ThuleanSneed , to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central
ThuleanSneed , to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central
ThuleanSneed , to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central
aniki , (edited ) to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central

Wasn’t Andor a steaming pile of dogshit?

Also anyone should be wary of a prequel. It usually means they have no creative energy at all to tell an interesting and unique story. Prequels are a way to wind the clock back so you can tell basic-bitch stories that are more trope than creative.

JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot production studio will produce the movie. Abrams directed Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness, the first two movies out of three in the Kelvin timeline. The studio is describing this new movie as an expansion of its Trek universe. 🤢 🤮

Blackout , avatar

Nope, it's one of the best star wars storylines since the original trilogy. I'm glad the future of star trek isn't determined by gatekeeping fans, I want more material, especially of non-enterprise stuff

brandoncarey , avatar

@aniki @UESPA_Sputnik

It was terrible if you were expecting magic-wielding Chosen Ones and laser swords. If you enjoy anything else, it was outstanding.

roscoe ,

I’m my opinion, a lot of the best stuff in the eu has been stories that are light on the space wizardry.

roofuskit ,

Clearly you didn’t watch it. Or read any of the huge amount of overwhelmingly positive reviews. It’s not just the best Star Wars in ages, it’s the best show of 2023.

Stormygeddon ,

Wasn’t Andor a steaming pile of dogshit?

Nah, Andor was the one Star Wars show that was good despite being Star Wars—as in if you take out all the brand specific stuff you still have an amazingly written story about building a revolution, cynicism, and the disenfranchized standing up to change. It didn’t rely on nostalgia or power fantasy. If the same director gave its own “One way out”/“I can’t swim” or “to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see” moment to Star Trek, it’d rank in the top of Star Trek too.

TheDannysaur ,

Andor was the anti Star Wars series. It was the best written series of all time in Star Wars terms. The dialouge was not just good, it was fucking captivating. Almost every star wars film or show the script is usually mediocre at best and has to be overcome by the actors.

Andor had multiple scenes that left me in awe of the great writing. Maybe it’s because my expectations were low… But damn it was good.

Corgana , avatar

Outside of Rogue One, I have found little joy in any Star Wars stuff since the original trilogy, your comment actually makes really interested in checking out Andor

pelayo , avatar

Andor is a prequel and was written and directed by Rony Gilroy, the writer of Rogue One, and it’s mostly a pre-rebellion political drama with less emphasis in the pew pew (compared to the other Star Wars shows at least). And I’m surprised Disney allowed something so unapologetically antifascist without forcing the writer to tone it down.

roofuskit ,

The drew the line at “Fuck the Empire!”

TheDannysaur ,

I would share similar feelings.

Andor is great because it’s largely disconnected. They don’t rely on any big major cameos, there’s hardly even Jedi or Force involved. It’s just a standalone story in the same universe. Honestly, the same things that made Rogue One great make Andor great.

I don’t think you’ll be disappointed, unless you wanted more Skywalker Family Space Drama.

aStonedSanta ,

It’s a good slow burn. I think you’ll enjoy it.

alcoholicorn ,

What didn’t you like about it? I’m genuinely curious, everyone else I’ve talked to loved it.

aniki ,

I didn’t watch it.

alcoholicorn ,

It’s free on

Andor and maybe Mandolorian season one are all I can recommend to people who aren’t already heavily invested in Starwars.

Fades ,

Absolutely not

billmason , to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central avatar

@UESPA_Sputnik I can't get the TrekCentral site to load at the moment, but this announcement was made two months ago.

UESPA_Sputnik OP , avatar

Oops, you’re right. I just saw the publication date. Well, ignore the post then. I doubt that this movie will actually happen anyway. 😄

Opafi ,

Well, I didn’t know it, so I won’t ignore this post! You can’t tell me what to do!

UESPA_Sputnik OP , to Star Trek in New Star Trek Movie by 'ANDOR' Director – Trek Central avatar

Excerpt regarding the story:

!While plot details haven’t been shared, we do have an understanding of when the movie will take place decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film. This is very confusing, as the 2009 star trek film takes place across multiple years, and multiple timelines. This might mean decades before the main events of the movie. The main events of 2009 take place in the Kelvin Timeline in 2255. However the Kelvin timeline only started in 2233. So if this takes place anytime before 2233, it would be canonical to both the Kelvin and Prime timeline.!<

!The other option is that it takes place decades before the events of the movie in the prime timeline, in 2387. An option this movie has is to tie into the backstory of Star Trek: Picard, and possibly even explain why the Romulan Sun went supernova in the first place! I doubt this will be the case, as it will probably be set in the Kelvin Timeline, sometime after the Narada destroys the U.S.S. Kelvin.!<

Sounds to me like it’ll be >!taking place in the prime timeline either way!<.

Wooster , to Star Trek in Guide to Star Trek Books in 2024 avatar

Huh… I wonder if the Borg Corgi is a homage to the “Ensign Sue Must Die” saga, which featured a Borg Beagle.

StillPaisleyCat , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central avatar

Uhm, I don’t need the Romulan Supernova to be tied up with a bow.

