Men's Liberation

dumples , in Fathers Gained Family Time in the Pandemic. Many Don’t Want to Give It Back. avatar

“For the longest time, it was: The male is the provider,” he said. “I was that guy. But now I’m not ashamed to say this is who I am in my life. That’s what Covid did. We had a lot of downtime to reflect and think about what’s important.”

The real silver lining of Covid is that lots of us realized how much more we can get out of life if we didn't focus on being busy and commuting to work. I know that for myself I can finally focus on the life I really want to live since I work from home and see the value in simple pleasure at home. I never thought it about it changing traditional gender roles but it makes sense that anyone at home can do cleaning and cooking for the entire household.

trimmerfrost , in We Know “NoFap” Is Misleading Men About Masturbation. It Might Be More Dangerous Than That.

So you want people to stay addicted to porn? You don’t have to write a pseudoscientific long ass article for that

mojo ,

If you want to throw the word pseudoscience around, can you post any scientific evidence that beatin the meat causes porn addiction? I’ve been doing it my whole life and hasn’t caused me any issues, just ask ur mom after I banged her last night.

trimmerfrost ,

Yeah beating the meat doesn’t cause any addiction. Just like drinking alcohol doesn’t cause addiction? Or injecting drugs into your body? Do you even know the definition of addiction.

If you are a man, just masturbate 3 times a day, and then don’t masturbate at all for a while. You will see the difference. You don’t need some expert validation for simple shit like that

mojo ,

Bro do you really think masturbating is the same as alcohol or drugs addiction lol. If you genuinely believe that, then idk what to tell you, you’re just wrong. Please try to look for a single scientific paper that supports this absolutely wild view. I will pay you in a million uplemmys.

mojo , in Yikes

Females aren’t in any better of a situation. Mental health support funding is non existent and fucking me over right now :(

snooggums , avatar

When discussing men's experiences the most important thing is switching the conversation to women's experiences.

High fives all around!

mojo ,

I’m saying it’s not a gender specific issue, but I guess you’d rather play a victim. If you want experience from a men’s perspective, I have zero issue with emotional support when I’m talking to girls I can trust.

snooggums , avatar

Guess which hand you are in the picture.

mojo ,

I’m saying the complete opposite of “be a man” that support is out there for men. Are you even attempting to read comments in good faith, or are you reading some completely different text that isn’t there?

snooggums , avatar

So you disagree with the premise that men who reach out are told by society to be a man instead, and want to bring up women's problems instead of acknowledging the problem because you have 'girls you can trust'. To top it off you respond to someone pointing out your whataboutism by accusing someone of 'playing the victim'.

That is what I am responding to, you dismissing the issue while claiming that are aren't and doing the exact thing being discussed in your responses.

mojo ,

Alright I think this convo is done since you are clearly taking this in bad faith after I clarified multiple times that is nothing close to what I said. Find a strawman somewhere else to argue against.

nickwitha_k ,

I think that you are both wrong and right. Societal treatment of mental health issues is indeed quite poor regardless of gender. However, it is important to realize that there ARE differences that relate directly to one’s presenting gender.

Just as women are not taken seriously by health professionals, men are frequently treated as less-than by western culture at-large, if we show anything but chauvinistic bravado. This lack of care has had a profound impact on both young and old men who have any mental illness, leading to isolation, and becoming vulnerable to radicalization by those actively preying on them and using them as tools of violence or suicide.

It’s a real, gender-specific problem that is well-encapsulated in the proverb “A child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”

atyaz ,

I think you’re being a little disingenuous. The two conversations are not only both important, but they’re both closely related to each other. It’s impossible to talk about the mental well being of half the population without the other half coming up, since a lot of the problems and their solutions are the same.

snooggums , avatar

It is very possible to focus on half the population being told to 'man up' and the gender specific meaning that phrase has since it does not apply to the other half. Just like we can focus on women being told to smile more without needing to drag men's vaguely related experiences into it.

starlord , in [META] What sort of content would you like to see here?

I would appreciate posts of various resources, especially (support) groups and reading material for those who communicate primarily through their keyboards and screens.

