thefatone , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early

Thanks for posting this. My wife and I would have waited until Thursday to watch it if I hadn’t seen this here.

monsterlynn , avatar

Not to be one of those people that yaps on about that aggregator site that makes money leaching off of content provided and moderated by users or anything, but this would be my first instance of hopping onto something posted to the Fediverse that was unexpected and awesome and so much fun!

I'd have dully waited until Thursday, too.

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I have a feeling that it will really go like this:

A: So here's our feedback as admins to you, the mods, on how you've been running the subs.

M: Actually, we'd like to say ..

A: No, your feedback for us is that you're happy and we're doing great listening to you.

M: Actually, that's kinda the opp...

A: No, that's definitely YOUR feedback to US.


A: Goodbye, ex-mod.

dipbeneaththelasers ,

You left out the last step.

A to users: The feedback we've gotten from the mods has all been positive.

TragicNotCute , avatar

A to users: It seems like actually you are the problems soooo

herpderpedia , to Fediverse in Twitter alternatives for the Musk-averse avatar

Team Mastodon over here. Best part is I don't have to explain why a federated social media is the way to go on Kbin.

Lemmylefty , to RedditMigration in What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing? avatar

Remember, this is the guy who said this about his chances in the event of societal collapse:

Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”

Source from The New Yorker.

ivanafterall ,

Big Dwight Schrute vibes.

Onii-Chan , avatar

Holy fuck, that's a fantastic comparison. Re-reading that quote in Dwight's voice fit far too well.

CIWS-30 ,

Given how much of a douche he's being (and only because he has organizational power, and not because he has people skills) in the event of a disaster, he'd probably be one of the ones to bite it first, or to be sent on an mission for expendables, to be honest.

When you can't just wave around money or org chart power to solve your problems, then people will start showing how they really feel about you. The way he's running Reddit into the ground shows that he's not a good leader, and the way he's pissing everyone off right now by following in the footsteps of a huge failure (Musk) who's also a jerk is just proving that he's an idiot AND a douche that wouldn't do well if society went awry.

LUHG_HANI , avatar

He has a bunker

terath ,

Hah, “I would be around other people!” … “actually not I’m in my bunker fuck you all.”

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

I'll be in there with my bodyguards who can't relate to me and no longer have any need for money, they'll do everything I say!

mysoulishome , avatar

Betting as a child his mommy told him every day “you’re so handsome and smart”! and when people picked on him he told them so.

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in Dark Brandon haunts the Fox News website on GOP debate day avatar

With special thanks to the empathy-challenged wing of the political spectrum:

For those unfamiliar with the lore, the “Dark Brandon” meme originated out of a conservative insult lobbed at the president during a NASCAR race in 2021. Racegoers yelling “Fuck Joe Biden” were misheard by a reporter as saying “Let’s go, Brandon,” and thus, a new slogan for Donald Trump supporters was born.

But over the course of the last two years, the GOP’s beloved anti-Biden rallying cry has morphed into a boon for the president’s reelection campaign. Biden staffers and voters online embraced the joke to communicate that, yes, the 80-year-old was the bogeyman conservatives believed him to be, if only because he was successfully pushing through an agenda they hated.

CodingAndCoffee , to Star Trek in Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early avatar

Holy shit, thank you!

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Definitely a treat! You're welcome!

sepiroth154 , to Work Reform in Wells Fargo workers using ‘mouse movers’ are getting caught and fired - The Verge

If this tool is broken by a Mouse mover for over 4 years, blame the tool, not the Mouse movers.

NevermindNoMind , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Love this one:

So you won’t listen if it’s an outcry from your entire platform but you’ll listen if it’s in a weekly feedback meeting?

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

This is the best one in my opinion, just straight up “Yeah, so you want to take us seriously in your meetings but won’t take us seriously when a huge chunk of your population leaves and the rest have a huge upheaval.”

aaron_griffin , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges avatar

Oh damn, Doordash is gonna be found guilty and they’re gonna have to pay a $2000 fine, and everything will be fixed!

Lost_My_Mind , to Work Reform in Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour

I have no sympothy for Uber and Lyft.

I used to work for an old school traditional taxi service. Back in 2003-2007. Back before these services took over. I had a personal issue with my employer, and so I left that company. I knew everything there was to know about the office side of taxi dispatching. I was going to find something else for the moment (which happened to be a laundromat attendent, as well as a hotel front desk manager), but in a different comany, run by different people, I could have become office manager of a taxi business.

Then uber and lyft came in.

They set their fares at unreasonably cheap rates. They made no profit for the first 8 years. They made the customers get used to the idea of fares being so low, just to drive the other traditional companies out of business. But here's the thing. They were bleeding money, that they made up for with other investments. A taxi company is in no other investing business. So it worked. All the other taxi companies in my area went out of business. Except for the one I used to work at, because they secured private contracts with the airport and schools. Other than that one company, 8 other taxi companies died.

