The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned ( )

After the network showed a clip of a young conservative activist saying that climate change was the number one issue for young voters, Fox News moderator Martha MacCallum asked for a show of hands in response to her question, “Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change?”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis refused to participate, and then GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy declared, “I’m the only person on the stage who isn’t bought and paid for, so I can say this: The climate change agenda is a hoax.” A crowd full of Republicans started to boo.

Most of the Republicans on stage fell short of completely denying that climate change is caused by human activity. Ramaswamy, perhaps taking a page out of the Trump playbook of making the most outlandish comment possible, came right out and said it.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shot back, “I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT.” Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley went so far as to venture, “Climate change is real.”

But moderator Bret Baier seized not on Ramaswamy’s blatant denial of the scientific consensus on climate change, but on his claim that he was the only candidate on the stage who was “not bought and paid for.” Baier took turns asking candidates, “Are you bought and paid for?” In classic Fox News fashion, a moment that could have provided insight into how far Republicans are willing to go to please young voters concerned about the environment devolved into senseless crosstalk. Still, for a party that has spent years ignoring or denying the biggest threat to our planet’s future, tonight’s responses were actually, almost, a little bit refreshing.

AssortedBiscuits , avatar

spoiler to those who were born yesterdayBarring the GOP just straight up blocking Trump from becoming the presidential nominee, Trump is going to become the presidential nominee. If Trump doesn’t become the presidential nominee, the GOP can kiss their chance at the Oval Office goodbye. Either option (Trump becoming the nominee or the GOP forfeiting their chances at getting a Republican president) means the Republican primaries debates are all complete wastes of time. They’re only worth watching if Trump’s there and it’s only because of the dunks.

unconsciousvoidling ,

yea the republican party is an authoritarian movement. there is no debate… there is only trump.

uralsolo ,

I think they do serve a purpose, but not everyone on the stage was aware of what that purpose actually was. The purpose was to audition to be Trump’s new VP pick since he’s definitely not going with Pence again.

BeardedGingerWonder ,

I’m not American, nor a fan of Trump, but holy shit is him not participating in these debates making him look better than the alternatives. Dude literally got arrested for the fourth time in five months, had an insane presidency, suggested shooting up bleach and shining UV lights into people’s lungs as a cure for a virus and somehow still comes across less batshit than those in the debate. Interesting times indeed.

captain_aggravated , avatar

That was a genuine thing they used to do in political primaries. They’d get a bunch of low tier party members on the stage to all fuck up and look like clowns to get the audience members going “Okay could the adults show up now please?” And that’s when the actual candidate joins the race.

eatmyass , avatar

I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT

he’s trying so hard

UlyssesT ,

Everyone that disagrees with me is a bot, a bedtime story for liberals.

argv_minus_one ,

Yes. Good. Tear your own party apart. Without the Republican menace to worry about, a new progressive party can arise to challenge the Democrats and yank the Overton window back where it belongs.

Fuckass ,

Does anyone have the link to the local midterm elections in some red state where like 4 conservatives just accuse each other of being in the deep state for 5 minutes during a debate?

Fish , (edited )

Are you talking about the Arizona Republican governor candidate debate?

Fuckass ,

I love how the woman is answering the question and the other dude just interrupts her and says “your campaign’s a psyop” lmao

Rolder ,

“I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT.”

Now that’s a zinger

HellAwaits ,

Ramaswamy just sounds like he’s trying too hard with the “not bought and paid for” like who the hell believes that?

Even if you weren’t bought and paid for, you’re just going to act like you are anyway if you were elected. Trump did the exact same thing.

Treczoks ,

Maybe Trump was not bought. But he had his own business interests - just think of the fortunes he made by making the Secret Service stay in his hotels - and, quite likely, he was and still is being owned by Putin.

TokenBoomer ,

Is this eco-fascism?

dulce_3t_decorum_3st , avatar


floofloof ,

Nothing eco about today’s GOP. It’s just regular fascism.

CIA_chatbot ,

Melted down just like the ice caps


Wait they’re already having debates?

ken27238 , avatar

Gotta start weeding them out early.

HellAwaits ,

No, it’s all just a troll. The video was AI generated.


It’s funny because you said the opposite of the true thing

Neato , avatar

Trump did the first smart thing in his life by deigning not to appear on this grudge match of delusional nobodies.

