ZombiFrancis , (edited )

“Multifamily syndicator” seems like a euphemism for paying child support and alimony.

Though the reality is its when a group of investors become a landlord for a duplex. And with “$50 million in assets raised” it appears this guy convinced people to invest in a row of L.A. duplexes.

What a champ. A real market maker.

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s a real estate thing.

Yes if I was self employed I’d do that but not for a company.

toxicbubble , (edited )

how to make money:

own property

charge poor people half their salary


write a blog telling poor people to work more

ICastFist ,
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Don’t forget this step:

write a book on how the poor can get rich like you (by selling your book to other suckers)

ciko22i3 , (edited )


4 am

bitch i go to sleep at 4 am during weekends

JohnDClay ,

Just decide not to sleep! More money easy! Who needs sleep anyways? /s

IHeartBadCode ,
@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

It WILL set you apart

As being a gullible schmuck who takes advice from opportunist dumb fucks.

Bonehead , (edited )

If I get up at 4am, I'm going to bed at 8pm. So I'm not saving any time, I'm stealing time from my evening to work in the morning. That's what it ultimately comes down to...stealing personal time to spend on working...

bane_killgrind ,

Just drive that forklift on 3 hours of sleep bro

inkaine ,
lightnsfw ,

If I’m getting up at 4am on the weekends it means I’m going to be running on ~3 hrs of sleep. Which is fine because at least I’ll get a few hours of quiet before everyone else wakes up. (Also why I stay up til 1am)

uglyduckling81 ,

I get up at 4am on days I have to go to the office. Driving an hour to work at 4:30 sucks but it’s better than driving 2 hours to work at 6:30.

On Fridays I either have the day off or have to work 4 hours, alternating each week.

I get up at 4am on the working Friday and finish at 8 exactly like this guy suggests because it feels like I have every week being a 3 day weekend.

It is shit cramming a full working week into Mon-Thursday though. My employer implemented the 4 day work week if we wanted. You still have the work the hours though, so it’s quite shit.

I know quite a few people just went back to working 5 days to shorten each day.

Bonehead ,

That's not the same thing at all. You're already getting up at 4am normally on Friday, and you apparently only work 4 and a half days a week. This meme assumes you work 9-5 5 days a week, and advocates that you spend more time outside those hours working.

Reverendender ,
@Reverendender@lemmy.world avatar

Can we name and shame? I won’t go on twitter or whatever it’s called today, but I would love to troll and harass this guy on Mastodon.

Daqu ,

There are not many multifamily syndicators with 50 million raised. You will find if you search.

iByteABit ,

What makes you think a professional bootlicker like him would even know about FOSS social media? He probably makes fun of FOSS every chance he gets

Chetzemoka ,

Does this person think working shifts are just magic? You show up at 4am on a Saturday unscheduled and they just pay you with no complaint? People just get as much unauthorized overtime as they want?

I understand that's not the kind of work he's suggesting, but it is the kind of work that the vast majority of us do. Stop trying to normalize the hustle. We need to go back to RESPECT for the 9-5 working person and pay them enough to have comfortable lives

2d4_bears ,

What an unworthy life. What a depressing existence.

metallic_substance , (edited )

What?! Did you even read it? This guy gets an entire day off every day. He’s living the god-damned American dream

nieceandtows , (edited )

If you work 16 hours on weekdays, you would have worked for 2 years in 1 year. You would earn twice the salary of the average person (citation needed), and will retire at 30. It WILL set you apart. It will also put you in a hospital and an early grave, but it WILL set you apart.

LEDZeppelin ,

Oh please. Those are rookie numbers.

If you snort some coke you can get 23 hours in a day.

It WILL set you apart.

StarkillerX42 ,

“Oh that’s Ralph, he’s a coke addict and probably only has 6 months to live, best to avoid him at all costs.”

LEDZeppelin ,

It 👏 WILL 👏 set 👏 you 👏 apart 👏 . 👏

spacecowboy ,

How’s about you take a long walk off a short pier, pal.

echodot ,

Yeah but that’s only viable if you’re in real estate because those guys barely do any work anyway.

Rentlar , (edited )

You could be distinguished like this guy in a UK Rail Accident report.

The driver was on his 59th hour of work that week in the final hours of his 12-hour night shift. Let’s not encourage overworking, in most jobs you won’t be that much more productive anyway, and in others you run the risk of making potentially fatal mistakes. (Luckily he made it out fine.)

pufferfischerpulver ,

This fucking dude in the picture fortunately has no responsibility beyond the investor money from other fucking idiots who think the economy, the planet, all our well-being, is an elaborate casino game.

Omgpwnies ,

IIRC studies have shown that overall output is highest for many jobs at about a 4 day workweek. By the 5th day people tend to just fuck around more while on the clock

SkyeStarfall ,

For white collar jobs that is pretty much true. With a few exceptions, I cannot force more than that out of myself and still feel fine afterwards.

bdonvr , (edited )

Look into Hours of Service for US truck drivers.

70 hours per 8 days, up to 14 hours working per day with 11 of those driving.

There’s a required 30 minute break before you reach 8 hours, but a couple years ago they redefined it such that it just had to be 30 minutes not driving. So now the time I spend unloading the truck at the destination counts as a “break” for me.

That’s the federal rules, but my state has its own HOS. (These can apply when not moving across state borders, as the federal government only has jurisdiction over INTERstate commerce). The state HOS is 80 hours in 8 days, 16 hours working, 12 driving. No breaks needed.

Rentlar ,

Mhm, better hours, better pay would mean better drivers and more people willing to work in that industry.

In Ontario Canada it’s up to 13 hrs driving, 14 hours on-duty and 10 hrs off-duty with 8 hour breaks, and unloading doesn’t count as off-duty. Maximum 70 hrs in 7 days, or 120 hrs in 14 days depending on carrier. Not much better.

CaptKoala ,

I’ve lived this, I’m still recovering from nerve damage caused by some guy stepping out of a garden bed late at night in front of my tram wearing all black. Should’ve flattened the cunt, maybe folks will stop walking out when they read of the deaths in the news. It’s a huge issue here, and I’m glad I don’t drive trams any more, I make 70% of my previous earnings for 1% of the bullshit, and I work maximum 4 days/wk now.

Edit: nerve damage caused due to shoulder sublux during panic emergency braking.

killeronthecorner ,
@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

If you lie to people on LinkedIn for clout, you can’t easily work an extra 600 hours a week

leraje ,
@leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Nothing sets you apart more than sudden death via a heart attack aged 35.

TenderfootGungi ,

Working saturdays was the norm. That is why Sundays were a “day of rest”. And Saturdays were shorter days, more akin to workdays today.

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