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themeatbridge ,

I'm with you that we need phev's to bridge the infrastructure gap, but electric motors provide more torque at lower speeds without the need for gears.

themeatbridge ,

Flash floods happen because dry soil doesn't absorb water very fast.

Here's a video with a visual.

Very little water ever leaves the earth via the atmosphere, so most of the water goes to the oceans or to other places.

themeatbridge ,

Natural rubber (latex) is biodegradable, but that doesn't mean it isn't bad for the environment. The production and disposal of natural latex causes all sorts of problems unrelated to microplastics.

Synthetic rubber is chemically distinct from plastic, but still breaks down into microplastics.

Natural rubber tires are vulcanized, which makes the rubber more resilient, but also more damaging to the environment.

themeatbridge ,

What's crazy is that we could do soooo much better, but it would mean rich people would make less money. Not no money, just less of it.

Nothing needs to be made of plastic. It's cheap and convenient, which just means "profitable." If we didn't use plastics, we'd use something else and it would be less profitable.

themeatbridge ,

And in true Michael Scott fashion, below the veneer of inappropriate immaturity, there is nascent wisdom.

themeatbridge ,

Yeah, I had a manager try to pull "You'll need to find coverage for the day." I'll ask around, but that kind of sounds like your job. Everybody said no to me, so it's going to be even harder for you. Best of luck!

themeatbridge ,

Ruben Espinoza, the police chief for the Santa Fe Independent School District, told NBC affiliate KPRC of Houston that the video does not tell the full story of what happened.

The video where she's shown hog-tied face down in a pile of fire ants? Yeah, there's nothing she could have done that justifies what we see in the video. No criminal or suspect ever deserves police brutality, regardless of the crime.

Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits ( )

A Louisiana House committee voted Thursday to repeal a law requiring employers to give child workers lunch breaks and to cut unemployment benefits — part of a push by Republicans to remove constraints on employers and reduce aid for injured and unemployed workers....

themeatbridge ,

Conservatives have abandoned all pretext. Trump showed them they don't need to hide. They don't need to pretend they care about people. They don't need to act like they aren't corrupt. They can simply do what is in their own best interest, because conservatives will support them.

themeatbridge ,

Woodford Reserve is owned by Brown-Foreman, who also owns Jack Daniels, Old Forester, Korbel, and Chambord.

There's no way the subsidiary made those decisions alone. If you're going to scratch Woodford off your list, you should also stop buying Jack, too.

themeatbridge ,

Why should bakers make less than french fry cooks?

themeatbridge ,

When you’re a bigoted fascist, you take what you can get.

themeatbridge , (edited )

My advice? Knock that “wall” down and pay a proper carpenter to build a proper one. Your studs are too small, they don’t go all the way down, you have no room for insulation, and if you try to hang cabinets on that thing, you’re going to kill someone when the whole sumbitch collapses.

My bad, I didn’t know what I was looking at. See OP’s diagram to learn more about this, and ignore my ignorance.

themeatbridge ,

Oh, I see. My apologies, I misunderstood what we were looking at. I thought the framing we see was the entire wall, but it’s just non-structural framing on the interior behind the plasterboard to allow space for wiring.

I am not familiar with this style of construction, so I won’t guess at best practices for hanging cabinets on it. But I would imagine that as long as the wall we see is sufficiently secured to the structural wall behind it, you should be able to hang cabinets. To be safe, you could anchor into the wall, but I don’t know enough to say how to do that without interfering with insulation or vapor barriers.

themeatbridge ,

Unrelated of course, but Gen Z is also paid less and have fewer opportunities for advancement than other generations.

Corporations are baffled, and will consider having more pizza on layoff days.

themeatbridge ,

I know, right? It’s almost as if an entire generation decided that they would mortgage future generations and the environment in order to have nicer things than their parents and their kids.

