Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Do you sleep? You could be working those hours instead.

supercriticalcheese ,

Why sleep when you can take drugs!

totallynotarobot ,

I mean, yes, but don’t waste a good high on working

maudefi ,

Not wasting a good high on work WILL set you apart.

oatscoop ,
@oatscoop@midwest.social avatar

Blue collar: tobacco and energy drinks.

White collar: Adderall or coke.

Kalkaline ,
@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

Or… find a job that values your time appropriately so you can just chill a day or two a week.

Bonehead , (edited )

If I get up at 4am, I'm going to bed at 8pm. So I'm not saving any time, I'm stealing time from my evening to work in the morning. That's what it ultimately comes down to...stealing personal time to spend on working...

bane_killgrind ,

Just drive that forklift on 3 hours of sleep bro

inkaine ,
lightnsfw ,

If I’m getting up at 4am on the weekends it means I’m going to be running on ~3 hrs of sleep. Which is fine because at least I’ll get a few hours of quiet before everyone else wakes up. (Also why I stay up til 1am)

uglyduckling81 ,

I get up at 4am on days I have to go to the office. Driving an hour to work at 4:30 sucks but it’s better than driving 2 hours to work at 6:30.

On Fridays I either have the day off or have to work 4 hours, alternating each week.

I get up at 4am on the working Friday and finish at 8 exactly like this guy suggests because it feels like I have every week being a 3 day weekend.

It is shit cramming a full working week into Mon-Thursday though. My employer implemented the 4 day work week if we wanted. You still have the work the hours though, so it’s quite shit.

I know quite a few people just went back to working 5 days to shorten each day.

Bonehead ,

That's not the same thing at all. You're already getting up at 4am normally on Friday, and you apparently only work 4 and a half days a week. This meme assumes you work 9-5 5 days a week, and advocates that you spend more time outside those hours working.

ZombiFrancis , (edited )

“Multifamily syndicator” seems like a euphemism for paying child support and alimony.

Though the reality is its when a group of investors become a landlord for a duplex. And with “$50 million in assets raised” it appears this guy convinced people to invest in a row of L.A. duplexes.

What a champ. A real market maker.

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s a real estate thing.

Yes if I was self employed I’d do that but not for a company.

toxicbubble , (edited )

how to make money:

own property

charge poor people half their salary


write a blog telling poor people to work more

ICastFist ,
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Don’t forget this step:

write a book on how the poor can get rich like you (by selling your book to other suckers)

TheGiantKorean ,
@TheGiantKorean@lemmy.world avatar

Or -

and just hear me out on this before you make any sort of judgements -

Fuck that shit

sheogorath ,

I use that reasoning to cram more time playing Baldur’s Gate 3.

Event_Horizon ,

If you play bg3 from 4am to 8am that gives you the whole day to play more bg3!

CaptKoala ,

Best comment so far, also based af.

Anticorp ,

I recognize that Lemmy is largely anti-capitalist, and anti-work, and would hate this idea. But for people trying to better their position in life, move up in the class system we have, build a new career, or become exceptional in the one they’re in, this sort of advice is actually helpful. It is possible, hell, it’s relatively common, for people to bust their asses and improve their positions in life. Complaining that it’s not fair doesn’t get you anywhere, even though it’s true.

Saledovil ,

The big problem I have with this advice is that it can’t be scaled up to everbody. If everybody were to follow this advice, we’d have a situation where everbody works 4 extra unpaid hours and nobody stands out. Advice which becomes worse the more people take it. Not good.

Secondly, working more hours might decrease your efficiency in the long run, leading you to finishing less work than if you took the time to rest. If reduces your efficiency by just 10%, you’d already produce less value. While it’s unlikely to get that far by just 4 extra hours, you don’t get the full 26 extra days of productivity.

And if everybody were to follow this advice, always trying to work more than everybody else in order to stand out, we’d soon reach a point where people would produce less.

The advice is basically actively harmful to society.