HowMany ,

If only the debaters would. (melt, that is).

regalia ,

All straight up evil fascist, but the line “I’ve had enough already of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT” was pretty good lmao

lagomorphlecture ,

A crowd full of Republicans started to boo.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley went so far as to venture, “Climate change is real.”

Is this article from The Onion? Or am I like on candid camera or something? They believe in climate change now and are against it?

Daft_ish ,

Climate change is real but it’s caused by abortions.

victron , avatar

Don’t forget those pesky immigrants. Also anything woke!

solidgrue , avatar

Well, immigrants tend to be more tan from their exposure to the sun, and as we all know being more tanned is a result of having more melanins per square inch of skin. It’s also established fact that as you stuff more moles of a thing into a fixed space like America that, all other things beibg equal, the temperature goes up.

So really it’s immigration. Why does Biden hate our temperate climate??

Also, dead babies make Baby Jeebis cry dtears of hot rage, and that’s not helping with the hurricanes in the desert.

/s, because some of you don’t recognize satire

Daft_ish ,

Satire or unhinged rant? I’m ok with both.

loutr , avatar

Unborn dead babies. Immigrant babies dying at sea is fine by Jesus, apparently.

BubblyMango ,

This comment is the reason lemmy needs an awards system.

letsgocrazy ,

It does. It’s called the upvote button.

We all have one.

People with extra money for shouldn’t get to boost visibility.

BubblyMango ,

All depends on how you implement said system.

I dont actually feel the need for such a system though. It was just a way of complimenting a great comment.

BourneHavoc ,

I feel silly now, I thought climate change was because all the books in libraries about gay and trans frogs.

spectre ,

The narrative changed about 10 years ago to “well it’s happening, but humans can’t do anything about it, it’s a natural process”. No real difference, but it puts a bit more smoke and mirrors up for the rubes who believe that sort of thing since it sounds a bit less wrong.

Interesting that you can tell where someone’s political development kinda “paused” based on this. A dork who thinks climate change isn’t happening is a full 10 years behind their fellow dorks.

beteljuice ,

Here’s their evolution on climate change:

  • it doesn’t exist
  • it does exist, but it’s not caused by man
  • it’s caused by man, but it isn’t a bad thing
  • it is a bad thing, but it’s china’s fault

How many more steps until some responsibility is accepted?

Venus , avatar

That’s the fun part, libs never accept responsibility.

beteljuice ,

Oh, “the libs”, yeah, I forgot.

HornyOnMain ,

For context they’re using liberal to mean anyone who’s pro capitalism but not a fascist. Which is pretty dumb imo since like a third of the republican base are committed fascists (regardless of whether they’re open about it or not).

volcel_olive_oil , avatar


they’re just going to keep shooting people until the weather goes away

GarfieldYaoi , avatar

It happened here, but it’s the left’s fault for not being cool enough for me to listen to them.

FactuallyUnscrupulou , avatar

I think it’s gonna lead to more calling for nationalist sentiment. My chud brothers say shit like, “We need to secure resources for the people that contribute”. They think people walking across borders are polluting more than people flying in planes because, “Elon is trying to fix climate change”

Also once the effects get really bad they can accuse Democrats of trying to make us miserable during the final enjoyable days on Earth. We’ll let you have fun in these final moments while the Democrats will try to enslave you to sift through garbage heaps.

Blackmist ,

It’s the classic Yes, Prime Minister Four-Stage Strategy.

In stage one we say nothing is going to happen.

Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.

In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do.

Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it’s too late now.

keepcarrot ,

(also we were never responsible, buy Enron stock today)

archomrade , (edited )

Edit: Actually, I was just looking into it, I think this claim is unsupported. Looks like climate change will cause a 5-25% less than what it would have been, but that’s as compared to the projected growth of yields due to improved technology and resources. So the picture is a little more muddy but still impactful.

Climate change isn’t really something you can deny anymore if you work in ag, and a lot of small-town conservatives have a close relationship to farming (not trying to stereotype, just speaking to my experience in Iowa). Yields have been declining basically every year for the last 10 or so, with wind, drought, and flooding being the top reasons. Temps in the central US reached the highest since the great depression and the dust bowl. For those people, denying the existence of climate change is basically saying you’ll do nothing to help farmers suffering from decreasing yields. It’s not a harmless “anti-woke” opinion anymore, it’s actively harmful to the material conditions of a lot of republicans.

