
christopherius , in Recommend me a linux compatible laptop please avatar

I've been happy with my Thinkpad T480s. Got kubuntu loaded on it right now. Bought it refurbished on ebay.

style99 , in Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 avatar
 * Yeah, yeah, it's ugly, but I cannot find how to do this correctly
 * and this seems to work. I anybody has more info on the real-time
 * clock I'd be interested. Most of this was trial and error, and some
 * bios-listing reading. Urghh.

Ah, those were the days.

klz , in Systemd: Hidden Gems for a Better Linux avatar

I think this is why some people dislike systemd. It tries to do a lot when the nix philosophy is "do one thing well"

I don't care myself. I just want stable software. People with to more free time can worry about software philosophy

10A , in RIP Bram Moolenaar, the author of vim text editor

In Bram's memory, those of us who can afford to ought to consider making a donation to his preferred charity, ICCF Holland.

Thank you for my editor of choice, Bram.


mrbigmouth502 , in KDE users who value your sanity and CPU. avatar

I'd love it if the KDE devs made Baloo and Akonadi optional. Their insistence on including them reminds me of Micro$oft's insistence on bundling Internet Explorer and integrating it into the OS shell in Windows 98.

db2 , in Stuck between distros right now.

You might see this suggestion twice - do a clean install, not just the OS. Back up your home directory and start fresh, move over what you need from the backup piecemeal so you can tell if something is causing issues.

mihnt OP , avatar

Well, the Mint install was doing that from Fresh. More concerned with ubuntu cinnamon though as I prefer it. Both times I attempted an install on that were from freshly formatted drives and the only things I had installed was steam and discord. Still the only things I have installed really. First install was from a 22.04 iso image and then upgraded from the desktop to 23. Second attempt was with an actual 23 image. It was broken right out of the box.

melroy , avatar

Could you share the exact problem with mint?

mihnt OP , avatar

Between a 1-5 second delay before anything internet related would start loading. So, I'd wait the 1-5 seconds and then it would actually start loading content.

melroy , avatar

Content as in within the web-browser? So maybe it's a Firefox issue? Or are you talking about something else?

mihnt OP , avatar

It was computer wide, but most pronounced on Firefox.

melroy , avatar

Uhm. Still a strange issue. Could be a DNS resolve problem.

mihnt OP , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I think I'm throwing in the towel with ubuntu cinnamon. There are more and more bugs popping up now. I don't know how in the world it was so stable before and now it's a fucking mess.

So if that issue is still there on Mint I guess we're about to find out.

EDIT: And I'm back and the Mint issue persists. sigh

cmnybo , in [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...

Arch is pretty easy to install, it just takes a bit more work than most distros. Try LFS if you want something hard.

learnbyexample , in Any recommendation books for learning Linux internals for the recent kernels? avatar
tn0000 , in Linux - video editing software?

DaVinci Resolve has a native Linux version, with the caveat that it can’t import mp4 files (have to convert them to another format beforehand with a tool like ffmpeg.) You also may have to do some tinkering based on your hardware - Arch Wiki has a good compatibility table, though the Debian packages will probably not match what Arch Wiki has listed, and you’ll need to use the installer from the Resolve website since I don’t think Debian has it in their repos.

If you’re looking for something free & open source, Kdenlive is also a great option, though it doesn’t have nearly as much functionality as its more professional-grade counterparts.

christos , in Linux - video editing software? avatar

for me open-shot is great, and pitivi.

backhdlp , in I want to move to Linux but I need to be able to access my apps that are not supported

As others have said, dual boot or VM works for Adobe Software. If you go with VMs, you should probably research GPU passthrough.

For syncing, I recommend Syncthing (

You can play a lot of Steam games with Proton (check out protonDB for what works).

Also have you decided on a distro already?

SamXavia OP , avatar

@backhdlp I haven't quite decided on a Distro as there are so many and I'm not sure if there's one more my style as of yet, I do like the center bar of Windows 11 & MacOS so might see what sort of Interface each one has (I know I could customize it from there what is fine, I can learn that later down the line).

Sync is more of a CloudStorage for my Video Edits as well as other things I know I need an Archive of but don't have enough physical space on the 15TB+ I have across my devices.

Steam & gaming is less worrying as I've tried out Linux previously and found most of the games I did play on there where better FPS than on Windows (This was about a year ago, so I am sure this has greatly improved with stuff like the SteamDeck now out).

Dual Boot won't really help in the long run but might be a good way for me to try out Linux on my PC before 100% committing to it.

a-man-from-earth , avatar

You shouldn't base your choice of distro on the desktop configuration you want. Any major distro can give you any of the various desktop layouts. Sure, their defaults may be different, but Linux being so configurable means that any other layout or environment is just a few clicks away.

Just choose a major distro (so you get regular updates and support when needed), and go with it. Linux Mint is a popular choice for beginners. Debian, OpenSuse, Fedora are all good choices. Then find out how to set your desktop to the configuration you like.

SamXavia OP , avatar

@a Thank you, I knew that you could change your Desktop I just didn't know how easy it would be to change it. But I will have to give it a good go and maybe use Linux Mint as heard some good things about it.

jrgd , (edited ) in [Question] Why does everyone seem to dislike containerized packages?