FinallyDebunked , in We Know “NoFap” Is Misleading Men About Masturbation. It Might Be More Dangerous Than That. avatar

I started having sex more

nice solution, why haven’t I come up with that before

luciole , in White men are the super spreaders of climate denialism avatar

To the surprise of no one, the right spread climate denial misinformation. I can’t say there’s much to be learned from this article. Furthermore the needlessly inflammatory (and arguably inaccurate) headline makes it clear the intent here is to preach to the choir.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

I think there’s still something to be said about the particular phenomena the article refers to as petro-masculinity. The intersection of hegemonic masculinity and climate change is definitely an area worth exploring. It’s notable that the article does not attempt to disparage these men and suggests outreach is necessary.

EDIT: Some further context for those that may not read the article.

“Losing oil is seen as a threat to that way of life — and it is,” particularly for white men in industries linked to fossil fuels, she said. Governments and environmentalists need to acknowledge this, she added, and devise ways to tackle the cultural and economic shifts it entails. Without offering people alternatives to austerity politics, and ways to make up for real losses in job security, wages and functional public infrastructure, governments risk fuelling petro-masculine nostalgia and authoritarianism.

jonsnothere , in Yikes

There’s only one context “Be a man” should be used in…

kingthrillgore , in Supportive dad Dwyane Wade says he left Florida because his family “would not be accepted” avatar

DWade is the man.

spaduf Mod , in Is Porn Misleading Men? avatar

It is notable that porn usage among women is substantially different for many of the reasons that are laid out in the article. Not only is there a significant difference in proportion of women who consume porn (60% vs 92% of men) they are also significantly less likely to consume porn in video format, usually opting for written content. Undoubtedly this has to do with the ability to empathize with the very male-gazey standards that the video industry currently operates under.


cyborganism , in Former Sims lead says men would lie about how they played during focus groups: 'Actually, what you did is you redecorated that bathroom'

There’s so much pressure to be a certain way to fulfill society’s expectations of masculinity.

It’s okay to redecorate the bathroom. Just be yourself and do what feels right. Stop trying to impress everybody. As Ken would say ‘I’m Kenough’.

WiseThat , in Former Sims lead says men would lie about how they played during focus groups: 'Actually, what you did is you redecorated that bathroom'

This strongly reminds me of the Rimworld community.

Like, Rimworld ALLOWS you to do slavery, organ harvesting, cannibalism, and all sorts of wild shit within its systems, and the young-male fans of the game talk that up a lot.

…but the reality is that most people set up a nice little farm and spend most of their time making art and decorating their base and playing matchmaker.

platysalty ,

Until one of your favourites get offed by a random raid, then you enslave, harvest and cannibalise bring justice to those responsible.

BloodForTheBloodGod ,

laughs nervously in RimJobWorld

platysalty , in Former Sims lead says men would lie about how they played during focus groups: 'Actually, what you did is you redecorated that bathroom'

Nobody tell this guy about the porn mods?

ezchili ,

It’s in the last paragraph of the article

Smatt ,

From the article:

At GDC last week, I also spoke to Humble about sex mods (he’s for them)

nerdschleife , in How TikTok bombards young men with misogynistic videos

YouTube does this too in their Shorts.

OsrsNeedsF2P , in Women in China are telling each other to bring their boyfriends to see 'Barbie' — and to use it as a litmus test for their thoughts on feminism and patriarchy

“I’m going to test my BF every week to see if he’s the perfect man, instead of sharing my beliefs with him and talking it out”

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

I’ll be honest I have absolutely no idea what gender dynamics are like in China but there may be a safety component there. A cursory google yields this study. Which lists patriarchal beliefs as a significant risk factor for domestic violence.

neptune ,

This is an oversimplification. What is early dating besides experiencing life together and testing compatiblity?

WiseThat ,

My friend, the first thing you need to know about shitty people is that they tend not to be open about how shitty they are. If you share your beliefs with someone manipulative, they will usually hid their real opinions from you.

gapbetweenus ,

Sharing media you enjoy is actually sharing your beliefs and ideas. Most people are not poets and are bad at conveying especially emotions but also complex topics in general with words.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in Women in China are telling each other to bring their boyfriends to see 'Barbie' — and to use it as a litmus test for their thoughts on feminism and patriarchy avatar

Guys who have a problem with this would probably fail anyway.

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