[Houston Chronicle] We endorse Colin Allred in the Democratic primary for Senate (Editorial) ( )

U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, a 40-year-old, three-term congressman from Dallas who touts his pragmatism and his ability to work with colleagues from both sides of the aisle. Calm and measured, at times to the point of being bland, the civil rights attorney and former NFL linebacker is the establishment choice. He enjoys a sizable...

themeatbridge ,

Allred kept his composure, maintaining a “consensus builder” posture that he says will help him get things done in a divided Washington, and wincing at Gutierrez’s name-calling of some Republicans as “crazy nuts” and “terrorists.”

“I’m proud that I was the most bipartisan member of the Texas delegation,” he told us. “I’m proud that over 70% of the bills that I’ve cosponsored in Congress have been bipartisan.”

Just what we need, another status quo centrist to find a middle ground with crazy nuts and terrorists.

themeatbridge ,

Oh, man, you should have said something an hour ago. Now what am I going to do with these jars?

themeatbridge ,

Voters and the political narratives are an ourobouros of bullshit. Voters are fickle and their priorities are ephemeral. One voter can respond to four polls in one day and give four different answers as to why they are voting for their candidate. We internalize the news articles that tell us one candidate is more likeable or has a stronger connection with certain demographics.

There are also ten ways to spin any result, and humans are really bad at being objective when it comes to their own thinking. You could say Trump beat Haley by double digits, or you could say Haley outperformed her expectations, getting almost half the votes. Or you could say New Hampshire is barely relevant and hardly a representation of national Republicans. What voters will believe and what voters want to be true usually overlap.

Haley’s pitch is that she’s a conservative who isn’t Trump. But she can’t attack him too hard for being Trump, because his followers are absolutely devoted to supporting him. If Haley is going to win, she needs Trump supporters as well as her own. But Trump is deeply unpopular in a lot of states. Haley could actually win a few states in the primaries.

And Trump could be disqualified for supporting an insurrection. The SCOTUS will rule in February, and while I’m not holding my breath, anything is possible.

And Trump could die. The man is old and in poor health. He also owes a lot of money to oligarchs who might decide he’s more of a liability than an asset.

So, if you’re asking why people are supporting Haley, like the one Koch who is bankrolling her campaign, you can ignore what they actually say and assume it’s because they want a contender in fighting shape just in case Trump isn’t available for one reason or another. That, or they just despise Trump and will vote for any other conservative.

themeatbridge ,

Looks to me like something is scorching the wall. Could have been something inside the cabinet, like putting away a cast iron pan while it’s still hot, but my guess is you have a screw in the wall there that is screwed into a shorted electrical cable.

I could definitely be wrong, but I’d cut a hole and see what’s back there anyway.

themeatbridge ,

Jesus, good decision. Call an electrician because you’re not going to know what else whoever put that in did.

Can placebo effect really help you heal faster and cure physical illness ? If so won't someone who works out too little but believes in himself too much get jacked beyond comprehension ?

What are the limits to it ? Exceptions etc. Context i saw vsauces " power of suggestions " video. Is the video scripted or was the kids conditions just not real like i can understand the girls condition may be cured through placebo but come on adhd and migraines immediatly cured ?

themeatbridge ,

Your mood and thought processes can affect your hormones and other parts of your body. Think of something scary, and you can make your pulse race and your palms sweat.

But if you get chased by a tiger, your pulse is going to race far more, and your whole body will sweat.

There’s no amount of thinking you’re being chased that equals the effect of actually being chased.

themeatbridge ,

“Well, it was for sale, and I wanted it.”


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  • themeatbridge ,

    If we time it right, 300,000 motivated people could move every few years and elect progressive senators and governors in several deeply red states in the span of about 10 years. One billionaire could fund the entire endeavor, and improve the course of history.

    themeatbridge ,

    I suppose that depends on how much of the project is fully funded. Cost of living in Oklahoma for a year is just under $40k. If people have work from anywhere jobs and can find enough housing (because the increased demand will drive up prices).