Anticorp ,

Usually in this context the “work” part is learning new job skills, preparing plans, networking, and that sort of stuff. It could be actual work for your career, like preparing sales presentations for a sales person, or planning a big coding project for an engineering lead, but it could also be time spent educating yourself and building skills needed to get ahead. Everyone here gets so hung up on the people who were born privileged that they completely overlook the people who have actually worked their asses off to build a better life for themselves and their families.

burntbutterbiscuits ,

In the context of “work” being further training or working towards credentials, ie working through community college or certification in your line of work, sure, but I don’t think that’s what this guy is actually saying

1984 ,
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

You don’t move up with hard work, you move up with connections and doing favors for the right people.

In companies, people play politics to get ahead, and they try to look good rather then be good.

It’s partly why I went into consulting so I could make decent money without having to be involved in the bullshit.

Anticorp , (edited )

You don’t move up with hard work

This is completely untrue. Sure, you’re not going to get ahead by just blindly working at the same tasks, but moving up in the world requires tons of work. Yes, it also requires connections, but you build those connections by establishing a reputation as someone who’s smart, and hard working.

In companies, people play politics to get ahead, and they try to look good rather then be good.[sic]

Some people do, yes. That doesn’t mean it’s the only way. I know many people who have worked their way up from the bottom with diligence and effort, becoming exceptional in their careers. None of them were privileged or connected when they started.

burntbutterbiscuits ,

Meritocracy is not a real thing in our society. It’s been proven time and again.

Anticorp ,


1984 ,
@1984@lemmy.today avatar

I agree you have a better chance if you work hard, but that feeling of working hard for your masters approval is just so disgusting to me.

You work hard, you do your best, and you still only have a small chance of getting what you want. So many people get nothing since only a few get promoted. So now you are competing like a circus animal for peanuts, hoping your owner will appriciate your efforts.

And even if you get lucky and get noticed, and you do get that new job with nicer title and money, you will have to continue to work even harder because now you have even more status to uphold in the eyes of your peers. Enjoy the never ending stress in your life.

Anticorp ,

I suppose it all comes down to perspective. I take pride in the work I do, I always have. I get satisfaction for a job well done. I enjoy making people happy with the results I produce, or looking at something I’ve created and knowing that I put my best effort into it. I’ve had this attitude for as long as I can remember, but it is always a conscious choice. There are intangible benefits to hard work that are gratifying, and of course if you keep at it for long enough, tangible benefits usually follow.

If you’re only concerned that you’re making your boss more money than you’re making for yourself then you’re going to have a miserable life. Someone will always be above us, regardless of how high we climb.

frickineh ,

Most places I’ve worked, people would just wonder why you were so inefficient that you needed the extra time to do your job. Like, yeah everyone else does this shit in 40 hours, but this guy keeps showing up on Saturday, so he’s either fucking around during the week or he’s bad at his job. Anywhere that would think it was a good thing wasn’t the kind of place you wanted to move up, it was the kind you tried to leave as soon as you could. Because they were run by the kind of morons who think the appearance of working harder was more valuable than actually doing something useful.

burntbutterbiscuits ,

Well with the wealth gap inequity and the notion of meritocracy having been proven a farce for the past couple generations…. This advice is utter bullshit.

I would say that for someone who is willing to work multiple full time jobs and choose to “live to work” they could potentially save up enough money to send back to help their family in a second or third world country.

Anticorp ,

Nobody’s talking about becoming wealthy, we’re talking about bettering your position in life. But you seem pretty sold on exerting the least possible effort and remaining bitter with the results, so have it, I guess.

totallynotarobot ,

People who do this are useless. They burn out and can’t do their regular jobs, and boring people with no life aren’t useful in any sort of position that requires you to think because they’ve never had the time or bandwidth to learn how.

Source: started going down this road, realized it was counterproductive, and now avoid hiring people like this.