There are a few obvious security implications with the rise of containerized packaging. One of the first is the move away from true centralized, least trust packaging. With traditional packages, you are trusting your distro maintainer (be it Debian, Canonical, RedHat, Arch, SUSE, etc.) To provide patched versions of software from their trusted repository mirrors to your computer. This does a few things like limiting the amount of places that you need to download software binaries from, as well as having other potential benefits like checksum validation on downloaded packages.

Most containerized package platforms including Docker, Snap, Flatpak tend to have a centralized set of repository mirrors, but anyone may compile and publish their own software to it. Flatpak is kind of the exception to this. Some distros (i.e. Fedora) publish their own sets of repos with flatpak packages. This is because Flatpak allows for more than one source repo for packages. I do believe Docker, Podman allow for the same as well. Snap infamously doesn't allow any repos other than Canonical's proprietary community repo.

Most of these containerized packages solutions also offer varying levels of sandboxing, which is a good set of security features that could benefit individual hosts from potentially vulnerable software. One could argue that flatpaking Firefox or other browsers and jailing them to limited capabilities and filesystem access is a good thing given the potential for malware propagation through such applications.

In particular though, most containerized solutions aren't generally hated by online user communities except Snap, which has both been among the most restrictive as well as furthest behind in features, performance parity, and general user experience. Snap was for the longest time significantly far behind Flatpak for user land applications and still wouldn't be my first choice for server applications compared to Podman or Docker due to just not being nearly as flexible as the other two.

The performance of the platforms can vary compared to native. For the desktop-oriented platforms (Snap, Flatpak) they generally perform insignificantly different from native packages, although Snap packages that are built compressed have had horrific IO performance for the loading of package files (leading to atrociously slow startup times of applications in the past). This is supposedly better now, though I have no intention of installing Snapd to find out.

As a note for culture, people particularly also dislike Snap because of how badly Ubuntu (Canonical's Linux distro) is depending on it, including having Snap automatically reinstall after removal and dropping many packages from apt only to throw redirects in to pull the snap package when requested from apt. This is why de-snapped derivatives of Ubuntu are also popular.

As for package sizes, they tend to be a bit bigger than native, as well as the added cost of a second set of libraries. Many users online don't get the 'why' when their first package from Flatpak is nearly a 3 GiB download, despite the following packages will hardly be any different in size from native packages. In a way, these packaging solutions do remove an advantage of the singular set of libraries. If you use netbooks, SBCs, IoT devices, or other similar minimal storage devices, you might feel this impact. However most systems will only have a marginal increase of storage utilization overall from a second set of libraries being installed.

ISOmorph ,

I’ll add my 2 cents to your very well written comment.

My biggest gripe with flatpaks notably, is the more difficult integration into the system. I use about a dozen flatpaks, and for every single one I had to tinker with flatseal to give them the correct access permissions, that I had to research online. One specific flatpak coulnd’t even work with those additional permissions. Half of those flatlaks also will not follow my system theme and their GUI looks broken or out of place.

jrgd ,

Given my limited usage of system themes to one that has flatpak packages (Materia) and tendency to go through the permissions of new flatpaks and tighten them anyway, those are good points to mention. For theming, it is definitely a trouble point depending on the platform and theme used. Especially when combining Qt5/Qt6 apps, Fltk, GTK2,3+, and GTK4 applications together, things may get even more messy than consistent theming on native applications. Having comprehensive theme packages for the theme you use almost completely resolves this problem. Though I doubt predefined customization isn't something that will be popular with some users given that ricing your Linux desktop to the extreme is a huge selling point of the Linux desktop for many.

I did forget about how especially with Flatpak and Snap how there is no actual guarantee that the default sandboxing permissions will actually be any good or even usable on many applications, which is an issue that partially comes from when community maintainers end up publishing packages for developers rather than developers or dedicated platform testers publish a given package (a common practice for many applications on the Flathub repository).

PuddleOfKittens ,

Half of those flatlaks also will not follow my system theme and their GUI looks broken or out of place.

This always struck me as weird: the entire point of flatpak is to be isolated and not integrate into your system, why would you expect it to integrate with your theme?

I know they try anyway, but it just seems like a conceptual problem to me. They want to solve packaging by pretending it doesn't exist.

daredevil , in What is the most opinionated linux distro? avatar

Linux Mint Cinnamon has been nice to pick up for me.

SFaulken , in What is the most opinionated linux distro? avatar

Fedora Silverblue or openSUSE Aeon, I'd probably say.

epocsquadron , avatar

If you really don’t want to even be encouraged to touch the command line but do everything through a graphical software store (that’ll be gnome software) while still having access to everything you need, one of these two is currently the way to go. I just came across this older article comparing them, and it seems for the new user openSUSE Aeon (micro os, formerly) wins out in minimal fiddling.

elscallr , in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) avatar

As far as a Desktop Environment goes take a look at XFCE. It's gtk based so will run all the Gnome style apps and look pretty, it's super lightweight, and infinitely customizable.

If you're keen on an Ubuntu flavor, the Xubuntu comes with it bundled. You can get it on any other distro, too, though.

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