    The best way to do it is to have everyone pay their own way. Create a foundation to provide relocation services, help find the real estate, help them find work from anywhere jobs, etc. You could probably get atared for a few hundred million dollars.

    themeatbridge ,

    The point is not to fix them. The point is to reduce their disproportionately large influence on national politics. Two Senators from Idaho could do a lot of good.

    I wouldn’t want to live there, either. I certainly wouldn’t move my family. It would need to be people without kids, without major medical problems, and without attachments that could live like nomads, going where the votes are needed.

    themeatbridge ,

    You don’t get election reform with status quo.

    themeatbridge , (edited )

    The Earth’s orbit dictates the length of a year, not the length of a day. I suppose theoretically a strong enough solar wind could push the Earth further from the sun, lengthening the year. Such a strong solar flare would also probably penetrate our magnetic field and blow away all the atmosphere, water, and life on the planet. We would experience an extremely loud noise, then extreme flames everywhere, and if you managed to survive that, a wind stronger than a billion nuclear explosions would atomize you before blowing your atoms into space.

    The length of a day is related to the speed with which the earth rotates. I suppose a solar flare could create a magnetic field that affects the spin of the earth, but any sudden change would again require forces strong enough to basically destroy all life one way or another. Maybe the Earth cracks into several chunks, which would feel like the worst earthquake ever, massive tsunamis, volcanoes everywhere, and then if you survive that, you’d probably freeze to death in a matter of hours as the exposed core cools in the vacuum of space. Or maybe you’d suffocate first due to a lack of atmosphere.

    The speed of our spin is being slightly slowed by the moon. We gain about 1.8 miliseconds per century, so it will be a while before we get to 25 hour days. But it is theorized that the emergence of blue-green algae 4.8 billion years ago was due in part to the slowing of the Earth’s rotation that allowed it to produce more oxygen every day, leading to an explosion of oxygen responsible for life as we know it.

    themeatbridge ,

    Everybody chooses their own priorities.

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  • themeatbridge ,

    If they had the votes, the 14th amendment allows for 2/3 of Congress to allow an insurrectionist to run for office.

    Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash ( )

    Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is facing backlash after she was asked on Wednesday what caused the Civil War and failed to include slavery in her answer, instead saying the conflict was about state's rights. On Thursday, she attempted to walk back the comments, saying that slavery was an "unquestioned" aspect of...

    themeatbridge ,

    It wasn’t even that. The states that seceeded were not fighting for states’ rights, they were fighting against them.

    The Fugitive Slaves Act was federal law. The Wisconsin Supreme Court had found that the law was unconstitutional and rejected the requirement to return slaves. Vermont passed the Freedom Act which freed any escaped slaves who reached the state. Kansas had voted to adopt a constitution that prohibited slavery, although it wasn’t admitted as a state until after the Senators from the South resigned.

    In their articles of secession, South Carolina specifically cited the federal government’s lack of effort in upholding federal laws, along with Lincoln’s pledge not to force slavery onto new territories added to the Union, as the primary reasons for attempting to leave.

    Lincoln was not threatening to abolish slavery, and did not do so until 2 years into the war.

    Bigots like to reimagine the Civil War as the scrappy farm-country folks fighting against northern aggression for the right of self-determination, when in fact the opposite was true. It was slave-owning fat cats who wanted to force their will onto abolitionists by way of bigger government and federal legislative overreach.

    It was 100 years later when “state’s rights” because a conservative rallying cry, when Southern states were being forced to desegregate during the Civil Rights era.

    Don’t let those fuckers continue to rewrite history, casting their forebears as the victims.

    themeatbridge ,

    But they both think the other is to blame for their breakup and feel ambivalence towards the other.

    He doesn’t need her love, but she’s cut all contact and wants nothing to do with him. That makes him feel like she never cared for him.