QTpi ,

Early in my career, I picked up as much overtime as I could at the hospital. I worked 13 days in a row with three of the those days being 12 hour shifts. My coworkers informed that I was a real bitch after day 7 and it would be better for all of us if I didn’t work more than seven days in a row.

I took their words to heart. There’s working hard to get ahead and then there is killing yourself and making everyone around you miserable.

Anticorp ,

You hospital workers have insane schedules! All of you! I’ve heard of resident doctors working 36 hour shifts. How do they even function?

I have a friend who is a nurse and he takes all the worst shifts because they pay the best. He doesn’t have a family, so it only impacts him, and he’s living a FIRE lifestyle (which he’s hella good at). But he lost a ton of weight and was as white as a vampire last time I saw him because he never sees the sun. That’s taking it a bit too far IMO. But I’m sure he’ll be the one laughing when he retires with a paid off house and no debt in a few years.

EternalNicodemus ,
@EternalNicodemus@lemmy.world avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    Why stop there? Get down on your knees and give the boss a rimmy to really get their attention.

    franklin ,
    @franklin@lemmy.world avatar

    The drive to work more sounds like a good idea on its face however as someone who has tried that tactic I can tell you it won’t rapidly take an impact on your mental health. You will not be rewarded for your extra output but be reprimanded anytime the stress makes you perform subpar.

    From my experience 32 hours is works best for me and will allow me to maintain my highest output. Additional hours after that will actually lower my output overall in the long run.

    The other reason it’s not a good idea is because when one person does it it becomes the expectation every time you give an employer free time you weaken the bargaining power of your peers and you may see it as rewards for your efforts but I guarantee that we all lose in the end, you will get paid less than what you deserve you will get less free time than you deserve for your efforts. Capitalism only rewards shareholders.

    Rentlar , (edited )

    You could be distinguished like this guy in a UK Rail Accident report.

    The driver was on his 59th hour of work that week in the final hours of his 12-hour night shift. Let’s not encourage overworking, in most jobs you won’t be that much more productive anyway, and in others you run the risk of making potentially fatal mistakes. (Luckily he made it out fine.)

    pufferfischerpulver ,

    This fucking dude in the picture fortunately has no responsibility beyond the investor money from other fucking idiots who think the economy, the planet, all our well-being, is an elaborate casino game.

    Omgpwnies ,

    IIRC studies have shown that overall output is highest for many jobs at about a 4 day workweek. By the 5th day people tend to just fuck around more while on the clock

    SkyeStarfall ,

    For white collar jobs that is pretty much true. With a few exceptions, I cannot force more than that out of myself and still feel fine afterwards.

    bdonvr , (edited )

    Look into Hours of Service for US truck drivers.

    70 hours per 8 days, up to 14 hours working per day with 11 of those driving.

    There’s a required 30 minute break before you reach 8 hours, but a couple years ago they redefined it such that it just had to be 30 minutes not driving. So now the time I spend unloading the truck at the destination counts as a “break” for me.

    That’s the federal rules, but my state has its own HOS. (These can apply when not moving across state borders, as the federal government only has jurisdiction over INTERstate commerce). The state HOS is 80 hours in 8 days, 16 hours working, 12 driving. No breaks needed.

    Rentlar ,

    Mhm, better hours, better pay would mean better drivers and more people willing to work in that industry.

    In Ontario Canada it’s up to 13 hrs driving, 14 hours on-duty and 10 hrs off-duty with 8 hour breaks, and unloading doesn’t count as off-duty. Maximum 70 hrs in 7 days, or 120 hrs in 14 days depending on carrier. Not much better.

    CaptKoala ,

    I’ve lived this, I’m still recovering from nerve damage caused by some guy stepping out of a garden bed late at night in front of my tram wearing all black. Should’ve flattened the cunt, maybe folks will stop walking out when they read of the deaths in the news. It’s a huge issue here, and I’m glad I don’t drive trams any more, I make 70% of my previous earnings for 1% of the bullshit, and I work maximum 4 days/wk now.