That’s not to say it isn’t really interesting watching them dance around it. They’ll probably try to say, “yea, it’s real, but there’s no point in cutting back fossil fuels at this point. Here’s more farming subsidies to help with your decreasing yields”, and i’m betting that it will still be very effective for their base.-

adespoton ,

Many Republicans actually believe a lot of stuff that’s true. They just tend to have One Big Issue that only the Republican candidate will support, usually something bigotry related, but for a few it’s HCGW related.

NattyNatty2x4 ,

It’s been a mainstream talking point in conservative circles for a bit that climate change is real, but:

a) Us doing something won’t change anything until China and/or India also start doing something with us
b) If we started doing something, the cost would weaken us economically until China can overtake us and start influencing the world to the west’s detriment

Both of which are wrong, but it doesn’t stop conservatives from believing the talking heads. A lot of people can’t outright deny global warming anymore so they’re just shifting the blame now

Rapidcreek ,

Outright climate denial, avoidance of actually engaging the question, and zero mention of any policy Republicans might advance on climate.


Sounds about Right.

MorgoFett ,

They seem to have a bone to pick with China and any renewables manufactured there.

-This message was unironically posted from a Chinese made iPhone.

someguy3 ,

Well yeah you’d prefer to manufacture it in the US. Biden did that with the IRA. But that won’t stop Republicans from shouting C-c-China.

some_guy ,

TIL I have a nemesis on the Lemmyverse. Cross-eyed glance at someguy3.

Kichae ,

Just waiting for the 2nd amigo to show up so you guys can commence with the Mexican-Spider-Man-point-off.

Arotrios , avatar

You've got one on kbin too - @some_guy - a racist, bigoted fascist who likes to obsessively troll people and try to dox them.

It took me a moment to determine whether or not you were the same person, but unlike him, you can speak in complete sentences. As such, I thought I'd give you and @someguy3 a heads up that your good names are being dragged through the mud.

some_guy ,

That sucks. Thanks for the heads-up. I’m getting the impression that kbin might be a haven for shitheads. Is this accurate? (Asking the room in general.)

Arotrios , (edited ) avatar

Actually Kbin is great for tracking shitheads, which is why I'm able to call this guy out. Downvotes are visible on the activity tab of each post and comment, and this troll loves downvote spam - as you can see, he downvoted my comment above. He's the kind that will stalk your account and downvote everything to try and get your attention.

In general, 99.9% of the community here is awesome, and there's a lot of support between users here. It's actually the best experience I've had online in many years (and I've been online since the early 90s). One of my goals in calling out the trolls when they decide to target me is to keep the community enjoyable, as I'm quite certain I'm not their only intended victim.

hansl ,

It’s even funnier when considering they could suggest climate denying policies and still don’t.

They have no platform. Literally. Not even a regressive one.

barrbaric ,

Them having a platform is irrelevant. Trump is going to be the nominee, almost certainly even if he’s actually found guilty and ends up in prison (which I doubt will ever happen). This is all just a marketing exercise for the other candidates.

Also if they’re getting booed for denying climate change(?), then they’re better off just being silent on the campaign trail while continuing to support the oil sector once in office. Hell, they could even pivot to what the dems do by campaigning on it and doing nothing if their base starts to make it an issue.

hansl ,

I’m talking about the republicans overall. In the general they better have a platform but it seems this is going to be a repeat of 2020.

barrbaric ,

I mean yeah. All they need to do is say “woke” a bunch of times and they’ll be within spitting distance of the presidency.

letsgocrazy ,

That wouldn’t be a problem if so many far left people weren’t so insufferably woke. You can pretend it’s something made up by the right - but I’ve voted Labour all my life and I’m sick to death of wokeness.

sawne128 ,

Is this a bit?

yata ,

Could you define “wokeness”?

letsgocrazy ,

You know sometimes when you meet a Christian person, and you only find it out later? But they were really respectful, down to earth, helpful and generally seems like a good person and member of their community? The kind off person that volunteers to drop of a second hand sofa in their station wagon?

And you know how sometimes you get Christians that are constantly trying to use their religion to imply moral superiority? Forcing other people to do what they want? Having shameful public displays? Trying to erode the rights of women and gays? Screeching Karens who seem totally disconnected from anything even slightly spiritual?