Then, when everybody else was dead, Uber and Lyft raised rates DRASTICALLY in our area. We have a small suburb in Cleveland, named Lakewood. It's basically the shape of a rectangle. About 4 miles east to west, and 2 miles north to south. You could go anywhere in Lakewood, for $4.50 when I worked for the Taxi company. It's generally about 10 minutes one side to the other unless traffic backs up. I've seen those fares are now $12.75 before tip, and the drivers only really make money from the tips. There are 2 main roads in lakewood, both going east to west. Detroit is the more main of the roads, it has the number 26 bus that runs it's entire length. The other main road is Madison. The number 25 bus runs it's full length as well. You can either get an all day pass for 5 dollars, which gives you unlimited rides on any bus throughout the entire Cleveland bus system (RTA), or you can pay $2.50 per ride. No matter which bus you take, anywhere else in Lakewood is a short walk from where you got off at your stop. Less then a 2 minute walk I'd say. Even walking north to south, Detroit to Madison is a 5 minute walk. So you could even take the wrong bus, get off paralell to where you'd get off on the other bus, and still only walk 7-10 minutes.

So you can see how this would scale when you apply it to all of north east ohio. That same $5 bus pass will take you about 40 miles one end of RTA to the other. Our old taxi rates would have been in the neighborhood of $40-60. Depending on point A and point B's distance. Uber I've heard will charge $200 for that same distance. When they first came to town, they were charging $10. Just to drive taxi's out of business.

When I worked at the taxi company, you knew the drivers. It really felt like a TV show some days. You knew what certain people were going to do, what certain people were going to say, before they even walked through the door. During the bar rush (busiest time of the week for taxi's), they'd collectively fight the other taxi's trying to steal our orders, however if the customer called BOTH companies, BOTH companies would collectively leave his ass on the curb for intentionally wasting one of the drivers time. There wasn't full unity between competing companies drivers, but there was an understanding that they work together on some things. A taxi driver knew the city. A taxi driver knew the events. A taxi driver got a sense of who the passengers were by reading body language before they even said a word, and was prepared for trouble before it came.

These Uber/Lyft drivers are none of that.

"Take me to (insert the most well known street in your city)" "Ok, where is that?"

or "I'm going to (insert really well known concert venue)" "Yeah, I'm going to need an address".

I don't know if this is still true, but when I was working as dispatch, I would hear about how in London you couldn't even work at a taxi company, driver or dispatcher unless you passed a test of the local street knowledge, and local landmarks. You needed to know where every street in the city was, within 45 seconds of being asked, or you fail. I always thought that was pretty neat. Knowledgeable professional drivers.

Now you get into these Ubers, and the guy is like "Yo, bro, ya mind if I vape???". Zero knowledge of the city. Most of them only doing it one day a week. Despite having a preset price, they take the most random longest routes, because they rely on GPS.

So Uber and Lyft have tried to basically manipulate the system for an outcome that benefits their own corporate interests only. They don't give a shit about the drivers. The drivers don't even know each other. There's no sense of unity or pride like we had. It's all lowest common denominator bullshit, except for the price gouging, 90% of which goes straight to corporate.

So now the customer pays far more, to get a lesser quality driver, and the ride will take longer because the driver doesn't know what they're doing, and the drivers aren't getting compensated enough to make this an actual job.

I have no sympathy for Uber/Lyft.

Ragnarok314159 ,

Thank you for sharing that.

What happened to all the taxi medallions? I am wondering if they can make a return since Uber/Lyft are now price gouging beyond what was ever paid for a taxi.

NutWrench , to Work Reform in Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour avatar

If you have a job providing transportation, then you are on-call, whether you're transporting customers or not. And you should be paid for BEING on-call. This is a standard practice in several industries.

MSids ,

Eh, it's not quite the same as other professions. If a sysadmin gets an after hours call, they must work it. If a ride share person is offered a fare, they can accept it or turn it down.

GenosseFlosse ,

I think this will reflect badly on ubers driver performance score if you turn down to many short or inconvenient trips...

MSids ,

Possibly, but it doesn't have anything to do with being on-call.

Wogi ,

Well now they can stop pretending they're not employees and actually treat them like employees.

minnieo , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

this fucking sucks. i am very disappointed that the protests lost steam and everything is just back to normal, swept under the rug. they showed their hand, acted like fucking dictators, and everyone is just like "welp thats it!" and gives the fuck up. it's just sad. it feels like 90% of the people who said they were in this were all just being performative.

so many of us dedicated a lot of time to the protests, left our communities, migrated, all for everyone to just go crawling back. i won't go back. i am staying on kbin. but man, it fucking sucks to see reddit face 0 consequences because Spez was right, "this will blow over"

jon , avatar

I think this has done damage to Reddit, but it'll be death by a thousand cuts rather than a big instantaneous failure.