    Edit: nerve damage caused due to shoulder sublux during panic emergency braking.

    2d4_bears ,

    What an unworthy life. What a depressing existence.

    metallic_substance , (edited )

    What?! Did you even read it? This guy gets an entire day off every day. He’s living the god-damned American dream

    LEDZeppelin ,

    Oh please. Those are rookie numbers.

    If you snort some coke you can get 23 hours in a day.

    It WILL set you apart.

    StarkillerX42 ,

    “Oh that’s Ralph, he’s a coke addict and probably only has 6 months to live, best to avoid him at all costs.”

    LEDZeppelin ,

    It 👏 WILL 👏 set 👏 you 👏 apart 👏 . 👏

    pomodoro_longbreak ,
    @pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

    This is dumb. But just to talk corpo for a bit (because that is the reality for many of us): early in your career, putting in extra study time (or just making time on the clock if possible) will give you a leg up for certain kinds of white collar work. Just because you’ll know more.

    But doing work on weekends will set you apart as a damned sucker who can be used by others to make career moves. So do that if you want to feel someone’s pump in your eye socket as they trample you to reach for their dream job.

    You’re never going to get promoted to an easier job if you’ve proven you can build like 2x more widgets than your co-workers.

    You’ll get to a better job by showing up with your co-workers to the boss’ house and asking nicely.

    samson ,

    I’m lucky enough with my position that we have pretty well defined pay bands that mention our levels of knowledge, easily identifiable systems and managers that are basically expected to pay us to those bands when our knowledge increases. The one thing we don’t have is enough time to effectively skill people up past a certain point. If you can spare the time, you basically will get promoted. We also have a lovely flex time system - work whenever between 7-6:30 as long as you hit 36 hours a week over 3 months, never heard of any pressure to come in early or anything like that with it either.

    pomodoro_longbreak ,
    @pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I love transparent / open books, and I bring it up at every company I join, but unfortunately I don’t know of any local employers that do this, outside of big institutions or tiny cooperatives. But I guess I can just keep looking on the remote job market.

    Your job sounds very human! I’m happy with my set up as well. We don’t have a Clock so to speak, so as long as you’re available, make meetings on time, and get your tasks done, no one cares how you do it.

    CookieJarObserver ,
    @CookieJarObserver@sh.itjust.works avatar

    can i also get my dick sucked in office that would be the only way to get me there more than 35+5h a week

    5714 ,

    Really? Wouldn’t a corporate weekend blowjob be kind of similar to the ‘Don’t organise-pizza’?

    CookieJarObserver ,
    @CookieJarObserver@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Who said it’s about one?

    5714 ,

    On the weekend I spend time with my company

    Aceticon , (edited )

    Coming to the office naked “WILL set you apart”.

    Punching your boss “WILL set you apart”.

    Overtly stealling office equipmemt “WILL set you apart”.

    Constantly bringing up the subject of your bowel movement “WILL [guess what…] set you apart”.

    I’d say the quality of this guy’s advice is pretty well matched to the quality of the “argument” he provided to justify it.

    pomodoro_longbreak ,
    @pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Hey that’s not stealing, that’s taking

    ShaggySnacks ,

    It’s called my yearly bonus and or raise.

    Aceticon ,

    “During my induction they told me ‘this is your computer’, so naturally I took it home”

    WorldWideLem ,

    “If you work for part of the day you still get the day off” is certainly an…interesting perspective.

    BilboBallbins ,

    This assumes you have a 0 minute commute, so it only applies to remote workers, who are likely to be on salary anyway.

    frunch ,

    It also assumes you wake up and immediately begin working.

    Lt_Cdr_Data ,

    That’s only partially valid though. You gotta get up and get ready either way. I know some people don’t shower in the mornings and even worse: some don’t brush their teeth, but aside from the 1 minute job of putting on your clothes, you can’t count that.

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