some_guy ,

How to lose my respect on day one.

Droechai ,

Are your respect based on the ability to contain flatulence? You do you, I just hope that any lactose intolerant people around you stay away from that sweet lactose :P

ChanchoManco ,

That's totally something Michael Scott would say.

themeatbridge ,

And in true Michael Scott fashion, below the veneer of inappropriate immaturity, there is nascent wisdom.

Kolanaki , avatar

But then he accidentally shits himself trying to fart and you forget all about that.

slazer2au ,

Is someone still running the cloud to farts plugin from the early 2010s?

ArtVandelay , avatar

I remember it as cloud-to-butt

Diplomjodler3 ,

Somebody may have been huffing their own farts a bit too much.

fckreddit ,

I fart in my boss’s general direction.

Seraph ,

Can you please just use the word Vulnerability instead?

bstix ,

Vulnerability? I thought it was about nukes.

regrub ,

How much you wanna bet the author of that post also has a fetish for farts?

SpaceNoodle ,

This is why I fart constantly whenever I'm in the office. Not only am I asserting dominance, but I'm setting an example for the junior engineers.

Localhorst86 ,

Fart for the position you want, not the position you have.

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S , avatar

Broke: not farting in the office

Woke: farting in the office

Bespoke: sharting in the office

SpaceNoodle ,

#3 is why I keep a backup outfit stashed under my desk.

tuckerm ,

I was expecting the twist to be that fart was an acronym. Like:

Fess up
Admit mistakes
Reassess direction

A good leader is willing to have a F.A.R.T. discussion.

beefbot ,

Them who S.M.E.L.T it D.E.A.L.T. it!

EmoDuck ,

Fess up

I shat my pants

Admit mistakes

I thought it would just be a fart

Reassess direction

I should probably not go to that meeting right now


I have 90 seconds until that shart starts to leek out of my pants

pineapplelover ,

This is actually a pretty good post

Obi , avatar

Right it's still reeking of the usual LinkedIn vibe ("my infinite wisdom will change your life!") but at least it's factual stuff and humorous.

Tylerdurdon ,

I have noise cancelling headphones and am used to working mostly at home. Sometimes I wonder if I've ever accidentally ripped a doozy in my cube without realizing it.

some_guy ,

I accidentally hit my vape when we experimented with BTO at my last employer. Luckily, I was the first one in and the back door was nearby, so I just rushed outside to exhale. Vaping at home while working had become my norm.

julianh ,

I mean I kind of get the metaphor and appreciate the idea of being the kind of leader that people can feel comfortable around, but there's got to be better ways of expressing that.

lastunusedusername2 ,

Farting is a metaphor for when you actually fart.

Gullible ,

Would you have read it all the way through otherwise? I wouldn’t have.

Zorque ,

Depends on how you define "better".

More polite? Sure. More relatable to a wider audience? Honestly, probably not. Everyone farts. And those who don't are dirty dirty liars.

Swedneck , avatar

everyone farts? not anymore!


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