    She feels neglected and gaslighted, realizing that he was hung up on an ex before her, and just doesn’t want to put up with any more of his bullshit.

    themeatbridge ,

    It’s not entirely wrong. Way back in the Next Killer App bubble, I signed a lot of NDAs only to find out there wasn’t anything worth disclosing. I think I am actually violating one of my NDAs to recount the time a guy offered me stock options to build a website that looked like Google with ads. It had a search bar, would return Google search results, and was otherwise riddled with ads. He got the idea from a porn search engine. I put on a suit and tie to meet with the guy. Didn’t have any capital, nor did he own the domain he wanted to use, and I wasn’t a web developer. But he was willing to give me 3% if I built the site for him and helped him find advertisers, because he didn’t have those, either. He was an idea man, you know.

    Anyway, that’s not the norm anymore, and NDAs are perfunctory when protecting actual company information.

    themeatbridge ,

    That’s an awful lot of Dakotas. Also, Ohio really ought to be renamed Ohno.

    themeatbridge ,

    It’s a plot point in the early seasons that the replicators on the station are not as good as the ones you might find on a federation starship.

    themeatbridge ,

    Have you checked to make sure they aren’t small mimics?

    themeatbridge ,

    Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told reporters ahead of the vote that he planned to vote McCarthy, saying it’s “unacceptable” for a small minority of the majority dictating actions of the conference.

    Selfawerewolf in the wild.

    themeatbridge ,

    You can’t go back the wrong way, you have to change lanes or you reach a dead end. No left, only right.

    themeatbridge ,

    Do people despise roundabouts? The only complaints I’ve ever heard are from property owners who don’t want to cede the additional land required. But I’m not an expert on the subject.

    themeatbridge ,

    What’s on the other side of the wall?

    Regardless, I wouldn’t use the sealant you have. That’s a huge hole. Expandable foam could do it, but it might need to be fire rated if that’s a shared or exterior wall (check local code requirements), and that might be a bigger hole than foam recommends. Also, if there’s nothing behind the wall, the foam might just fall back into the void. Expandable foam also looks like shit, so if the spot is visible, do something that looks more finished.

    The right way to do this would be to make the opening in the cabinet large enough to properly repair the wall. Cut a rectangular patch that fits around the pipes and secure it to studs, then spackle. If you make the gap smaller, then you could use the flexible sealant, but I still wouldn’t use clear.

    themeatbridge , (edited )

    By contrast, in menswear: “There’s no subtlety or consideration that you might want to accentuate your body in some way,” he says.

    I don’t want to accentuate my body in any way. Is there clothing for that?

    Edit: Looking at myself in the mirror, wearing straight leg boot cut jeans and a poncho, looking like an extra in a spaghetti western, I can’t help feeling like this accentuates my giant head.

    themeatbridge ,

    She lived a long, happy life of power and privilege, fighting for causes she believed in, like flying the Confederate flag and making as much money as she can, while stifling progress and attacking progressives whenever it was politically convenient. She was a pioneer for women in politics, and she leaves behind a complicated legacy. We can acknowledge her failures and flaws while celebrating her accomplishments, and hope that the next generation of politicans do better.

    SensualSass , to Work Reform avatar

    Do you think potential candidates should be reimbursed in some form for taking assessments that are required by the employer in order to be considered for employment?

    Also, should this be available for only job candidates who are not considered for the position?

    Or should it go for every job candidate, even the ones that get the position?

    Thanks for reading and being your most precious and sensual self ❤️.


    themeatbridge ,

    What assessments? Why are they necessary? How many candidates are asked to take the assessments?

    Normal interview processes shouldn’t require any assessment beyond a resume review and standard interview.

    themeatbridge ,

    A float switch is cheap and easy to install, but I would hire a pro to do it.

    themeatbridge ,

    Yes, and I’m very sorry you’re dealing with that. You’re right, you’re not going to fix a conservative mind. The strategies I mentioned are recommended to protect and preserve your own mental health, not to fix theirs. Set boundaries, identify gaslighting, disengage emotionally from their outbursts, and protect your self esteem from their whims. It might help them recognize their issues and improve their relationship with you, but there are no guarantees.

    themeatbridge ,

    I didn’t say that you should tell them it’s OK. You can tell someone their ideas are outrageous without getting emotional or argumentative.

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