
makingStuffForFun , in Amazing attitude avatar

My wife is unwell. I've taken her to the doctor's. I'm sitting here now, on my laptop and working. Because I can and there is stuff I want done. She's leaning into my shoulder, and I'm typing this. It's good for her. It's good for me. I see no issue with that article.

That lady I'm sure could take the day off, but sick kids are pretty low maintenance. So why not get work done? The mother isn't sick.

RootBeerGuy OP , avatar

Sick kids are low maintenance. You've either been a lucky parent or you have no kids.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It depends. If it's the usual stuff they mostly sleep and bitch about how bored they are, sure, but sometimes it's not. No reason to circumscribe the conversation to "how sick kids usually get".

zloubida , avatar

Sick children mean bad nights, frequent interruptions and a lot of stress. It isn't healthy to add a normal work day on top of that, even from home.

10MeterFeldweg , in Amazing attitude

This is one of the rare occasions, where I don't get the problem with this "I am a proud working bee" stuff. I have kids and they are sick very seldom, but if they are sick, they are mostly sleeping half the day. I want to be with them, but I also can get stuff done. Maybe my point of view differs because I am freelancing.

Omgarm , in Amazing attitude

Raving about working aside, what's wrong with this? Kids get sick a lot and you definitely need 2 jobs to comfortably pay for them these days.

Loads of my coworkers work an extra day from home when their kids are sick and it works great. I'd say it's probably one of the best reasons to work from home.

Edit: I work from home about 2-3 of my 4 work days. I only go to the office to see my coworkers voluntarily or for the physical meetings. I would not wish forced full time in person days for people who can work from home.

walter_wiggles ,

I think the problem is that it should be standard, but the LinkedIn poster is talking about it like her company is SO generous.

RootBeerGuy OP , avatar

Yes and no. Multiple things are the problem.

1st - what you said, this shouldn't be a thing worth highlighting and its sad it is

2nd - just the usual online clout generating using your sick child. The image below is the poster with her sick daughter in her lap, I cut it off on purpose. I get it, images are more powerful than words but using your child for online clout is a hard no for me, triple that when your child is sick

3rd - the image is taken by another person. Often you see this sort of post with the person taking a clear selfie, here its almost a professional quality photoshoot type of picture, I know its still probably just a mobile phone though, not saying they hired a photographer for this. So who is that person? I'd hope the dad, but why is that person there able to take that picture but not taking care of the child. Sure, maybe same situation, working from home to also take care of the child and they take turns. But then that's a bit dishonest not to mention you are sharing responsibility but instead celebrate yourself as an awesome "working mom"

4th - if the dad is also home, why can he not maybe even take care of the child alone?

5th - just like how sick leave should be normal, having leave to take care of your children should be the norm too. I know I am having a privileged perspective here, I live in a Scandinavian country where we have such a "taking care of sick children" leave. And its great! So yeah, if you don't live in a country like that, you look at this and feel like its not so bad, from my perspective it is

Creat ,

Just to comment on your first point, while in Utopia it wouldn't be worth mentioning, the fact that not every companys job listing even includes home office, that makes it not just worth mentioning, but means it needs to be highlighted. People look for jobs that allow some or full time home office (for whatever reasons, or in general). How are they supposed to find them if it's not mentioned anywhere?

sukhmel ,

For me the issue is that this is presented as a great thing that only hybrid offers. But it is the thing that full remote offers, too. And you're quite lucky to WFH 3/4 work days (also to have a 4-day work week, I guess, if that's so I'm really glad at least someone has it already)

My company doesn't enforce office at all, it's just a measly 40 working days per quarter that we are required to come to the office. I agree that it makes sense to see each other in person every now and then, it's just the way it's done doesn't really encourage planning to gather a team at the same location, just ticking the checkboxes

Socsa , in Marriage is like..

That woman is completely done with this photo shoot.

herescunty , in Marriage is like..
captain_aggravated , in Marriage is like.. avatar

You ever play Subnautica? You know how some characters are given to using business lingo in their personal lives? The business lesbian in that one audio log in the first game and the doucheboss in the second? Apparently that shit's real.

eestileib ,

My friend has been trying to get me to play Subnautica for years.

Dumbass never told me there was a business lesbian in the game!

Not really joking...

captain_aggravated , avatar
  1. Play Subnautica, it's great. Go in as blind as possible.

  2. To be more accurate it's either an "everyone's pan in the future" setting or there's at least one business bisexual. There is a recording of two women, one dumping the other, so she can spend more time with "That dumb guy and his dumb robot suit." The sequel features at least two homosexual relationships and one heterosexual one; there's a guy who mentions his husband a few times, a couple of women who sorta pair off, and a man wrestling with his relationship with his wife and daughter. None of these are major plot points to either game.

RampantParanoia2365 , in Marriage is like..

Why does Marriage not believe in LinkedIn?

big_slap , in Marriage is like..

this has GOT to be a joke, I am cracking tf up 🤣

Doombot1 , in Marriage is like..

But we need to know what it taught him about B2B sales!

prettybunnys ,

When the other business says no, don’t give up. Take your ring and find literally anyone else on the beach so you recoup something for your investment.


InEnduringGrowStrong , in Marriage is like.. avatar

LinkedIn is such garbage

30p87 , in cu*t

Well to be fair Apple fans are kind of a cult lol

SrTobi , in Where to start..

When you want to do foundational research but need money from private investors.

TheBat , in Where to start.. avatar

Kumbha (कुंभ) means pot/jug in many Indian languages.

Harbinger01173430 , in Where to start..

The equation makes sense, because AI equals zero

relevants , in Where to start..

This consistent overexplaining of every single sentence reeks of GPT

Norgur ,

Or someone who's so deep into GPT that they mimic its style subconsciously.

force ,

When people think you're using chat GPT because of the words you use and the overexplaining, but you really just have ADHD and spent your entire childhood reading rather than socializing

not the guy in the OP though he's just capitalist scum and has a fake job

webghost0101 ,

Auti-ADD here. The text in the post reeks like chatgpt..

On a side note, chatgpt is an amazing tool for people like us who are bad at communicating. The trick is to write sm doen in you own words. Let ai write a grammatical improved version. Combine both into version 2.0 and make some final refinements like “this sentence needs more emphasis on..”

Always take full responsibility for its output. Its a tool not a standin.

force , (edited )

To me it just looks like typical persuasive writing. Like you could find people writing like this everywhere way before ChatGPT, it's a go-to "formal" style for people attempting to coerce others into investing in vacuum cleaner stocks or something. It's exactly what I would expect from a "Technology Management Consultant" which is another one of those jobs built around bullshitting and convincing idiot higherups that you know what you're talking about.

I wrote pretty much this same way on middle school essays lol. You needed to sound more knowledgeable on the subject than you are. People eat it up, that's probably why it's ChatGPT's default writing style in the first place.

relevants ,

Eh, I mean it's a very specific flavor of overexplaining and needlessly summarizing, I don't think real ramblings (for lack of a better word) would exhibit this particular writing style purely by chance, even with repeated points.

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