Woke people for me are more like the social justice equivalent of the second care category.

HornyOnMain , (edited )

That wouldn’t be a problem if so many far left people weren’t so insufferably woke. You can pretend it’s something made up by the right - but I’ve voted Labour all my life and I’m sick to death of wokeness.

I wonder why so many trans people become communists when even the supporters of the left wing liberal parties openly oppose their existence 🤔

letsgocrazy ,

“oppose their existence”


People who supper trans people 100% but yet think that self-id and trans people being in Ellen’s sports is problematic are being called “terfs” and “transphobes”

It’s just insanity.

People like you with absolutely no sense of perspective are doing more harm to trans people than anyone else.

UlyssesT ,

It’s just insanity.

Fuck off with that ableist “people that disagree with me are mentally ill and mental illness is for bad people” shit.

letsgocrazy ,


I mean there you are, you’ve just proved my point for me.

You just want to score moral outrage points because you’re a narcissist.

Conversations with people like you are never productive because you are addicted to the outrage / moral reinforcement mechanism you’ve built for yourself.

UlyssesT ,

you’ve just proved my point for me.

You had no point to make except you’re a bigoted piece of shit.

You just want to score moral outrage points

Outrage about outrage is still outrage, except you’re outraged that people care too much.

because you’re a narcissist.

You’re projecting, hard.

Conversations with people like you are never productive

Then shut the fuck up and stop replying, you bigoted piece of shit.

volcel_olive_oil , avatar

[surreptitiously speaking into walkie-talkie]: “labour voter spotted. send in the wokes”

HornyOnMain ,
UlyssesT ,

That wouldn’t be a problem if so many far left people weren’t so insufferably woke.

Get that divisive nazbol shit out of here, bootlicker.

letsgocrazy ,

Ahh yes, calling people nazis and boot lickers isn’t divisive.

You people are the new Christian Right from the 90s.

UlyssesT ,

Ahh yes

reddit-logo style opener. I know everything after that is going to be smug centrist garbage.

calling people nazis and boot lickers isn’t divisive.

Fuck you. It’s stupid to not divide away from nazis and nazi enablers. Sit down with ten nazis, you just made a table of eleven nazis.

You people are the new Christian Right from the 90s.

And you’re the same kind of useless liberal that let Hitler take the chancellorship and thought it was a smart compromise.

GreenMario ,

Woke is this decades “a noun a verb and 9/11”

barrbaric ,

Not until Biden starts saying it (not that I’d rule this out lol, the man’s a segregationist).

p03locke , avatar

“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” - Grover Norquist

That’s always been their platform. They just don’t say the quiet part out loud very often.

n0m4n ,

Republicans tell their base that they want to cut government, but always act otherwise. Controlling government purse strings is political power and economic power. There may be shell games played that transfers spending, but Republicans do not cut government, nor their power.

p03locke , avatar

They cut government, so that corporations can wield more control. Eliminate public schools over private. Deregulate so that corporations can pollute or scam as much as they want. Or just slash government to “prove” that government is worthless, so that they can slash government even more.

They don’t need government. They just need government to disappear. They believe in corporatocracy.

yata ,

They have endless amounts of bigotry, and that is all that matters to their voters. They know they don’t need a platform and Trump made them realise that they don’t even need to pretend to have a platform anymore.

rgb3x3 ,

The Republicans don’t offer any solution for anything. It’s nothing but denialism and pandering. How could anyone have heard these idiots speak and think they have anything to offer us as President?

beteljuice ,

The democrats are only marginally better in that they propose solutions. But they never follow through with them.

NattyNatty2x4 ,

I dislike dems as much as any neoliberal party, but their complete inaction is largely caused by GOP obstruction.

beteljuice ,

Thats just a convenient excuse they use to not do anything and keep their lobbiests happy.

Donjuanme ,

Was there any legitimate policy discussed at all? Besides platitudes and dog whistles?

duderium ,

Outright climate denial, avoidance of actually engaging the question, and zero mention of any policy Republicans might advance on climate.

Democrats will admit that climate change is real but either do nothing to stop it or keep making things worse (with Biden signing more oil drilling permits than Trump because he is a puppet of the bourgeoisie, like every elected official in the country).

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