But I also appreciate that writers like to be able to be the ones to bring closure to their own stories. Alex Kurtzman was the cowriter of Star Trek (2009). I can see how he would like to be the one to lay down the incontrovertible canon that ties the loose ends that the Kelvin movies and Picard have left us with. And he’s co Showrunner of Discovery so it was his vehicle to do it with.

So, I would be cool if this resolves some things and helps us to understand better the butterfly effect that destroyed a civilization, split the resilient Prime time and perhaps even give us some deeper hints on what caused the Mirror Universe to split off.

MaddieTian , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central

It doesn’t really need to.

There’s enough evidence with the shear amount of canon inaccuracies in Discovery, Picard S1 & S2, LD & SNW that they are actually set in the Kelvin timeline.

They can’t all be down to bad writing, a lot of them sure, but not all.

The whole premise of the supernova in ST 09 was the product of terrible writing.

“A supernova that threatened the galaxy.”

That’s simply not how supernova work.

BreadOven , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central

No spoiler warning?

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

…for what? The Romulan supernova was in the '09 film.

BreadOven ,

Sorry haha, I forgot to put the /s at the end. My mistake.

halm , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central avatar

Even the Romulan-heavy Star Trek: Picard Season 1 avoided addressing or explaining the supernova in any detail.

Explaining? Stars go supernova occasionally, there’s your explanation. There doesn’t need to be further cause or intervention behind it.

IMO this is a solution (or really several) looking for a problem that just doesn’t exist. As it stands and despite fan speculation, Romulus was destroyed by a natural disaster, which is actually something that happens on Earth and in the wider universe.

Taleya ,

Especially since 2009 had it not be the romulan star, but one near enough for the shockwave to tank Romulus

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

That’s from tie-in material, not the film itself.

Taleya ,

From the script:

SPOCK PRIME: (voice-over) That is where I’m from, Jim. The future. The star went supernova…

SPOCK PRIME: (voice-over) …consuming everything in its path. I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet…

If the sun in question was the Romulan star, then turning it into a black hole to contain the explosion would not save the planet.

Killing the star would not save their planet.

Anything involving Romulus’ star means that ‘saving the planet’ is completely impossible.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Yeah, I agree that that part of the dialogue is problematic. However, “Picard” definitively stated that it was the Romulan star.

knotthatone ,

Anything involving Romulus’ star means that ‘saving the planet’ is completely impossible.

Eventually, yes, but if it were possible to collapse the exploding star in a way that didn’t totally roast the planet it would buy a fair bit of time to continue the evacuation. It’ll get very cold and photosynthesis will stop, but with enough power and food, the population could hang on for several years if needed.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Stars go supernova occasionally

Not spontaneously, with only a handful of years’ notice, they don’t.

I’m all for Trek science being a little weird, but it seems very likely that there was some funny business going on for the star to suddenly blow up and threaten the entire galaxy.

e_t_ Admin ,

Yeah, with Star Trek-level technology, you should be able to tell to the week when a star will nova about 10,000 years in advance.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

The wiggle room within Star Trek is that the Tkon Empire was supposedly wiped out by a supernova despite being a highly advanced civilization, and in “Second Sight” the DS9 crew boosts the top speed of a ship to warp 9.5, which suggests that a supernova can have superliminal consequences.

But there’s nothing to suggest the Tkon supernova was a natural phenomenon, and the hijinks they were up to in “Second Sight” certainly wasn’t.

beefcat , avatar

Explaining? Stars go supernova occasionally, there’s your explanation. There doesn’t need to be further cause or intervention behind it.

Stars don’t just randomly supernova. Stars have extremely predictable lifecycles. It’s hard to believe a warp-capable species never made it past a 19th century understanding of how their sun works, especially given how fundamental the underlying principles are to our own ability to observe and understand the universe.

It’s a plot hole in ST '09, though I agree that maybe it is best ignored unless they can come up with a truly compelling explanation.

JoMomma , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central

We don’t care, make more new worlds and lower decks

JoMomma ,

Did you really remove my comment for expressing a preference in Treks?

MaddieTian ,

If you criticised Discovery or praised Picard then yeah probably.

JoMomma ,

I did imply that I would rather have more new worlds and lower decks vs Discovery… whoops

JoMomma ,

Again? That’s not very trek of you to censor a clean post, what is happening? Are people not allow to enjoy one show more than another without being censored by the mod?

grue , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central

Star Trek Online already explained it:

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Indeed, the article devotes three paragraphs to that explanation.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , to Star Trek in [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central avatar

The idea had crossed my mind, and the timeline of the “ancient artifact” lines up well enough. I’d also like to see the Romulan supernova addressed…

However, I’d actually prefer it to be handled by “Lower Decks”, which is set in that rough timeframe.

Sanctus , avatar

They made the Koala angry

andthenthreemore , avatar

Prodigy is in about the right time period too.

Stormageddon47 , to Star Trek in Review: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko – Trek Central avatar

I was hoping this would be good. I’ve only read the Janeway one so far and I really enjoyed it. I have the Kirk and Picard books but haven’t read them yet.

Hopefully we’ll get an Archer one soon and maybe even a Zefram Cochrane.

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