. Maybe GOP voters are actually persuaded by it.

nkat2112 OP , avatar

(1) Unlike Trump, I really don’t think Biden wanted to run a cult - for the same reason that humans with empathy would never want such a thing. (2) I seem to recall that Trump found many in his cult to be quite creepy - referring to them as ‘disgusting’ for instance.…/trump-supporters.html

PenguinJuice , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

To me he's been a shitty president. Where's my student loan forgiveness, you senile old fuck? Oh, too busy handing out free military equipment

Aggy ,

The loan forgiveness was killed in the courts. The president doesn't have the power required to forgive student loans. As far as I know, the only way left to do loan forgiveness is through a bill passed through congress.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Bidens plan was designed to fail so they could blame the courts for his incompetence. Roberts mentioned in his piece that the wrong method of canceling debt was used, the exact opposite of what Biden was advised to use.

Democrats are ineffective at governing and need to stop being rewarded with reelection

notacat ,

Sure it’s possible it was “designed to fail” but not because the wrong method was used but because our current extremist supreme court would have used any excuse to stop it. It was based on the same HEROES Act that Trump’s pause of student loans was based on and the act explicitly says “waive or modify” loans so if Biden’s cancelation was illegal then so was Trump’s pause.

Here is a quote from the DOJ: “The plain text of the HEROES Act authorizes the Secretary to “waive or modify any statutory or regulatory provision applicable to” the federal student loan program, … We conclude that targeting relief towards those individuals who suffered financial hardship because of COVID -19 and who otherwise satisfy the requirements of the Act accords with the Act’s requirement that the waiver or modification “be necessary to ensure that” student loan recipients who are “affected” by a national emergency “are not placed in a worse position financially” with respect to their loans as a result.”

From this law blog

PenguinJuice ,

He purposely chose the wrong method is all anyone needs to hear. It doesn't matter what happens after that. Choosing the wrong method purposely makes him 100% to blame.

Feathercrown ,

Oh my god [edited to be civil and respectful] even if democrats got literally nothing done they’d still be infinitely better than the entirely corrupt party of intentionally backsliding morons. At this point the republicans and their supporters are a big enough threat to our democracy that enough trademarked democratic infighting could actually bring this whole system down, and not in the way you’d want.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Viewing both parties from the outside, you are both a threat.

Feathercrown ,

Jesus christ

aalvare2 ,

Do you have a link to this piece that you could share?

nkat2112 OP , avatar

Exactly - thank you.

DauntingFlamingo ,

Where’s your knowledge of current events led you man? That was struck down by the Republican dominated Supreme Court. Biden fought hard to get it that far, and his attempts fall in line with the original HEROS Act of 2003. It was the conservatives who robbed you of student loan forgiveness, not Biden

MossyFeathers , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

Dark Brandon is cringe af, but it’s funny how bent out of shape some people get about it.

Drusas ,

I think it's some amusing trolling.

CobblerScholar ,

It’s a dumb meme that lives rent free in idiots heads

NevermindNoMind , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day

This is great, but what I’m really struck by is the Fox News homepage’s top story is about the autopsy of Obama’s chef? I didn’t realize how out of touch I am with right wing media. I assume there is some conspiracy that Obama had his chef killed for “reasons”? Or maybe this is some vaccine conspiracy? Can you imagine what your brain would be like if this was your main source of news?

I just checked as I’m writing this out of curiosity. Top story on CNN is Prigozhin being killed. Top story on Fox News is “Hunter Biden went on foreign trips.” No wonder so many people’s brains are rotten.

nkat2112 OP , avatar

Excellent point. Thank you.

Drusas ,

I'm really looking forward to confirmation that Prigozhin was on that flight, not just the flight list.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

To be fair, the autopsy of Putin’s chef isn’t out yet

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day avatar

With special thanks to the empathy-challenged wing of the political spectrum:

For those unfamiliar with the lore, the “Dark Brandon” meme originated out of a conservative insult lobbed at the president during a NASCAR race in 2021. Racegoers yelling “Fuck Joe Biden” were misheard by a reporter as saying “Let’s go, Brandon,” and thus, a new slogan for Donald Trump supporters was born.

But over the course of the last two years, the GOP’s beloved anti-Biden rallying cry has morphed into a boon for the president’s reelection campaign. Biden staffers and voters online embraced the joke to communicate that, yes, the 80-year-old was the bogeyman conservatives believed him to be, if only because he was successfully pushing through an agenda they hated.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in President Joe Biden wanted Gigi Sohn to fix America’s internet — what went wrong? [Analysis]

Hi @danhakimi. Your submission is missing a label in the title.

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danhakimi OP ,


HandsHurtLoL ,

Thank you!

ArugulaZ , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech avatar

Strange bedfellows. Although I suspect Lindsey Graham is used to that by now.

elscallr , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech avatar

I don't trust a bunch of crusty trust fund relics to regulate anything. You have to actually understand the technology to not make an absolute shit show of it, and they don't.

admiralteal ,

The alternative is trusting a bunch of billionaire tech sharks to police themselves swimming with us seals.

I empathize with your sentiment, but what's the alternative?