To be honest, I really don't care what happens to Reddit at this point. I'd rather have Kbin be a smaller, more dedicated community than have it "kill Reddit".

Big_Boss_77 , avatar

I don't necessarily know if I agree with your take on "smaller" but it definitely would help stem the tide of enshitification. We could be that glowing bastion on the hill that always pops up in zombie flicks.

jon , avatar

Most social networks have this "growth at all costs" mentality that is usually the root cause of enshittification. When I say 'smaller', I mean it more in terms of fostering a healthy community of dedicated contributors rather than trying to make the fediverse grow as much as possible as fast as possible. This is why I mostly support the notion of preemptively defederating from Threads. While it would help the fediverse 'grow', that's not necessarily what I want out of it. I don't want us to win, I want us to be good.

Nicenightforawalk ,

As the article mentioned and there is a post about the people who fight the bots are shutting down on reddit so it’s about to get messy.

Robotoboy , avatar

Yeah, this. It often takes a lot to kill titans of any particular industry... and like it or not, the old tech bro sites like Reddit, Twitter etc. have grown too large to kill with a single arrow or a single trip of their own.

Instead their death often has to happen as a slow and gradual reforming of opinion. The most popular media sites have been thrown into chaos, and have lost most all of their goodwill (or what amount they may have had of it anyways) leaving them gasping for air. Facebook didn't become "a place for old people" over night. It was a gradual thing.

Reddit will die off. Them locking the API behind a huge paywall will hurt them, not help them. VC's have already lost a lot of faith in the tech industry including social media. They'll have to find a way to make money... and I'm sorry to say, but if they couldn't make money all this time, they probably won't really ever be able to.

The age of high valuation with promises on return are gone.

big_slap ,

and so the cycle continues… I’m much happier here though!

ScrumblesPAbernathy , avatar

There's always some people walking around dead malls, even if the mall died years ago. Reddit will be around for at least 5-10 more years but it's overall influence will start to decline. It will be slowly at first but I'd bet three years from now reddit will just be seen as a forum site for scammers, bots, incels and alt-right lunatics (more than it is now).

MegaUmbreon ,

Let’s be real, Joe Public doesn’t care about the changes that caused the protests. They just want somewhere to go to see content, and reddits algorithms serve them content. If they have to scroll past some apps on a less-than-ideal app or the regular website, so be it. Most of the internet is shit anyways, reddits clients aren’t much better or worse in that regard.

It’s introduced a lot of people to the fediverse, which is awesome. And will probably have done a non-zero amount of damage to Reddit. But it’ll survive so long as Joe Public is willing to put up with it to see their cat pictures.

raze2012 ,

You get used to it. Change is slow and a website like reddit won't die overnight. Much better and productive to focus on building up a new community than tearing down the old.

The goal here shouldn't have been to kill reddit. The goal is to start fostering the next community for the inevitable next meltdown. Start the fire, not set the toen ablaze. Which I feel is a when, not if.

I'm betting before the end of the year they start to make a big hit on sexual content on reddit. THAT is going to make the fire really rise.

007v2 , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

It’s the worst threat ever, do what we tell you or we won’t let your work for free anymore!

IMongoose ,

The sad thing is that it’s working. Pics and military reverted after the threat according to the article.

BlackCoffee , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

"the mods decided to revert the NSFW designation because the community is a helpful resource for veterans experiencing mental health crises. The mod said that if Reddit removed the team, it could put the community at risk."

Bitch fudging please.

Please tell me again how these people are not power tripping their eyes out.

Imagine having no Reddit community to fall back on or having different mods into your community.. The horror!

Can these people;

  • Stop acting as if they really want change to happen.
  • Just start to bent over further for Reddit.
  • Get on with their life.
  • Admit that they really like their little power trip.
Wwwbdd , to Work Reform in Wells Fargo workers using ‘mouse movers’ are getting caught and fired - The Verge

Last month, Wells Fargo reportedly fired over a dozen employees for using tools that fake productivity at work.

Wells Fargo has approximately 194K employees as of May 2024

So 0.006% of their employees?

Allero ,

It is always more about scaring employees into working more.

Badeendje , avatar

And probably a lot was invested in catching these scallywags. Just imagine having to setup this kind of monitoring. Or did the employees have mouse mover.exe on their pc.

Probably they recorded the screen and used that as monitoring.

PostnataleAbtreibung ,

That would be Straight illegal. Even Monitoring mouse movement is illegal afaik

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