Seems like Big Tech wins no matter what happens. One way you have regulatory capture, the other you have private regulatory.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

Vote out the crusty relics, promote candidates that actually understand tech or are willing to listen to people who do. Even if you don't believe the crusty relics can be voted out, they cannot live forever. Eventually they must be replaced.

admiralteal ,

I mean, is Warren now among the crusty relics who don't understand technology? That's the implication here.

If you read the article, it sounds like a bunch of very sound and reasonable first steps being outlined. Seems like this is being torpedoed without a second thought based on pretty flimsy reasoning.

If the concern is they won't go far enough... the counterfactual is doing nothing.

HarkMahlberg , (edited ) avatar

I probably wasn't being fair to Warren by using OP's words (crusty relics). I trust her far more than I trust most politicians, but I don't trust Lindsey Graham at all, or any other Republican for that matter. "Bipartisan" bills like this include the likes of SOPA, PIPA, COPPA, and I've mailed my senator to protest them all.

Around the world, people look at the US parties and don't see "left wing and right wing," they see "right wing and lunacy." Ultimately I want more regulation of big tech, I want to see the busting up of the AAAMM monopolies, but the political environment that would create that kind of effective, authoritative, savvy regulator... well, we don't live in that environment. So until our system and parties resemble the EU's, these kinds of bills are kneecapped by bribery disguised as political donations (a la Citizens United), regulatory capture, and the other Reagan-era failed policies that have brought us to our current position.

Like yeah, this part is great, especially considering Google's WEI proposal:

Specifically, the commission would ban the largest tech companies like Amazon, Meta, and Google from providing favorable treatment to their own products on their platforms to those of their competitors, otherwise called “self-preferencing.” Along with the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department, it would also be allowed to authorize merger proposals and review past ones retroactively.

I'll take what I can get for now, but the US has a very long way to go.

Bipta ,

She basically wants to end cryptocurrency... Crusty? No. Understand technology though? Also no.

admiralteal ,

Well yeah, she's a huge advocate for consumer financial protections and crypto has the potential to delete all forms of consumer protections in financial transactions. This isn't a surprising position for her to take and it doesn't imply a lack of understanding of the tech. Just tells you that her politics don't line up well with the Venn diagram of anarchists and libertarians that think there's no downsides to crypto.

Bipta ,

I don't know that that's a fair assessment. She seems interested in ending cryptocurrency, not ensuring it's used responsibly.

ripcord , avatar

Oh no! That'd be almost as bad as losing NFTs!

RemembertheApollo , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech

Pointless unless:

The agency has authority

The agency can enforce that authority

The agency can levy fines and other deterrents significant enough to make tech companies fear #1 and #2.

Otherwise it’s just another agency that will face regulatory capture and dole out slaps on the wrist that Big Tech can effectively ignore.

ripcord , avatar

...and is properly funded.

ganksy , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech avatar

While well intentioned, in the hands of the right the agency could what the supreme court is doing now for big tech.

DarraignTheSane , avatar

It’s either something like this, or you trust big tech corporations to police themselves. Do you have a 3rd option?

Aatube , avatar

I prefer the second.

DarraignTheSane , avatar

“Corporate self governance” doesn’t exist. Whatever fucks the consumer for more profit is the only rule they follow.

Aatube , avatar

I'd prefer the current state of affairs than the tech industry getting restricted by a budge SCOTUS. It doesn't exist, but it's still better than the other, since the SCOTUS people probably benefit corporate anyways

DarraignTheSane , avatar

Yeah, I’m not even sure which option I’m in favor of. It’s a shit situation all around.

Screwthehole , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech

The SEC does such an amazing job reigning in banks and wall street, I’m sure it’ll be a raging success

HarkMahlberg , avatar

The answer to a dysfunctional government is not dismantling government, but replacing it with a functional government.

Aatube , avatar

Replace it with an anarchy government!

snooggums , avatar

So, look at the failures of the SEC and avoid those problems.

What will happen is the same as the SEC, but the opportunity to learn exists.

woshang , to Fediverse in Twitter alternatives for the Musk-averse

Why would they put META and TIKTOK on there?????

Aren't they the same as Twitter/X???

Censorship, Dataleaks.....

trynn , avatar

Why would they put META and TIKTOK on there?????

Because they're alternatives to Twitter?
Not everybody on the Internet cares about censorship, data leaks, or centralized services. In fact, most people don't. You just happen to be in a bubble of mostly like-minded people here on the Fediverse. For everyone else out there, now that their digital house is on fire they just want to find a new house that's as close to their old one as possible.

ryan , to Fediverse in Threads is rolling out its Following feed

They tried to get away with not having it, hoping people would be happy consuming curated (paid) content and making them advertising bucks. I bet they had it ready to go from the get-go and were hoping they wouldn't have to turn it on.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Do you have any evidence that the placement in algorithmic timeline was monetized? They have said that they expect to eventually roll out advertising, but for now at least, there aren't any (explicitly inserted) ads.

I've noticed that the Following tab for me is kinda empty since a lot of people I'm following aren't posting much yet. I think the algorithmic view was mostly there to prevent the app from feeling like a ghost town as it was getting started.

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